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To the 20 species and varieties of previously known in New Caledonia, there are here described and added three more species, one each in the sectionsBernardia, Lophostigma, andVeillonia.  相似文献   

Twenty-one new Polycentropodidae (Trichoptera) species are described: Polyplectropus aberrus, P. dorsospinus, P. nodyg, P. yndog, P. clavus, P. nathalae, P. millei, P. christinae, P. koueus, P. viklundi, P. hovmoelleri, P. aoupiniensis, P. tenerus, P. angustus, P. curvispinus, P. caledonia, P. piroguensis, P. triangulatus, P. pernodensis, P. taoensis, and P. papei spp. novae, representing the first species records of this family from New Caledonia. A key to males of the New Caledonian Polycentropodidae is provided, and distribution maps are presented for all species.  相似文献   

A new righteye flounder, Poecilopsetta pectoralis, is described from 4 specimens (2 males, 2 females) collected from deep waters (510–580 m) around New Caledonia. The species is easily distinguished from 13 congeners by having 99–105 lateral line scales, a narrow interorbit [male: 37.00–40.25 in head length (HL); female: 47.33–50.71], long pectoral fin on ocular side (male: 0.89–0.91 in HL; female: 1.04–1.20), no scales from snout to anterior interorbital region, and 4 spots on caudal fin. Sexual dimorphism is evident in this species, showing males bearing the ocular-side pectoral fin longer than females, and it is the first example in Poecilopsetta.  相似文献   

A new dextral flounder, Samariscus multiradiatus, is described from six specimens (four males and two females) collected in deep waters (296–430 m) around New Caledonia. The species is easily distinguished from its 16 congeners in having a combination of 85–91 dorsal fin rays, 67–72 anal fin rays, 5 pectoral fin rays, and 9 abdominal and 34–35 caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

Placopsis auriculata Lumbsch & Kashiwadani is described from Papua New Guinea. This new species is characterized by the presence of campylidia-like helmet-shaped soralia and the presence of the gyrophoric acid chemosyndrome. Hiascic acid is reported for the first time from theAgyriaceae. The distinction of that species from other sorediate species ofPlacopsis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Nannizziopsis mirabilis, isolated from a soil sample collected from New Jersey, USA, is described as a new species. The ascomata are white to pale yellow, with a peridium of a network of loosely interwoven hyphae and simple, more or less straight, clavate appendages. The ascospores are hyaline, globose to subglobose, and ornamented with spiral bands or sometimes polygonal pits. The associated anamorph is assignable to the form genusChrysosporium.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid, Rogadius mcgroutheri, is described on the basis of the specimens collected from eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Rogadius mcgroutheri is distinguished from other congeners by 11 second dorsal fin rays usually, 4 or 6–8 unbranched lower pectoral fin rays, larger orbital diameter, usually single preocular spine lacking the accessory spines on the anterior base, short antrorse preopercular spine, tooth band on palatine narrow, with 2 irregular tooth rows, body with indistinct or somewhat distinct brown blotches, and caudal fin with dark brown spots and bands.  相似文献   

A new species of armored searobin, Paraheminodus longirostralis, is described from five specimens collected from New Caledonia at depths of 412–467 m. It is distinguishable from its three known congeners in having 34 bony plates in the upper lateral row, a forward-directed spine on each plate between the 23rd–26th and 31st–32nd plates in the upper lateral row, 6–7 + 1 + 20–21 = 27–28 gill rakers, an elongate body posterior to the anus (49.9–52.1% standard length), an elongate rostral projection (53.0–59.3% head length), short upper jaw (42.1–43.4% head length), an elongate pectoral fin (70.6–79.4% head length), and long preopercular spine (39.2–57.7% head length).  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of corn and sugar cane plantations in São Paulo State, Brazil, two new species ofNeosartorya, N. botucatensis andN. paulistensis, are described and illustrated.Neosartorya botucatensis differs from the other known species of the genus in having ascospores with long spines on the convex walls.Neosartorya paulistensis is characterized by its ascospore walls with spinose and verruculose ornamentation. The former is compared with the closely related speciesN. spinosa, and the latter is closely related toN. glabra, N. pseudofischeri and N. stramenia.  相似文献   

A new sparid species, Acanthopagrus akazakii, is described on the basis of 12 types collected from Noumèa, New Caledonia. Acanthopagrus akazakii is most similar to Acanthopagrus berda in overall appearance but differs from the latter in having 41/2 scale rows between the 5th dorsal fin spine base and lateral line, anteriormost head scales broadly rounded without small scales anteriorly, upward- and downward-oriented portions present on anteriormost part of upper lip, a downward-oriented portion on anteriormost part of lower lip in specimens over ca. 160 mm in standard length, and upper head profile gently convex from snout tip to above eye throughout growth (vs. 31/2 scale rows between 5th dorsal fin spine base and lateral line, anteriormost head scales rounded with small scales anteriorly, no upward and downward portions in anteriormost upper and lower lips, and upper head profile becoming concave from snout tip to above eye with growth). Furthermore, A. berda develops a strong concavity of the ventral edge of the first two infraorbitals above the posterior part of upper jaw with growth, whereas A. akazakii has a generally straight series throughout growth. Nominal species in A. berda are reviewed, with notes on nominal species of Acanthopagrus.  相似文献   

Two species ofMenziesia, M. katsumatae andM. yakushimensis, are described as new to science. The former is characterized by having a long axis of the inflorescence with 15–20 bracts while the other species has a short axis with about ten bracts.M. katsumatae is restricted to the Hakusan range extending northward to Mt. Hōdatsuzan in the Noto Peninsula.M. yakushimensis has been considered asM. purpurea Maxim. in Kyūshū, but it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by the color and shape of the corolla and the presence of fasciculate glandular-hairs at the base of the corolla lobes. It is endemic to the higher altitudes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.  相似文献   

Two new species ofTalaromyces, isolated from soils in Taiwan and Japan, are described and illustrated.Talaromyces eburneus, associated with aGeosmithia anamorph, is characterized by off-white colony on oatmeal agar, small pale yellow ascomata, and subglobose to ovoid ascospores with a smooth wall.Talaromyces muroii is characterized by restricted growth on Czapek agar, luteous ascomata, which are initiated by paired gametangia like those seen in members of the seriesFlavi, ellipsoidal and nearly smooth ascospores, and the absence of an anamorph.  相似文献   

During the course of a project aiming at the reconstruction of the colonization of the South Pacific islands by tateid gastropods based on molecular data we discovered five new species on New Caledonia belonging to the genera Hemistomia and Leiorhagium, respectively. We describe these species based on morphological, anatomical and genetic data. All five species are morphologically cryptic as they closely resemble or are even indistinguishable from known species stressing the importance of a comprehensive taxonomic approach integrating several methods. As a consequence of their small and fragmented geographic ranges and the rapidly progressing anthropogenic land cover changes on New Caledonia, all five species qualify as critically endangered according to the criteria of the IUCN.  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoid wasp family Aulacidae is recorded for the first time from New Caledonia, and three new species are described: Aulacus burwelli, A. coracinus , and A. emineo . Although recorded from just a few specimens, these species appear to be restricted to the moist evergreen rainforest areas of the main island of Grande Terre. They appear unrelated to Australian members of the family, based on a number of characters associated with the forewing venation and hind coxal morphology, as well as size and colour. A key to distinguish the species is presented, as well as information on their distribution and possible relationships.  相似文献   

Two new species ofHeleococcum (a cleistothecial nectrioid genus in the Hypocreaceae) are described and illustrated.Heleococcum alatosporum, isolated from Indonesian soil, is recognized by the production of salmon-colored ascomata, cylindrical asci, and hyaline, small, bicellular ascospores with walls that are verruculose and ornamented with longitudinal ridges.Heleococcum inapertum, isolated from Philippine soil, is characterized by yellow ascomata, clavate asci, and pale yellow, middle-sized, bicellular, verruculose to weakly striate ascospores surrounded with a hyaline sheath. Anamorphs of the new species are included inAcremonium. A key to the accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

柳林  任强 《广西植物》2021,41(5):808-812
该文综合运用形态学、解剖学和化学等方法对山东大型地衣进行分类研究,发现了两个中国新记录种,即德氏蜂窝衣(Heppia despreauxii)和多孢小极衣(Lichinella myriospora).德氏蜂窝衣隶属于蜂窝衣属(Heppia),生于光线充足且裸露的土壤上,主要识别特征为下皮层缺失、子实层IKI+蓝色;多...  相似文献   

Two new species of Hippocrateaceae from Brazil are described and illustrated:Pristimera sclerophylla Lombardi, the one species of the genus that occurs in the xerophytic vegetation of northeastern Brazil, andCheiloclinium puberulum Lombardi, a species with puberulent inflorescences from the rain forests of the Amazon basin.  相似文献   

Capnobotryella is a monotypic genus of melanized fungi based on C. renispora. The purpose of this investigation was to use morphological and molecular genetic techniques to characterize strains of newly discovered species isolated in Turkey on historical marble monuments.  相似文献   

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