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Larval salivary glands of bees provide a good model for the study of hormone-induced programmed cell death in Hymenoptera because they have a well-defined secretory cycle with a peak of secretory activity phase, prior to cocoon spinning, and a degenerative phase, after the cocoon spinning. Our findings demonstrate that there is a relationship between apoptosis and autophagy during physiological cell death in these larval salivary glands, that adds evidence to the hypothesis of overlap in the regulation pathways of both types of programmed cell death. Features of authophagy include cytoplasm vacuolation, acid phosphatase activity, presence of autophagic vacuoles and multi-lamellar structures, as well as a delay in the collapse of many nuclei. Features of apoptosis include bleb formation in the cytoplasm and nuclei, with release of parts of the cytoplasm into the lumen, chromatin compaction, and DNA and nucleolar fragmentation. We propose a model for programmed cell death in larval salivary glands of Apis mellifera where autophagy and apoptosis function cooperatively for a more efficient degeneration of the gland secretory cells.

Addendum to:

Programmed Cell Death in the Larval Salivary Glands of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

E.C.M. Silva-Zacarin, G.A. Tomaino, M.R. Brochetto-Braga, S.R. Taboga, R.L.M. Silva de Moraes

J Biosci 2007; 32:309-28  相似文献   

The morphological and histochemical features of degeneration in honeybee (Apis mellifera) salivary glands were investigated in 5th instar larvae and in the pre-pupal period. The distribution and activity patterns of acid phosphatase enzyme were also analysed. As a routine, the larval salivary glands were fixed and processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Tissue sections were subsequently stained with haematoxylin-eosin, bromophenol blue, silver, or a variant of the critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) method. Ultrathin sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Glands were processed for the histochemical and cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase, as well as biochemical assay to detect its activity pattern. Acid phosphatase activity was histochemically detected in all the salivary glands analysed. The cytochemical results showed acid phosphatase in vesicles, Golgi apparatus and lysosomes during the secretory phase and, additionally, in autophagic structures and luminal secretion during the degenerative phase. These findings were in agreement with the biochemical assay. At the end of the 5th instar, the glandular cells had a vacuolated cytoplasm and pyknotic nuclei, and epithelial cells were shed into the glandular lumen. The transition phase from the 5th instar to the pre-pupal period was characterized by intense vacuolation of the basal cytoplasm and release of parts of the cytoplasm into the lumen by apical blebbing; these blebs contained cytoplasmic RNA, rough endoplasmic reticule and, occasionally, nuclear material. In the pre-pupal phase, the glandular epithelium showed progressive degeneration so that at the end of this phase only nuclei and remnants of the cytoplasm were observed. The nuclei were pyknotic, with peripheral chromatin and blebs. The gland remained in the haemolymph and was recycled during metamorphosis. The programmed cell death in this gland represented a morphological form intermediate between apoptosis and autophagy.  相似文献   

The pollination effectiveness of the commercially reared bumble bee Bombus impatiens Cresson, was compared in field studies to the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., for lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. A preliminary study indicated that B. impatiens had potential as an alternative pollinator. In a 3-yr study, percentage fruit set, percentage harvested berries, berry weight, and seeds per berry were compared in blueberry fields stocked at 7.5 A. mellifera hives per hectare to 5, 7.5, or 10 B. impatiens colonies per hectare. Percentage of harvested berries (yield) was significantly higher in fields stocked with B. impatiens at 10 colonies per hectare. No other parameters measuring pollinator effectiveness were significantly different at 5, 7.5, or 10 colonies per hectare. Flower handling time was significantly faster for B. impatiens and it more frequently collected blueberry pollen. All parameters of pollinator effectiveness were similar for B. impatiens, A. mellifera, and native wild bees in a follow-up study. Overall, B. impatiens was a suitable alternative to A. mellifera.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of commercially used entomopathogens on Africanized Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Four bioassays were performed: 1) pulverized entomopathogens on A. mellifera; 2) entomopathogens sprayed on a smooth surface; 3) entomopathogens sprayed on soy leaves; and 4) entomopathogens mixed with candy paste (sugar syrup). Five treatments were prepared: sterile distilled water (control), distilled water sterilized with Tween® 80 (0.01%), and the commercial entomopathogens Metarhizium anisopliae E9 (1.0 × 109 conidia mL?1), Beauveria bassiana PL63 (1.0 × 108 conidia mL?1) and Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 (3.0 × 108 spores mL?1). Each treatment consisted of five repetitions, with 20 workers per repetition, which were stored in a plastic box and, later, in a biological oxygen demand (B.O.D.) incubator (27 ± 2 °C, RH of 60% ± 10%, 12-h photophase). The mortality of the workers was evaluated from 1 h to 240 h, and the data were analyzed using Bayesian inference. The workers killed by the ingestion of candy paste contaminated with the pathogens (products) were randomly separated and selected for the removal of the midgut. Each midgut was fixed in Bouin's solution and prepared for histology. B. bassiana was verified to reduce the survival of A. mellifera workers in all bioassays. Moreover, M. anisopliae reduced the survival of A. mellifera workers directly sprayed, on a smooth surface and mixed with candy. B. thuringiensis reduced A. mellifera survival on a smooth surface and mixed with candy paste. However, its effects were lower than that observed by B. bassiana. The treatments with the biological products did not induce morphometric alterations in the midgut of A. mellifera.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of mitochondrial haplotypes in honeybee colonies from the Iberian Peninsula has corroborated previous hypotheses about the existence of a joint clinal variation of African (A) and west European (M) evolutionary lineages. It has been found that the Iberian Peninsula is the European region with the highest haplotype diversity (12 haplotypes detected of the M lineage and 10 of the A lineage). The frequency of A haplotypes decreases in a SW-NE trend, while that of M haplotypes increases. These results are discussed in relation to hypotheses about the African origin of Apis mellifera and an early colonization of west Europe during intermediate Pleistocene glaciation events, followed by a regional differentiation. The extant pattern of haplotype frequency and distribution seems to be influenced at a regional scale by adaptation to local climatic conditions and the mobile beekeeping that has become a large-scale practice during the last decades. Other previous anthropogenic influences (Greek, Roman and Arab colonizations) are thought to be of minor importance in present day populations.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA (PGRP‐SA) is a key pattern recognition receptor in the insect innate immune system. PGRP‐SA can bind to bacterial PGN and activate the Toll pathway, which triggers the expression and release of antimicrobial peptides to prevent bacterial infection. Here, we report the first structure of Apis mellifera PGRP‐SA from Hymenoptera at 1.86 Å resolution. The overall architecture of Am‐PGRP‐SA was similar to the Drosophila PGRP‐SA; however, the residues involved in PGN binding groove were not conserved, and the binding pocket was narrower. This structure gives insight into PGN binding characteristics in honeybees.  相似文献   

Malformed antennae of Apis mellifera light ocelli drones were drawn, dissected and mounted permanently on slides containing Canada balsam, in order to count the olfactory discs present in each segment, in comparison with the number of those structures in normal antennae of their brothers. Some drones presented morphological abnormalities in a single segment of the right or left antenna, but others had two or more malformed segments in a same antenna. Drones with malformations in both antennae were also observed. The 4th and 5th flagellum segments were the most frequently affected. In a low number of cases the frequency of olfactory discs in malformed segments did not differ from that one recorded for normal segments. However, in most cases studied, the antennal malformations brought about a significant reduction in the number of olfactory discs from malformed segments.  相似文献   

We compared flower visitation patterns of two coexisting honey bees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski, on 20 plant species, including three exotics, under natural conditions in Nara, Japan, from April to August 2012. We also measured flower color based on bee color vision (15 flower species), nectar volume (nine species) and nectar concentration (eight species). Flowers colored white, pink, red, purple and cream were classified as bee‐blue‐green, and yellow was classified as bee‐green. Apis cerana visited 14 plant species and A. mellifera visited 11. Although the two Apis species are similar in morphology, they visited different plants: in particular, A. cerana visited native plant species more often than did A. mellifera. Both A. mellifera and A. cerana visited not only nectariferous flowers but also those with no nectar. We also found different visitation patterns between A. cerana and A. mellifera: Apis cerana more often visited flowers with smaller color angle (bee‐blue‐green), lower chroma and higher brightness, and flowers secreting nectars of higher concentration and smaller volume than did A. mellifera.  相似文献   

Each mandibular gland of the queen bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) consists of an axial cavity lined with a thin cuticular intima, secreted by a flat epithelium, and numerous glandular units (type 3), each unit with one duct cell and a large polyploid glandular cell. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are preponderant organelles. During the ontogeny of the queen bee, the ultrastructure of the glandular cells evolves as her level of pheromonal activity. Variations mainly concern the mitochondrial system. Hence, at the beginning of the imaginal life, the homogeneous population of small mitochondria increases. Towards the 3rd–5th day of the queen's imaginal life, the pheromonal activity increases and the mitochondrial differentiation results in the appearance of giant forms. During the highest activity phase (6 to 18-month-old queens), giant mitochondria, associated with endoplasmic reticulum, invade cytoplasmic areas. In queens aged from 18 to 24 months, the reduction of pheromonal and secretory activities is associated with the reduction of mitochondrial population as well as with the accumulation of lipid droplets and various lytic structures.  相似文献   

意大利蜜蜂胚后发育过程中中肠上皮组织细胞的更替   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兆英 《昆虫学报》2011,54(10):1127-1132
中肠是昆虫消化、 吸收营养物质的主要部位。本研究通过形态解剖、 BrdU免疫组织化学和原位末端转移酶标记(TUNEL)细胞凋亡检测等技术, 对意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica中肠胚后发育过程中细胞的增殖和凋亡模式进行了比较研究。结果表明:意大利蜜蜂幼虫发育早期, 中肠的增加主要来自于上皮细胞的分裂以及再生细胞的增殖。在变态发育期间, 中肠上皮经历了广泛的重组, 由再生细胞重新形成的蛹上皮替代了幼虫上皮。再生细胞在蜜蜂中肠的整个发育阶段始终存在, 为中肠的生长和更替提供了主要的细胞来源。本研究为昆虫组织细胞自噬和凋亡机制的研究提供一定的证据。  相似文献   

Cytochemical studies were carried out to establish lipid distribution in the salivary glands of larvae and adult bees, using the imidazole buffer technique. In the duct cells of the larval salivary gland, the reaction was positive in the epicuticle and negative in the glandular lumen. The absence of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the presence of lipids in the intercellular space suggest that lipids absorbed from the haemolymph could be used in the constitution of the epicuticle, after having been conveyed through the epithelium. In adult workers (new-emerged, nurse and forager workers), the head salivary glands presented a positive reaction in the secretion in glandular lumen, identifying its lipidic nature.  相似文献   

成年蜜蜂脑神经细胞的培养和电生理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究杀虫剂等对蜜蜂毒性作用的神经机制,需在体外建立成年蜜蜂脑神经细胞的分离培养和电生理记录技术并研究其正常电生理特征,而对成年蜜蜂脑神经细胞的分离培养和电生理特性的研究报道甚少。我们采用酶解和机械吹打相结合的方法获得了数量较多且活力较好的成年意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera脑神经细胞,并用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了成年意大利蜜蜂脑神经细胞对电流和电压刺激的反应,获得了成年意蜂脑神经细胞的基本电生理特征以及钠电流和钾电流的特性。全细胞电流钳的记录结果表明,在体外培养条件下,细胞无自发放电发生,注射电流后仅引起细胞单次放电,引起细胞放电的阈电流平均为60.8±63 pA; 细胞动作电位产生的阈电位平均为−27.4±2.3 mV。用全细胞电压钳记录了神经细胞的钠电流和钾电流。钠电流的分离是在电压刺激下通过阻断钾通道和钙通道实现。细胞的内向钠电流在指令电压为−40~−30 mV左右激活,−10 mV达峰值,钠通道的稳态失活电压V1/2为−58.4 mV; 外向钾电流成份至少包括较小的快速失活钾电流和和较大的缓慢失活钾电流(占总钾电流的80%),其半激活膜电位V1/2为3.86 mV,无明显的稳态失活。结果提示缓慢失活钾电流的特征可能是细胞单次放电的机制之一。  相似文献   

The mechanism of silk formation inApis mellifera salivary glands, during the 5th instar, was studied. Larval salivary glands were dissected and prepared for light and polarized light microscopy, as well as for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that silk formation starts at the middle of the 5th instar and finishes at the end of the same instar. This process begins in the distal secretory portion of the gland, going towards the proximal secretory portion; and from the periphery to the center of the gland lumen. The silk proteins are released from the secretory cells as a homogeneous substance that polymerizes in the lumen to form compact birefringent tactoids. Secondly, the water absorption from the lumen secretion, carried out by secretory and duct cells, promotes aggregation of the tactoids that form a spiral-shape filament with a zigzag pattern. This pattern is also the results of the silk compression in the gland lumen and represents a high concentration of macromolecularly well-oriented silk proteins.  相似文献   

本研究旨在克隆西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera磁受体基因AmMagR的序列,并分析该基因在工蜂不同日龄、不同组织中的表达特征,以期为该基因的功能研究提供理论基础。以西方蜜蜂工蜂为材料,提取其总RNA,通过RT-PCR技术克隆西方蜜蜂MagR基因的序列;利用多种生物信息学软件对其核酸及氨基酸序列分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR技术(qPCR)分析在西方蜜蜂工蜂不同日龄(1日龄、5日龄和21日龄)和不同组织(头部、胸部和腹部)中MagR基因的相对表达量。克隆到西方蜜蜂MagR基因,并命名为AmMagR(GenBank登录号:MH635411),其序列长度为748 bp,编码区长390 bp,编码130个氨基酸,其蛋白质分子量为14.142 kDa,理论等电点为9.06,无信号肽,无跨膜结构,且在第24~126位氨基酸之间得到一个结构域Fe-S_biosyn。系统发育树显示,西方蜜蜂AmMagR与小蜜蜂Apis florae AfIscA(IscA别称MagR)、中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana AcIscA基因聚成一支。荧光定量PCR结果表明,AmMagR基因在西方蜜蜂不同日龄的工蜂头部、胸部和腹部均有表达。5日龄工蜂的相对表达量最高,5日龄工蜂头部和胸部的AmMagR基因表达量显著高于1日龄(P0.05)和21日龄(P0.05),腹部AmMagR基因表达量显著高于21日龄(P0.05),但与1日龄的比较差异不显著(P0.05)。1日龄、5日龄和21日龄工蜂胸部的AmMagR基因表达量均显著高于头部和腹部(P0.05);1日龄工蜂头部AmMagR基因表达量均高于腹部(P0.05),但5日龄和21日龄工蜂AmMagR基因在头部与腹部的表达量无显著差异(P0.05)。明确了该基因在西方蜜蜂工蜂不同日龄和不同组织中的表达模式,并推测AmMagR可能参与了西方蜜蜂的定位、归巢过程。  相似文献   

【目的】明确新烟碱类杀虫剂噻虫胺及其2种混剂对意大利蜜蜂 Apis mellifera ligustica 和玉米螟赤眼蜂 Trichogramma ostriniae 的毒性。【方法】采用摄入法、接触法和药膜法分别测定3种制剂对意大利蜜蜂成年工蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂成蜂的急性毒性。【结果】急性毒性测定结果表明,30%噻虫胺悬浮剂、30%吡蚜酮·噻虫胺悬浮剂和20%醚菊酯·噻虫胺悬浮剂对意大利蜜蜂成年工蜂的急性摄入毒性均为剧毒,LC50 值(48 h)分别为0.0200(0.0143~0.0272), 0.084(0.0658~0.1157)和0.1594(0.1200~0.2056) mg a.i./L;3种制剂对意大利蜜蜂成年工蜂急性接触毒性均为高毒,LD50 值(48 h)分别为0.0155(0.0114~0.0197), 0.0426(0.0335~0.0539)和0.1122(0.0796~0.1385)μg a.i./蜂。药膜法测定3种制剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂成蜂的LD50 值(24 h)分别为0.0232(0.0180~0.0295), 0.1050(0.0940~0.1170)和0.0059(0.0054~0.0065) mg a.i./L;安全性评价结果表明,3种制剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂成蜂均存在极高风险性,安全系数分别为5.95×10-4, 2.69×10-3和9.50×10-5。【结论】噻虫胺及其混剂对意大利蜜蜂和玉米螟赤眼蜂均存在较高的毒性风险,在害虫综合治理中应谨慎使用。  相似文献   

Beekeepers apply various dusts to honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies to dislodge parasitic mites and control bacterial brood diseases. Anecdotal reports by beekeepers indicate that the antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC) can be toxic when applied in powdered sugar to cells containing immature bee brood, but it was not known whether the purported toxicity is caused by the antibiotic or the sugar carrier. Additionally, the toxicity of various dusts, proposed for parasitic mite control, is poorly known. In the current studies, we tested OTC and two other antibiotics (tylosin and lincomycin, candidate compounds for use in honey bee colonies) in a powdered sugar carrier for larval toxicity. We also tested for larval toxicity, several dusts that have been proposed for mite control. OTC caused significant brood mortality of approximately 80% at the concentrations used in the hive (200 mg in 20 g sugar). In contrast, tylosin and lincomycin at the 200 mg dose were both similar to untreated controls, and only five times that concentration (1000 mg) caused significant brood mortality of approximately 65%. The addition of dusts, wheat flour, talc, and a commercially available protein supplement, BeePro, resulted in mortality levels between 65 and 80%, similar to that seen with OTC. The common antibiotic carrier, powered confectioners sugar, was nontoxic. The use of 100 unsealed brood cells was demonstrated to be a reliable means of assessing potential adverse affects of dry compounds on larval honey bees. Two new candidate antibiotics for use in honey bee colonies were less toxic to larval bees than the currently labeled antibiotic, OTC.  相似文献   

We hypothesize two functions of the vibration signal (dorsal ventral abdominal vibration = DVAV) during swarming in honey bees: 1. it enhances recruitment to the specific sites advertised by the waggle dancers which also perform the vibration signal; and 2. it acts as a nonspecific modulatory signal to stimulate activity in other bees. The stimulation of activity invoked by the second hypothesis might include increasing nest-site scouting and dance following early in the house-hunting process or rousing quiescent bees to prepare them for lift-off late in the process, or both. In studies of neotropical African bee swarms in Costa Rica and European bees in California we tested these hypotheses by looking for associations between production of vibration signals by nest-site recruiters and site attractiveness (indicated by which site was ultimately chosen and by distance from the swarm since swarms may have a distance preference). Overall, bees dancing for the chosen sites performed vibration signals to the same extent as those dancing for the other sites. There were no distance differences between sites whose scouts did and did not vibrate other bees. These results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that the vibration signal enhances recruitment to especially high quality sites and they support the hypothesis that it plays a general excitatory role in the context of house hunting by swarming bees.  相似文献   

Abstract Interspecific competition for a limited resource can result in the reduction of survival, growth and/or reproduction in one of the species involved. The introduced honey bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) is an example of a species that can compete with native bees for floral resources. Often, research into honey bee/native bee competition has focused on floral resource overlap, visitation rates or resource harvesting, and any negative interaction has been interpreted as a negative impact. Although this research can be valuable in indicating the potential for competition between honey bees and native bees, to determine if the long‐term survival of a native bee species is threatened, fecundity, survival or population density needs to be assessed. The present review evaluates research that has investigated all these measurements of honey bee/native bee competition and finds that many studies have problems with sample size, confounding factors or data interpretation. Guidelines for future research include increasing replication and using long‐term studies to investigate the impact of both commercial and feral honey bees.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed, the influence of the treatment with juvenile hormone on the ultrastructure of Apis mellifera L. workers' venom glands. Newly emerged workers received topical application of 1 microl of juvenile hormone diluted in hexane, in the concentration of 2 microg/pl. Two controls were used; one control received no treatment (group C1) and other received topical application of 1 microl of hexane (group C2). The aspect of the glandular cells, in not treated newly emerged workers, showed that they are not yet secreting actively. Cellular modifications happened according to the worker age and to the glandular area considered. The most active phase of the gland happened from the emergence to the 14th day. At the 25th day the cells had already lost their secretory characteristic, being the distal area the first to suffer degeneration. The treatment with juvenile hormone and hexane altered the temporal sequence of the glandular cycle, forwarding the secretory cycle and degeneration of the venom gland.  相似文献   

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