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Dendroid graptolites from the Middle Devonian (Givetian, middlePolygnathus varcus Biozone) of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge are described for the first time. The fauna of the Burgberg locality south of the Brilon reef comes from a black shale layer in a succession of calcareous debris flows. The fauna includes five species ofDictyonema andRuedemannograptus described in open nomenclature. The fragmentation of the material is conside-red as an indication of post-mortem transport.   相似文献   

Seven further specimens of the hitherto only known Devonian phalangiotarbid Devonotarbus Poschmann, Anderson and Dunlop, 2005 are described. Thus, the genus is recorded from four different localities of Siegenian (Hombach and Burglahr) and Lower Emsian (Willwerath and Alken) age, respectively, but the specific identity of Siegenian and Emsian specimens remains unproven. The new material suggests that this Devonian phalangiotarbid possessed more than six eye lenses, tergites five and six fused into a diplotergite, and an almost terminally situated anal operculum. It thus notably deviates morphologically from its younger Permocarboniferous relatives, and a new family, Devonotarbidae nov. fam., is proposed to accommodate Devonotarbus.  相似文献   

The Brilon-reef complex is one of the biggest Devonian carbonate buildups (~80 km2) of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge. The Burgberg section is located in the southeastern fore-reef area of the Brilon Reef Complex and exposes a succession of strata (117 m thick), which extends from the Middle Givetian (middle varcus conodont Zone) to the Viséan (bilineatus conodont Zone). Field and microfacies observations led to the definition of nine microfacies that are integrated into a sedimentary model divided into off-reef, intermediate fore-reef, and proximal fore-reef sedimentary domains (SD). The off-reef domain (SD1) is the most distal setting observed and is characterized by fine-grained sediments, dominated by pelagic biota and the local occurrence of gravity-flow deposits. The intermediate fore-reef (SD2) is characterized by a mixture of biota and sediments coming from both deeper-water and shallow-water sources and is influenced by storm and gravity-flow currents. In this domain, Renalcis mound-like structures developed locally. Finally, the proximal fore-reef (SD3) corresponds to the most proximal setting that is strongly influenced by gravity-flow currents derived from the Brilon Reef Complex. The temporal evolution of microfacies in the fore-reef setting of the Burgberg section show five main paleoenvironmental trends influenced by the onset, general development, and demise/drowning of the Brilon Reef Complex. Fore-reef to off-reef lithologies and their temporal changes are from the base to the top of the section: (U1)—fine-grained sediments with large reef debris, corresponding to the initial development of the reef building upon submarine volcaniclastic deposits during the Middle Givetian (middle varcus Zone) and first export of reef debris in the fore-reef setting; (U2)—high increase of reef-derived material in the fore-reef area, corresponding to a significant progradation of the reef from the Middle Givetian to the Early Frasnian (maximum extension of the Brilon Reef Complex to the south, disparilis to the falsiovalis conodont biozones); (U3)—progressive decrease of shallow-water derived material and increase of fine-grained sediments and deep-water biota into the fore-reef setting, corresponding to the stepwise withdrawal of the reef influence; from the Middle to the Late Frasnian (jamieae conodont Zone); (U4)—development of a submarine rise characterized by nodular and cephalopod-bearing limestones extending from the Late Frasnian to the Late Famennian corresponding to the demise and drowning of the Brilon Reef Complex as a result of the Late Frasnian Kellwasser events (upper rhenana and triangularis conodont biozones); (U5)—significant deepening of the Burgberg area starting in the Late Famennian, directly followed by an aggrading trend marked by pelagic shales overlying the nodular limestone deposits.  相似文献   

Immo Schülke  Adrian Popp 《Facies》2005,50(3-4):647-664
High resolutional microfacies data from the Beringhauser Tunnel section in the northern part of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge allow the reconstruction of a relative sea-level curve. Distinctive sedimentological signals in this cephalopod limestone section indicate the positions of sea-level lowstands that correlate well with pre-existing sea-level curves. Only slight differences in some lowstand positions have been observed by means of conodont biostratigraphy. The basal Famennian portion of the succession at the Beringhauser Tunnel section exposes microbial sedimentary structures reported from the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge for the first time that are indicative of initial mud-mound formation or mud-mound flanks. Further mud-mound growth with the development of a synsedimentary relief was stopped, probably due to drowning.  相似文献   

On the basis of otoliths three fish species are described from the Maifeld Beds of the Neuwied Basin (Rhenish Massif/Western Germany):Dapaloides sieblosensis (Winkler),Umbra weileri Martini andThaumaturus sp. The fish assemblage indicates an early Oligocène age and a brackish environment in a shallow water. A marine connection during the Latdorfian between the Upper Rhinegraben and the Neuwied Basin on one side and the Sieblos/Rhön area on the other side seems possible.  相似文献   

A new fossil arachnid,Xenarachne willwerathensis n. gen., n. sp. is described from the Lower Devonian (upper Lower Emsian) Klerf-beds of Willwerath, Germany. This intriguing fossil has a pedicel and pygidium, indicating that it belongs to the tetrapulmonate arachnids, but cannot be referred with confidence to any particular order. It is placed as Tetrapulmonata incertae sedis, though has similarities to whip spiders (Amblypygi) and spiders (Araneae).Xenarachne could even represent a very early spider, though the Devonian arachnid fauna could have included taxa which did not belong in any currently recognised order.Xenarachne may be an example of just such a fossil.  相似文献   

In the late Emsian Kieselgallenschiefer formation of the Hessian Dill Syncline an undistorted internal mold of a phyllocarid carapax was found which is now described:Aristozoe scaphidiomorpha n. sp.  相似文献   

Three specimens of edrioasteroids from the uppermost Siegenian of the northern Westerwald are presented. Only one of them can be related with a definite genus. This form is described asAgelacrinites curvatus n. sp. Similarities with other agelacrinitids of the European Paleozoic are discussed.  相似文献   

Fossilized tube feet are described on Codiacrinus schultzei Follmann from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Germany. This is the first definitive proof of tube feet on any fossil crinoid. Three lightly pyritized, flattened tube feet are preserved in a single interray of this cladid crinoid. The tube feet were at least 7 mm long. Their preservation is very similar to the tube feet reported previously from a Hunsrück ophiuroid, except that the Codiacrinus tube feet have small papillae, similar to living crinoids.  相似文献   

An ophiuroid trackway from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new trace fossil, Arcichnus saltatus , from the Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate, Germany, is interpreted as the trackway of a protasterid ophiuroid, Taeniaster. The trackway consists of a series of horseshoe-shaped impressions, produced by a pair of arms, a feature characteristic of some ophiuroid trackways. This new trace fossil demonstrates that protasterids lived both infaunally and epifaunally.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Devonian fenestrate bryozoan, Schischcatella Waschurova, 1964 , possessed colonies in the form of low, erect bifoliate fronds that grew from an encrusting sheet‐like base with autozooecia arranged in biserial, bifurcating rows. This growth habit is unique in fenestrates, which normally had unilaminate arborescent colonies. Originally, Schischcatella was described from the Lower Devonian of Tajikistan. This article describes a new species, S. heinorum sp. nov., from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel (western Rhenish Massif, Germany) with additional material from the Lower Devonian of the Kellerwald (eastern Rhenish Massif, Germany). External and internal morphologies of this bryozoan have been studied using abundant material. The growth habit of Schischcatella suggests a completely different pattern of feeding currents than that in the normal fenestrate colony. The outflow of the filtered water occurred only on edges of colonies between rami. In the absence of chimneys (areas of vertical water expelling), such a functional morphology may have restricted extension of the colony in a distal direction. The evolution of Schischcatella is apparently an example of paedomorphosis, the genus evolved from an unknown semicosciniid species by the early ontogenetic interruption of colony development and further changes in the mode of growth.  相似文献   

Several tiny crinoids with crowns as small as 1 mm, or less, in width are newly recognized from the Hunsrück Slate of southwestern Germany. The presence of erect arms above an amorphous calyx in some specimens can be inferred. Based on comparison with the size and gross morphology of developmental stages in living crinoids, these tiny Hunsrück crinoids are judged to be at an early postlarval stage that is analogous to the pentacrinoid stage just after development from the stalked, but armless, smaller cystidean larval stage found in both living comatulids and isocrinids. Some of these tiny crinoids have a stalk up to 4 mm long attached to a now pyritized former substrate. Their clustered occurrence suggests gregarious settlement of larvae. Taxonomic identification of these presumed pentacrinoids is not possible, even to the sub‐class level, although they are preserved with larger juveniles of the cladids Propoteriocrinus and Lasiocrinus. These larger juveniles exhibit 3‐D pyritized calcite plates, whereas the probable pentacrinoids appear to be preserved as flattened, micro‐crystalline pyritized dermal tissues that enclosed lightly calcified, porous ossicles. The pentacrinoids were likely buried within weeks or months of hatching, based on developmental stages in similar‐sized living crinoids. These tiny crinoids, presumably pentacrinoids, are a further example of the extraordinarily detailed preservation of delicate tissues in pyrite from the Hunsrück Slate. They are most likely the pentacrinoid stage from one or more of the crinoid taxa (30 genera) present in the Hunsrück Slate. Assuming these are not microcrinoids, they are the first report of pentacrinoids from the fossil record and document that a Palaeozoic sister group to modern crinoids had similar developmental stages.  相似文献   

Palaeoisopus problematicus andPalaeopantopus maucheri are redescribed and found to be primitive pycnogonids belonging to extinct orders.Palaeoisopus is particularly primitive in retaining a long abdomen with a telson. It differs from other forms also in having flattened limbs indicating a swimming mode of life and in having the ocelli differently arranged.Palaeothea devonica nov. gen. et nov. spec. is a tiny pycnogonid, the only hitherto known fossil representative of the extant order Pantopoda, indicating that entirely modern forms were in existence already in the Early Devonian. A derivation of pycnogonids from early merostomes is regarded as likely.  相似文献   

Placoderms (Ptyctodontida), acanthodians (incl.Atopacanthus?ambrockensis n. sp.), actinopterygians, dipnoans and crossopterygians — including the first Middle Devonian osteolepids from the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge — are described from the lower Brandenberg Group of Hagen-Ambrock and Lasbeck (northern Sauerland, Northwest Germany). The composition of the fauna is similar to that of contemporaneous Scottish and Baltic Old Red localities, even though typical marine vertebrates are present too (e.g. selachians). This indicates — like the invertebrates — rather a marginal marine deposition.  相似文献   

The arthrodires of the Eifelian Brandenberg Group of Hagen-Ambrock and Lasbeck (Northwest Germany) are described. A new tuberculated holonematid arthrodire (Holonema bruehni n. sp.) is represented by plates of the trunk shield and some plates of the head region. The tuberculation is here regarded as the plesiomorphic character of the Holonematidae compared to an ornamentation of ridges in advanced genera. This agrees with the stratigraphical occurrence of the new form. Additionally, several other plates belonging to at least three different taxa of coccosteid arthrodires have been found. Despite the absence of complete skeletons, the placoderm fauna is more diverse than the fauna of the classical Scottish Eifelian localities.  相似文献   

Seven Middle Devonian (latest Givetian or earliest Frasnian) gastropod species are described from the quarry of Oetelshofen near Dornap (Bergisches Land, northwestern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany). New species areMurchisonia dornapica, Araeonema osterholzensis, Plagiothyra isekei andMacrochilina drozdzewski. Additionally, a new subspecies,Euryzone delphinuloides oetelshofensis and aNaticopsis-like species and their typical facial occurrence are discussed. The existence of predation is proved by a bore-hole inMacrochilina drozdzewski; the predator itself is not yet identified with certainty.   相似文献   

The Lower Eifelian Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk (= upper Cultrijugatus Beds) at Kierspe, Sauerland, contains a rich reefal fauna. Eight bryozoan species are described, two of them are new: the cystoporate Fistuliporella kierspensis n. sp. and the trepostome Leptotrypella sophiae n. sp. The bryozoans from the Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk shows distinct similarities to the Lower–Middle Devonian of Spain (Santa Lucía Formation, Emsian–Eifelian), and to the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) of Transcaucasia. The coral fauna comprises five tabulate corals and one rugose coral that document a paleobiogeographic relationship between Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The associated fauna is represented by brachiopods, ostracods, and echinoderms. The studied limestones also commonly contain calcimicrobes represented by three species. The faunal and microfacial characteristics indicate a shallow marine depositional environment just above the storm wave base, with a supposed depth of 20 m, within the photic zone. The nutrient regime was at least a mesotrophic. The upper boundary of the Cultrijugatus Beds coincides with the Chote?-Event that strongly affected brachiopods, whereas corals and bryozoans were insensitive to this event.  相似文献   

Dr. Andreas May 《Facies》1994,30(1):193-208
Summary The Beisinghausen Limestone (Upper Givetian to Frasnian) in the Eslohe-Reiste area (northern Sauerland), used in the past as building stone, corresponds to proximal carbonate turbidites which have been derived from the Attendom-Elspe ‘reef’ complex. The particles of this allodapic limestone originated in different parts of the carbonate complex as shown by facies-diagnostic microfossils (foraminifera, calcisphaeres, calcareous algae, microproblematica). The fossils as well as the other dominating grain types (lumps, peloids) point to source areas located within lagoonal and slope environments. Reef-derived material is rare. The turbidites exhibit four microfacies types, differentiated by composition and size of the grains as well as by micrite content and corresponding to the common vertical and lateral textural variation of limestone turbidites. These MF types were recognized in outcrops as well as from building stones used in building the St. Pankratius church in Eslohe-Reiste (northern Sauerland) in 1849 and in the renovation of the church in 1963/64. The comparison of microfacies and the degree of the destruction of ‘old’ and ‘new” building stones by weathering (macroscopically described by the ◂Fabric Index’: Product of the ‘Rock Destruction Risk’ and the ‘Rock Preparation Destruction Degree’) shows that intrabioclastic rudstones (MF type 1) and bioclastic grainstones (MF type 2), both characterizing the basal parts of the turbidite beds, are more resistant to weathering destruction originating from freezing and thawing than packstones (MF type 4). Weathering of micritic facies types (e.g., MF 4) is more intensive due to the stronger development of joint systems affecting not only the surface of the building stones but the entire dimension stone. Porosity or the existence and amount of stylolites seem to have had no significant impact on the weathering of the building stones studied. The stronger weathering of building stones used in the original construction of the church as compared with the stones applied in this century is caused by the greater time interval available for mechanical weathering connected with freezing and thawing. The consideration of microfacies of limestone turbidites should facilitate the exploitation of weathering-resistant carbonate building stones.  相似文献   

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