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Evoked fast postsynaptic currents (fPSCs) during the postnatal development of rats (postnatal day 6-70, P6-P70) were systematically examined in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using whole-cell recordings with biocytin-filled electrodes. Focal stimulation of the stratum radiatum in the CA1 region elicited fPSCs in 80% of the neurons P6-7, 90% of P9-10, and 100% of > or =P11. In neurons P6-7, the fPSCs were exclusively inward and had multiple (on average 5.6) peaks. The fPSCs increased in amplitude with the growth of dendritic arborization, but decreased in the number of peaks. A distinct outward fPSC following the inward fPSC emerged in neurons > or =P11 and was abolished by bicuculline (50 microM). Bicuculline increased the amplitude and duration of the initial inward fPSC (fEPSC) in all age groups and characteristically recruited the polysynaptic second component of fEPSCs in neurons P11-P21. No spontaneous periodic inward current was detected in any age group after blocking GABAA receptors. The coapplication of DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5, 100 microM) with bicuculline did not eliminate the polysynaptic second component, but the second component was only elicited in slices in which the CA3 region was kept intact. Moreover, the bicuculline- and AP5-resistant second component was due to the burst activity of CA3 pyramidal neurons, which were excited through excitatory recurrents of the Schaffer collaterals. Plausible physiological functions of the generation of the second component in vivo were discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1996,90(5-6):307-309
We report here two forms of activity-dependent plasticity of the transfer of neuronal information between pairs of monosynaptically coupled pyramidal cells. In a first part, we discuss the induction of long-term bidirectional changes in excitatory synaptic transmission following defined regimes of neuronal activity. In a second part, we provide evidence that the conditions in which the presynaptic action potential is elicited determine whether it will successfully propagate along the presynaptic axon.  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are a family of cytosolic phosphoproteins that consist of 5 members (CRMP 1–5). CRMP2 and CRMP4 regulate neurite outgrowth by binding to tubulin heterodimers, resulting in the assembly of microtubules. CRMP2 also mediates the growth cone collapse response to the repulsive guidance molecule semaphorin‐3A (Sema3A). However, the role of CRMP4 in Sema3A signaling and its function in the developing mouse brain remain unclear. We generated CRMP4?/? mice in order to study the in vivo function of CRMP4 and identified a phenotype of proximal bifurcation of apical dendrites in the CA1 pyramidal neurons of CRMP4?/? mice. We also observed increased dendritic branching in cultured CRMP4?/? hippocampal neurons as well as in cultured cortical neurons treated with CRMP4 shRNA. Sema3A induces extension and branching of the dendrites of hippocampal neurons; however, these inductions were compromised in the CRMP4?/? hippocampal neurons. These results suggest that CRMP4 suppresses apical dendrite bifurcation of CA1 pyramidal neurons in the mouse hippocampus and that this is partly dependent on Sema3A signaling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

The ischemia-induced synaptic potentiation (ISP) during and/or after brain ischemia has been suggested to be one of the crucial factors responsible for irreversible neuronal damage of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. However, the presynaptic modulation mechanism that leads to neuronal damage during and/or after ischemia was still unknown. By combining electrophysiological methods and infra-red differential interference contrast (IR-DIC) imaging procedures, we showed for the first time that ISP is the result of extraordinary presynaptic depolarization in association with the suppression of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) sensitive K(+) channels at the presynaptic sites. Furthermore, we also showed that the 4-AP sensitive presynaptic K(+) channels played a crucial role in inducing neuronal damage at a very acute phase of ischemia-induced neuronal damage and would be a therapeutic target against the neuronal damage after brain ischemia.  相似文献   

R C Malenka 《Neuron》1991,6(1):53-60
In area of CA1 of the hippocampus, at least two phases of long-term potentiation (LTP) can be isolated: an early decremental component referred to as short-term potentiation (STP), which precedes a long-lasting, nondecremental component commonly considered to be stable LTP. Utilizing the hippocampal slice preparation, experiments were performed to determine the physiological factors controlling the conversion of STP to LTP. The duration of NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic enhancement was influenced by several factors, including the degree of postsynaptic NMDA receptor activation and the magnitude and timing of postsynaptic membrane depolarization during synaptic transmission. It was possible to convert STP to LTP by manipulations that increased the influx of calcium into the postsynaptic cell. These results demonstrate that NMDA receptor activation can result in distinct forms of synaptic potentiation and imply that the magnitude of postsynaptic calcium increase is a critical variable controlling the duration of synaptic enhancement.  相似文献   

The intracellular recording of CA1 neurons in mouse hippocampal slice preparation was used to study the properties of depolarizing responses to iontophoretically applied GABA to their apical dendrites. Reversal potential of depolarizing responses was dependent on parameters of injecting current. It was about -60 mV and - (45-55) mV when iontophoretic currents 40-60 nA and 8-20 nA were used respectively. Application of tetrodotoxin (0.1-0.5 microM) resulted in decrease in amplitude of depolarizing responses evoked by weak currents, increase in slope of plot, reflecting relationship between response amplitude and membrane potential, and hyperpolarizing shift of reversal potential. Blocking++ of synaptic transmission with low calcium solution did not produce such changes. These results suggest that GABA depolarizing responses have a potential-sensitive component due to activation of sodium channels.  相似文献   

Ischemic insult induces neuronal death in the CA1 subfields of the hippocampus which are designated generally as the most vulnerable brain region. Recent studies have shown that acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors are potent trophic factors that support the survival of neurons in many brain regions including the hippocampus. Here we demonstrate that continuous infusion of acidic fibroblast growth factor into the lateral cerebral ventricles beginning 2 days before ischemia prevents the death of the CA1 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus of gerbils. Furthermore, delayed continuous administration of acidic fibroblast growth factor starting 5 min after ischemia is equally protective. The results suggest a possible physiological function for acidic fibroblast growth factor in the normal support of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and neurons in some other brain regions in considering the broad spectrum of responsive neurons.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Zheng Y  Tang YH 《生理学报》2004,56(3):341-346
本研究采用离体海马脑片电生理研究技术,细胞外记录海马锥体细胞群体锋电位(population spike,PS),观察羟基马桑毒素(tutin)对大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体细胞电活动的影响,探讨tutin是否具有致痛作用及其致痫机制。结果如下:(1)用40、30和20μg/ml浓度的tutin灌流海马脑片,可显著增高由顺向刺激Schaffer侧支所诱发的PS的幅度,灌流tutin 30min时,PS第一个波的幅度分别为对照的(388.7±20.1)%、(317.2±19.1)%和(180.9±11.6)%(各组n=5,P<0.05)。(2)伴随PS波幅的增高,可出现成串痫样放电波,波数4~11个不等。(3)灌流tutin后的部分脑片(n=9/34),在未刺激Schaffer侧支时也出现自发的成串、高幅痫样放电。(4)灌流CNQX阻断非NMDA受体后,再灌流tutin,PS幅度和放电波数均无显著性变化,即CNQX可完全抑制tutin所致的痫样放电;灌流AP-5阻断NMDA受体后,tutin仍可使PS幅度增高但放电波数无显著性增加,即AP-5可部分抑制tutin所致的痫样放电。上述结果表明,tutin可使海马脑片锥体细胞兴奋活动增强,具有致痫作用;兴奋性谷氨酸受体尤其是非NMDA受体可能介导tutin的致痫作用。  相似文献   

We studied the interactions between short- and long-term plastic changes taking place during the acquisition of a classical eyeblink conditioning and following high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the reuniens nucleus in behaving mice. Synaptic changes in strength were studied at the reuniens-medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the reuniens-CA1 synapses. Input/output curves and a paired-pulse study enabled determining the functional capabilities of the two synapses and the optimal intensities to be applied at the reuniens nucleus during classical eyeblink conditioning and for HFS applied to the reuniens nucleus. Animals were conditioned using a trace paradigm, with a tone as conditioned stimulus (CS) and an electric shock to the trigeminal nerve as unconditioned stimulus (US). A single pulse was presented to the reuniens nucleus to evoke field EPSPs (fEPSPs) in mPFC and CA1 areas during the CS-US interval. No significant changes in synaptic strength were observed at the reuniens-mPFC and reuniens-CA1 synapses during the acquisition of eyelid conditioned responses (CRs). Two successive HFS sessions carried out during the first two conditioning days decreased the percentage of CRs, without evoking any long-term potentiation (LTP) at the recording sites. HFS of the reuniens nucleus also prevented the proper acquisition of an object discrimination task. A subsequent study revealed that HFS of the reuniens nucleus evoked a significant decrease of paired-pulse facilitation. In conclusion, reuniens nucleus projections to prefrontal and hippocampal circuits seem to participate in the acquisition of associative learning through a mechanism that does not required the development of LTP.  相似文献   

胍丁胺对大鼠海马 CA1区神经元放电的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Wang ZM  Sun GQ  Wang ZA  He RR 《生理学报》2003,55(6):717-721
应用细胞外记录单位放电技术,在大鼠海马脑片上观察了胍丁胺(agmatine,Agm)对CAl区神经元放电的影响。实验结果如下:(1)在47个海马脑片放电单位上灌流Agm(0.1—1.0μmol/L)2min,有38个单位(80.9%)自发放电频率明显降低,且呈剂量依赖性,9个单位(19.1%)无明显的反应;(2)预先用0.2mmol/L的L-谷氨酸(L-glutamate,L-Glu)灌流12个海马脑片放电单位,有9个单位(75%)放电频率明显增加,表现为癫痫样放电,在此基础上灌流Agm(1.0μmol/L)2min,其癫痫样放电被抑制;(3)在7个海马脑片放电单位上给予L型钙通道激动剂Bay K8644(0.1μmoL/L)时,有6个单位(85.7%)放电频率明显增加,另外1个单位(14.3%)无明显变化,再给予Agm(1.0μmol/L)2min,其放电频率被明显抑制;(4)13个CAl放电单位,灌流50μmoL/L一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂N^G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester。(L-NAME)5min后其放电频率明显增加,在此基础上再给予Agm(1.0μmol/L)2min,有11个单位(84.6%)的放电频率被抑制,有2个单位(15.4%)的变化不明显。上述结果提示:胍丁胺能抑制海马CAl区神经元自发放电以及由谷氨酸、BayK8644和L-NAME诱发的放电,这一抑制效应可能与胍丁胺阻断CAl区锥体细胞上的NMDA受体,并减少钙离子内流有关。  相似文献   

N-Acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) is a neuropeptide found in high concentrations in the brain. Using whole-cell recordings of CA1 pyramidal neurons in acute hippocampal slices, we found that either (i) the application of exogenous NAAG or (ii) an increase of endogenous extracellular NAAG, caused by the inhibition of its catabolic enzyme glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCP II), resulted in a significant reduction in the amplitude of the isolated NMDA receptor (NMDAR) component of the evoked excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC). Conversely, reduction of endogenous extracellular NAAG caused by either (i) perfusion with a soluble form of pure human GCP II or (ii) affinity purified antibodies against NAAG, enhanced the amplitude of the isolated NMDAR current. Bath application of GCP II inhibitor induced a progressive loss of spontaneous NMDAR miniatures. Furthermore, NAAG blocked the induction of long-term potentiation at Schaffer collateral axons-CA1 pyramidal neuron synapses. All together, these results suggest that NAAG acts as an endogenous modulator of NMDARs in the CA1 area of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Evoked responses in CA3 area to the mossy fibers stimulation were studied after low and high frequency tetanizations of the perforant path. Stimulations of perforant path with 10 and 100 Hz frequencies inducted depression testing through the same path. Subthreshold for potentiation of the mossy fibers inputs to the CA3 tetanization of the perforant path with 10 Hz frequency transformed to threshold one after previous tetanization of the perforant path with 100 Hz frequency. Tetanization of the mossy inputs to the CA3 with 10 Hz frequency leaded to potentiation whereas tetanization with frequency 100 Hz depressed the same inputs. High frequency tetanizations (100 Hz) of the perforant path with theta-rithm frequency stimulation basically depressed of the CA3 evoked responces to the mossy fiber stimulation.  相似文献   

Zhao HG  Li WB  Li QJ  Chen XL  Liu HQ  Feng RF  Ai J 《生理学报》2004,56(3):407-412
探探讨肢体缺血预处理(limb ischemic preconditioning,LIP)对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注后海马CA1区锥体细胞凋亡的影响。46只大鼠椎动脉凝闭后分为假手术组、肢体缺血组、脑缺血组、LIP组。重复夹闭大鼠双侧股动脉3次(每次10min,间隔10min)作为LIP,之后立即夹闭双侧颈总动脉进行全脑缺血8min后再灌注。DNA凝胶电泳、TUNEL和吖啶橙/溴乙锭(AO/EB)双染技术从生化和形态学方面观察海马神经元凋亡的情况。凝胶电泳显示,脑缺血组出现了凋亡特征性DNA梯状条带,而LIP组无上述条带出现。与脑缺血组比较,LIP可明显减少海马CAI区TUNEL阳性神经元数(17.8±5.8vs 69.8±12,P<0.01)。AO/EB染色也显示LIP可明显减少脑缺血再灌注引起的神经元凋亡。以上结果提示,LIP可抑制脑缺血再灌注后海马神经元的凋亡,进而减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤,提供脑保护作用。  相似文献   

GAP-43 as a plasticity protein in neuronal form and repair.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Neurons exhibit a remarkable plasticity of form, both during neural development and during the subsequent remodelling of synaptic connectivity. Here we review work on GAP-43 and G0, and focus upon the thesis that their interaction may endow neurons with such plasticity. We also present new data on the role of G proteins in neurite growth, and on the interaction of GAP-43 and actin. GAP-43 is a protein induced during periods of axonal extension and highly enriched on the inner surface of the growth cone membrane. Its membrane localization is primarily due to a short amino terminal sequence which is subject to palmitoylation. Binding to actin filaments may also assist in restricting the protein to specific cellular domains. Consistent with its role as a "plasticity protein," there is evidence that GAP-43 can directly alter cell shape and neurite extension, and several theses have been advanced for how it might do so. Two other prominent components of the growth cone membrane are the alpha and beta subunits of G0. GAP-43 regulates their guanine nucleotide exchange, which is an unusual role for an intracellular protein. We speculate that GAP-43 may adjust the "set point" of responsiveness for G0 stimulation by receptors, thereby altering the neuronal propensity to growth, without actually causing growth. To begin to address how G protein activity affects axon growth, we have developed a means to introduce guanine nucleotide analogs into sympathetic neurons. Stimulation of G proteins with GTP-gamma-S retards axon growth, whereas GDP-beta-S enhances it. This is compatible with G protein registration of inhibitory signals.  相似文献   

Menadione bisulphite increased endogenous oxygen-radical production by rat brain synaptosomes, as indicated by H2O2 generation. Increased oxygen-radical production was also demonstrated in synaptosomes prepared from menadione-treated rats and synaptosomes reoxygenated after an anoxic insult. Acetylcholine synthesis de novo was inhibited in synaptosomes incubated with menadione in vitro, in synaptosomes prepared from menadione-treated animals in vivo, and in depolarized post-anoxic synaptosomes. Intrasynaptosomal free Ca2+ was increased by menadione in vitro (50 microM), but this increase was not due to stimulation of Ca2+ entry into the nerve terminals. Acetylcholine release was stimulated by menadione in vitro, possibly as a consequence of the elevated intrasynaptosomal Ca2+ content. The Ca2+ contents of synaptosomes prepared from menadione (10 mg/kg)-treated animals in vivo and synaptosomes reoxygenated after anoxia were unchanged. In synaptosomes prepared from menadione-treated animals, acetylcholine release was no longer significantly stimulated by K+, whereas it was unchanged from control (normoxic) values in synaptosomes reoxygenated after anoxia. None of these treatments caused any measurable damage to the synaptic plasma membrane (as judged by the release of lactate dehydrogenase), or to synaptosomal phospholipases (as judged by choline release from membrane phospholipids). Synaptosomes prepared from menadione-treated rats were found to be a good model for the study of post-anoxic damage to nerve-terminal function.  相似文献   

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