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Pisé (daub or building earth) from Jerf el Ahmar and Mureybet was examined and found to contain plant impressions made by the fine fraction of cereal chaff which had been added to the pisé as a tempering medium. Four wild grasses were identified from impressions, while over fifty taxa were identified from charred remains. Chaff tempering was present in all samples examined and was composed of spikelet bases and fragments of spikelets. Several aspects of these findings complement results obtained from charred remains. The sheer quantity of building material with chaff implies that cereals were widely available. De-husking and winnowing appear to have been carried out on a large scale, probably near the site. Firm evidence for wild rye confirms previous identifications for this period in the middle Euphrates, rye being difficult to distinguish from wild einkorn if only grain is available for identification. The quality of the chaff provides some evidence of crop processing.  相似文献   

The botanical macrofossils (charcoals, seeds and fruits) found during the archaeological excavation of the middle Neolithic site of Rivaltella Ca'Romensini near Reggio Emilia, northern Italy, have been analyzed. Among the charcoal fragments 11 different taxa have been identified, with a clear predominance of oaks. The relative frequencies of the different taxa probably do not reflect the real frequencies in the forest, but suggest that firewood had been gathered selectively. Among the seeds and fruits, four different Gramineae, a small wild apple and some hazelnut shells have been identified. These results indicate that the food economy of the Neolithic Rivaltella inhabitants was partially based on agriculture and on fruit gathering.  相似文献   

In peach orchards of northern Greece Euseius finlandicus Oudemans overwinters in various sites on the trees, usually in groups of 5–15 females. Overwintering females were mostly found in bark crevices near the hibernation cocoons of the peach moth Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von Rosslerstamm), and also in small crevices of the bark and in pedicels left after fruit harvesting. Empty scales of dead diaspidids and dead coccids, cocoons of lacewings and mummies of parasitized aphids sporadically found on trees, were less common overwintering sites for females of the mite. In two successive years, mortality of overwintering females was very low, approximately 4 and 4.5% which could be due to the mild climate of northern Greece and the high cold tolerance of the mite. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture in Europe is associated with demographic changes that may have shifted the human gene pool of the region as a result of an influx of Neolithic farmers from the Near East. However, the genetic composition of populations after the earliest Neolithic, when a diverse mosaic of societies that had been fully engaged in agriculture for some time appeared in central Europe, is poorly known. At this period during the Late Neolithic (ca. 2,800-2,000 BC), regionally distinctive burial patterns associated with two different cultural groups emerge, Bell Beaker and Corded Ware, and may reflect differences in how these societies were organized. Ancient DNA analyses of human remains from the Late Neolithic Bell Beaker site of Kromsdorf, Germany showed distinct mitochondrial haplotypes for six individuals, which were classified under the haplogroups I1, K1, T1, U2, U5, and W5, and two males were identified as belonging to the Y haplogroup R1b. In contrast to other Late Neolithic societies in Europe emphasizing maintenance of biological relatedness in mortuary contexts, the diversity of maternal haplotypes evident at Kromsdorf suggests that burial practices of Bell Beaker communities operated outside of social norms based on shared maternal lineages. Furthermore, our data, along with those from previous studies, indicate that modern U5-lineages may have received little, if any, contribution from the Mesolithic or Neolithic mitochondrial gene pool.  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of domesticated and wild plants used during the second half of the fourth millennium cal b.c. in a region within a semicircle of ca. 100 km radius around the find site of the Iceman. The landscape considered lies north of the main Alpine chain and includes central to eastern Switzerland and southwest Germany, mainly sites at the lakes Zug, Zürich, Constance (Bodensee), the Federsee region of Upper Swabia (Oberschwaben) and western Bavaria. From this part of central Europe, the plant remains of many well-preserved lake dwelling sites have been investigated during the last decades and much is known about daily life in these villages. Probably contemporary with the Iceman’s lifetime is one of the best-investigated settlements, Arbon Bleiche 3 on the southern shore of Lake Constance. A comparison of the Iceman’s artefacts and plant macro remains with the finds from the lake dwellings which have been studied shows striking similarities, but also differences. The Iceman’s southern provenance can be corroborated by the domestic plants found with him. He used domestic as well as wild plants, very similar to those of his contemporaries in the lakeside villages. The detailed knowledge of the manifold activities in the lakeshore village of Arbon Bleiche 3 allows us to show a rather realistic picture of daily life at the time of the Iceman.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between lower limb robusticity and mobility in a Neolithic sample (LIG) from Italy (6th millennium BP). This study tests the hypothesis that the high femoral robusticity previously observed in the LIG sample is a consequence of the subsistence strategy (i.e., high mobility on uneven terrain) practiced by LIG. Cross-sectional geometric properties of the femur and tibia at midshaft of LIG (eight males and eight females) were collected and results compared to Late Upper Paleolithic (12 males, five females), Mesolithic (24 males, 8 females), and Eneolithic (28 males, 17 females) samples from other sites throughout Europe. The results show that the LIG sample does not show the reduction of lower limb robusticity that is characteristic of the Eneolithic sample, but rather that the LIG sample is most similar to the earlier, highly mobile, populations. This high level of robusticity in the LIG sample could reflect both their pastoral subsistence strategy combined with a rugged environment, as well as their earlier temporal position within the Neolithic. The results of this study further point to significant variation in male-female mobility patterns in the region, also possibly related to pastoral behavioral patterns.  相似文献   

洋安渡遗址位于重庆市奉节县,埋藏于长江右岸第2级阶地的上部,时代为新石器时代晚期。该遗址出土了丰富的石制品,包括石锤、石核、石片、碎屑和石器;其它遗物包括以大溪文化类型为主的陶片和大量动物残骸。石制品的原料来源为遗址附近长江河漫滩的砾石,岩性以石英砂岩为主。石片生产技术主要为以生产零台面石片为目标的摔碰法。石器类型包括砍砸器、刮削器、石斧毛坯、磨石和磨光石斧等;砍砸器和刮削器全部单面加工,技术熟练,加工简单,刃缘较长;石斧毛坯虽为打制,但形状规整,加工精致,是石器加工的重点;磨制石器数量少且残断。洋安渡遗址的石器兼有打制和磨制两大类,虽然石器加工的重点为磨制石斧,但打制技术依然重要,其一方面为磨制石斧打制合适的毛坯雏形,另一方面加工砍砸器、刮削器等打制石器满足临时和补充的使用。洋安渡遗址出土的石制品为了解长江三峡地区新石器时代的石器技术提供了直接的材料。  相似文献   

A large area investigation was undertaken of the plant remains from a Michelsberg Culture (late Neolithic) settlement. The charred macroscopic remains and imprints in pieces of daub were expected to show both the spectrum of the cultivated plants there, and also the degree of their cultivation and use. The loess covered hill-top lies in a landscape with favourable climatic and soil conditions and is blocked off by two parallel ditches running in an arc. Ditches and pits filled with different sediments were investigated. The daub, unearthed in several pits, had been deliberately mixed with chaff of the glume wheats einkorn and emmer to temper it when it was originally made. The investigated imprints and charred plant remains give hints of spatial distribution of crop processing activities. To determine the amounts of the crops that were cultivated and used, it is necessary to study the charred remains. The degree of ubiquity (frequency of occurrence) of grains in the pit sediments seems to be the best indicator of the representation of cereals. Four main cereals were found: Triticum monococcum, T. dicoccum, T. aestivum/T. durum and Hordeum vulgare var. nudum. Pisum sativum also was an important cultivated plant, much more than Lens culinaris. The role of Linum usitatissimum and Papaver somniferum is less clear.  相似文献   

The beginnings of agriculture throughout the Fertile Crescent are still not completely understood, particularly at the eastern end of the Fertile Crescent in the area of modern Iran. Archaeobotanical samples from Epipalaeolithic/PPNA Körtik Tepe in southeastern Turkey and from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites of Chogha Golan and East Chia Sabz in south western Iran were studied in order to define the status of cultivation at these sites. Preliminary results show the presence of abundant wild progenitor species of crops at the Iranian sites before 10600 cal. b.p., and very few wild progenitor species at Körtik Tepe dated to 11700–11250 cal. b.p. The Iranian sites also indicate size increase of wild barley grain across a sequence of 400 years through either cultivation or changing moisture conditions.  相似文献   

The article presents archaeobotanical results from six late Neolithic excavation sites in eastern Austria. Two of the sites belong to the Jevišovice culture (3200–2800 cal b.c.), the remaining four to the Baden culture (3600–2900 cal b.c.). Results show that farmers around 3000 cal b.c. were relying on the use of Triticum monococcum and Hordeum vulgare as principal cereals, with Triticum dicoccum and Panicum miliaceum as additional crops. Common millet was found in quantity at one of the Jevišovice sites and shows the remarkably early westward spread of this species. Single records of Triticum spelta are discussed in the light of the recently proposed ideas about an independent central European origin of spelt. Another record concerns the “new-type” glume wheat, providing further evidence for the once widespread occurrence of this cultivar. Triticum aestivum (hexaploid naked wheat) and Setaria italica (foxtail millet) were found as rare admixtures at the Jevišovice settlements. Pulses were represented by Pisum sativum and Lens culinaris, oil plants by Papaver somniferum and Linum usitatissimum. One of the Jevišovice sites offered a good opportunity for a study of the undisturbed spatial distribution of charred plant remains within a burnt house. Among wild plants, the occurrence of Stipa sp., Teucrium chamaedrys, Asperula cynanchica and Plantago media point to the presence of dry steppe grassland in the vicinity of the settlements, which was probably used for grazing. Woodland plants were mainly represented by fruit-bearing plants growing in clearings and forest edges, reflecting both the deliberate collection of wild fruits and the growing human impact on the vegetation.  相似文献   

Comparison of the microwear features created on the occlusal surfaces of molar teeth from different cultural horizons at abu Hureyra, northern Syria, indicates that the hardness of the food eaten changed profoundly after the introduction of domestic cereal grains at the beginning of the Neolithic (Neolithic 2A), and again after the introduction of pottery in Neolithic 2C times. Comparison with the microwear features on the teeth of human groups known to eat cooked food demonstrated the identity of the microwear on the abu Hureyra teeth from the pottery levels with those who had eaten cooked food. It is suggested that the evidence for an increase in the population in Neolithic 2C times is a direct consequence of changes in food preparation techniques.  相似文献   

Although population history and dispersal are back at the forefront of the archaeological agenda, they are often studied in relative isolation. This contribution aims at combining both dimensions, as population dispersal is, by definition, a demographic process. Using a case study drawn from the Early Neolithic of South-Eastern Europe, we use radiocarbon dates to jointly investigate changes in speed and population size linked to the new food production economy and demonstrate that the spread of farming in this region corresponds to a density-dependent dispersal process. The implications of this characterization are evaluated in the discussion.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Cross-disciplinary approaches to prehistoric demography’.  相似文献   

Effects of differences in long-term water supply were examined on soil characteristics, primary production and species composition in a wet and a dry site of an upland herbaceous grassland. Also the responses of species to N and P enrichments were examined. N and P concentrations of non-legume species were positively related, indicating that biomass N:P ratios seem to be mainly determined by N:P supply ratios. Forbs had generally higher concentrations than graminoids. Intermittent water inundation of soil in the wet site resulted in greater soil N and P availability. The greater productivity of this site promoted the growth of forbs. A fertilizer experiment showed that biomass was limited by N only in the wet site, but by both nutrients in the dry one. The species with the higher N and P concentrations were favored more after N and P enrichment, respectively; however, species enhancement was not related to N:P ratios of species. This indicates that N and P concentrations of species, rather than N:P ratios of species, are better predictors of species responses to N and P enrichment. N:P ratios of whole communities were 8.73 for the wet and 11.36 for the dry site. These values in comparison with the responses of plant communities to N and P fertilization show that thresholds of N:P ratios indicative of N or P limitation are much lower than those found for European wetlands.  相似文献   

596 waterlogged, uncarbonized branch wood specimens from four cultural layers of the late Neolithic lake shore site of Horgen Scheller (between 3080 and 3030 B.C.) on Lake Zilrich, Switzerland, were examined. The following parameters were analysed: taxonomy, diameter and age of the twigs, cutting season, and distribution of the branches over the area as well as their distribution in the different cultural layers. The twigs were divided into the following three groups, based on differences observed in these analyses: conifers, deciduous trees with catkins, and deciduous trees without catkins. Branch diameter examinations revealed that branches of deciduous trees were thicker on average than those of conifers. While branches from deciduous trees without catkins were gathered at the age of seven years on average, those of conifers and deciduous trees with catkins were older. Waney edge analyses showed that the majority of the twigs were cut within the winter months. Among the deciduous trees without catkins there is, however, a markedly higher proportion of branches cut in summer than in the other two groups. The taxonomic examinations demonstrated that 70% of the specimens consisted of twigs of eitherCorylus avellana L. (hazel),Taxus baccata L. (yew), orAbies alba Mill. (silver fir), thus implying the great economic importance of these species in the settlements of Horgen Scheller. To our knowledge this is the first report that a remarkably high proportion of yew twigs (26.8%) has been found in an analysis of subfossil twigs. The possibility is discussed that the inhabitants had specialized in obtaining yew from the region. Concentrations of wood finds, possible remains of buildings, became evident from the analyses of the distribution of the branch wood over the excavated area. A very similar spatial distribution pattern of the taxa was found through the different cultural layers. Therefore it seems likely that existing structures were reused when a new settlement was built. The data also show that the building outlines slowly moved towards land over time. A rising lake water level could have led to gradual dislocation of the settlements.  相似文献   

生态恢复与社会经济发展密切相关,退耕还林工程的实施影响社会经济状况,统筹耕地与造林之间的矛盾成为亟待解决的问题。阐明退耕还林工程与社会经济之间的互馈关系,是实现生态保护与社会经济协同发展的前提和基础。通过构建山西省晋北地区退耕还林工程与社会经济之间的系统动力学模型,揭示二者间的互馈关系。以耕地、造林用地间的矛盾作为参数变换的前提,通过改变耕地面积变化率、造林面积、植树造林投资系数,设置持续退耕还林型、低速退耕还林型、保护耕地型、间断退耕还林型四种仿真情景,并阐明了不同退耕还林情景对社会经济的影响。结果表明:(1)退耕还林对社会经济有积极影响,各情景下社会经济变量均呈现不同速度上升态势。(2)尽管持续退耕还林型的林业产值增长最快,但却抑制了未来社会经济发展,在此情景下各社会经济变量较低;低速退耕还林型更有利于退耕还林工程与社会经济的和谐发展,地区生产总值(GDP)、粮食总产量等社会经济变量在此情景下较高;保护耕地型在模拟初期对粮食总产量有明显提升作用,后期则会对归一化植被指数(NDVI)、植被固碳量产生更加积极的影响。(3)在低速退耕还林型下,2035年山西省晋北地区GDP达18412....  相似文献   

中国西北地区史前人类活动与生存环境变化的关系是学术界关注的热点科学问题。本文通过总结分析西北地区新石器至青铜时代遗址14C测年、动植物遗存以及人骨碳同位素数据,梳理了不同降水量区域人与环境相互作用的时空特征和变化过程,以及可能的影响因素。研究结果表明,10000-6000 BP,人类活动强度较弱且多分布在降水量大于400 mm的区域,人类活动与气候的关系尚不清楚;6000-4000 BP,粟黍农业的强化促进了人类活动空间向西扩散,显著的气候事件导致人类活动强度下降,人类活动对自然环境的影响开始显现;4000-2200 BP,史前跨大陆文化交流带来的农牧业元素促使不同降水量区域生存资料多样化,人类适应和影响环境的能力进一步加强,但该时期人类活动强度存在时空差异性,对环境的影响仅在区域尺度上呈现。  相似文献   

How did the emergence of hierarchical social structure that followed the domestication of plants and animals in the Neolithic actually come about? I suggest that material media were instrumental in this transformation, as culture was changed by incorporating such newmedia as landscape constructions and elaborate prestige objects. During the Neolithic transition in Thy, Denmark, local corporate groups formed, and, subsequently, Bronze Age chieftains came to power. Shifts in material culture suggest possible connections to these institutional changes, namely the materialization of property rights by burial monuments and permanent domestic architecture and the centralization of power through the controlled production of wealth objects. I conclude that, as part of social process, the nature of culture has been transformed by incorporating material culture with specific characteristics of scale, permanency, and control that were vital to institutional change.  相似文献   

本文对18例昙石山文化墓葬出土人骨进行骨胶原的提取和碳氮稳定同位素测定,并通过污染鉴别,其中的17例为有效数据。有效骨样的δ~(13)C值在-20.9‰~-16.5‰范围,δ~(15)N值在8.5‰~14.4‰范围。就稳定同位素整体分析结果而言,昙石山先民主体所处营养级较高,以广泛的肉食来源和一定量的C_3类植物为生。推测肉食来源中主要有大量的海生类资源,也包含了陆生动物。进一步的分析表明,昙石山先民的食物营养级可能与社会贫富并无关联。单因素方差分析显示,未成年人的食物结构和成人基本相似,但可能更偏向于食用高营养级的食物;两性的食性未表现显著性的差异。作为一个海洋性聚落,昙石山遗址的经济活动应以渔猎采集为主,水稻种植很可能仅为辅助性的经济行为。  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy carbonized naked wheat ears from the Neolithic pile dwelling at Hornstaad-Hörnle IA/Lake Constance (Germany) were analysed. The characteristics of internodes and glumes show that only tetraploid naked wheat types were cultivated. Following the history of free-threshing wheats it seems conceivable that the tetraploid naked wheats spread from their point of origin in the Middle East (7th/8th millennium B.C.) via a Mediterranean route to southwest Europe, reaching the northern foothills of the Alps about 4000 B.C.  相似文献   

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