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Production of testosterone by highly purified Leydig cells prepared from rat and mouse testes is compared. Testosterone formation is improved to a higher degree in rat (2.7-fold) than in mouse (1.7-fold) cells by collagenase treatment of the testis compared with mechanical isolation. Mouse Leydig cells respond to exogenous stimuli (choriogonadotropin, dibutyryl cyclic AMP) with 2.4-fold higher testosterone secretion than rat cells. A 1.7-fold increased conversion of androgen precursors to testosterone by mouse compared with rat Leydig cells is demonstrated in static incubations as well as in steady-state superfusion experiments and can be derived from enhanced androstenedione reduction and a less inhibitory effect of progesterone on this process in mouse Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Summary Human testicular specimens were obtained from biopsies and autopsies covering the period from birth to adulthood. The number of testosterone-containing Leydig cells was determined using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method. This number decreased markedly from 3–6 months of age to the end of the first year of life and, up to 6 years of age, only a small number of testosterone-containing cells was found. From 6 years onwards the number of Leydig cells progressively increased. Ultrastructural examination revealed four types of Leydig cells: (1) fetal-type Leydig cells (from birth to 1 year of age) with round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubular cristae; (2) infantile-type Leydig cells (from birth to 8–10 years of age), showing a multilobated nucleus, moderately abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, some lipid droplets and mitochondria with parallel cristae; (3) prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells (from 6 years of age onwards) with regularly-outlined round nuclei, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and some lipid droplets and lipofuscin granules; and (4) mature adult Leydig cells (from 8–10 years of age onwards). The ultrastructure of the infantile-type Leydig cells and the lack of delay between the disappearance of the fetal-type Leydig cells and the appearance of infantile-type Leydig cells suggest that fetal-type Leydig cells give rise to the infantile-type Leydig cells. Before puberty, myofibroblast-like precursor cells differentiate into the prepubertal, partially differentiated Leydig cells, which complete their differentiation into the adult Leydig cells.This work was supported by grants from the Comisión Asesora de Investigation Científica y Técnica, and the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social, Madrid, Spain  相似文献   

Summary The concentration and distribution of glycogen in relation to postnatal differentiation of the mouse Leydig cell are studied by biochemical and ultrastructural methods. Glycogen decreases to less than one third in the first twelve days after birth. This decrease is accompanied by modifications of its distribution in the cytoplasm. In the newborn it is abundant and arranged in clusters of beta particles; in the mature Leydig cell, glycogen is found scattered in extremely low concentration interspersed among elements of the endoplasmic reticulum.The role of glycogen during Leydig cell differentiation can be interpreted as a source of energy and/or as a source of building material in the biogenesis of membranous components.This work was supported by Grant M 63,121 from the Population Council, U.S.A.Fellow Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Argentina.  相似文献   

Summary Ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS) was used as a specific cytotoxin to eliminate the Leydig cell population of the adult rat testis. Ultrastructural, morphometric and serum gonadotrophin and testosterone analysis was used to study the response of the intertubular tissue of the testis from 1 day to 10 weeks after EDS treatment. In control animals, the testis contained approximately 28 million Leydig cells and 8 million macrophages. Three to seven days after EDS treatment, Leydig cells were absent and serum testosterone was undetectable. Macrophage numbers increased three-fold by 3 days and returned to pretreatment values thereafter. At 2 and 3 weeks post-EDS, foetal-type Leydig cells (1–2 million per testis) appeared in proximity to perivascular and peritubular tissues, a feature also observed at 4 weeks when numerous such cells (15 million per testis) formed prominent clusters in perivascular and peritubular locations. Between 6 and 10 weeks after EDS treatment, the foetal-type Leydig cells were transformed morphologically into adult-type Leydig cells, they occupied central intertubular positions and their numbers were restored to pretreatment values. Regeneration of Leydig cells was reflected by elevated serum testosterone levels which returned towards the normal range. The results demonstrate the regenerative capacity of the testicular intertubular tissue and indicate a dual site of origin of Leydig cells which initially resemble foetal-type Leydig cells prior to establishing the adult-type Leydig cell population. The morphological pattern of Leydig cell regeneration suggests that in addition to gonadotrophic stimulation, local testicular factors from the seminiferous tubules may stimulate Leydig cell growth.  相似文献   

Summary Heavy metals including mercury, cadmium, cobalt, and copper (100 μM) exerted an adverse effect on the viability of isolated rat adrenal capsular (zona glomerulosa), adrenal decapsular (fasciculata and reticularis), and Leydig cells of the testis with mercury being the most potent. Due to the decreased cell viability there was a parallel reduction in corticotropin-stimulated, corticosterone production by adrenal decapsular cells and luteinizing hormone-stimulated testosterone production by Leydig cells. The results indicated a direct toxic action of these heavy metals on steroid-producing cell in the adrenal gland and the tectis. Other metals tested, including lead, zinc, aluminum, chromium, iron, nickel, and lithium, did not exert any deleterious effect on cell viability or hormone-induced steroidogenesis, in adrenal and Leydig cells when tested up to a concentration of 100 μM.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated local functions for neurotrophins in the developing and mature testis of rodents. To examine whether these signaling molecules are present and also potentially active in the human testis, we characterized immunohistochemically the expression and cellular localization of the known neurotrophins and their receptors during prenatal testicular development as well as in the adult human testis. Results obtained revealed the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3 and 4, as well as neurotrophin receptors p75NTR, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC during testis morphogenesis. These proteins were also detectable in the adult human testis, and their local expression could be confirmed largely by immunoblot and RT-PCR analyses. Remarkably, the Leydig cells were found to represent the predominant neurotrophin/receptor expression sites within both fetal and adult human testes. Functional assays performed with a mouse tumor Leydig cell line revealed that NGF exposure increases cellular steroid production, indicating a role in differentiation processes. These findings support previously-recognized neuronal characteristics of Leydig cells, provide additional evidence for potential roles of neurotrophins during testis morphogenesis and in the mature testis, and demonstrate for the first time a neurotrophin-induced functional activity in Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was initially discovered as a neuropeptide synthesized in the hypothalamus. Receptors for this hormone include TRH-receptor-1 (TRH-R1) and -2 (TRH-R2). Previous studies have shown that TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 are localized exclusively in adult Leydig cells (ALCs). We have investigated TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 expression in the testes of postnatal 8-, 14-, 21- 35-, 60-, and 90-day-old rats and in ethane dimethane sulfonate (EDS)-treated adult rats by using Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence. The effects of TRH on testosterone secretion of primary cultured ALCs from 90-day-old rats and DNA synthesis in Leydig cells from 21-day-old rats have also been examined. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 were expressed in fetal Leydig cells (in 8-day-old rats) and in all stages of adult-type Leydig cells during development. Immunofluorescence double-staining revealed that newly regenerated Leydig cells in post-EDS 21-day rats expressed TRH-R1 and TRH-R2 on their first reappearance. Incubation with various doses of TRH affected testosterone secretion of primary cultured ALCs. Low concentrations of TRH (0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 ng/ml) inhibited basal and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)-stimulated testosterone secretion of isolated ALCs, whereas relatively high doses of TRH (1 and 10 ng/ml) increased hCG-stimulated testosterone secretion. As detected by a 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation test, the DNA synthesis of Leydig cells from 21-day-old rats was promoted by low TRH concentrations. Thus, we have clarified the effect of TRH on testicular function: TRH might regulate the development of Leydig cells before maturation and the secretion of testosterone after maturation. This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 39870109 and 30370750).  相似文献   

The ability to identify and isolate lineage-specific stem cells from adult tissues could facilitate cell replacement therapy. Leydig cells (LCs) are the primary source of androgen in the mammalian testis, and the prospective identification of stem Leydig cells (SLCs) may offer new opportunities for treating testosterone deficiency. Here, in a transgenic mouse model expressing GFP driven by the Nestin (Nes) promoter, we observed Nes-GFP+ cells located in the testicular interstitial compartment where SLCs normally reside. We showed that these Nes-GFP+ cells expressed LIFR and PDGFR-α, but not LC lineage markers. We further observed that these cells were capable of clonogenic self-renewal and extensive proliferation in vitro and could differentiate into neural or mesenchymal cell lineages, as well as LCs, with the ability to produce testosterone, under defined conditions. Moreover, when transplanted into the testes of LC-disrupted or aging models, the Nes-GFP+ cells colonized the interstitium and partially increased testosterone production, and then accelerated meiotic and post-meiotic germ cell recovery. In addition, we further demonstrated that CD51 might be a putative cell surface marker for SLCs, similar with Nestin. Taken together, these results suggest that Nes-GFP+ cells from the testis have the characteristics of SLCs, and our study would shed new light on developing stem cell replacement therapy for testosterone deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Adult mice were treated daily with HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The most notable changes were found 24 hours after the second injection of 100 i.u. Nearly all lipid droplets had disappeared. Mitochondria showed a constriction linking the two portions of the organelle with widened intracristal spaces. Doughnut-shaped, bifurcated, and elongated mitochondria occurred commonly; their intracristal spaces were consistently widened. The Golgi complex was well developed. Dense bodies and phagolysosomes seemed to disappear. The results indicate that the mitochondrion is the first and most responsive organelle affected by HCG treatment. A hypothesis is advanced that the mitochondria of the Leydig cell provide the energy required for the lipolytic effect of HCG.  相似文献   

The production of testosterone occurs within the Leydig cells of the testes. When production fails at this level from either congenital, acquired, or systemic disorders,the result is primary hypogonadism. While numerous testosterone formulations have been developed, none are yet fully capable of replicating the physiological patterns of testosterone secretion. Multiple stem cell therapies to restore androgenic function of the testes are under investigation. Leydig cells derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, and the testes have shown promise for future therapy for primary hypogonadism. In particular, the discovery and utilization of a group of progenitor stem cells within the testes, known as stem Leydig cells(SLCs), has led not only to a better understanding of testicular development, but of treatment as well. When combining this with an understanding of the mechanisms that lead to Leydig cell dysfunction, researchers and physicians will be able to develop stem cell therapies that target the specific step in the steroidogenic process that is deficient. The current preclinical studies highlight the complex nature of regenerating this steroidogenic process and the problems remain unresolved. In summary, there appears to be two current directions for stem cell therapy in male primary hypogonadism. The first method involves differentiating adult Leydig cells from stem cells of various origins from bone marrow, adipose, or embryonic sources. The second method involves isolating, identifying, and transplanting stem Leydig cells into testicular tissue. Theoretically, in-vivo re-activation of SLCs in men with primary hypogonadism due to age would be another alternative method to treat hypogonadism while eliminating the need for transplantation.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells (SCs) are presumed to be the center of testis differentiation because they provide both structural support and biological regulation for spermatogenesis. Previous studies suggest that SCs control germ cell (GC) count and Leydig cell (LC) development in mouse testes. However, the regulatory role of SCs on peritubular myoid (PTM) cell fate in fetal testis has not been clearly reported. Here, we employed Amh‐Cre; diphtheria toxin fragment A (DTA) mouse model to selectively ablate SCs from embryonic day (E) 14.5. Results found that SC ablation in the fetal stage caused the disruption of testis cords and the massive loss of GCs. Furthermore, the number of α‐smooth muscle actin‐labeled PTM cells was gradually decreased from E14.5 and almost lost at E18.5 in SC ablation testis. Interestingly, some Ki67 and 3β‐HSD double‐positive fetal LCs could be observed in Amh‐Cre; DTA testes at E16.5 and E18.5. Consistent with this phenomenon, the messenger RNA levels of Hsd3b1, Cyp11a1, Lhr, Star and the protein levels of 3β‐HSD and P450Scc were significantly elevated by SC ablation. SC ablation appears to induce ectopic proliferation of fetal LCs although the total LC number appeared reduced. Together, these findings bring us a better understanding of SCs’ central role in fetal testis development.  相似文献   

Summary Five-day-old male rats received a single treatment of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS), and the response of the testis on days 6–10 and 21 was examined by light microscopy and morphometry, supplemented by measurement of peripheral testosterone levels. One day after treatment, foetal Leydig cells degenerated, showing fragmentation, condensation and nuclear pyknosis. Macrophages phagocytosed the foetal Leydig cells resulting in their disappearance by day 7. Destruction of foetal Leydig cells was followed by an arrest of testicular growth in comparison to testes of intact age-matched control rats. In testes of EDS-treated rats, gonocytes and spermatogonia also degenerated, forming pyknotic bodies within the seminiferous cords. In contrast, interstitial fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells showed proliferative activity, which on days 4 and 5 after treatment resulted in peritubular hyperplasia surrounding each seminiferous cord. Thereafter, on day 21 after EDS administration, the previously depressed serum testosterone levels became markedly elevated coincident with the development of many immature-type Leydig cells, of which the total volume per testis was similar to that of Leydig cells in control testes, despite a four- to five-fold difference in testicular volumes. The results indicate that, although EDS destroys the foetal Leydig cells and impairs spermatogenesis, the interstitial tissue exhibits increased cell growth. The latter probably occurs in response to altered gonadotrophic stimulation and/or disturbances in the interaction between the seminiferous cords and the interstitial tissue.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein nestin is predominantly expressed in some stem/progenitor cells and appears to be a useful molecular tool to characterise tumours originating from precursor cells of neuroectodermal and mesenchymal lineages. Leydig cells originate in the adult testis by differentiation from stem cells and express a variety of neural and neuroendocrine markers. The possible expression of the neural stem cell marker nestin in Leydig cells and testicular tumour cells was determined by analysing the patterns of nestin expression in normal and pathological human testes by Western blot and immunohistochemical methods. In normal testis, nestin was found in some vascular endothelial cells, a subset of peritubular spindle-shaped cells and some Leydig cells; spermatogenic and Sertoli cells were unstained. In normal Leydig cells, nestin was distributed in the perinuclear cytoplasm and accumulated in the crystalloids of Reinke with ageing. In non-tumour pathologies (cryptorchidism, impaired spermatogenesis), the seminiferous tubules were immunonegative, whereas hyperplastic Leydig cells showed cytoplasmic immunolabelling. In testicular malignancies, nestin was localised in the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules affected with intratubular germ cell neoplasia, in the hyperplastic Leydig cells associated with these tumours and in some components (mesenchymal and neuroepithelial cells) of teratomas; spermatocytic and non-spermatocytic seminomas were unstained. Some vascular endothelial cells were immunolabelled in all tumour samples. Thus, nestin is expressed in a population of normal and hyperplastic Leydig cells and in Sertoli cells in the presence of intratubular germ-cell neoplasia. Nestin may be a good marker for identifying components of testicular teratomas.The two first authors participated equally in this workThis work was supported by a grant from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS 02/3003 to M.V.T. Lobo)  相似文献   

Summary Testicular interstitial cells, from rats aged 35 days, were dispersed with collagenase and separated through Percoll into 5 fractions (I–V); fraction I being the least dense. Measurement of basal testosterone production, histo-enzymological staining for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and electron microscopy indicated that the majority of Ley dig cells were found in fraction IV (corresponding to a density of 1.076–1.097 g/ml). In addition, cells from this fraction responded to hCG treatment in a dose-dependent manner on day 0 and remained responsive after being cultured for 1 day. Immunostaining for oxytocin indicated that this fraction also contained the majority of the oxytocin-immunoreactive cells. On day 1 of culture, 56% of the cell population from fraction IV were positively stained for the steroidogenic enzyme and 75% immunoreactive for oxytocin. This overlap indicates that the Leydig cells were also the oxytocin immunoreactive cells.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the dose-dependent direct effect of corticosterone on adult rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vitro. Leydig cells were isolated from the testis of normal adult male albino rats, purified on discontinuous Percoll gradient and plated in culture plates/flasks overnight at 34 degrees C in a CO(2) incubator under 95% air and 5% CO(2) using DME/F12 medium containing 1% fetal bovine serum. After the attachment of cells, serum-containing medium was removed and cells were exposed to different doses (0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 nM) of corticosterone using serum-free fresh medium for 24 h at 34 degrees C. At the end of exposure period, cells were utilized for assessment of the activities and mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes (cytochrome P(450) side chain cleavage enzyme, 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and cytochrome P(450) aromatase) and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein gene expression. Testosterone and estradiol production were also quantified. Activities of cytochrome P(450) side chain cleavage enzyme, 3beta- and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were declined significantly in a dose-dependent manner after corticosterone exposure, while their mRNA expression were significantly reduced at higher doses of corticosterone exposure. The activity and mRNA expression of cytochrome P(450) aromatase registered a significant increase at 100 nM dose of corticosterone whereas at 200-800 nM doses both the activity as well as the mRNA levels was significantly reduced below the basal level. StAR protein gene expression was significantly inhibited by higher doses of corticosterone employed. At all doses employed, corticosterone significantly reduced the production of testosterone by Leydig cells, while estradiol level registered a significant increase at 50 and 100 nM doses but at higher doses, it registered a significant decrease when compared to basal level. It is concluded from the present in vitro study that the molecular mechanism by which corticosterone reduces the production of Leydig cell testosterone is by reducing the activities and mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein.  相似文献   

The effects of an increase in intracellular cAMP concentration on proteoglycan (PG) synthesis by peritubular (PT) cells from immature rat testis were investigated. In the presence of dBcAMP for 72 h, the [3H]-hexosamine incorporation in secreted PG and in cellassociated PG was reduced, whereas [35S]-sulfate radioactivity was enhanced in secreted PG and not affected in cell-associated PG. Cholera toxin and IBMX, known to generate high intracellular cAMP levels, induced similar changes. Cyclic AMP did not alter PG protein moiety synthesis but enhanced PG turnover. Cholera toxin and dBcAMP profoundly modified PG characteristics: (1) Apparent molecular weight of PG was increased. (2) This was due to an increase in glycosaminoglycans (heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS)) length. (3) The number of glycosaminoglycan chains was presumably reduced. (4) Heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate chains of medium and cell layer-associated PG appeared oversulfated. (5) The pattern of cell layer associated PG was modified with a decrease in HSPG and a correlative increase in CSPG. Cholera toxin and dBcAMP also dramatically stimulated hyaluronan synthesis by possible phosphorylation induced activation of hyaluronan synthase(s).  相似文献   

Summary The growth of the mouse pituitary cell line AtT 20 was studied under different in vitro conditions. A completely defined, serum-free culture medium supported the survival of cells for a period of more than 2 mo. The medium, designed SFI, consisted of basal medium supplemented with transferrin, insulin, putrescine, and selenium. For maintenance of cells during long-term culture, no additional compounds were necessary. The time-dependent increases in cell number during culture with fetal bovine serum (FBS) and under serum-free conditions showed similar properties. Analysis of the effects of different substrata on cell growth demonstrated that polylysine supported adhesion and initial growth of cells to a greater extent than untreated plastic or FBS adsorbed to culture dishes. Synthesis and regulation of proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-mRNA, the precursor-mRNA of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), could be detected by Northern blot analysis under basal conditions and after incubation with steroids and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), indicating the serum-independent expression of important cellular properties.  相似文献   

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