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Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

Density is known to be an important factor in population size regulation. Several mechanisms of density limitation have been identified in colonial birds. We studied competition in Common Terns Sterna hirundo to assess whether the factor limiting reproductive output was competition for nest‐sites, which is dependent on local nest density, or density‐dependent competition for food resources, which is dependent on overall colony size using the same foraging area. We found strong associations of both colony size and nest density with reproductive output in five colonies of Common Terns in three different habitats (one marine, two freshwater). Based on detailed long‐term datasets of six separate sub‐colonies of the Banter See colony that differed in nest density, we found that reproductive success was not related to nest density but to overall colony size, possibly a result of resource depletion and food competition. We also found carry‐over effects of colony size during rearing on post‐fledging return rate. These results have important implications for the conservation management plans aimed at recovering declining populations of Common Terns.  相似文献   

The wintering diet of Common Terns Sterna hirundo was studied by using 714 pellets collected on roosting sites at the mouth of the Lagoa dos Patos and on adjacent coastal beaches, in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, from March 1999 to February 2000. A total of 12 340 individual prey items of 35 different food types was found. Fish was the most important food type in the diet, constituting 32% by number and 93% by mass. Insects contributed 67% by number but only 3% by mass. The main food types were sciaenid fishes Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Micropogonias furnieri, Cynoscion guatucupa and Macrodon ancylodon. Several of these are important commercial species; fisheries potentially impact food availability to the terns, and terns may contribute significantly to the natural mortality of these fishes. Clupeiform fishes, the urophycid fish Urophycis brasiliensis and flying ants (Camponotus sp.) were also important. Species composition of the diet (food types), both by number and by mass, differed significantly between months. Prey sizes ranged in length from 12.7 mm to 217.4 mm. The average estimated total length of fish taken was 77.7 mm, but the mean differed significantly among prey species. The importance of demersal sciaenids to the diet of the Common Tern, a surface predator, may be explained by their association with aquatic predators, especially adult Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix and Striped Weakfish Cynoscion guatucupa, and the Franciscana Dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei, which drive these fish to the surface. The occurrence of flying ants in the diet was related to offshore winds, which carried these insects out to sea. The occasional high availability of insects possibly changed the cost/benefit relationship of several food types, causing diet changes. The high number of prey species, the temporal variations in the composition of the diet and the wide range of prey sizes are evidence of the high dietary plasticity of the Common Tern, at wintering areas in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

In many vertebrates, male offspring are affected more than female offspring by adverse conditions during growth, resulting in facultative adjustment of offspring sex ratio by parents in response to social and environmental conditions during breeding. The greater vulnerability of male offspring is generally attributed to their higher energy requirements associated with their larger size, although greater sensitivity to adverse conditions could be related to other factors such as negative effects of androgens on male physiology. To control for sexual differences in body size, we examined variation in offspring sex ratio in the Common Tern Sterna hirundo , a species with negligible sexual size dimorphism. In this species, the last-laid egg (termed the c-egg) is smaller than the first two and hatches last, so that the chick obtains relatively little food and hence has a low probability of survival to fledging. This species thus provides a powerful model for examining sex-linked mortality and sex ratio variation under natural conditions. We found that the sex ratio of c-eggs, but not of earlier laid eggs, was significantly biased in favour of females. Chicks hatched from c-eggs (termed c-chicks) had low survival but female c-chicks had significantly higher survival than male c-chicks. These data provide strong evidence that factors other than sexual size dimorphism are responsible for producing greater vulnerability of male offspring to adverse conditions during growth.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributions of egg size, parental quality and hatch-date to growth and survival of second-hatched chicks (those chicks making the greatest contribution to differences in productivity among pairs) by exchanging clutches among nests of Common Terns Sterna hirundo matched for lay-date (range 13 May to 9 June). The mass of a second-laid egg in an exchanged clutch ranged from 17.70 to 23.80 g. Growth and survival were studied during three periods: early (days 0–3), middle (days 3–12) and late (days 12–25). Both egg mass and hatch-date were important predictors of hatchling mass (positive relationships), although there was no seasonal trend in egg mass. During the middle period, hatch-date was a significant predictor of mass gain and survival (inverse relationships). After controlling for hatch-date, other indices of parental quality made only small contributions to chick mass gain and survival. Our results suggest that although breeding early generally leads to greater overall survival of chicks, several important interactions among egg 'quality', parental quality and early laying may affect breeding success under specific conditions.  相似文献   

Time budgets of free-living chicks of Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea and Common Terns S. hirundo throughout development are presented with special reference to changes in time allocation when growth rate varies. Chicks of both species were inactive most of the time observed (87%). Time allocated to the different behaviours changed during development and was generally better correlated with body mass than age. Slower growing nestlings were brooded more and allocated more time to quiescence and less time to locomotion, preening, begging and attacking (the latter two significant only for the Arctic Tern). The energetic implications of variation in time budgets with age and growth rate were considered. Parental brooding resulted in an average energy saving of nearly 40% of an individual nestling's thermoregulatory costs. Whereas thermoregulatory costs remained nearly unchanged in Arctic Tern chicks, these were negatively correlated with growth rate in Common Terns. Tentatively, we estimated a 30% reduction in a nestling's total energy requirement for a 50% reduction in average growth rate for both species.  相似文献   

In 1969 294 eggs from herring gull were collected from eight different localities in Norway. The eggshell thicknesses were measured, and 10 eggs from each locality were analysed by gas liquid chromatography for organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PGB). Residues of DDE were demonstrated in all eggs, the concentrations varying from 0.2 to 5.4 p.p.m. in herring gull, and from 0.2 to 3.5 p.p.m. in common gull. DDT occurred only in four eggs from herring gull and then only in concentrations of from 0.1 to 0.3 p.p.m. Other organochlorine insecticides were not detected. Residues of PGB were found in all eggs from herring gull in concentrations of from 0.2 to 3.8 p.p.m. PGB 10, and in six out of nine eggs from common gull, from trace to 0.8 p.p.m. PGB 10. The analysed material showed a positive correlation between amounts present of DDE and of PGB. There was a significant difference between localities concerning the contents of DDE and PGB in eggs from herring gull. This variance may be taken into consideration by using the herring gull as an indicator organism, since this bird, especially in the northern part of Norway, is migratory. The residue concentrations of DDE and PGB were markedly higher in eggs from herring gull than in eggs from common gull. It is suggested that this may be related to the difference between these species in their feeding habits. The residues of organochlorines demonstrated in this investigation do not seem to have had any effect on eggshell thickness in herring gull.  相似文献   

Common Terns nesting at Bermuda are isolated by 1,000–4,000?km from other populations of the species around the North Atlantic Ocean. This population experienced a severe demographic bottleneck as a result of a hurricane in 2003 and was subsequently re-established by four males and four females. Using seven microsatellite loci, we compared the genetic diversity of the pre- and post-bottleneck populations, compared the genetic profile of the Bermuda population with those of other populations around the North Atlantic Ocean and mainland Europe, and assessed the potential contribution of immigration to genetic diversity. We found a loss of genetic diversity (number of alleles and heterozygosity) in the post-bottleneck Bermudian population (4.6–2.9 and 0.56–0.52, respectively). We also report significant differentiation among all sampled locations (global FST?=?0.16) with no evidence for immigration into Bermuda. Common Terns from the Azores were genetically more similar to those from mainland North America than to those from Bermuda or mainland Europe. Our results suggest that the critically endangered population in Bermuda is genetically distinct and requires continued and enhanced conservation priority.  相似文献   

We studied the inter-year and inter-sex variation of the post-fledging body mass development of Common Terns Sterna hirundo in 2000 and 2001 at the Banter See colony, northern Germany. Here, post-fledglings can be identified and weighed remotely and automatically by a transponder system that makes use of automated balances installed at the colony. Individuals were sexed with PCR amplification methods. After fledging, young generally continued to increase their mass. However, in 2000, the young did not significantly increase their mass during the post-fledging period. In 2001, conditions were more favourable and body mass increased continuously. Further, in 2001, male post-fledglings were significantly heavier than female post-fledglings. Once having left the colony area (on average 18–23 days after fledging in 2000, and 14–16 days after fledging in 2001), post-fledgling body mass had still not reached adult body mass. The longer a juvenile stayed at the colony, the higher was its final body mass, which if acting as a threshold level may control departure time. Neither brood size nor hatching order affected post-fledging mass or period. In the unfavourable year 2000, when many individuals were found dead after fledging, fledging age but not fledging mass was found to be a predictor of post-fledging survival before departure: individuals fledging when older had a lower survival probability. Our results stress the importance of the post-fledging period for body mass increase and survival prior to departure. The variation in post-fledging mass growth between years and between the sexes is discussed with respect to parental effort and a possible selective provisioning of sons over daughters.  相似文献   

The probability of divorce in birds has been linked with age, breeding experience, reproductive output and synchrony in return. Here, we investigate the consequences of first breeding attempts in common terns for mating in the subsequent season. Nearly 20% of all first‐time breeders disappeared or skipped at least one season after recruitment. In 84 pairs, which consisted of at least one recruit and of which both partners returned to the colony, the divorce rate was 45%. We compared reproductive success, arrival dates, and asynchrony in arrival dates of pairs of the first breeding season against the second season, for both reunited and divorced pairs and males and females separately. First, in pairs of which both members came back to the colony, we found an increase of reproductive success most pronounced in males. In the second season reproductive success of divorced compared with reunited pairs was higher, as only divorced pairs significantly improved the number of fledglings, and again this relation was stronger in males. Secondly, females of reunited pairs arrived significantly earlier from the first to the second season and by far more days than their males. However, in divorced pairs former mates did not differ in the number of days they advance their arrivals. Finally, divorced males arrived on average 4 d earlier than their former mates, whereas divorced females arrived 5 d later compared with their former mates of the recruitment season. Contradictory to nearly all other divorce studies in birds so far, we found a clear fitness gain in divorced males. We suggest that the improvement in reproductive success of young males stems from a side‐effect of the birds’ quality and ability to reach the breeding site in appropriate time and earlier as potential competitors. In long‐lived bird species the heterogeneity among young individuals in the timing of arrival at the colony seems to explain why former recruit‐pairs reunite or split. For young males we suggest as best explanation of divorce that they profit from ‘pushing for an empty chair’, while females seem to profit from their choosiness and may actively decide between former and other mates.  相似文献   

We assessed the nutritional importance of mate provisioning to females during egg production and its effects on clutch parameters (egg size, length of the laying period) in Common Terns Sterna hirundo: (1) we estimated the costs of egg production by modeling the daily protein, lipid, and energy requirements of laying females, and (2) compared these costs to both the amount, and the timing, of the male's contribution via mate provisioning. Net lipid, net protein, and gross energy requirements for a three‐egg clutch were estimated to be 5.4 g, 8.6 g, and 569 kJ respectively. Peak protein and lipid requirements occurred one (day ?1) and two (day ?2) days before laying, respectively. Peak energy requirement occurred on day ?1; a cost of 127% to 157% above maintenance. Variation in male provisioning effort (in terms of energy and nutrients delivered) paralleled variation in predicted female requirements for egg production at the level of individual pairs. Males delivered protein in excess of the female's requirements on all days investigated. Male lipid delivery accounted for 45% of female net requirement on the day when demand was greatest (day ?2), but exceeded requirements on all other days. However, the proportion of the female's total energy budget (egg production, maintenance, and activity costs) that was supplied by her mate rose from an average of 29% on day ?2 to 76% during the interval between second and third eggs. Paradoxically, females that were fed at higher rates during the interval between first and second eggs produced clutches with lower total volumes, smaller last‐laid eggs, and clutches with a greater egg‐size hierarchy than conspecifics receiving less food from their mates. Also, females fed at higher rates during the interval between second and third eggs took longer to produce their clutch. These negative relationships between mate provisioning and clutch parameters contrast with previous studies in this and other species.  相似文献   

The raised coral reef sequences at Kish Island provide a rare window into the depositional setting and paleoenvironment of a high-latitude, shallow-water coral reef that developed under turbid conditions in the Persian Gulf during Marine Isotope Stage 7 (~200 to 250?ka). Six sedimentary facies and eight foraminiferal assemblages can be identified throughout the sequence. A ninth assemblage can be defined for the modern subtidal realm. At the base of the sequence is a marl rich in hyaline foraminifera (Elphidium, Ammonia, Asterorotalia, Bulimina, Nonion, and Quinqueloculina) and ostracods, which was deposited in about 30–40?m water depth in a turbid deltaic setting. Shallowing resulted in the marl becoming sandy, and changing to a mollusc-rich facies with rare foraminifera (mostly smaller miliolid taxa) that formed the substrate for coral recruitment. The coral marl layer contains many large corals embedded in situ in an aggregate and coralline algae-rich marl. Two abundance peaks in the foraminifera occur at the base and mid-way through this layer, which also correspond to a change from Murrayinella-dominated to Placopsilina-dominated assemblages, indicating deepening and more open-marine conditions, but elevated turbidity. Towards the top of the layer, abundance of foraminifera decreases and miliolid foraminifera become dominant. The top-most layer is dominated by coral and mollusc fragments and has an Amphistegina-rich reef-related assemblage. Of the Late Pleistocene foraminiferal assemblages, the Murrayinella-, Pararotalia-, and Placopsilina-dominated assemblages are no longer present in the modern gulf for unknown reasons. Of the other five assemblages, only the Amphistegina assemblage is found within proximity to the modern Kish Island. The Elphidium and Asterorotalia-Bulimina assemblages are from deeper areas of the gulf. The Ammonia and Quinqueloculina assemblages occur in lagoonal sediments on the Arabian side of the gulf. Like the modern Persian Gulf, the diversity of foraminifera was low (~80 common species) during the Pleistocene and does not correlate with foraminiferal abundance.  相似文献   

IAN C. T. NISBET 《Ibis》2011,153(1):185-189
Manipulation of clutch size during incubation has been used in a number of studies to investigate life‐history costs of incubation. We increased or decreased clutches of Common Terns Sterna hirundo during incubation and measured subsequent chick growth and productivity. Our results provide little support for the hypothesis that costs of incubation in Common Terns are substantially affected by the number of eggs incubated.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - Miankaleh and Gomishan International Wetlands are important wintering areas for waterbirds in the Caspian Sea region. Previous studies revealed increased...  相似文献   

This research describes and presents some biological aspects of five fish species from carangidae family including: Alepes djedaba, Ulua mentalis, Alectis indica, Carangoides coeruleopinnatus, and Carangoides bajad in the Iranian waters of the northern Persian Gulf (Hormozgan Province, Iran). Samples were collected from April to September 2016. The fishing gears were gill nets (80, 100, 120 and 145 mm stretched mesh size), bottom and midwater trawls (30, 40 and 75 mm stretched mesh size in cod‐end) of local and commercial fishery. The b values of length–weight relationships ranged from 2.512 (95% CL = 0.054) for U. mentalis to 2.953 (95% CL = 0.155) for C. coeruleopinnatus and the correlation coefficient values (r2) were high for all species.  相似文献   

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