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The expression pattern of the salT gene was analyzed in different cell types and organs of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to saline and hormonal treatments to obtain detailed information on the physiological cues controlling gene expression. Gel blot analysis of RNA and in-situ hybridization performed on seedlings grown for 10 ds in the presence of 1% NaCl revealed that salT was expressed mainly in the younger tissues of the plant. In contrast, 6-week-old plants exhibited maximal salT mRNA accumulation in sheaths of older leaves. In addition, salT was normally expressed in rapidly dividing suspension-cultured cells, but not in quiescent ones. Altogether, these results may indicate that salT expression in each region of the plant is dependent on the metabolic activity of the cells as well as on whether or not they are stressed. The effects of two growth regulators, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid, were investigated in combination with the effects of NaCl. Gibberellic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of the salT gene when combined with 0.5% NaCl, but did not induce salT on its own. At 10 μM, ABA induced salT both in the absence of NaCl and in its presence. Whereas 1 μM ABA acted additively with NaCl to induce gene expression, 5 μM ABA with NaCl was only as effective as NaCl alone. This may indicate that the two stimuli act independently and possibly through antagonistic signal transduction pathways. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

Neural stem cells called neuroblasts (NBs) generate a variety of neuronal and glial cells in the central nervous system of the Drosophila embryo. These NBs, few in number, are selected from a field of neuroepithelial (NE) cells. In the optic lobe of the third instar larva, all NE cells of the outer optic anlage (OOA) develop into either NBs that generate the medulla neurons or lamina neuron precursors of the adult visual system. The number of lamina and medulla neurons must be precisely regulated because photoreceptor neurons project their axons directly to corresponding lamina or medulla neurons. Here, we show that expression of the proneural protein Lethal of scute [L(1)sc] signals the transition of NE cells to NBs in the OOA. L(1)sc expression is transient, progressing in a synchronized and ordered ;proneural wave' that sweeps toward more lateral NEs. l(1)sc expression is sufficient to induce NBs and is necessary for timely onset of NB differentiation. Thus, proneural wave precedes and induces transition of NE cells to NBs. Unpaired (Upd), the ligand for the JAK/STAT signaling pathway, is expressed in the most lateral NE cells. JAK/STAT signaling negatively regulates proneural wave progression and controls the number of NBs in the optic lobe. Our findings suggest that NBs might be balanced with the number of lamina neurons by JAK/STAT regulation of proneural wave progression, thereby providing the developmental basis for the formation of a precise topographic map in the visual center.  相似文献   

Rhizobium-made Nod factors induce rapid changes in both Ca(2+) and gene expression. Mutations and inhibitors that abolish Nod-factor-induced Ca(2+) spiking block gene induction, indicating a specific role for Ca(2+) spiking in signal transduction. We used transgenic Medicago truncatula expressing a "cameleon" Ca(2+) sensor to assess the relationship between Nod-factor-induced Ca(2+) spiking and the activation of downstream gene expression. In contrast to ENOD11 induction, Ca(2+) spiking is activated in all root-hair cells and in epidermal or pre-emergent root hairs cells in the root tip region. Furthermore, cortical cells immediately below the epidermal layer also show slow Ca(2+) spiking and these cells lack Nod-factor-induced ENOD11 expression. This indicates a specialization in nodulation gene induction downstream of Nod-factor perception and signal transduction. There was a gradient in the frequency of Ca(2+) spiking along the root, with younger root-hair cells having a longer period between spikes than older root hairs. Using a Ca(2+)-pump inhibitor to block Ca(2+) spiking at various times after addition of Nod factor, we conclude that about 36 consecutive Ca(2+) spikes are sufficient to induce ENOD11-GUS expression in root hairs. To determine if the length of time of Ca(2+) spiking or the number of Ca(2+) spikes is more critical for Nod-factor-induced ENOD11 expression, jasmonic acid (JA) was added to reduce the rate of Nod-factor-induced Ca(2+) spiking. This revealed that even when the period between Ca(2+) spikes was extended, an equivalent number of Ca(2+) spikes were required for the induction of ENOD11. However, this JA treatment did not affect the spatial patterning of ENOD11-GUS expression suggesting that although a minimal number of Ca(2+) spikes are required for Nod-factor-induced gene expression, other factors restrict the expression of ENOD11 to a subset of responding cells.  相似文献   

Three D-cyclin genes are expressed in the apical meristems of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus). The cyclin D1 and D3b genes are expressed throughout meristems, whereas cyclin D3a is restricted to the peripheral region of the meristem, especially the organ primordia. During floral development, cyclin D3b expression is: (a) locally modulated in the cells immediately surrounding the base of organ primordia, defining a zone between lateral organs that may act as a developmental boundary; (b) locally modulated in the ventral petals during petal folding; and (c) is specifically repressed in the dorsal stamen by the cycloidea gene. Expression of both cyclin D3 genes is reduced prior to the cessation of cell cycle activity, as judged by histone H4 expression. Expression of all three D-cyclin genes is modulated by factors that regulate plant growth, particularly sucrose and cytokinin. These observations may provide a molecular basis for understanding the local regulation of cell proliferation during plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Temporal control of development is an important aspect of pattern formation that awaits complete molecular analysis. We identified lin-57 as a member of the C. elegans heterochronic gene pathway, which ensures that postembryonic developmental events are appropriately timed. Loss of lin-57 function causes the hypodermis to terminally differentiate and acquire adult character prematurely. lin-57 is hbl-1, revealing a role for the worm hunchback homolog in control of developmental time. Significantly, fly hunchback (hb) temporally specifies cell fates in the nervous system. The hbl-1/lin-57 3'UTR is required for postembryonic downregulation in the hypodermis and nervous system and contains multiple putative binding sites for temporally regulated microRNAs, including let-7. Indeed, we find that hbl-1/lin-57 is regulated by let-7, at least in the nervous system. Examination of the hb 3'UTR reveals potential binding sites for known fly miRNAs. Thus, evolutionary conservation of hunchback genes may include temporal control of cell fate specification and microRNA-mediated regulation.  相似文献   

The yeast gene COQ5 is differentially regulated by Mig1p,Rtg3p and Hap2p   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In vivo electroporation (EP) is gaining momentum for drug and gene delivery. In particular, DNA transfer by EP to muscle tissue can lead to highly efficient long-term gene expression. We characterized a vascular effect of in vivo EP and its consequences for drug and gene delivery. Pulses of 10-20,000 micros and 0.1-1.6 kV/cm were applied over hind- and forelimb of mice and perfusion was examined by dye injection. The role of a sympathetically mediated vasoconstrictory reflex was investigated by pretreatment with reserpine. Expression of a transferred gene (luciferase), permeabilization (determined using (51)Cr-EDTA), membrane resealing and effects on perfusion were compared to assess the significance of the vascular effects. Above the permeabilization threshold, a sympathetically mediated Raynaud-like phenomenon with perfusion delays of 1-2 min was observed. Resolution of this phase followed kinetics of membrane resealing. Above a second threshold, irreversible permeabilization led to long perfusion delays. These vascular reactions (1) affect kinetics of drug delivery, (2) predict efficient DNA transfer, which is optimal during short perfusion delays, and (3) might explain electrocardiographic ST segment depressions after defibrillation as being caused by vascular effects of EP of cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

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