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Spider venom sphingomyelinases D catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin via an Mg(2+) ion-dependent acid-base catalytic mechanism which involves two histidines. In the crystal structure of the sulfate free enzyme determined at 1.85A resolution, the metal ion is tetrahedrally coordinated instead of the trigonal-bipyramidal coordination observed in the sulfate bound form. The observed hyperpolarized state of His47 requires a revision of the previously suggested catalytic mechanism. Molecular modeling indicates that the fundamental structural features important for catalysis are fully conserved in both classes of SMases D and that the Class II SMases D contain an additional intra-chain disulphide bridge (Cys53-Cys201). Structural analysis suggests that the highly homologous enzyme from Loxosceles bonetti is unable to hydrolyze sphingomyelin due to the 95Gly-->Asn and 134Pro-->Glu mutations that modify the local charge and hydrophobicity of the interfacial face. Structural and sequence comparisons confirm the evolutionary relationship between sphingomyelinases D and the glicerophosphodiester phosphoesterases which utilize a similar catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Aspartate ammonia lyases (or aspartases) catalyze the reversible deamination of L-aspartate into fumarate and ammonia. The lack of crystal structures of complexes with substrate, product, or substrate analogues so far precluded determination of their precise mechanism of catalysis. Here, we report crystal structures of AspB, the aspartase from Bacillus sp. YM55-1, in an unliganded state and in complex with L-aspartate at 2.4 and 2.6 ? resolution, respectively. AspB forces the bound substrate to adopt a high-energy, enediolate-like conformation that is stabilized, in part, by an extensive network of hydrogen bonds between residues Thr101, Ser140, Thr141, and Ser319 and the substrate's β-carboxylate group. Furthermore, substrate binding induces a large conformational change in the SS loop (residues G(317)SSIMPGKVN(326)) from an open conformation to one that closes over the active site. In the closed conformation, the strictly conserved SS loop residue Ser318 is at a suitable position to act as a catalytic base, abstracting the Cβ proton of the substrate in the first step of the reaction mechanism. The catalytic importance of Ser318 was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Site-directed mutagenesis of SS loop residues, combined with structural and kinetic analysis of a stable proteolytic AspB fragment, further suggests an important role for the small C-terminal domain of AspB in controlling the conformation of the SS loop and, hence, in regulating catalytic activity. Our results provide evidence supporting the notion that members of the aspartase/fumarase superfamily use a common catalytic mechanism involving general base-catalyzed formation of a stabilized enediolate intermediate.  相似文献   

Mammalian soluble thiamine triphosphatase (ThTPase) is a 25-kDa cytosolic enzyme that specifically catalyzes the conversion of thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) to thiamine diphosphate and has an absolute requirement for divalent cations. We have investigated the kinetic properties of recombinant mouse thiamine triphosphatase (mThTPase) and determined its solution structure by NMR spectroscopy. Residues responsible for binding Mg(2+) and ThTP were determined from NMR titration experiments. The binding of Mg(2+) induced only a minor local conformational change, whereas ThTP binding was found to cause a more global conformational change. We derived a structural model for the mThTPase.ThTP.Mg(2+) ternary complex and concluded from this that whereas free mThTPase has an open cleft fold, the enzyme in the ternary complex adopts a tunnel fold. Our results provide a functional rationale for a number of conserved residues and suggest an essential role for Mg(2+) in catalysis. We propose a mechanism underlying the high substrate specificity of mThTPase and discuss the possible role of water molecules in enzymatic catalysis.  相似文献   

Yang K  Strauss E  Huerta C  Zhang H 《Biochemistry》2008,47(5):1369-1380
Pantothenate kinase (PanK) catalyzes the first step of the universal five-step coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthetic pathway. The recently characterized type III PanK (PanK-III, encoded by the coaX gene) is distinct in sequence, structure and enzymatic properties from both the long-known bacterial type I PanK (PanK-I, exemplified by the Escherichia coli CoaA protein) and the predominantly eukaryotic type II PanK (PanK-II). PanK-III enzymes have an unusually high Km for ATP, are resistant to feedback inhibition by CoA, and are unable to utilize the N-alkylpantothenamide family of pantothenate analogues as alternative substrates, thus making type III PanK ineffective in generating CoA analogues as antimetabolites in vivo. Previously, we reported the crystal structure of the PanK-III from Thermotoga maritima and identified it as a member of the "acetate and sugar kinase/heat shock protein 70/actin" (ASKHA) superfamily. Here we report the crystal structures of the same PanK-III in complex with one of its substrates (pantothenate), its product (phosphopantothenate) as well as a ternary complex structure of PanK-III with pantothenate and ADP. These results are combined with isothermal titration calorimetry experiments to present a detailed structural and thermodynamic characterization of the interactions between PanK-III and its substrates ATP and pantothenate. Comparison of substrate binding and catalytic sites of PanK-III with that of eukaryotic PanK-II revealed drastic differences in the binding modes for both ATP and pantothenate substrates, and suggests that these differences may be exploited in the development of new inhibitors specifically targeting PanK-III.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness, encodes three cysteine homologues (Px I-III) of classical selenocysteine-containing glutathione peroxidases. The enzymes obtain their reducing equivalents from the unique trypanothione (bis(glutathionyl)spermidine)/tryparedoxin system. During catalysis, these tryparedoxin peroxidases cycle between an oxidized form with an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys(47) and Cys(95) and the reduced peroxidase with both residues in the thiol state. Here we report on the three-dimensional structures of oxidized T. brucei Px III at 1.4A resolution obtained by x-ray crystallography and of both the oxidized and the reduced protein determined by NMR spectroscopy. Px III is a monomeric protein unlike the homologous poplar thioredoxin peroxidase (TxP). The structures of oxidized and reduced Px III are essentially identical in contrast to what was recently found for TxP. In Px III, Cys(47), Gln(82), and Trp(137) do not form the catalytic triad observed in the selenoenzymes, and related proteins and the latter two residues are unaffected by the redox state of the protein. The mutational analysis of three conserved lysine residues in the vicinity of the catalytic cysteines revealed that exchange of Lys(107) against glutamate abrogates the reduction of hydrogen peroxide, whereas Lys(97) and Lys(99) play a crucial role in the interaction with tryparedoxin.  相似文献   

Orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (ODCase) catalyzes the decarboxylation of orotidine 5'-monophosphate, the last step in the de novo synthesis of uridine 5'-monophosphate. ODCase is a very proficient enzyme [Radzicka, A., and Wolfenden, R. (1995) Science 267, 90-93], enhancing the reaction rate by a factor of 10(17). This proficiency has been enigmatic, since it is achieved without metal ions or cofactors. Here we present a 2.5 A resolution structure of ODCase complexed with the inhibitor 1-(5'-phospho-beta-D-ribofuranosyl)barbituric acid. It shows a closely packed dimer composed of two alpha/beta-barrels with two shared active sites. The orientation of the orotate moiety of the substrate is unambiguously deduced from the structure, and previously proposed catalytic mechanisms involving protonation of O2 or O4 can be ruled out. The proximity of the OMP carboxylate group with Asp71 appears to be instrumental for the decarboxylation of OMP, either through charge repulsion or through the formation of a very short O.H.O hydrogen bond between the two carboxylate groups.  相似文献   


Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (URO-D), an essential enzyme that functions in the heme biosynthetic pathway, catalyzes decarboxylation of all four acetate groups of uroporphyrinogen to form coproporphyrinogen. Here we report crystal structures of URO-D in complex with the I and III isomer coproporphyrinogen products. Crystallization required use of a novel enzymatic approach to generate the highly oxygen-sensitive porphyrinogen substrate in situ. The tetrapyrrole product adopts a domed conformation that lies against a collar of conserved hydrophobic residues and allows formation of hydrogen bonding interactions between a carboxylate oxygen atom of the invariant Asp86 residue and the pyrrole NH groups. Structural and biochemical analyses of URO-D proteins mutated at Asp86 support the conclusion that this residue makes important contributions to binding and likely promotes catalysis by stabilizing a positive charge on a reaction intermediate. The central coordination geometry of Asp86 allows the initial substrates and the various partially decarboxylated intermediates to be bound with equivalent activating interactions, and thereby explains how all four of the substrate acetate groups can be decarboxylated at the same catalytic center.  相似文献   

1,2-alpha-L-fucosidase (AfcA), which hydrolyzes the glycosidic linkage of Fucalpha1-2Gal via an inverting mechanism, was recently isolated from Bifidobacterium bifidum and classified as the first member of the novel glycoside hydrolase family 95. To better understand the molecular mechanism of this enzyme, we determined the x-ray crystal structures of the AfcA catalytic (Fuc) domain in unliganded and complexed forms with deoxyfuconojirimycin (inhibitor), 2'-fucosyllactose (substrate), and L-fucose and lactose (products) at 1.12-2.10 A resolution. The AfcA Fuc domain is composed of four regions, an N-terminal beta region, a helical linker, an (alpha/alpha)6 helical barrel domain, and a C-terminal beta region, and this arrangement is similar to bacterial phosphorylases. In the complex structures, the ligands were buried in the central cavity of the helical barrel domain. Structural analyses in combination with mutational experiments revealed that the highly conserved Glu566 probably acts as a general acid catalyst. However, no carboxylic acid residue is found at the appropriate position for a general base catalyst. Instead, a water molecule stabilized by Asn423 in the substrate-bound complex is suitably located to perform a nucleophilic attack on the C1 atom of L-fucose moiety in 2'-fucosyllactose, and its location is nearly identical near the O1 atom of beta-L-fucose in the products-bound complex. Based on these data, we propose and discuss a novel catalytic reaction mechanism of AfcA.  相似文献   

The refined crystal structures of the large proteolytic fragment (Klenow fragment) of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and its complexes with a deoxynucleoside monophosphate product and a single-stranded DNA substrate offer a detailed picture of an editing 3'-5' exonuclease active site. The structures of these complexes have been refined to R-factors of 0.18 and 0.19 at 2.6 and 3.1 A resolution respectively. The complex with a thymidine tetranucleotide complex shows numerous hydrophobic and hydrogen-bonding interactions between the protein and an extended tetranucleotide that account for the ability of this enzyme to denature four nucleotides at the 3' end of duplex DNA. The structures of these complexes provide details that support and extend a proposed two metal ion mechanism for the 3'-5' editing exonuclease reaction that may be general for a large family of phosphoryltransfer enzymes. A nucleophilic attack on the phosphorous atom of the terminal nucleotide is postulated to be carried out by a hydroxide ion that is activated by one divalent metal, while the expected pentacoordinate transition state and the leaving oxyanion are stabilized by a second divalent metal ion that is 3.9 A from the first. Virtually all aspects of the pretransition state substrate complex are directly seen in the structures, and only very small changes in the positions of phosphate atoms are required to form the transition state.  相似文献   

Murine antibody 1D4 selectively catalyzes a highly disfavored beta-elimination reaction. Crystal structures of unliganded 1D4 and 1D4 in complex with a transition-state analog (TSA) have elucidated a possible general base mode of catalysis. The structures of the unliganded and liganded Fabs were determined to 1.80 and 1.85 A resolution, respectively. The structure of the complex reveals a binding pocket with high shape complementarity to the TSA, which is recruited to coerce the substrate into the sterically demanding, eclipsed conformation that is required for catalysis. A histidine residue and two water molecules are likely involved in the catalysis. The structure supports either a concerted E2 or stepwise E1cB-like mechanism for elimination. Finally, the liganded 1D4 structure shows minor conformational rearrangements in CDR H2, indicative of induced-fit binding of the hapten. 1D4 has pushed the boundaries of antibody-mediated catalysis into the realm of disfavored reactions and, hence, represents an important milestone in the development of this technology.  相似文献   

CnrX is the metal sensor and signal modulator of the three-protein transmembrane signal transduction complex CnrYXH of Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 that is involved in the setup of cobalt and nickel resistance. We have determined the atomic structure of the soluble domain of CnrX in its Ni-bound, Co-bound, or Zn-bound form. Ni and Co ions elicit a biological response, while the Zn-bound form is inactive. The structures presented here reveal the topology of intraprotomer and interprotomer interactions and the ability of metal-binding sites to fine-tune the packing of CnrX dimer as a function of the bound metal. These data suggest an allosteric mechanism to explain how the complex is switched on and how the signal is modulated by Ni or Co binding. These results provide clues to propose a model for signal propagation through the membrane in the complex.  相似文献   

Sin resolvase is a site-specific serine recombinase that is normally controlled by a complex regulatory mechanism. A single mutation, Q115R, allows the enzyme to bypass the entire regulatory apparatus, such that no accessory proteins or DNA sites are required. Here, we present a 1.86 ? crystal structure of the Sin Q115R catalytic domain, in a tetrameric arrangement stabilized by an interaction between Arg115 residues on neighboring subunits. The subunits have undergone significant conformational changes from the inactive dimeric state previously reported. The structure provides a new high-resolution view of a serine recombinase active site that is apparently fully assembled, suggesting roles for the conserved active site residues. The structure also suggests how the dimer-tetramer transition is coupled to assembly of the active site. The tetramer is captured in a different rotational substate than that seen in previous hyperactive serine recombinase structures, and unbroken crossover site DNA can be readily modeled into its active sites.  相似文献   

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UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylases (UGPase; EC catalyze the conversion of UTP and glucose-1-phosphate to UDP-glucose and pyrophosphate and vice versa. Prokaryotic UGPases are distinct from their eukaryotic counterparts and are considered appropriate targets for the development of novel antibacterial agents since their product, UDP-glucose, is indispensable for the biosynthesis of virulence factors such as lipopolysaccharides and capsular polysaccharides. In this study, the crystal structures of UGPase from Helicobacter pylori (HpUGPase) were determined in apo- and UDP-glucose/Mg2+-bound forms at 2.9 Å and 2.3 Å resolutions, respectively. HpUGPase is a homotetramer and its active site is located in a deep pocket of each subunit. Magnesium ion is coordinated by Asp130, two oxygen atoms of phosphoryl groups, and three water molecules with octahedral geometry. Isothermal titration calorimetry analyses demonstrated that Mg2+ ion plays a key role in the enzymatic activity of UGPase by enhancing the binding of UGPase to UTP or UDP-glucose, suggesting that this reaction is catalyzed by an ordered sequential Bi Bi mechanism. Furthermore, the crystal structure explains the specificity for uracil bases. The current structural study combined with functional analyses provides essential information for understanding the reaction mechanism of bacterial UGPases, as well as a platform for the development of novel antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

Wedekind JE  McKay DB 《Biochemistry》2003,42(32):9554-9563
The leadzyme is a small ribozyme, derived from in vitro selection, which catalyzes site specific, Pb(2+)-dependent RNA cleavage. Pb(2+) is required for activity; Mg(2+) inhibits activity, while many divalent and trivalent ions enhance it. The leadzyme structure consists of an RNA duplex interrupted by a trinucleotide bulge. Here, crystal structures determined to 1.8 A resolution, both with Mg(2+) as the sole divalent counterion and with Mg(2+) and Sr(2+) (which mimics Pb(2+) with respect to binding but not catalysis), reveal the metal ion interactions with both the ground state and precatalytic conformations of the leadzyme. Mg(H(2)O)(6)(2+) ions bridge complementary strands of the duplex at multiple locations by binding tandem purines of one RNA strand in the major groove. At one site, Mg(H(2)O)(6)(2+) ligates the phosphodiester backbone of the trinucleotide bulge in the ground state conformation, but not in the precatalytic conformation, suggesting (a) Mg(2+) may inhibit leadzyme activity by stabilizing the ground state and (b) metal ions which displace Mg(2+) from this site may activate the leadzyme. Binding of Sr(2+) to the presumed catalytic Pb(2+) site in the precatalytic leadzyme induces local structural changes in a manner that would facilitate alignment of the catalytic ribose 2'-hydroxyl with the scissile bond for cleavage. These data support a model wherein binding of a catalytic ion to a precatalytic conformation of the leadzyme, in conjunction with the flexibility of the trinucleotide bulge, may facilitate structural rearrangements around the scissle phosphodiester bond favoring configurations that allow bond cleavage.  相似文献   

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