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The aim of this study was to determine the resistance mechanisms of chili induced by the Bacillus subtilis strain D604 using synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy (SR-FTIR). In this study, the strain D604 reduced anthracnose disease severity in chili plants by approximately 31.10%. The SR-FTIR spectral changes from the epidermis and mesophyll leaf tissue revealed higher integral areas for the C=O ester from lipids, lignin, or pectin (1770–1700?cm?1) as well as polysaccharides (1200–900?cm?1) in the treated samples of D606 and distilled water and then challenge inoculation with chili anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum acutatum. The secondary structure of the Amide I protein failed to convert from alpha helices (centered at 1650?cm?1) to beta sheets (centered at 1600?cm?1) in the mesophyll of samples not treated with D604. This study suggested that the strain D604 induced resistance against anthracnose pathogen in chili by inducing cellular changes related to defense compounds involved in plant defense mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract Using promoter-probe plasmids, more than 200 promoter-containing fragments from Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis were cloned in B. subtilis . Among these, 15 promoter fragments were highly temperature-dependent in activity compared to the promoter sequence (TTGAAA for the −35 region, TATAAT for the −10 region) of the amylase gene, amyT , from B. stearothermophilus . Some fragments exhibited higher promoter activities at elevated temperature (48°C), others showed higher activities at lower temperature (30°C). Active promoter fragments at higher and lower temperatures were obtained mainly from the thermophile ( B. stearothermophilus ) and the mesophile ( B. subtilis ), respectively. A promoter fragment active at high temperature was sequenced, and the feature of the putative promoter region was discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that a variety of biochemical processes that underlie the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases may have much in common with those connected with natural aging. It was shown that they involve, among others, lipid peroxidation and/or generation of insoluble in water protein deposits (i.e. alpha-synuclein and/or beta amyloid). Therefore, it is likely that the analysis of changes in both lipid and protein composition may be interesting in the light of any potential pathologies occurring within the dopaminergic system during physiological aging. Thereby, this paper presents a methodology for the analysis of age-related changes in a lipid and protein composition within human subtantia nigra tissue by means of Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM). Particularly, the changes in the lipid saturation, unsaturation as well as in the protein secondary structure were examined. The studies were carried out on samples from 35 individuals who died without any signs of neurologic dysfunctions. Our results show that the level of lipid saturation increases inside the subtantia nigra tissue with age, though the total content of lipid decreases with age of individuals. Moreover, the statistically significant decrease in the protein content within neuron bodies was observed. Interestingly, it is presented that the content of the anti-parallel beta sheets for neuron bodies decreases from seventh to eighth decades of life and subsequently markedly increases from eighth to ninth decades of life, whilst, as regards extraneuronal spaces, the opposite trends are reported i.e. increase from the seventh to eighth decades, and subsequent decrease in the ninth decade of life. These observations, though preliminary, shed the light on a putative contribution of various pathological lipid- and protein-related processes underlying senescence, suggesting a “biochemical link” between the aetiology of the most common neurodegenerative diseases and physiological aging.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has shown remarkable ability in distinguishing between bacterial species and identifying bacterial colony structures, when used in tandem with methods such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis, or linear discriminant analysis. The present work was aimed to evaluate the potential of FTIR-microscopy (FTIR-MSP) to distinguish between different serotypes and capsular quantities of Streptococcus pneumoniae. In general, the results obtained have consistently proven that the spectral information at the region 900-1,185 cm(-1) was sufficient to distinguish between various pneumococcal serotypes. Moreover, the method was able to differentiate between S. pneumoniae phase variants on the basis of their relative carbohydrate content. The unsupervised cluster analysis of the samples showed differences, not only in the carbohydrate content, but also in the region 1,350-1,480 cm(-1), which is dominated by absorptions due to lipids and phospholipids. This approach proved to be useful for the distinction between S. pneumoniae serotypes and between phase variants, which were shown to acquire different pathogenic capacity.  相似文献   

Wu H  Zhao Y  Long Y  Zhu Y  Wang H  Lu W 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9403-9408
This study seeks to assess the biological stability of landfilled municipal solid waste (MSW) based on the changes in organic matter, as revealed by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Derivate thermogravimetry profiles (DTG) showed a reduction in peak intensity at 200-350 °C (DTG2), while an increase in peak intensity and a shift towards higher temperature at 400-600 °C (DTG3). The decrease in the peak intensity of the aliphatic methylene at 2920 and 2850 cm(-1), and the increase of aromatic substances and polysaccharide at 1640 cm(-1) in the FTIR spectra also confirm the changes. Well-fitted correlations of the peak intensity ratio (2920/1640) and peak area ratio (DTG2/DTG3) to C/N ratio were also established, confirming that the 2920/1640 and the DTG2/DTG3 ratios can be considered as reliable parameters for tracking the biological stability of MSW during landfill stabilization.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly malignant human brain tumour for which no cure is available at present. Numerous clinical studies as well as animal experiments are under way with the goal being to understand tumour biology and develop potential therapeutic approaches. C6 cell glioma in the adult rat is a frequently used and well accepted animal model for the malignant human glial tumour. By combining standard analytical methods such as histology and immunohistochemistry with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopic imaging and multivariate statistical approaches, we are developing a novel approach to tumour diagnosis which allows us to obtain information about the structure and composition of tumour tissues that could not be obtained easily with either method alone. We have used a “Stingray” FTIR imaging spectrometer to analyse and compare the compositions of coronal brain tissue sections of a tumour-bearing animal and those from a healthy animal. We have found that the tumour tissue has a characteristic chemical signature, which distinguishes it from tumour-free brain tissue. The physical-chemical differences, determined by image and spectral comparison are consistent with changes in total protein absorbance, phosphodiester absorbance and physical dispersive artefacts. The results indicate that FTIR imaging analysis could become a valuable analytic method in brain tumour research and possibly in the diagnosis of human brain tumours.  相似文献   

目前主要使用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察绿色荧光蛋白的表达,但需要昂贵的仪器并耗费大量时间。本研究开发了一种新型激光诱导的微流芯片检测系统来监测绿色荧光蛋白在枯草芽孢杆菌中的表达。该系统主要由激光装置、光路系统、微流控芯片、光电倍增管和计算机处理系统等5部分组成。对该系统的测试结果显示,随着诱导强度的增强监测信号峰也随之增强,并且与激光共聚焦显微镜观察的结果一致。利用该芯片系统能够快速准确地筛选和鉴定用绿色荧光蛋白作为标记的细胞克隆,可以替代PCR鉴定方法。但该系统仅仅能够监测表达强度,不能够满足蛋白定位等高水平研究,因此,该系统适合应用于环境的微生物监测、药物筛选和其他无需观察蛋白定位等研究。  相似文献   

红外光谱技术在生物过程监测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在线监测化学组分的浓度对许多生物过程都是十分必要的。然而,探头需耐高温灭菌的要求和生物体系自身的复杂性给许多分析技术的在线监测带来了困难。近几年,随仪器和数据处理技术的迅速发展,应用红外光谱技术对生物过程的原位或在线监测日益广泛。本文对红外过程分析技术进行了较全面的综述,介绍了红外分析的原理、进展及在生物过程监测中的应用。  相似文献   

The sacS gene controls the expression of 2 saccharolytic enzymes in Bacillus subtilis (sucrase and levansucrase).This paper describes a recombinant plasmid containing a mutant allele, sacSc. The plasmid was isolated from a B. subtilis DNA bank established in Escherichia coli. Moreover, it was shown that the sacSc allele, placed on a high-copy plasmid, is dominant over the wild-type chromosomal sacS+ allele. This result strongly suggests that the sacS gene encodes a positive regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the flagellin central domain coding region (FCD-PCR) was applied to the detection and discrimination of Bacillus subtilis DB9011, a strain with useful functions in agriculture. Cross-reactions were observed in 4 B. subtilis strains with similar flagellin genes (hag). Alignment of partial amino-acid sequences of flagellin and the results of PCR for the 16S/23S rRNA spacer in 11 B. subtilis strains suggested the presence of a group including strains with antifungal activity (DB9011 and others).  相似文献   

Leaves of seven species of the genus Eucalyptus L'Hér., viz., E. cladocalyx F. Muell., E. citriodora Hook., E. diversicolor F. Muell., E. fasciculosa F. Muell., E. grandis W. Hill, E. ovata Labill., and E. botryoides Sm., were harvested from Zerniza arboreta (region of Sejnene, northwest of Tunisia) in June 2007. Of the latter species, leaves were collected from trees having two origins, Morocco and Italy. Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves provided essential oils in yields varying from 0.4±0.0 to 3.3±0.1%, according to the species. E. citriodora had the highest mean percentage of essential oil amongst the species examined, whereas the lowest one was obtained for E. botryoides originating from Morocco. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 140 compounds, representing 92.5 to 99.4% of the total oil composition. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8-cineole (2), followed by α-pinene (1), p-cymene, borneol, α-terpineol, cryptone, spathulenol, trans-pinocarveol (4), bicyclogermacrene (5), caryophyllene oxide, and β-phellandrene. Principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis separated the eight Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into five groups, each constituting a chemotype.  相似文献   

Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of five species of the genus Eucalyptus L' Hér ., viz., E. dundasii Maiden , E. globulus Labill ., E. kitsoniana Maiden , E. leucoxylon F. Muell ., and E. populifolia Hook ., harvested from Jbel Abderrahman arboreta (region of Nabeul, northeast of Tunisia) in April 2006, afforded essential oils in yields varying from 0.9±0.3 to 3.8±0.6%, dependent on the species. E. globulus and E. Kitsoniana provided the highest and the lowest percentage of essential oil amongst the species examined, respectively. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 127 compounds, representing 93.8 to 98.7% of the total oil composition. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8‐cineole ( 2 ; 4.7–59.2%), followed by α‐pinene ( 1 ; 1.9–23.6%), trans‐pinocarveol ( 6 ; 3.5–21.6%), globulol ( 8 ; 4.3–12.8%), p‐cymene ( 3 ; 0.5–6.7%), α‐terpineol (1.5–4.5%), borneol (0.2–4.4%), pinocarvone (1.1–3.8%), aromadendrene (1.4–3.4%), isospathulenol (0.0–1.9%), fenchol ( 4 ; 0.1–2.5%), limonene (1.0–2.4%), epiglobulol (0.6–2.1%), viridiflorol ( 9 ; 0.8–1.8%), and spathulenol (0.1–1.6%). E. leucoxylon was the richest species in 2 . Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) separated the five Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into four groups, each constituting a chemotype.  相似文献   

目的:探讨枯草芽胞杆菌突变株ZC-7高产中性蛋白酶的原因。方法:用PCR方法分别扩增突变株ZC-7与出发菌株枯草芽胞杆菌AS1.398产中性蛋白酶的编码基因,测序比较二者基因的不同;在CPHmodels Server网站进行氨基酸序列分析,模拟突变前后中性蛋自酶的二级结构。结果:对比结果显示成熟肽中有5个氨基酸位点发生突变,其中3个位于酶的催化区域内;从预测的二级结构模型上可以看到突变位点所处区域的折叠结构发生细微变化。结论:先前研究中发现枯草芽胞杆菌AS1.398和突变株ZC-7发酵液中的酶蛋白含量基本相同,因此推测高产的原因不是酶量的增加,而是突变的氨基酸使酶与底物结合的部位更加适合催化水解反应,从而提高其比活力。  相似文献   

The response of Anabaena flos‐aquae to varying levels of P availability was determined using the combined techniques of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy and energy‐dispersive X‐ray microanalysis (EDXRMA). Batch cultures of Anabaena were grown at initial P concentrations of 50 μg (low‐P culture), 500 μg (intermediate‐P) and 5000 μg (high‐P) (PO4‐P L?1) and were monitored for total biovolume, chlorophyll a, media nutrients (PO4‐P and NO3‐N), cellular P quota (EDXRMA) and carbon allocation (FTIR spectroscopy). The high‐P culture showed a sixfold increase in total biovolume over the sampling period. Phosphorus in the media remained at more than ~4000 μg L?1 and intracellular P concentration (P quota) as determined by EDXRMA showed no decline, remaining at more than 0.20% dry weight (DW). The intermediate‐P culture showed a similar increase in total biovolume, but P concentrations in the media fell to ~20 μg L?1, and this was reflected in a decline in the cellular P quota from 0.24% to 0.06% DW. Although the high‐ and intermediate‐P treatments differed markedly in both internal and external P, analysis of the FTIR spectra from the two treatments, using both hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA), indicated no difference in carbon allocation. Cells from the low‐P treatment showed strong evidence for P deficiency. P concentrations in the media were undetectable (<5 μg L?1), total biovolume was much reduced, and P quotas were low, falling from 0.08% to 0.01% DW. HCA and PCA clearly separated FTIR spectra from low‐P cells from those of intermediate‐ and high‐P cultures, with low‐P cells having increased absorbance in the region of the spectra associated with carbohydrate. Both FTIR spectroscopy and EDXRMA have the resolution to study the elemental and macromolecular composition of single species within mixed phytoplankton populations and the combined use of these techniques has considerable potential for the study of cyanobacterial responses to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Screening libraries of mutant proteins by phage display is now relatively common. However, one unknown factor is how the bacteriophage scaffold itself influences the properties of the displayed protein. This communication evaluates the effect of solution parameters on the catalytic activity of phage displayed Bacillus subtilis Lipase A (BSLA), compared to the free enzyme in solution. While the pH- and temperature-activity profiles of BSLA were not intrinsically affected by phage display, the nanoscale distribution of BSLA within the micellar assay buffer was. This lead to a pronounced increase of activity of phage–BSLA relative to the free enzyme, owing to the accumulation of phage–BSLA at the substrate-rich micelles. Considering this result obtained for BSLA, caution is warranted and similar effects should be considered when selecting other enzymes/proteins by phage display, as the activity of the displayed protein may differ from that of the free protein.  相似文献   

Menisci are very important fibrocartilaginous tissue, which maintain biomechanical functions and physiological stabilization of knee joint. Meniscectomy is known as a surgery to recover partial functions from acute meniscus tears. However, the late consequences of total or partial meniscectomy include signs of osteoarthritis and even ligament instability. Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR‐ATR) spectroscopy is a very useful technique, which can reveal molecular characteristics via the analysis of vibrational bands. The present study has employed IR‐ATR spectroscopy to investigate sheep menisci samples after meniscectomy in a label‐free fashion. Several differences of peak absorbance change and peak shift were observed between the native healthy samples and the meniscectomy samples in distinct IR wavenumber regions, such as amide I band, amide II band, C‐H bending band as well as the sugar band region. Combining the results from the collagen protein IR spectra, it can be speculated that six months after meniscectomy collagen fibrils on the incision lose its ordered arrangement and a decrease in the triple helical structure of collagen fibril is observed. In addition, the collagen fibrils and proteoglycan content might also be slight varied after meniscectomy.   相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation based-Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy was used for preliminary investigation of the chemical composition and morphologies of the human substantia nigra of brain between normal and Parkinson's diseased tissues. The studies were carried out for thin tissue sections, focusing more particularly on nerve cell bodies, that are affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). The major spectral differences between normal (control) and PD tissues were identified at the following vibrational frequencies: 2930, 2850, 1655, 1380, 1236, 1173 and 1086 cm(-1). The infrared imaging of these biochemical markers show that for control cases the protein and nucleic acids functional groups (bands at: approximately 3300, approximately 3100, approximately 1655, approximately 1545, approximately 1240, approximately 1080 cm(-1)) are located mainly in the cell body. The spatial distribution of the band at 1740 cm(-1) (ester carbonyl stretching band) is quite dissimilar to the others, while it exhibits a minimal concentration in the cell body area. Contrarily, in PD samples, no clear evidence of variation of any of the vibrational fingerprint between cell body and the surrounding was noticed. Moreover, decrease of protein to lipid ratio as well as increase of amide I/amide II ratio were observed for PD case. The preliminary results strengthen the hypothesis that PD is a multietiological disorder. Moreover, the reported results clearly indicate that, in addition to a distinct visual observation, the diseased nerve cells exhibits change of their biochemical composition. It suggests that disturbances of normal functioning of SN neurons appear before their morphological atrophy.  相似文献   

Polyamines have beneficial properties to prevent aging-associated diseases. Raw soybean has relatively high polyamine contents; and the fermented soybean natto is a good source of polyamines. However, detailed information of diversity of polyamine content in raw soybean is lacking. The objectives of this study were to evaluate differences of polyamines among raw soybeans and select the high polyamine-containing cultivar for natto production. Polyamine contents were measured chromatographically in 16 samples of soybean, which showed high variation among soybeans as follows: 93–861 nmol/g putrescine, 1055–2306 nmol/g spermidine, and 177–578 nmol/g spermine. We then confirmed the high correlations of polyamine contents between raw soybean and natto (r = 0.96, 0.95, and 0.94 for putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, respectively). Furthermore, comparison of the polyamine contents among 9 Japanese cultivars showed that ‘Nakasen-nari’ has the highest polyamine contents, suggesting its suitability for enhancement of polyamine contents of natto.  相似文献   

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