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During development, motor and sensory axons grow to peripheral targets with remarkable precision. Whereas much has been learned about the development of motoneuron connectivity, less is known about the regulation of cutaneous innervation. In adults, dorsal root ganglia (DRG) innervate characteristic skin regions, termed dermatomes, and their axons project somatotopically in the dorsal horn. Here, we have investigated whether cutaneous neurons are selectively matched with specific skin regions, and whether peripheral target skin influences the central connections of cutaneous neurons. To address these questions, we shifted limb buds rostrally in chick embryos prior to axon outgrowth, causing DRGs to innervate novel skin regions, and mapped the resulting dermatomes and central projections. Following limb shifts, cutaneous innervation arose from more rostral and from fewer DRGs than normal, but the overall dermatome pattern was preserved. Thus, DRGs parcel out innervation of skin in a consistent manner, with no indication of matching between skin and DRGs. Similarly, cutaneous nerves established a "normal" somatotopic map in the dorsal horn, but in more rostral segments than usual. Thus, the peripheral target skin may influence the pattern of CNS projections, but does not direct cutaneous axons to specific populations of neurons in the dorsal horn.  相似文献   

The initiation, execution, and completion of complex locomotor behaviors are depending on precisely integrated neural circuitries consisting of motor pathways that activate muscles in the extremities and sensory afferents that deliver feedback to motoneurons. These projections form in tight temporal and spatial vicinities during development, yet the molecular mechanisms and cues coordinating these processes are not well understood. Using cell-type specific ablation of the axon guidance receptor Neuropilin-1 (Npn-1) in spinal motoneurons or in sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), we have explored the contribution of this signaling pathway to correct innervation of the limb. We show that Npn-1 controls the fasciculation of both projections and mediates inter-axonal communication. Removal of Npn-1 from sensory neurons results in defasciculation of sensory axons and, surprisingly, also of motor axons. In addition, the tight coupling between these two heterotypic axonal populations is lifted with sensory fibers now leading the spinal nerve projection. These findings are corroborated by partial genetic elimination of sensory neurons, which causes defasciculation of motor projections to the limb. Deletion of Npn-1 from motoneurons leads to severe defasciculation of motor axons in the distal limb and dorsal-ventral pathfinding errors, while outgrowth and fasciculation of sensory trajectories into the limb remain unaffected. Genetic elimination of motoneurons, however, revealed that sensory axons need only minimal scaffolding by motor axons to establish their projections in the distal limb. Thus, motor and sensory axons are mutually dependent on each other for the generation of their trajectories and interact in part through Npn-1-mediated fasciculation before and within the plexus region of the limbs.  相似文献   

In the chick, sensory neurons grow to their segmentally appropriate target sites in the hindlimb from the outset during normal development. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms, we performed various manipulations of the neural tube, including the neural crest, or of the hindlimb, before axonal outgrowth and assessed the resulting sensory projections using retrograde and anterograde HRP labeling and electrophysiological techniques. Previous experiments had shown that motoneurons are specified to project to their appropriate target muscles prior to axon outgrowth and that they respond to cues in the limb in order to grow to those targets (C. Lance-Jones and L. Landmesser, 1980, J. Physiol. (London) 302, 559-602; C. Lance-Jones and L. Landmesser, 1981, Proc. R. Soc. London, B 214, 19-52). When several segments of neural tube and neural crest were deleted, sensory neurons in the remaining segments still projected along their correct pathways, as did motoneurons. In situations in which motoneurons grew to their correct targets from altered positions with respect to the limb (e.g., small neural tube reversals), sensory neurons also tended to project along the segmentally appropriate pathways both to skin and to muscle. In situations in which motoneurons were displaced greater distances from their normal point of entry into the limb and made wrong connections (e.g., large neural tube reversals, anterior-posterior limb reversals), sensory neurons also projected incorrectly. The patterns of sensory projections to muscles were, in each situation, generally similar to the motoneuron projections. These results are consistent with the possibility that sensory neurons, like motoneurons, are specified with respect to their peripheral connectivity. Alternatively, the results suggest that motoneurons may play a role in the process of pathway selection by sensory neurons.  相似文献   

During embryonic development skin sensory neurons in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) establish their dermatomes and axonal projections in a precise, orderly fashion in the chick. To investigate mechanisms responsible for this specific outgrowth, the rostrocaudal order of DRGs T7-LS3 was reversed by rotating the corresponding segments of neural crest, either alone or together with the underlying neural tube in St.15-16 embryos. The resulting skin sensory innervation patterns, mapped physiologically or anatomically at St.29-40, differed between the two experimental groups. Following neural tube rotations DRGs tended to establish innervation patterns that were consonant with their original position in the embryo. Axons from these rotated DRGs generally projected into the appropriate pathways and innervated the appropriate region of skin. Neural crest rotations left the ventral neural tube (including the motor neuron precursors) largely intact. In this case rotated DRGs tended to establish innervation patterns in accordance with their new position in the embryo, almost as if no rotation had been made. These results cannot be explained solely by the inherent specificity of sensory neurons. Instead, the results are largely consistent with the suggestion (Honig et al., 1986; Landmesser and Honig, 1986) that motor axons can direct the outgrowth of sensory axons and thereby influence the establishment of sensory innervation patterns. Other mechanisms that may also affect the development of sensory innervation patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Sprouty (Spry) proteins are negative feedback inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Downregulation of Spry2 has been demonstrated to promote elongative axon growth of cultured peripheral and central neurons. Here, we analyzed Spry2 global knockout mice with respect to axon outgrowth in vitro and peripheral axon regeneration in vivo. Neurons dissociated from adult Spry2 deficient sensory ganglia revealed stronger extracellular signal‐regulated kinase activation and enhanced axon outgrowth. Prominent axon elongation was observed in heterozygous Spry2+/? neuron cultures, whereas homozygous Spry2?/? neurons predominantly exhibited a branching phenotype. Following sciatic nerve crush, Spry2+/? mice recovered faster in motor but not sensory testing paradigms (Spry2?/? mice did not tolerate anesthesia required for nerve surgery). We attribute the improvement in the rotarod test to higher numbers of myelinated fibers in the regenerating sciatic nerve, higher densities of motor endplates in hind limb muscles and increased levels of GAP‐43 mRNA, a downstream target of extracellular regulated kinase signaling. Conversely, homozygous Spry2?/? mice revealed enhanced mechanosensory function (von Frey's test) that was accompanied by an increased innervation of the epidermis, elevated numbers of nonmyelinated axons and more IB4‐positive neurons in dorsal root ganglia. The present results corroborate the functional significance of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling inhibitors for axon outgrowth during development and nerve regeneration and propose Spry2 as a novel potential target for pharmacological inhibition to accelerate long‐distance axon regeneration in injured peripheral nerves. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 217–231, 2015  相似文献   

During the normal development of the chick, lateral motoneurons within the lumbosacral motor column of the spinal cord consistently project to muscles of dorsal origin within the limb while medial motoneurons project to muscles of ventral origin. To determine if specific cues arising from each type of target are the dominant guidance cues used by lateral and medial motoneurons to create this pattern, I examined motoneuron projections in embryonic chick limbs with a double complement of dorsal thigh musculature and no ventral musculature. Results indicate that cues associated with muscles of a specific developmental origin do not invariably dominate. Before and after the major period of motoneuron death, all muscles in dorsal limb regions (host) were innervated by lateral or dorsal pool neurons. Most ventrally positioned (donor) muscles were innervated by medial or ventral pool neurons. Only the donor iliofibularis, a muscle located very near to its original source of innervation, received projections from some lateral neurons. Within the limb proper, medial or ventral pool neurons projected to donor muscles in a patterned manner suggesting that they were following nonspecific regional cues and perhaps also responding to the availability of uninnervated target tissue. I conclude that axon sorting into distinct lateral and medial classes is independent of limb target complement and that subsequent pathway choice is a separate event governed by both specific target cues and other guidance mechanisms.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The neuromuscular system of the cockroach containsmotor neurons and muscles that can be identified in all individualinsects When the axons of these motor neurons are damaged theyregenerate and eventually reform synapses only with the originaltarget muscles However at early times after axotomy transientinappropriate functional connections are made between regeneratingneurons and muscles that theynever normally innervate Laterthe inappropriate synapses are inactivated, the inappropriateaxon branches eliminated and the original innervation patternreformed A cellcell recognition between identified motor neuronsand muscles is required to explain these observations, particularlyin light of experiments demonstrating the absence of competitionbetween appropriate and inappropriate axon terminals withinthe muscle. A minimum biochemical requirement of such a cell-cell recognitionis the existence of molecules whose presence in muscles correlateswith the innervation by identified motor neurons Using fluoresceinlabelled plant lectins to detect muscle surface glycoproteinssuch molecules have been identified In addition, there shouldbe molecular differences among the surfaces of the axon terminalsof the various identified motor neurons Hybrid oma techniqueshave enabled us to obtain monoclonal antibodies that bind tosurfaces of axon terminals of some motor neurons and not othersThese lectin receptors and antigens are good candidate recognitionmacromolecules Other molecules essential for axonal regenerationhave been identified by their presence in embryonic and adultregenerating neurons and their absence from intact adult neurons.  相似文献   

The development of patterned axon outgrowth and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) formation was examined after partially or totally removing chick somitic mesoderm. Since the dermamyotome is not essential and a full complement of limb muscles developed, alterations in neural patterns could be ascribed to deletion of sclerotome. When somitic tissue was completely removed, axons extended and DRG formed, but in an unsegmented pattern. Therefore the somite does not elicit outgrowth of axons or migration of DRG precursors, it is not a manditory substratum and it is not required for DRG condensation. These results suggest that posterior sclerotome is relatively inhibitory to invasion, an inhibition that is released when sclerotome is absent. When somites were partially deleted, axonal segmentation was not lost proportionally with the amount of sclerotome removed, suggesting that properties that may vary with sclerotome volume (such as diffusible cues) do not play a primary role. Instead, spinal nerves lost segmentation only when ventral sclerotome was deleted, regardless of whether dorsal sclerotome was or was not removed. This strongly suggests that axonal segmentation is imposed by direct interactions between growth cones and extracellular matrices or surfaces sclerotome cells. While DRG tended to be normally segmented when ventral sclerotome was deleted and to lose segmentation when dorsomedial sclerotome was absent, a coordinate loss of DRG segmentation with sclerotome volume could not be ruled out. However it is clear that axonal and DRG segmentation are independent. Observations on a subset of embryos in which the notochord was displaced relative to the spinal cord suggest that the ventromedial sclerotome surrounding the notochord inhibits axon advance. Posterior and ventromedial sclerotome are hypothesized to act as barriers to axon outgrowth due to some feature of their common cartilaginous development. Specific innervation patterns were also examined. When the notochord was displaced toward the control limb, axons on this side made and corrected projection errors, suggesting that the notochord can influence the precision of axonal pathway selection. In contrast, motor axons that entered the limb on all operated sides innervated muscle with their normal precision despite the absence of the somite and axonal segmentation. Therefore, the somite and the process of spinal nerve segmentation are largely irrelevant to the specificity of motoneuron projection.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons possess the central and peripheral branches and they form unique spinal neural circuits with motoneurons during development. Peripheral branches of sensory axons fasciculate with the motor axons that extend toward the peripheral muscles from the central nervous system (CNS), whereas the central branches of proprioceptive sensory neurons directly innervate motoneurons. Although anatomically well documented, the molecular mechanism underlying sensory-motor interaction during neural circuit formation is not fully understood. To investigate the role of motoneuron on sensory neuron development, we analyzed sensory neuron phenotypes in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of Olig2 knockout (KO) mouse embryos, which lack motoneurons. We found an increased number of apoptotic cells in the DRG of Olig2 KO embryos at embryonic day (E) 10.5. Furthermore, abnormal axonal projections of sensory neurons were observed in both the peripheral branches at E10.5 and central branches at E15.5. To understand the motoneuron-derived factor that regulates sensory neuron development, we focused on neurotrophin 3 (Ntf3; NT-3), because Ntf3 and its receptors (Trk) are strongly expressed in motoneurons and sensory neurons, respectively. The significance of motoneuron-derived Ntf3 was analyzed using Ntf3 conditional knockout (cKO) embryos, in which we observed increased apoptosis and abnormal projection of the central branch innervating motoneuron, the phenotypes being apparently comparable with that of Olig2 KO embryos. Taken together, we show that the motoneuron is a functional source of Ntf3 and motoneuron-derived Ntf3 is an essential pre-target neurotrophin for survival and axonal projection of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

During normal development and following a variety of experimental manipulations (e.g., neural tube rotations, limb shifts), sensory neurons in the chick grow to their correct targets. L. Landmesser and M. G. Honig (1986, Dev. Biol. 118, 511-531) have suggested that sensory innervation may be precise, not because sensory neurons respond to limb-derived guidance cues, but because sensory neurons interact with motoneurons, which do respond to such cues. To test this hypothesis for skin sensory neurons, the ventral neural tube, including the motoneuron precursors, was removed from chick embryos prior to sensory axon outgrowth and the resulting patterns of dermatomes and axonal projections were mapped physiologically and anatomically. As reported previously, dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and cutaneous nerves formed in their usual locations following the early removal of motoneurons, while most muscle nerves and the plexus region were reduced substantially (A. C. Taylor, 1944, J. Exp. Zool. 96, 159-185; L. Landmesser and M. G. Honig, 1986, Dev. Biol. 118, 511-531; G. J. Swanson and J. Lewis, 1986, J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol. 95, 37-52). The patterns of axonal projections and dermatomes were surprisingly, although not entirely, normal. In particular, cutaneous nerves in motoneuron-depleted embryos were derived from the same DRGs in approximately the same proportions as normal. Thus, while motoneurons may play a facilitative role in the development of the segmental pattern of skin sensory innervation, they do not appear to be essential.  相似文献   

Chick sensory neurons grow to their correct targets in the hindlimb from the outset during normal development and following various experimental manipulations. This may result not because sensory neurons respond to specific limb-derived cues, but because they interact in some way with motoneurons which are responsive to such cues. To test this possibility, we removed the ventral part of the neural tube, which contains motoneurons and their precursors, at stages 16 1/2-20 1/2 and later examined the pathways sensory neurons had taken within the limb. Muscle nerves generally were missing or were reduced in diameter beyond the extent expected simply from the absence of motoneuron axons. In many cases, cutaneous nerves were enlarged, presumably due to the addition of other sensory axons. This result suggests that, in the absence of motoneurons, sensory neurons that normally project to muscles are unable to do so and may instead project along cutaneous pathways. Sensory axons from different segments also crossed less extensively in the plexus region than they did in control embryos, suggesting that alterations in their trajectories may normally be facilitated by similar changes in motoneuron pathways. Thus, motoneurons greatly enhance sensory neuron growth to muscles and contribute significantly toward the achievement of the normal sensory projection pattern. Sensory axons may fasciculate with motoneuron axons, or motoneuron axons may provide an aligned substrate for sensory neurons to grow along. Alternatively, motoneuron axons may alter the environment, thereby making certain pathways in the limb permissive for sensory neuron growth.  相似文献   

In zebrafish embryos, the axons of the posterior trigeminal (Vp) and facial (VII) motoneurons project stereotypically to a small number of target muscles derived from the first and second branchial arches (BA1, BA2). Use of the Islet1 (Isl1)-GFP transgenic line enabled precise real-time observations of the growth cone behaviour of the Vp and VII motoneurons within BA1 and BA2. Screening for N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutants identified seven distinct mutations affecting different steps in the axonal pathfinding of these motoneurons. The class 1 mutations caused severe defasciculation and abnormal pathfinding in both Vp and VII motor axons before they reached their target muscles in BA1. The class 2 mutations caused impaired axonal outgrowth of the Vp motoneurons at the BA1-BA2 boundary. The class 3 mutation caused impaired axonal outgrowth of the Vp motoneurons within the target muscles derived from BA1 and BA2. The class 4 mutation caused retraction of the Vp motor axons in BA1 and abnormal invasion of the VII motor axons in BA1 beyond the BA1-BA2 boundary. Time-lapse observations of the class 1 mutant, vermicelli (vmc), which has a defect in the plexin A3 (plxna3) gene, revealed that Plxna3 acts with its ligand Sema3a1 for fasciculation and correct target selection of the Vp and VII motor axons after separation from the common pathways shared with the sensory axons in BA1 and BA2, and for the proper exit and outgrowth of the axons of the primary motoneurons from the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The innervation of the myotomal muscles in the trunk region of Xenopus embryos has been examined to see how the path taken by motoneurons within the spinal cord is formed. The growth of motor axons has been studied by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase and the growth of the spinal cord and myotomes has been studied by labeling with fluorescent beads. Results show that motoneurons initially innervate the nearest muscles. Then through a process of differential growth whereby the muscles elongate more than the spinal cord, the axonal terminals in the muscles become displaced caudally relative to their cell bodies. In this manner the central pathway taken by the motor axons develops after initial innervation of their peripheral targets.  相似文献   

The dorsal ramus nerve diverges dorsally from each spinal nerve to innervate the epaxial muscle and dermis that are derived in situ from each dermamyotome. The outgrowth of both the sensory and motor components of this nerve are sensitive to the proximity of the dermamyotome. Motoneurons display a direct target response that is not dependent upon the concurrent outgrowth of sensory neurites (Tosney: Dev. Biol. 122:540-588, 1987). Likewise, the outgrowth of sensory neurites could be directly dependent on the dermamyotome. Alternatively, sensory neurites could be dependent on motor axons that in turn require the dermamyotome for outgrowth. To distinguish between these possibilities, motor outgrowth was abolished by unilateral ventral neural tube deletion and the patterns of subsequent sensory neurite outgrowth were assessed. The cutaneous nerve branch formed in all cases. In contrast, neither of the epaxial muscle nerves formed in the absence of epaxial motoneuron outgrowth. Furthermore, sensory neurites could not be detected diverging into muscle from the cutaneous nerve or entering muscle via other novel routes. We conclude that motoneurons are essential for sensory outgrowth to epaxial muscle but not to cutaneous targets. It is clear that different subsets of navigational cues guide sensory afferents to muscle and to cutaneous destinations.  相似文献   

We asked whether regenerating hindlimb motor axons would innervate inappropriate hindlimb regions if competition from appropriate innervation were prevented. The three ventral roots that innervate the hindlimb in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpole were transected, and the two more rostral roots were ligated to prevent regeneration. The most caudal root, which primarily supplies more distal limb musculature in unoperated tadpoles, was left free to regenerate. The specificity of regeneration was assessed by retrogradely labeling spinal motoneurons with HRP placed in the ventral thigh, a region that receives most of its innervation from the ligated roots. Despite the lack of competition from appropriate innervation, the regenerating root did not provide substantial innervation to proximal limb musculature. The same result was obtained in tadpoles operated upon at stages when regeneration of motor axons is specific and in tadpoles at stages when regenerating motor axons do not reinnervate their appropriate targets (Farel and Bemelmans, 1986), although the mechanisms in each case are likely different.  相似文献   

Axon fasciculation is one of the processes controlling topographic innervation during embryonic development. While axon guidance steers extending axons in the accurate direction, axon fasciculation allows sets of co-extending axons to grow in tight bundles. The Eph:ephrin family has been involved both in axon guidance and fasciculation, yet it remains unclear how these two distinct types of responses are elicited. Herein we have characterized the role of ephrin-B1, a member of the ephrinB family in sensory and motor innervation of the limb. We show that ephrin-B1 is expressed in sensory axons and in the limb bud mesenchyme while EphB2 is expressed in motor and sensory axons. Loss of ephrin-B1 had no impact on the accurate dorso-ventral innervation of the limb by motor axons, yet EfnB1 mutants exhibited decreased fasciculation of peripheral motor and sensory nerves. Using tissue-specific excision of EfnB1 and in vitro experiments, we demonstrate that ephrin-B1 controls fasciculation of axons via a surround repulsion mechanism involving growth cone collapse of EphB2-expressing axons. Altogether, our results highlight the complex role of Eph:ephrin signaling in the development of the sensory-motor circuit innervating the limb.  相似文献   

EphA-ephrin signaling has recently been implicated in the establishment of motor innervation patterns, in particular in determining whether motor axons project into dorsal versus ventral nerve trunks in the limb. We investigated whether sensory axons, which grow out together with and can be guided by motor axons, are also influenced by Eph-ephrin signaling. We show that multiple EphA receptors are expressed in DRGs when limb innervation is being established, and EphA receptors are present on growth cones of both NGF-dependent (predominantly cutaneous) and NT3-dependent (predominantly proprioceptive) afferents. Both soluble and membrane-attached ephrin-A5 inhibited growth of approximately half of each population of sensory axons in vitro. On average, growth cones that collapsed in response to soluble ephrin-A5 extended more slowly than those that did not, and ephrin-A5 significantly slowed the extension of NGF-dependent growth cones that did not collapse. Finally, we show that ectopic expression of ephrin-A5 in ovo reduced arborization of cutaneous axons in skin on the limb. Together these results suggest that sensory neurons respond directly to A-class ephrins in the limb. Thus, ephrins appear to pattern sensory axon growth in two ways-both directly, and indirectly via their inhibitory effects on neighboring motor axons.  相似文献   

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