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We analyzed anaphase I configurations and pollen viability in aposporous and sexual tetraploid (2n?=?4x?=?40) cytotypes of Paspalum notatum. Five natural aposporous accessions and three experimentally obtained sexual individuals were used. In addition, 16 (8 aposporous and 8 sexual) F1 hybrids, previously classified by their mode of reproduction, were analyzed. Cytogenetic observations revealed normal and abnormal anaphase I configurations in both aposporous and sexual genotypes. Anaphase I abnormalities were mainly laggard chromosomes, chromatin bridges, and micronuclei. On average, 44.36?% of aposporous meiocytes and 29.66?% of sexual ones showed abnormal anaphase I configurations. The total numbers of normal and abnormal anaphase I were highly significantly different between aposporous and sexual strains. The pollen viability test indicated that aposporous individuals had significantly more non-viable pollen than sexual ones; a positive correlation (r?=?0.71; r 2?=?0.50) between the variables was detected. Analysis of aposporous and sexual hybrids confirmed differences in the numbers of normal and abnormal anaphase I patterns in the aposporous and sexual parents. However, similar proportions of viable pollen were produced by both groups of hybrids. In this case, the variables were not correlated (r?=?0.23; r 2?=?0.05). Data from this study indicated that aposporous strains had a genetic rearrangement affecting meiosis that was absent in the experimentally obtained sexual individuals and that it was transmitted to the progeny. The possible association between meiotic abnormalities and the inheritance of apospory is discussed.  相似文献   

The SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) gene plays a fundamental role in somatic embryogenesis of angiosperms, and is associated with apomixis in Poa pratensis. The objective of this work was to isolate, characterize and analyze the expression patterns of SERK genes in apomictic and sexual genotypes of Paspalum notatum. A conserved 200-bp gene fragment was amplified from genomic DNA with heterologous primers, and used to initiate a chromosomal walking strategy for cloning the complete sequence. This procedure allowed the isolation of two members of the P. notatum SERK family; PnSERK1, which is similar to PpSERK1, and PnSERK2, which is similar to ZmSERK2 and AtSERK1. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that PnSERK1 and PnSERK2 represent paralogous sequences. Southern-blot hybridization indicated the presence of at least three copies of SERK genes in the species. qRT-PCR analyses revealed that PnSERK2 was expressed at significantly higher levels than PnSERK1 in roots, leaves, reproductive tissues and embryogenic calli. Moreover, in situ hybridization experiments revealed that PnSERK2 displayed a spatially and chronologically altered expression pattern in reproductive organs of the apomictic genotype with respect to the sexual one. PnSERK2 is expressed in nucellar cells of the apomictic genotype at meiosis, but only in the megaspore mother cell in the sexual genotype. Therefore, apomixis onset in P. notatum seems to be correlated with the expression of PnSERK2 in nucellar tissue.  相似文献   

Paspalum notatum is a subtropical grass widely distributed in the temperate areas of America. Diploids are sexual while polyploids give rise to clonal seeds through aposporous apomixis. RAPD markers were used to analyze the genetic structure of three natural populations: i) diploids reproducing sexually (R2X); ii) sympatric apomictic tetraploids collected in the vicinity of the diploids (R4X); iii) allopatric apomictic tetraploids growing in isolation (C4X). The apomictic reproduction rate was evaluated by the use of molecular markers in progeny tests, while chromosome-counting allowed the verification of ploidy levels. Data revealed that the R4X group presented a variation considerably higher than that observed for C4X. Jaccards coefficients were used to produce a cluster diagram using the UPGMA method. All but one tetraploid genotypes grouped together and were associated to diploid genotype A21. The possibility of occasional generation of novel tetraploid clones from the interaction between tetraploid and diploid individuals is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the inheritance of aposporous apomixis in bahiagrass showed a wide range of segregation ratios in crosses involving sexual and aposporous apomictic plants. The F1 progenies were classified through a visual progeny test carried out on few F2 plants. The number of sexual F1s highly exceeded the apomictics leading to the conclusion that apomixis was controlled by a few recessive genes. The present study examines the inheritance of apospory in bahiagrass. A sexual plant was self-pollinated and crossed with an aposporous apomictic plant as pollen donor. Backcross and F2 progenies were obtained in several combinations. All self-pollinated sexual plants or sexual x sexual crosses produced progenies free of apospory. All crosses involving a sexual and an apomictic plant produced approximately three times more apospory-free plants than plants with apospory. Bahiagrass is of autotetraploid origin and hence is expected to display tetrasomic inheritance. The most widely accepted genetic model for inheritance of apospory in tropical grasses is a single dominant gene with tetrasomic inheritance. In the present experiments none of the apospory-free F1s segregated for the apospory trait indicating that it is most likely a dominant character. However, the observed results fit better a modified model: tetrasomic inheritance of a single dominant gene with pleiotropic effect and incomplete penetrance. The excess of apospory-free plants in the F1 progeny could be ascribed to some distortion in the segregation pattern due to a pleiotropic lethal effect of the dominant A allele with incomplete penetrance. Alternatively, partial lethality of factors linked to aposporous gene may account for segregation distortion against apospory.  相似文献   

Role of Azotobacter paspali in Association with Paspalum notatum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Azotobacter paspali grows in the rhizospheres of Paspalum notatum where it is thought to fix nitrogen actively and hence improve pasture growth. In the experiments described here A. paspali improved growth primarily by producing growth regulating substances. Nitrogenase activity was not detected in rhizospheres of young plants. Its occurrence in older plants was not necessarily associated with the presence of A. paspali and was greater in the rhizopheres of control than of inoculated plants.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement in apomictic forage species has been restricted because of the absence of genetic variability in sexual germplasm with the same ploidy level. Following a new breeding scheme, a sexual synthetic tetraploid population (SSTP) of Paspalum notatum has been generated. The objectives of this work were: (a) to evaluate the genetic variability in SSTP by means of molecular markers, morphologic and agronomic traits, and seed fertility and quality traits and (b) to assess the transference of genetic variability from the apomictic germplasm to the sexual one. Molecular markers revealed a twofold higher level of variability in the SSTP in comparison with the sexual germplasm utilised for its generation, and similar levels with the apomictic ones; moreover, markers showed that most of the variability was inherited from the apomictic germplasm. Morphologic and agronomic traits and seed fertility and quality traits showed high levels of variation in the three groups of genotypes indicating that the new breeding scheme was effective in transferring variability from the apomictic germplasm to the SSTP. This new population will be useful in breeding of P. notatum, and the breeding scheme used for its generation may be used in other apomictic species.  相似文献   

Paspalum notatum Flügge is a warm-season forage grass with sexual diploid and apomictic tetraploid races. Genetic improvement was achieved in out-breeding diploids. The acquisition of artificial sexual tetraploids has raised the possibility of performing crosses and plant improvement at the tetraploid level. The objective of our study was to obtain a genetic and cytoembryological characterization of a germplasm collection of P. notatum, including 31 accessions from seven countries of America and 11 experimentally obtained genotypes. Morphology of mature gametophytes was observed to assess the mode of reproduction of the accessions. A total of 1342 AFLP fragments were generated across the 42 genotypes and from two reference taxa: P. urvillei and P. procurrens. AFLP data were converted into a binary matrix and similarity relationships were established. The genetic distance among all the accessions showed a maximum value of 0.36. In addition, eleven AFLP fragments were observed exclusively in apomictic plants, which could be linked to genomic regions implicated in the control of apospory.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to improve existing transformation protocols and to transform specific genotypes of Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass) for functional analyses of candidate genes involved in reproduction. Three different explants were assayed for in vitro plant regeneration: mature seeds, mature embryos, and shoot meristems. Plant regeneration was achieved with all explant types, but mature seeds produced the optimal rate (78.0%) and were easiest to manipulate. A method based on serial re-induction of calli from meristems of the regenerated lines was also developed, which could be useful in plant breeding strategies pursuing somaclonal variation. Transient transformation experiments were performed on calli obtained from mature seeds using a compressed helium gene gun. Transient transformation constructs included anthocyanin-synthesis genes cloned under the CAMV 35S promoter and an enhanced green fluorescent protein gene (egfp) driven by the rice actin1 (act1) promoter. Selection curves for ammonium glufosinate were developed in order to determine the optimal selective pressure for stable transformation (1.0 mg/L). Stable co-transformation experiments were carried out with two different constructs containing: (1) the reporter egfp gene cloned under the rice act1 promoter and (2) the selector bar gene driven by the ubiquitin promoter. A total of 27 (64.2%) transgenic plants out of 42 resistant plants analyzed were obtained. The presence of the transgenes in regenerated plants was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and DNA gel blot analysis. Gene expression was demonstrated by eGFP fluorescence detection and in vivo assays for ammonium glufosinate tolerance. This platform is being used to generate transgenic plants of P. notatum to analyze the function of apomixis-associated candidate genes.  相似文献   

We have established an efficient particle-bombardment transformation protocol for the diploid non-apomictic genotype of the warm season forage crop Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass). A vector containing a herbicide resistance gene (bar) together with the GUS reporter gene was used in transformation experiments. The bar gene confers resistance to the herbicide bialaphos. An improved culture system, highly regenerative callus, dense in compact polyembryogenic clusters, was produced on medium with a high CuSO4 content at elevated temperature. Target tissue (360 calli) produced under these conditions yielded 52 rooted plants on herbicide-containing medium, and 22 of these plants were PCR-positive. DNA gel blot analysis revealed a copy number of 1-5 for the GUS gene in different independent transformants. There was no correlation between copy number and GUS activity. While conventional cultures yielded exclusively albino plants on herbicide-containing medium, improved culture conditions for the target tissue resulted in the recovery of 100% green transgenic plants. All green herbicide-resistant regenerants were morphological normal and fertile.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA amounts (C values) were measured in Feulgen-stained sections of anthers and ovules of sexual plant B-2s (genotype aaaa) and aposporous cultivar Higgins (genotype AAaa) of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare). The mass of the unreplicated nuclear genome of a gamete equals 1C DNA. In both lines, pollen mother cell nuclei were 4C before leptotene; anther wall, dyad, 1-nucleate pollen, and generative cell nuclei were 2C; microspore tetrad, enlarging microspore, and sperm nuclei were 1C. The tapetum persisted as uninucleate cells with 4C DNA. Archespores (2-4C) of both lines initiated meiosis to form megaspore tetrad nuclei with 1-2C DNA. In B-2s, chalazal megaspores (2-4C) formed reduced 8-nucleate Polygonum type embryo sacs, and sacs at 2- and 4-nucleate stages showed distributions with peaks near C1 and C2, corresponding to G1 and G2 cell cycle phases; this is characteristic of active mitosis. Nuclei of 8-nucleate sacs and of eggs and polars were 1C, indicating chromosomes were not duplicated before fertilization. Antipodal nuclei had levels from 1 to 36C, possibly due to polyteny or endopolyploidy. In Higgins, aposporous initials and 2-nucleate embryo sacs showed bimodal distributions of 2n nuclei with peaks at 2C and 4C DNA. Nuclei of newly formed 4-nucleate Panicum type aposporous sacs and of polars were 2C; aposporous eggs stained too faintly for reliable measurement.Names of products are included for the benefit of the reader and do not imply endorsement or preferential treatment by USDA  相似文献   

Paspalum notatum Flügge is a grass species organized as an agamic complex. The objective of the current research was to survey the frequencies and variation of cytosine methylation at CCGG sequences in diploid and tetraploid genotypes, and to determine the occurrence of methylation changes associated with tetraploidization by using methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) markers. No differences were found in the average proportions of methylated CCGG sites between cytotypes, but methylation patterns were significantly more variable in tetraploids. In both groups of plants, epigenetic and non-epigenetic variation correlated significantly when compared by Mantel tests. The evaluation of 159 common MSAP markers showed that 18.86 % of them differed in their methylation status in the different ploidies. Dendrogram analysis, reflecting epigenetic distances, showed that the four diploids and one experimentally-obtained sexually-reproducing tetraploid, grouped together. MSAP analysis performed on a diploid plant and its autotetraploid derivative showed that new epialleles emerged after tetraploidization. Sequencing of several MASP markers showed homologies with low copy genes, non-coding sequences and transposon/retrotransposon elements.  相似文献   

Foliage damage as a result of individual freeze events is a major limitation to the expansion of bahiagrass ( Paspalum notatum ) pastures and hay production in Southeastern USA. Greater tolerance to such freeze events would allow production deeper into the fall and winter and allow expansion of this species into colder regions. While it has been reported that small cells are more tolerant to freeze damage, this possibility has not been explored in bahiagrass. Specifically, the hypothesis was examined that xylem vessels with smaller diameter in the midrib of leaves are associated with freeze tolerance among bahiagrass genotypes. Vascular bundle diameter was also measured as a possible index of xylem cell size. A total of eight bahiagrass genotypes were eventually studied representing four freeze-sensitive and four freeze-tolerant lines. There was a clear distinction in xylem cell size between the freeze-sensitive and the freeze-tolerant lines. The freeze-tolerant genotypes had xylem element cells that were significantly smaller than the freeze-sensitive genotypes. Averaged across three leaf positions and all genotypes, the xylem element diameter for the freeze-sensitive lines was 222 μm and for the freeze-tolerant lines was only 164 μm. A similar difference was observed in overall vascular bundle diameter with freeze-sensitive lines having a mean of 1168 μm and the freeze-tolerant lines a mean of 917 μm. These results indicated that the diameter of the xylem cells in the vascular midrib of bahiagrass may be an important variable influencing the sensitivity among genotypes to freeze damage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gametophytic apomixis is regularly associated with polyploidy. It has been hypothesized that apomixis is not present in diploid plants because of a pleiotropic lethal effect associated with monoploid gametes. Rare apomictic triploid plants for Paspalum notatum and P. simplex, which usually have sexual diploid and apomictic tetraploid races, were acquired. These triploids normally produce male gametes through meiosis with a range of chromosome numbers from monoploid (n = 10) to diploid (n = 20). The patterns of apomixis transmission in Paspalum were investigated in relation to the ploidy levels of gametes. METHODS: Intraspecific crosses were made between sexual diploid, triploid and tetraploid plants as female parents and apomictic triploid plants as male parents. Apomictic progeny were identified by using molecular markers completely linked to apomixis and the analysis of mature embryo sacs. The chromosome number of the male gamete was inferred from chromosome counts of each progeny. KEY RESULTS: The chromosome numbers of the progeny indicated that the chromosome input of male gametes depended on the chromosome number of the female gamete. The apomictic trait was not transmitted through monoploid gametes, at least when the progeny was diploid. Diploid or near-diploid gametes transmitted apomixis at very low rates. CONCLUSIONS: Since male monoploid gametes usually failed to form polyploid progenies, for example triploids after 4x x 3x crosses, it was not possible to determine whether apomixis could segregate in polyploid progenies by means of monoploid gametes.  相似文献   

Summary Sexual and aposporously apomictic plants of buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) form megaspore tetrads. In sexual plants the chalazal megaspore develops into a single Polygonum type embryo sac. In aposporous plants the megaspores degenerate, and one or more un-reduced nucellar cells form Panicum type embryo sacs. Apospory is conditioned by gene A; the dominant allele of gene B is epistatic to A and preserves sexual reproduction. We recently observed that heavy application of (NH4)2SO4 to the soil induced multiple embryo sacs in a sexual line. Therefore we tested the effect of salt stress on embryo sac formation in sexual and aposporous genotypes. One molar solutions of CaCl2, NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl, NaNO3, or Na2SO4 were applied to the soil of greenhouse plants every day or two starting at the archespore stage. Some of the pistils in salt-treated plants of sexual genotypes AaBb, aaBb, and aabb showed features not seen in untreated controls: (1) multiple Polygonum type embryo sacs in 1%–7% of pistils depending upon the salt; (2) embryo sacs without antipodals (0%–7%); (3) embryo sacs protruding through the micropyle (1%–16%). Some pistils of salt-treated obligately aposporous lines, but not controls, developed Polygonum type embryo sacs (4%–13%) and protruding embryo sacs (0%–6%). There was no ion specificity for induction of abnormal features. We postulate that salt stress suppresses the developmental priority of nucellar embryo sacs over megaspores in aposporous lines and of the chalazal megaspore over other megaspores in all lines. This may permit megaspores of aposporous plants to form reduced Polygonum type gametophytes, and permit more than one megaspore to form reduced embryo sacs in all lines. Protrusion of sacs and failure of antipodal formation in reduced embryo sacs may be the consequence of uncoordinated expansion of the embryo sacs and surrounding tissue.Joint contribution of the Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, and USDA-ARS, U.S. Regional Pasture Research Laboratory. Names of products are included for the benefit of the reader and do not imply endorsement or preferential treatment by USDA  相似文献   

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