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The discovery in 1947 of directed cell movement in Dictyostelium discoideum quietly gave a birth to a new line of investigation into the molecular basis of chemotaxis. Some 60 years later, D. discoideum continues to be a key model system for the study of eukaryotic chemotaxis as well as an array of other important biological processes. As one of the most influential scientists, Guenther Gerisch has inspired several generations of researchers with his insightful and rigorous approaches applied to this model system. His studies have greatly contributed to current knowledge of many fundamental processes, such as cell-cell adhesion, phagocytosis, endocytosis, cytokinesis, cell signaling and chemotaxis. In this review, we wish to look back at the journey that has led to our current understanding of chemotaxis of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Iterative evolution has proved a difficult evolutionary phenomenon to study and interpret. Inferences of causality vary from study to study and quantitatively based phylogenetic reconstruction has never been attempted. In an effort to better understand iterative evolution we employed stratocladistics, gap analysis and disparity analysis to study the case of the Monograptidae in the aftermath of the late Silurian Cyrtograptus lundgreni extinction event. Our combination of gap analytical and stratocladistic techniques allowed us to elucidate the evolutionary relationships between the studied taxa. Based on our stratocladistic results we recommend the generic reassignment of five monograptid taxa. The stratocladistic results, in conjunction with morphological disparity analysis suggest the presence of a persistent developmental potential for the emergence of iteratively evolving characters. This persistent potential appears to be limited by extrinsic ecological constraints, which would have relaxed in the aftermath of the C. lundgreni extinction event. Our findings indicate that iterative evolution in the late Silurian Monograptidae is a product of the interaction of both intrinsic and extrinsic constraints on the acquisition of the iteratively evolving character, with the exact causality being dependent on the particular character.  相似文献   

In this work, the interaction between a synthetic analog of archaeal lipids and cholesterol was studied using Langmuir technique. The lipid, β-Mal(3)O(C(16+4))(2), contained phytanyl chains attached via two ether bonds to the sn-2 carbon of the glycerol backbone. The preliminary studies showed that monolayers formed with the pure lipid have a liquid-like character; here, a hypothesis that admixing cholesterol to β-Mal(3)O(C(16+4))(2) could confer a higher rigidity on the films was tested. To check this proposal, two-dimensional miscibility of cholesterol and β-Mal(3)O(C(16+4))(2) in monomolecular films was studied using surface pressure and surface potential measurements, as well as Brewster angle microscopy and polarization-modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. The stability of the monomolecular films was evaluated based on thermodynamics of mixing of cholesterol and β-Mal(3)O(C(16+4))(2). Atomic level information concerning the orientation of molecules and the degree of hydration of polar headgroups was obtained from molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

Most metal ions are toxic to plants, even at low concentrations, despite the fact that some are essential for growth and play key roles in metabolism. The majority of metals induce the formation of reactive oxygen species, which require the synthesis of additional antoxidant compounds and enzymes for their removal. New techniques that have greatly improved the identification, localisation and quantification of metals within plant tissues have led to the science of metallomics. This advancement in knowledge should eventually allow the characterisation of plants used in the process of phytoremediation of soils contaminated with toxic metals.  相似文献   

In this review an overview of recent advances in the understanding of melanosome movement within epidermal melanocytes is given. Exploration of the molecular events involved in and determining the process of melanosome transport, as an essential part of human pigmentation, could lead to the identification of agents that augment, or down-regulate the transfer of melanosomes to surrounding keratinocytes. This would present a major breakthrough in the possibilities to influence pigmentation and related disorders, of great concern to some patients. Moreover, melanosome transport offers a good model to study mammalian organelle trafficking and its key players in general.  相似文献   

There has been a significant decline in the reproductive performance of dairy cattle in recent decades. Cows, take longer time to return to the oestrus after calving, have poorer conception rates, and show fewer signs of oestrus. Achieving good reproductive performance is an increasing challenge for the dairy producer. In this study we focus on understanding the overall biological phenomena associated with nutritional sub-fertility rather than the underlying multiplicity of physiological interactions (already described in a number of recent studies). These phenomena are important because they represent the natural adaptations of the animal for dealing with variations in the nutritional environment. They can also be used to monitor and modulate reproductive performance on-farm. There is an underlying trade-off between two aspects of reproduction: investment in the viability of the current calf and investment in future offspring. As the investment in, and viability of, the current calf is related to maternal milk production, we can expect that level of milk production per se has effects on subsequent reproductive performance (investment in future offspring). Lactating cows have a lower proportion of viable embryos, which are of poorer quality, than do non-lactating cows. The same applies to high- compared to medium-genetic merit cows. Another important biological property is the adaptive use of body reserves in support of reproduction. Orchestrated endocrine changes in pregnancy and lactation facilitate the deposition of body lipid during pregnancy and mobilisation in early lactation. When the cow fails to accumulate the reserves she needs to safeguard reproduction she delays committing to further reproductive investment. But how does the cow ‘know’ that she is failing in energy terms? We argue that the cow does this by ‘monitoring’ both the body fat mobilisation and body fatness. Excessive body fat mobilisation indicates that current conditions are worse than expected. Body fatness indicates the future ability of the cow to safeguard her reproductive investment is compromised. Both delay further reproductive commitment. The relationship between reproductive performance and; milk production as an index of maternal investment, body fatness as an index of ability to safeguard reproductive investment, and body fat mobilisation as an index of the current nutritional environment – are examined. Nutritional strategies that seek to modulate body mobilisation and the endocrine environment by use of glucogenic and lipogenic diets, and the use of in-line progesterone profiles to monitor reproductive status are then discussed in this biological context.  相似文献   

The study of population genetics of invasive species offers opportunities to investigate rapid evolutionary processes at work, and while the ecology of biological invasions has enjoyed extensive attention in the past, the recentness of molecular techniques makes their application in invasion ecology a fairly new approach. Despite this, molecular biology has already proved powerful in inferring aspects not only relevant to the evolutionary biologist but also to those concerned with invasive species management. Here, we review the different molecular markers routinely used in such studies and their application(s) in addressing different questions in invasion ecology. We then review the current literature on molecular genetic studies aimed at improving management and the understanding of invasive species by resolving of taxonomic issues, elucidating geographical sources of invaders, detecting hybridisation and introgression, tracking dispersal and spread and assessing the importance of genetic diversity in invasion success. Finally, we make some suggestions for future research efforts in molecular ecology of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids) are essential components in vision; they contribute to pattern formation during development and exert multiple effects on cell differentiation with important clinical implications. All naturally occurring vitamin A derives by enzymatic oxidative cleavage from carotenoids with pro-vitamin A activity. To become biologically active, these plant-derived compounds must first be absorbed, then delivered to the site of action in the body, and metabolically converted to the real vitamin. Recently, molecular players of this pathway were identified by the analysis of blind Drosophila mutants. Similar genome sequences were found in vertebrates. Subsequently, these homologous genes were cloned and their gene products were functionally characterized. This review will summarize the advanced state of knowledge about the vitamin A biosynthetic pathway and will discuss biochemical, physiological, developmental and medical aspects of carotenoids and their numerous derivatives.  相似文献   

Bacterial chemotaxis towards aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial chemotaxis is an adaptive behaviour, which requires sophisticated information-processing capabilities that cause motile bacteria to either move towards or flee from chemicals. Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E exhibits the capability to move towards different aromatic hydrocarbons present at a wide range of concentrations. The chemotactic response is mediated by the McpT chemoreceptor encoded by the pGRT1 megaplasmid. Two alleles of mcpT are borne on this plasmid and inactivation of either one led to loss of this chemotactic phenotype. Cloning of mcpT into a plasmid complemented not only the mcpT mutants but also its transfer to other Pseudomonas conferred chemotactic response to high concentrations of toluene and other chemicals. Therefore, the phenomenon of chemotaxis towards toxic compounds at high concentrations is gene-dose dependent. In vitro experiments show that McpT is methylated by CheR and McpT net methylation was diminished in the presence of hydrocarbons, what influences chemotactic movement towards these chemicals.  相似文献   

Many biological events are binary. The switch between mutually exclusive OFF to ON state in response to a stimulus is frequently mediated by a control circuit with a positive and/or a negative feedback. Such a system typically exhibits hysteresis with its switching ON and OFF stimulus levels dependent on the current state of the system. The system can be shown to be bistable both experimentally and mathematically. Work to synthesize such switches by combining natural or engineered components has begun to illustrate the potential of such control circuits in many areas of applications.  相似文献   

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