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While cotyledons of Douglas fir seedlings contain only 2–3% of their dry weight as procyanidins (mainly in an insoluble form), callus cultures and cell suspension cultures derived from them contain up to 40%. About 70–85% of the procyanidins isolated from these cell suspension cultures are soluble in 70% methanol, but insoluble in ethyl acetate. They can be separated into a minimum of 4 fractions, all of which have apparent molecular weights greater than that of a tetramer. Dimers, trimers or tetramers are absent or present in only trace amounts, but large amounts of catechin, and lesser amounts of epicatechin, are found in the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction.  相似文献   

The use of ring-labelled, pentadeutero IAA as an internal standard in selected ion monitoring analysis of Douglas fir seedlings revealed an estimate of IAA which was nearly an order of magnitude smaller than that reported earlier.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde (HCHO) concentrations of up to 479 mmol m–3 have been reported in urban fogwater, yet little is known about the phytotoxicity of HCHO at such concentrations. We report that formaldehyde at target concentrations of 300, 600, 900 and 1200mmol m–3 reduced germination of Douglas fir [ Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco.] pollen in vitro . Formaldehyde concentrations and pH in media containing pollen decreased over 25 h. These effects were not seen with heat-killed pollen nor with media lacking pollen, which may suggest uptake or detoxification by live pollen. Stress was indicated by ion leakage from pollen, which increased within 20 h in all HCHO treatments. Reduced pollen viability was indicated by TTC staining of pollen, which decreased after HCHO treatment.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of glutamine synthetase from Douglas fir roots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glutamine synthetase (GS. EC was purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity from roots of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco by a three-step procedure involving diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-Trisacryl chromatography, affinity chromatography on Matrex Gel Red A. and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme was purified 40-fold with a 16% recovery. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 460 ± 5 kDa as estimated by gel filtration, interpolation of the Ferguson plots and non-denaturing gradient-PAGE. It was composed of two different subunits of 54 and 64 kDa. Affinity constants for glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), ATP and ADP were 2.6, 10.5, 0.5 and 0.083 m M . respectively. The enzyme exhibited a negative cooperativity for ammonium (Hill number of 0.7) with two Km values which were 11 and 75 μ M in the presence of ammonium concentrations lower and higher than 1.3 m M , respectively. Glycine and ADP appeared as potential inhibitors of the GS activity. The optimum pH values were 7.2 and 7.6 for the transferase and the biosynthetic assays, respectively. The enzyme lost 30% of its activity within 25 days of storage at 4°C. The optimum temperatures of activity were 40°C and 45°C for the transferase and bio-synthetic activities, respectively.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is expected to play an important role in the future of US forests by providing increased productivity, sustainability, and uniformity. For broad scale implementation to occur, SE technology must work with a variety of genetically diverse trees. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco) is the dominant tree in the Pacific Northwest and has great economic and recreational value. We have developed a highly effective medium for initiation of embryogenic tissue of Douglas fir that contains ABA, biotin, brassinolide, folic acid, MES, pyruvic acid and can be used as a gelled medium or in a gelled-liquid medium overlay system. When tested with many high-value crosses over 2 years, initiation tests averaged initiation in the range of 40–57%. Additionally, a time- and labor-saving tetrazolium chloride embryo staining technique was developed to evaluate seed health and screen out seed sources likely to perform poorly in the initiation process.  相似文献   

Extracts of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) shoots were purified by reversed and normal phase HPLC; gibberellin (GA)-like compounds detected by radioimmunoassay with antibodies against GA4 and the Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice micro-drop biossay were analyzed by GC-MS. Three major components were identified as GA4, GA7, and GA9 while smaller amounts of GA1, GA3 and putative GA9-glucosyl ester were also present.  相似文献   

Differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Differential male reproductive success was studied in clones at two seed orchards of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The performance of tester pollen parents was compared in controlled pollinations with two-parent pollen mixes. Marker pollen homozygous for a rare IDH allele was the genetic marker in each pollen mix. The resulting seeds were analyzed electrophoretically. At both seed orchards, the proportion of seeds sired by tester pollen significantly varied among the tester pollen parents. Tester pollen parents did not perform the same across all seed parents. The significant interaction effect was evidence of male-female complementarity. These results suggest a genetic basis to differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir.  相似文献   

Biomass allocation in 6-month-old ectomycorrhizal Douglas fir seedlings was compared to that in nonmycorrhizal seedlings of the same age, nutrient status and total biomass. Seedlings colonized by Rhizopogon vinicolor had the same distribution of biomass between roots, stems and needles, but only 56% of the total length of roots (including mycorrhizal branches) compared to nonmycorrhizal seedlings. Laccaria laccata had no effect on distribution of biomass or root length of seedlings. The results for Rhizopogon provide direct evidence that the process of ectomycorrhizal colonization can significantly affect plant biomass allocation by one or more mechanisms not directly related to altered nutrition or overall plant size.  相似文献   

Summary The amounts of self-fertilization versus consanguineous matings (as measured by effective selfing) was estimated in a seed orchard of Douglas-fir, using progeny array data at six allozyme loci. The orchard is family structured, consisting several grafts (clones) and/or open-pollinated (o-p) progeny from each of several plus-trees. Population-wide selfing rates were found to be 7% for the o-p trees and 2% for the cloned trees. Estimates of mating system parameters for individual trees showed this difference for average outcrossing rate t (1) still largely remained when outcrossingpollen gene frequency p was not allowed to vary among trees and (2) disappeared when p was allowed to vary among trees. Under this joint t and p estimation, o-p trees showed both significant variation of t (based upon a one-way ANOVA grouped by common plus-tree) and significant regressions of p on ovule genotype (indicative of consanguineous matings); cloned trees showed neither. This higher rate of consanguineous mating for o-p trees might be explained by the larger and more variable size of o-p families in the orchard. Estimates of outcrossing rate t and outcrossingpollen gene frequency p were based upon a multilocus model which makes full use of the information in the data. The increased information it gives over observed outcross models is equivalent to adding 30–50% more loci, and it gives enough degrees of freedom to jointly estimate t and p for individual trees (individual progeny arrays) under certain conditions. In addition, inclusion of megagametophyte data nearly doubles the information about the mating system of individual trees.  相似文献   

A pattern recognition system was developed to classify Douglas fir somatic embryos by employing an image analysis system and two neural network based classifiers. The contour of embryo images was segmented, digitalized and converted to numerical values after the discrete and fast Fourier transformation. These values, or Fourier features, along with some other shape factors, were used for embryo classification. The pattern recognition system used a hierarchical decision tree to classify Douglas fir embryos into three normal and one abnormal embryo classes. An accuracy of greater than 80% was achieved for normal embryos. This system provides an objective and efficient method of classifying embryos of Douglas fir. It will be a useful tool for kinetic studies and process optimization of conifer somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We developed a method of screening RAPD markers for the presence of organelle DNA products using enriched organelle DNA probes, then used these markers to compare the structure of nuclear and mitochondrial RAPD diversity in Douglas fir. Of 237 screened RAPD fragments from 25 primers, 16% were identified as originating in the mitochondrial genome and 3% in the chloroplast genome. The mitochondrial DNA probe correctly distinguished fragments with known maternal inheritance (which is exclusive for the mitochondrial genome in the Pinaceae), and neither of the organelle probes hybridized to biparentally inherited fragments. Mitochondrial RAPD markers exhibited low diversity within populations compared to nuclear RAPD diversity ( H S = 0.03 and 0.22, respectively), but were much more highly differentiated than were fragments of nuclear origin at both the population ( G ST = 0.18 and 0.05, respectively) and racial levels ( G ST = 0.72 and 0.25, respectively). Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA based phylogenetic analyses identified the varieties as monophyletic groups; the nuclear RAPD markers further separated the north and south interior races.  相似文献   

Triterpene quinone-methides, lupenone, β-amyrin, dulcitol, and sitosterol have been isolated from the timber, root and leaf extracts of Gymnosporia emarginata. Their chemotaxonomic significance is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A re-examination of earlier NPK fertilization experiments in Douglas fir stands on sandy soils shows the effects of high nitrogen input by air pollution during the last 10–15 years on plant nutrition at these sites. In 1960, experimental plots showed a positive growth reaction to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization. All suffered from severe phosphorus deficiency in 1984, low phosphorus in the needles was invariably accompanied by a high nitrogen content, with all N/P ratios between 20 and 30. The same conclusion emerges from an independent investigation of nutrient status of a selection of Douglas fir stands. Hence, if stand productivity and a balanced nutrient status of the trees is to be maintained, the increase in atmospheric input of nitrogen calls for supplementary fertilization. Given the current N/P ratios in the needles, a positive growth response to phosphorus fertilization is to be expected.  相似文献   

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