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Surface ozone concentrations ([O3]) during the growing season in much of the northern temperate zone reach mean peak daily concentrations of 60 p.p.b. Concentrations are predicted to continue to rise over much of the globe during the next 50 years. Although these low levels of ozone may not induce visible symptoms on most vegetation, they can result in substantial losses of production and reproductive output. Establishing the vulnerability of vegetation to rising background ozone is complicated by marked differences in findings between individual studies. Ozone effects are influenced by exposure dynamics, nutrient and moisture conditions, and the species and cultivars that are investigated. Meta‐analytic techniques provide an objective means to quantitatively summarize treatment responses. Soybean has been the subject of many studies of ozone effects. It is both the most widely planted dicotyledonous crop and a model for other C3 annual plants. Meta‐analytic techniques were used to quantitatively summarize the response of soybean to an average, chronic ozone exposure of 70 p.p.b., from 53 peer‐reviewed studies. At maturity, the average shoot biomass was decreased 34% and seed yield was 24% lower. Even in studies where [O3] was < 60 p.p.b., there was a significant decrease in biomass and seed production. At low [O3], decreased production corresponded to a decrease in leaf photosynthesis, but in higher [O3] the larger loss in production was associated with decreases in both leaf photosynthesis and leaf area. The impact of ozone increased with developmental stage, with little effect on vegetative growth and the greatest effect evident at completion of seed filling. Other stress treatments, including UV‐B and drought, did not alter the ozone response. Elevated carbon dioxide significantly decreased ozone‐induced losses, which may be explained by a significant decrease in stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

The use of social information is a prerequisite to the evolution of culture. In humans, social learning allows individuals to aggregate adaptive information and increase the complexity of technology at a level unparalleled in the animal kingdom. However, the potential to use social information is related to the availability of this type of information. Although most cultural evolution experiments assume that social learners are free to use social information, there are many examples of information withholding, particularly in ethnographic studies. In this experiment, we used a computer-based cultural game in which players were faced with a complex task and had the possibility to trade a specific part of their knowledge within their groups. The dynamics of information transmission were studied when competition was within- or exclusively between-groups. Our results show that between-group competition improved the transmission of information, increasing the amount and the quality of information. Further, informational access costs did not prevent social learners from performing better than individual learners, even when between-group competition was absent. Interestingly, between-group competition did not entirely eliminate access costs and did not improve the performance of players as compared with within-group competition. These results suggest that the field of cultural evolution would benefit from a better understanding of the factors that underlie the production and the sharing of information.  相似文献   

The potential for mutational processes to influence patterns of neutral or adaptive phenotypic evolution is not well understood. If mutations are directionally biased, shifting trait means in a particular direction, or if mutation generates more variance in some directions of multivariate trait space than others, mutation itself might be a source of bias in phenotypic evolution. Here, we use mutagenesis to investigate the affect of mutation on trait mean and (co)variances in zebrafish, Danio rerio. Mutation altered the relationship between age and both prolonged swimming speed and body shape. These observations suggest that mutational effects on ontogeny or aging have the potential to generate variance across the phenome. Mutations had a far greater effect in males than females, although whether this is a reflection of sex‐specific ontogeny or aging remains to be determined. In males, mutations generated positive covariance between swimming speed, size, and body shape suggesting the potential for mutation to affect the evolutionary covariation of these traits. Overall, our observations suggest that mutation does not generate equal variance in all directions of phenotypic space or in each sex, and that pervasive variation in ontogeny or aging within a cohort could affect the variation available to evolution.  相似文献   

A variety of human activities have detrimental impacts on populations of species the park is designed to protect. These impacts range from direct hunting for trophy or subsistence needs, through vehicular collisions, to the direct loss of habitat due to forestry and agricultural activity. These impacts reduce the effective size of the parks and require changes in management policy that deal both with the direct cause of the problem and the underlying social conflicts that the presence of parks can place on humans in the surrounding communities. Recent studies from the Serengeti illustrate that increases in anti-poaching patrols increase the risk of poacher detection and lead to dramatic declines in levels of poaching. The economic arguments that support investment in anti-poaching patrols, rather than increased sentences for poachers who are caught, can be generalized to examine the costs and benefits of other changes in natural resource management that arise when attempting to manage the impact of anthropogenic activities in and around national parks.  相似文献   

Abstract Global atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen rapidly since the Industrial Revolution and are considered as a primary factor in climate change. The effects of elevated CO2 on herbivore insects were found to be primarily through the CO2‐induced changes occurring in their host plants, which then possibly affect the intensity and frequency of pest outbreaks on crops. This paper reviews several ongoing research models using primary pests of crops (cotton bollworm, whitefly, aphids) and their natural enemies (ladybeetles, parasitoids) in China to examine insect responses to elevated CO2. It is generally indicated that elevated CO2 prolonged the development of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, a chewing insect, by decreasing the foliar nitrogen of host plants. In contrast, the phloem‐sucking aphid and whitefly insects had species‐specific responses to elevated CO2 because of complex interactions that occur in the phloem sieve elements of plants. Some aphid species, such as cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii and wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae, were considered to represent the only feeding guild to respond positively to elevated CO2 conditions. Although whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a major vector of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, had neutral response to elevated CO2, the plants became less vulnerable to the virus infection under elevated CO2. The predator and parasitoid response to elevated CO2 were frequently idiosyncratic. These documents from Chinese scientists suggested that elevated CO2 initially affects the crop plant and then cascades to a higher trophic level through the food chain to encompass herbivores (pests), their natural enemies, pathogens and underground nematodes, which disrupt the natural balance observed previously in agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the present study, we observed the effect of age of Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera, Syrphidae) females on their fecundity and fertility (number and percentage of fertile eggs). Eight newborn E. batteatus couples were placed in separated cages (30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm) and the number of eggs laid and the egg viability were recorded daily during 45 days. E. balteatus females had a pre-oviposition period of 10 days before mating happened. The fecundity increased steadily from day 11 to day 16 with an average of 30 eggs a day. During the following days (from day 23 to day 45), we found that the optimal fecundity was observed every second day and that 70.47% of the eggs laid during the entire life of the females were fertile. We also found that the fertility decreased significantly when the females were older than 38 days. As result, the age of hoverfly females influence significantly on their reproduction, with suggesting that hoverfly females from 2 to 5 weeks old are important agents for biological control programs.  相似文献   

Recent research has generally shown that a small change in the number of species in a food web can have consequences both for community structure and ecosystem processes. However ‘change’ is not limited to just the number of species in a community, but might include an alteration to such properties as precipitation, nutrient cycling and temperature, all of which are correlated with productivity. Here we argue that predicted scenarios of global change will result in increased plant productivity. We model three scenarios of change using simple Lotka–Volterra dynamics, which explore how a global change in productivity might affect the strength of local species interactions and detail the consequences for community and ecosystem level stability. Our results indicate that (i) at local scales the average population size of consumers may decline because of poor quality food resources, (ii) that the strength of species interactions at equilibrium may become weaker because of reduced population size, and (iii) that species populations may become more variable and may take longer to recover from environmental or anthropogenic disturbances. At local scales interaction strengths encompass such properties as feeding rates and assimilation efficiencies, and encapsulate functionally important information with regard to ecosystem processes. Interaction strengths represent the pathways and transfer of energy through an ecosystem. We examine how such local patterns might be affected given various scenarios of ‘global change’ and discuss the consequences for community stability and ecosystem functioning.


Die neuere Forschung hat im Allgemeinen gezeigt, dass eine kleine Veränderung in der Zahl der Arten in einem Nahrungsnetz sowohl Konsequenzen für die Gemeinschaftsstruktur als auch für die Ökosystemprozesse haben kann. „Wandel“ist jedoch nicht nur auf die Anzahl der Arten in einer Gemeinschaft beschränkt, sondern kann auch Veränderungen von Eigenschaften wie Niederschlag, Nährstoffkreisläufe und Temperatur beinhalten, die alle mit der Produktivität korreliert sind. Hier argumentieren wir, dass vorhergesagte Szenarios des globalen Wandels in einer erhöhten Pflanzenproduktivität resultieren werden. Wir modellieren drei Szenarien des Wandels unter der Verwendung einfacher Lotka–Volterra–Dynamiken, die erkunden, wie ein globaler Wandel in der Produktivität die Stärke von lokalen Arteninteraktionen beeinflusst, und wir beschreiben detailliert die Konsequenzen für die Gemeinschaft und die Stabilität des Ökosystemlevels. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, (i) dass auf einer lokalen Skala die durchschnittliche Populationsgröße der Konsumenten aufgrund der geringen Qualität der Nahrungsressourcen abnehmen könnte, (ii) dass die Stärke der Arteninteraktionen im Gleichgewicht aufgrund der reduzierten Populationsgröße schwächer werden könnte und (iii) dass die Populationen der Arten variabler werden und länger brauchen könnten, um sich von umweltbedingten oder anthropogenen Störungen zu erholen. Auf lokalen Skalen umfassen Interaktionsstärken Eigenschaften wie Fraßraten und Assimilationseffizienzen und enthalten wichtige funktionelle Information in Bezug auf Ökosystemprozesse. Interaktionsstärken repräsentieren die Energiewege und den Energietransfer in einem Ökosystem. Wir untersuchen, wie solche lokalen Muster unter der Voraussetzung verschiedener gegebener Szenarios des „globalen Wandels“beeinflusst werden könnten und diskutieren die Konsequenzen für die Gemeinschaftsstabilität und Ökosystemfunktion.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Nickel affects a wide range of physiological processes in plants, which may result in higher growth and yield. Recent studies demonstrate that soybean genotypes show positive, but...  相似文献   

The performance of herbivore insects is determined directly by the quality of host plants. Elevated CO2 induced a decline in foliar nitrogen, which reduced the growth of chewing insects. Phloem-sucking insects (i.e. aphid), however, had species-specific responses to elevated CO2 and were the only feeding guild to respond positively to elevated CO2. Although many studies attempt to illuminate the interaction between aphids and plants under elevated CO2, few studies can explain why some aphids are more successful than other chewing insects in elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 leads to a re-allocation of the carbon and nitrogen resources in plant tissue, which increases the thickness of the microscopic structures of leaves, reduces amino acids content of leaf phloem sap and increases the secondary metabolites. Considering the complexity of aphid–plant interactions, it is difficult and unreasonable to predict the general response of aphids to elevated CO2 using a single plant component. Instead, it is more likely that aphids are able to overcome the disadvantages of the indirect effects of elevated CO2 by reducing developmental times and increasing fecundity under elevated CO2 conditions. Our results provide several clues to why some aphids are successful in elevated CO2 conditions. We review recent studies of the effects of elevated CO2 on aphids and discuss the effects of elevated CO2 on aphid performance on crops using cotton and cereal aphids as examples.  相似文献   

Members of the Hedgehog (Hh) family of proteins are conserved morphogens that spread and modulate cell fates in target tissue. Mature Hh carries two lipid adducts, a palmitoyl group at the N terminus and cholesterol at the C terminus. Recent findings have addressed how these lipid modifications affect the function and transport of Hh in Drosophila. In contrast to the palmitoyl adduct, cholesterol appears not to be essential for signalling. However, the absence of the cholesterol adduct affects the spread of Hh within tissues. As we discuss here, the exact nature of this effect is controversial.  相似文献   

Does elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect wood decomposition?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that wood tissues generated under elevated atmospheric [CO2] have lower quality and subsequent reduced decomposition rates. Chemical composition and subsequent field decomposition rates were studied for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) twigs grown under ambient and elevated [CO2] in open top chambers. Elevated [CO2] significantly affected the chemical composition of beech twigs, which had 38% lower N and 12% lower lignin concentrations than twigs grown under ambient [CO2]. The strong decrease in N concentration resulted in a significant increase in the C/N and lignin/N ratios of the beech wood grown at elevated [CO2]. However, the elevated [CO2] treatment did not reduce the decomposition rates of twigs, neither were the dynamics of N and lignin in the decomposing beech wood affected by the [CO2] treatment, despite initial changes in N and lignin concentrations between the ambient and elevated [CO2] beech wood. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ravenna grass, Tripidium ravennae (L.) H. Scholz, is known to produce an abundance of biomass, but how plant density affects its biomass potential remains unknown. The objectives were to determine the effects of plant density on biomass yield; plant growth traits; biomass?carbon, nitrogen, and ash concentrations; heating value; nitrogen removal; and sucrose concentration in leaves and culms. The treatments consisted of five plant densities (1,250; 2,500; 5,000; 10,000; and 20,000 plants per hectare) in a randomized complete block design with four blocks. Plots were nonirrigated, unfertilized, and harvested once during the dormant season each year. Data were collected from 2015?2019. Dependent variables that varied with plant population density (p < .05) were biomass yield, number of reproductive culms per plant, reproductive culm diameter, reproductive culm sucrose concentration, and nitrogen removal with biomass. Biomass yield ranged from 5.6 to 16.3 Mg/ha for plant densities of 1,250–20,000 plants per hectare, respectively. Combined over years, nonlinear regression of the data showed the equation for biomass yield to plateau at 16.2 Mg/ha at a plant density of 10,640 plants per hectare. As plant density increased, the number of reproductive culms per plant, culm diameter, and culm sucrose concentration significantly decreased. At 1,250 plants per hectare, the number of reproductive culms per plant, culm diameter, and culm sucrose averaged 70, 10.2 mm, and 63.2 g/kg, respectively. Nitrogen removed with biomass significantly increased as biomass yield increased with plant density. At a density of 10,000 and 20,000 plants per hectare, the amount of nitrogen removed annually in the harvested biomass averaged 88 kg/ha. The data suggest that 10,000 plants per hectare would produce the greatest annual biomass yields; however, research is needed to determine the nutrient requirement for Ravenna grass to sustain biomass production at that density.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) reversibly catalyzes the carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate to oxaloacetate. Carbon dioxide, and not bicarbonate ion, is the substrate utilized. Assays of the carboxylation reaction show that initial velocities are 7.6-fold higher when CO(2) is used instead of HCO(3)(-). Two Escherichia coli PCK-CO(2) crystal structures are presented here. The location of CO(2) is the same for both structures; however the orientation of CO(2) is significantly different, likely from the presence of a manganese ion in one of the structures. PCK and the other three known protein-CO(2) crystal structure complexes have been compared; all have CO(2) hydrogen bonding with a basic amino acid side chain (Arg65 or Lys213 in PCK), likely to polarize CO(2) to make the central carbon atom more electrophilic and thus more reactive. Kinetic studies found that the PCK mutant Arg65Gln increased the K(M) for substrates PEP and oxaloacetate but not for CO(2). The unchanged K(M) for CO(2) can be explained since the Arg65Gln mutant likely maintains a hydrogen bond to one of the oxygen atoms of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - In the first two decades of the XXI century, corroles have emerged as an important class of porphyrinoids for photonics and biomedical photonics. In comparison with...  相似文献   

Rhomboid proteases constitute a family of intramembrane serine proteases ubiquitous in all forms of life. They differ in many aspects from their soluble counterparts. We applied molecular dynamics (MD) computational approach to address several challenging issues regarding their catalytic mechanism: How does the exosite of GlpG rhomboid protease control the kinetics efficiency of substrate hydrolysis? What is the mechanism of inhibition by the non‐competitive peptidyl aldehyde inhibitors bound to the GlpG rhomboid active site (AS)? What is the underlying mechanism that explains the hypothesis that GlpG rhomboid protease is not adopted for the hydrolysis of short peptides that do not contain a transmembrane domain (TMD)? Two fundamental features of rhomboid catalysis, the enzyme recognition and discrimination of substrates by TMD interactions in the exosite, and the concerted mechanism of non‐covalent pre‐catalytic complex to covalent tetrahedral complex (TC) conversion, provide answers to these mechanistic questions.  相似文献   

The Sec complex catalyzes the translocation of proteins of the secretory pathway into the endoplasmic reticulum and the integration of membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Some substrate peptides require the presence and involvement of accessory proteins such as Sec63. Recently, a structure of the Sec complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, consisting of the Sec61 channel and the Sec62, Sec63, Sec71 and Sec72 proteins was determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Here, we show by co-precipitation that the Sec61 channel subunit Sbh1 is not required for formation of stable Sec63-Sec61 contacts. Molecular dynamics simulations started from the cryo-EM conformation of Sec61 bound to Sec63 and of unbound Sec61 revealed how Sec63 affects the conformation of Sec61 lateral gate, plug, pore region and pore ring diameter via three intermolecular contact regions. Molecular docking of SRP-dependent vs. SRP-independent signal peptide chains into the Sec61 channel showed that the pore regions affected by presence/absence of Sec63 play a crucial role in positioning the signal anchors of SRP-dependent substrates nearby the lateral gate.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) plants grown under control (360 µmol mol?1) or elevated CO2 concentration (800 µmol mol?1) from 33 to 42 d after sowing were assayed for various components of in vivo nitrogenase activity to test the hypothesis that increasing carbohydrate supply to nodules would increase the potential (i.e. O2 saturated) nitrogenase activity and impose a more severe O2 limitation on both nodule metabolism and total nitrogenase activity. Within 51 h of elevated CO2 treatment, significant increases relative to control plants were seen in total nitrogenase activity expressed per plant. After 6 d of elevated CO2, the total nitrogenase activity per plant was 18% higher than that in control. This was attributed to an initial increase in nodule size, and a subsequent increase in nodule number following plant exposure to elevated CO2. However, after 9 d of elevated CO2, the potential and total nitrogenase activities per gram nodule dry weight were lower, not higher than corresponding values in plants in the control treatment. These results did not support the hypothesis. It was concluded that the metabolic capacity of the control nodules were not limited by carbohydrate supply, at least at the assay temperatures employed here.  相似文献   

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