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Summary DNA turnover in post-mitotic photoreceptor cells of F344 rat retina was investigated. Developing retinas of newborn rats were labelled by multiple injections of (methyl-3H)thymidine. One eye was removed on day 60 and embedded in paraffin. The groups of rats were killed 180, 365, 540 or 730 days later and the second eye was removed. Autoradiographic studies on pairs of eyes showed no detectable DNA turnover in photoreceptor cells up to the end of the experiment (near median life-span, 50% survival age). The DNA of these photoreceptor cells is not replaced through the life span of the animals; the results thus suggest that it is very stable and possibly protected in a specific manner.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [3H]inositol into phosphatidylinositol (Pl) in isolated rat retinas is enhanced by light and by the addition of cytidine to the incubation media. In retinas preincubated with [3H]inositol in dark, [3H]inositol was chased into Pl in light by addition of unlabeled cytidine and was chased out of Pl in light by addition of unlabeled cytidine plus inositol. Autoradiograms of retinas show a heavy density of silver grains over photoreceptor cell inner segments (with chase-in) and a loss of labeling (with chase-out). Exogenous cytidine and inositol were shown to enhance not only the turnover of Pl within photoreceptor cells but the synthesis of Pl as well; in media supplemented with these precursors, approximately 50% of [14C]glycerol and 25% of [32Pi]incorporated into lipid in light were associated with Pl. These results suggest that availability of both cytidine and inositol may play a role in the light-dependent changes in Pl metabolism within photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

N J Philp  W Chang  K Long 《FEBS letters》1987,225(1-2):127-132
We examined the intracellular distribution of three proteins involved in the cyclic GMP cascade of visual transduction; cGMP phosphodiesterase, the alpha-subunit of G-protein and arrestin. In adult rats, light-induced changes in the amounts of G and arrestin in the photoreceptor cell outer segments were observed both by polyacrylamide gel analysis of purified ROS and by immunocytochemical localization on retinal sections. In dark conditions, G was concentrated in the outer segments of photoreceptor cells while in the light G alpha was seen in the inner segments and the outer nuclear layer. Arrestin had the opposite distribution, appearing in the inner segments and outer nuclear layer under dark conditions and in the ROS under light conditions. In contrast, PDE, the enzyme which is activated by G and inhibited by arrestin showed no light-stimulated movement. In both light- and dark-adapted retinas, PDE was localized primarily in the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing evidence of eye abnormalities, the effects of prenatal exposure to cocaine on the visual system are still poorly understood. This study was aimed at analyzing the qualitative and quantitative organization of the retinal photoreceptor cells (PR) and outer nuclear layer (ONL) after prenatal exposure to cocaine in the rat. Pregnant Wistar rats were given sc injections of cocaine hydrochloride (60 mg/kg body wt/d) or saline or were not manipulated; analyses were performed in the 14- and 30-d-old male offspring. Radial semithin and ultrathin sections of epon-embedded flat mounts of the retina showed displaced PR-like cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL), picnotic PR nuclei in INL, and ONL, and retinal PR rosettes and outer-segment debris in the subretinal space. The quantitative study showed an increased density of PR-like nuclei in the INL in PND14 cocaine-treated rats that were within normal values at PND30; no changes were detected in the PR mean nuclear diameter and in the packing density of PR nuclei in the ONL. These data constitute the first morphological demonstration of photoreceptor damage after prenatal cocaine-exposure probably owing to a direct action of the drug and/or to the cocaine-induced ischemia/hypoxia.  相似文献   

Summary The osmium tetroxide-zinc iodide fixative of Champy-Maillet has been used to study the rat's retina at the electron microscope level. Electron opaque deposits were observed all along the photoreceptor cells and concentrated in the outer segments of rods and cones and in the nerve endings. In the outer segments that deposits are located in the inter and intra disk spaces as well as between the disk and outer membranes. In the outer plexiform layer reactive sites include synaptic vesicles and mitochondria; other minor reactive sites are described in the inner segment and inner plexiform layer.Electron opaque deposits were not seen if potassium iodide substitutes zinc iodide in the fixative. However, if osmium tetroxide-potassium iodide fixed retinae are immersed in osmium tetroxide-zinc iodide the characteristic electron-dense material is evidenced at those same sites. The effect of other several fixatives were studied with a similar double fixation procedure. Our finding points to the histochemical demonstration of an unidentified component (s) of the retina which shows a striking specificity of localization and which is made evident when zinc iodide is used in the Champy-Maillet mixture.This work has been supported by grants of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Argentina and U.S. Air Force AF-AFOSR 67-0963 A.We are greatly indebted to Miss Haydée Agoff and to Mr. Alberto Saenz for their skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) in the rat rod photoreceptor outer segments (OS) was investigated with rabbit antiPIP2 antibodies. The OS of the light-adapted rat eye showed little or no staining, whereas the OS of the dark-adapted eye were intensely stained for PIP2. The immunoreactivity of photoreceptor PIP2 in the eye exposed to a brief flash of light was markedly reduced. However, subsequent dark-adaptation of the flash-bleached eye resulted in a rapid recovery of PIP2 immunoreactivity; dark-adaptation for 5 min was sufficient for recovery to the fully dark-adapted level. In dark-adapted eyes exposed to graded light intensities, the PIP2 immunostaining varied with light levels and was correlated with unbleached rhodopsin concentrations. These results suggest that PIP2 in the rat photoreceptor cells is rapidly hydrolyzed upon light exposure and rapidly synthesized in the dark and that the decrease of PIP2 level is triggered by photic bleaching of rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Cultures of several cell lines convert cytidine, if present in their medium, to uridine. The reaction is rapid, being virtually complete within one hour. The enzymatic activity is that of cytidine aminohydrolase (EC The activity is exhibited by the intact cell — substrate and products being found in the medium bathing the cells. The activity should be taken into account in studies involving cytidine, and other 6-amino pyrimidine nuclecsides. Of nine transformed cell lines, and nine primary and secondary cell strains screened for the presence of cytidine aminohydrolase activity, six cultures were positive. All the positive cultures were heteroploid transformed lines. No diploid strain cultures were positive, and two near diploid mouse lymphoid neoplasms were negative. PPLO contamination was not detected in the positive cultures. Within the limited series of cell cultures screened in this study, there appears to be a correlation between heteroploidy and the ability of the intact cultures to deaminate cytidine in excess of the cell requirement for the precursor.  相似文献   

The metabolism of proline was studied in liver cells isolated from starved rats. The following observations were made. 1. Consumption of proline could be largely accounted for by production of glucose, urea, glutamate and glutamine. 2. At least 50% of the total consumption of oxygen was used for proline catabolism. 3. Ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis from proline could be stimulated by partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. 4. Addition of ethanol had little effect on either proline uptake or oxygen consumption, but strongly inhibited the production of both urea and glucose and caused further accumulation of glutamate and lactate. Accumulation of glutamine was not affected by ethanol. 5. The effects of ethanol could be overcome by partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. 6. The apparent Km values of argininosuccinate synthetase (EC for aspartate and citrulline in the intact hepatocyte are higher than those reported for the isolated enzyme. 7. 3-Mercaptopicolinate, an inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC, greatly enhanced cytosolic aspartate accumulation during proline metabolism, but inhibited urea synthesis. 8. It is concluded that when proline is provided as a source of nitrogen to liver cells, production of ammonia by oxidative deamination of glutamate is inhibited by the highly reduced state of the nicotinamide nucleotides within the mitochondria. 9. Conversion of proline into glucose and urea is a net-energy-yielding process, and the high state of reduction of the nicotinamide nucleotides is presumably maintained by a high phosphorylation potential. Thus when proline is present as sole substrate, the further oxidation of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase (EC is limited by the rate of energy expenditure of the cell.  相似文献   

L-Glutamate, a putative photoreceptor cell neurotransmitter, causes thinning of the inner layers of the retina and has been used for preparing biologically fractionated photoreceptor cells. However, it is possible that absence of the inner retinal layers may affect the remaining retina, and/or glutamate may directly affect photoreceptor cells. We evaluated quantitatively the effects of L-glutamate on the developing photoreceptor cells by measuring the rod photoreceptor cell-specific protein, opsin. We purified rat rhodopsin and used it as the standard for measuring opsin content of rat retinas with competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Various concentrations of glutamate were injected into 7-day-old rats, and the effects of the amino acid concentration on opsin expression were determined on postnatal day 14. Inner layers of the retina degenerated when 10 microliters or 15 microliters of 2.4 M glutamate/gram body weight was administered subcutaneously. Opsin content of these glutamate-treated retinas decreased significantly compared with control retinas. We administered glutamate to rats at various stages of development and determined the effects by light microscopy on postnatal day 14. The administration of glutamate resulted in no degeneration of the inner retina if injected on postnatal day 1 or 2, degeneration of the inner retina between day 3 to 7, and again, no degeneration after postnatal day 13. Opsin content decreased significantly when glutamate was administered between postnatal day 1 to 7, but not after day 13, the day the blood-retinal barrier seems to reach maturity. Our findings indicate that systemic administration of L-glutamate affects the expression of opsin in the developing rod photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

The energy metabolism of rat thymus cells has been investigated using preparations of isolated cells obtained by mechanical treatment of whole organs. The addition of glycolytic substrates such as glucose, pyruvate and lactate stimulates the endogenous respiration of these cells by 50%. On the other hand, succinate, glutamate and malate do not produce any effect. Oligomycin (10 mug/ml) inhibits both endogenous and glucose stimulated respiration by about 40%; 2, 4-DNP (50 muM) increases by 100% glucose induced respiration. The results obtained by using mitochondrial and glycolytic inhibitors as well as aminoxyacetic acid (AOA) and following pyridine nucleotides redox changes, support the idea that in thymus cells glucose is able to induce a great enhancement of O2 consumption both by raising the level of endogenous pyruvate and feeding the mitochondrial respiratory chain with cytosolic reducing equivalents, through an active malate-aspartate shuttle. Thymus cells exhibit a high Pasteur effect (74%). Both AOA and 2,4 DNP are able to stimulate aerobic lactate accumulation by 200% and 100% respectively, indicating that either the redox or phosphate potential do influence the rate of aerobic glycolysis in isolated thymus cells. Similar experiments are also reported on other cells with well known biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Renewal of opsin in the photoreceptor cells of the mosquito   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Mosquito rhodopsin is a digitonin-soluble membrane protein of molecular weight 39,000 daltons, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The rhodopsin undergoes a spectral transition from R515-520 to M480 after orange illumination. The visual pigment apoprotein, opsin, is the major membrane protein in the eye. Protein synthesis in the photoreceptor cells occurs in the perinuclear cytoplasm and the newly made protein is transported to the rhabdom. Light adaptation increases the rate of turnover of this rhabdomal protein. The turnover of electrophoretically isolated opsin is also stimulated by light adaptation. The changes observed in protein metabolism biochemically, are consistent with previous morphological observations of photoreceptor membrane turnover. The results agree with the hypothesis that the newly synthesized rhabdomal protein is opsin.  相似文献   

Summary After the application of fixatives including phosphotungstic acid or a mixture of osmium tetroxide and zinc iodide, complex tubular structures are evident in the presynaptic side of the synapses between photoreceptor and bipolar cells of the rat's retina. In the first case only the limiting membranes are visualized, while in the second only the content of the tubules is stained. These tubules seem to be related, on a morphological ground, with the formation of synaptic vesicles. These tubular structures are not observed when fixation is done with osmium tetroxide or glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide.This work has been supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina, and from National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., (5 RO1 NS 06953-05 NEUA).We want to express our gratitude to Mrs. Haydée Agoff de Zimman and Mr. Alberto Saénz for their skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

1. Properties of median photoreceptor cells in cultured ocelli from the giant barnacle (Balanus nubilus) were compared in isolated ocelli, ocelli maintained with the supraesophageal ganglion, and fresh ocelli. 2. Cultured photoreceptor cells exhibited slight deterioration after 2-4 weeks. Cell bodies maintained their structure but apparently lost some dendrites. Electron micrographs revealed fewer rhabdomeres. Axons did not degenerate. 3. Intracellularly recorded responses to light in both cultured preparations were qualitatively normal with a small decrease in sensitivity and increase in input resistance. The waveforms of the light responses were normal. 4. The characteristic shadow reflex was maintained after 6 weeks.  相似文献   

Pineal glands of newborn rats were dissociated and maintained under cell culture conditions. The phenotypic expression of both photoreceptor and endocrine cell properties was investigated using immunohistochemical techniques (specific antibodies against opsin or serotonin). After one week in culture, a number of small round cells appeared on top of a sheet of flat epithelium. Among those cells, opsin-like immunoreactive cells were observed. These cells showed a neuron-like morphology with neuritic processes and often formed rosettes. Immunoreactivity was found on the plasma membrane of both the soma and cell processes. Serotonin-like immunoreactive cells were also differentiated in culture with two different morphological types of cells being found. One type resembled cultured serotonin-containing amacrine cells of the retina, and the other type had a flat, polygonal shape similar to that of pinealocytes. Both types of immunoreactive cells possessed fine neuritic processes. These results indicated that cell culture of rat pineal gland cells allowed expression of some properties, such as opsin synthesis and neuron-like morphology with long neuritic processes, that were not expressed in the intact rat pineal gland.  相似文献   

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