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Specific residues in a polypeptide may be key contributors to the stability and foldability of the unique native structure. Identification and prediction of such residues is, therefore, an important area of investigation in solving the protein folding problem. Atypical main-chain conformations can help identify strains within a folded protein, and by inference, positions where unique amino acids may have a naturally high frequency of occurrence due to favorable contributions to stability and folding. Non-Gly residues located near the left-handed alpha-helical region (L-alpha) of the Ramachandran plot are a potential indicator of structural strain. Although many investigators have studied mutations at such positions, no consistent energetic or kinetic contributions to stability or folding have been elucidated. Here we report a study of the effects of Gly, Ala and Asn substitutions found within the L-alpha region at a characteristic position in defined beta-hairpin turns within human acidic fibroblast growth factor, and demonstrate consistent effects upon stability and folding kinetics. The thermodynamic and kinetic data are compared to available data for similar mutations in other proteins, with excellent agreement. The results have identified that Gly at the i+3 position within a subset of beta-hairpin turns is a key contributor towards increasing the rate of folding to the native state of the polypeptide while leaving the rate of unfolding largely unchanged.  相似文献   

T-complex polypeptide 1 (TCP-1) was analyzed as a potential chaperonin (GroEL/Hsp60) equivalent of the eukaryotic cytosol. We found TCP-1 to be part of a hetero-oligomeric 970 kDa complex containing several structurally related subunits of 52-65 kDa. These members of a new protein family are assembled into a TCP-1 ring complex (TRiC) which resembles the GroEL double ring. The main function of TRiC appears to be in chaperoning monomeric protein folding: TRiC binds unfolded polypeptides, thereby preventing their aggregation, and mediates the ATP-dependent renaturation of unfolded firefly luciferase and tubulin. At least in vitro, TRiC appears to function independently of a small co-chaperonin protein such as GroES. Folding of luciferase is mediated by TRiC but not by GroEL/ES. This suggests that the range of substrate proteins interacting productively with TRiC may differ from that of GroEL. We propose that TRiC mediates the folding of cytosolic proteins by a mechanism distinct from that of the chaperonins in specific aspects.  相似文献   

H Shima  M Pende  Y Chen  S Fumagalli  G Thomas    S C Kozma 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(22):6649-6659
Recent studies have shown that the p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) signaling pathway plays a critical role in cell growth by modulating the translation of a family of mRNAs termed 5'TOPs, which encode components of the protein synthetic apparatus. Here we demonstrate that homozygous disruption of the p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) gene does not affect viability or fertility of mice, but that it has a significant effect on animal growth, especially during embryogenesis. Surprisingly, S6 phosphorylation in liver or in fibroblasts from p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient mice proceeds normally in response to mitogen stimulation. Furthermore, serum-induced S6 phosphorylation and translational up-regulation of 5'TOP mRNAs were equally sensitive to the inhibitory effects of rapamycin in mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient and wild-type mice. A search of public databases identified a novel p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) homolog which contains the same regulatory motifs and phosphorylation sites known to control kinase activity. This newly identified gene product, termed S6K2, is ubiquitously expressed and displays both mitogen-dependent and rapamycin-sensitive S6 kinase activity. More striking, in p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient mice, the S6K2 gene is up-regulated in all tissues examined, especially in thymus, a main target of rapamycin action. The finding of a new S6 kinase gene, which can partly compensate for p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) function, underscores the importance of S6K function in cell growth.  相似文献   

The chaperonin family of proteins, which includes GroEL protein of E. coli, yeast heat shock protein (hsp-60) and the ribulose-1-5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubis Co.) subunit binding protein of plant chloroplasts, shows strong sequence homology to the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mitochondrial P1 protein. We have identified a 60 kDa protein from bovine kidney which by N-terminal sequencing gives the amino acid sequence AKDVKFGADARALLMLQGVDLLADA. Bovine whole kidney membranes were delipidated, solubilized with octyl glucoside and fractionated over an affinity column using the amiloride analog 5-N pyrazine amiloride as the ligand. After extensive washing with 200 mM NaCl, the column was eluted with pH 4.0 buffer. Analysis of column fractions on a 7.5% polyacrylamide gel revealed 3-4 bands with a predominant band at 60,000 Da. Amino acid analysis after transfer to immobilon membranes demonstrated sequence identity to the human HSP (60), extending 24 amino acids from the N-terminus, but lacking the leader sequence. These data indicate that a processed form of a protein related to the human HSP (60) chaperonin is associated with a membrane fraction in the mammalian kidney, and that the processed form of the protein binds strongly to an amiloride affinity support.  相似文献   

Refolding of hen egg-white lysozyme assuming the formation of secondary structures (-helices and β-sheets) is carried out by the method presented in the previous paper (N. Saitô et al., Proteins; Struct. Funct. Genet. 3 (1988) 199–208). To do this, the hydrophobic interactions between the hydrophobic residues which are located at the key positions for folding and can be identified without te knowledge of the native structure, and the nonbonded interactions between every pair of atoms (except hydrogen) or groups are introduced successively from short-to medium-distance pairs. The search for the energy minimum by these interactions can afford a conformation of especially the mutual arrangements between neighboring secondary structures. When these local structures are accomplished, some of the long-distance amino-acid pairs come close together and then the possible interactions (hydrophobic, nonbonded) are introduced. The three-dimensional structure of lysozyme thus obtained is shown to have locally correct arrangements of the secondary structures, but mutual relations between long-distance parts of the chain are not similar to the native structure. The introduction of disulfide bonds between appropriate cysteine residues is necessary to reach the native structure. The choice of cysteine pairs for disulfide bonding is made by the criterion given in the paper to follow (K. Watanabe, A. Nakamura, Y. Fukuda and N. Saitô, Biophys. Chem. 40 (1991) 293). The same treatment is applied to bovine pancreatic phospholipase with 7 disulfide bonds. The formation of the antiparallel β-structures from neighboring β-strands and the problem of the folding order are also discussed.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of simple exact lattice models are an aid in the study of protein folding process; they have sometimes resulted in predictions experimentally proved. The contact interactions (CI) method is here proposed as a new algorithm for the conformational search in the low-energy regions of protein chains modeled as copolymers of hydrophobic and polar monomers configured as self-avoiding walks on square or cubic lattices. It may be regarded as an extension of the standard Monte Carlo method improved by the concept of cooperativity deriving from nonlocal contact interactions. A major difference with respect to other algorithms is that criteria for the acceptance of new conformations generated during the simulations are not based on the energy of the entire molecule, but cooling factors associated with each residue define regions of the model protein with higher or lower mobility. Nine sequences of length ranging from 20 to 64 residues were used on the square lattice and 15 sequences of length ranging from 46 to 136 residues were used on the cubic lattice. The CI algorithm proved very efficient both in two and three dimensions, and allowed us to localize energy minima not localized by other searching algorithms described in the literature. Use of this algorithm is not limited to the conformational search, because it allows the exploration of thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of model protein chains.  相似文献   

Group II introns: structure, folding and splicing mechanism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Group II introns are large autocatalytic RNAs found in organellar genomes of plants and lower eukaryotes, as well as in some bacterial genomes. Interestingly, these ribozymes share characteristic traits with both spliceosomal introns and non-LTR retrotransposons and may have a common evolutionary ancestor. Furthermore, group II intron features such as structure, folding and catalytic mechanism differ considerably from those of other large ribozymes, making group II introns an attractive model system to gain novel insights into RNA biology and biochemistry. This review explores recent advances in the structural and mechanistic characterization of group II intron architecture and self-splicing.  相似文献   

Coupled translocation of tRNA and mRNA in the ribosome during protein synthesis is one of the most challenging and intriguing problems in the field of translation. We highlight several key questions regarding the mechanism of translocation, and discuss possible mechanistic models in light of the recent crystal structures of the ribosome and its subunits.  相似文献   

Simulations of simplified protein folding models have provided much insight into solving the protein folding problem. We propose here a new off-lattice bead model, capable of simulating several different fold classes of small proteins. We present the sequence for an alpha/beta protein resembling the IgG-binding proteins L and G. The thermodynamics of the folding process for this model are characterized using the multiple multihistogram method combined with constant-temperature Langevin simulations. The folding is shown to be highly cooperative, with chain collapse nearly accompanying folding. Two parallel folding pathways are shown to exist on the folding free energy landscape. One pathway contains an intermediate--similar to experiments on protein G, and one pathway contains no intermediates-similar to experiments on protein L. The folding kinetics are characterized by tabulating mean-first passage times, and we show that the onset of glasslike kinetics occurs at much lower temperatures than the folding temperature. This model is expected to be useful in many future contexts: investigating questions of the role of local versus nonlocal interactions in various fold classes, addressing the effect of sequence mutations affecting secondary structure propensities, and providing a computationally feasible model for studying the role of solvation forces in protein folding.  相似文献   

Standard building blocks of proteins--closed loops of 25-30 amino acid residues--have been recently discovered and further characterized by combined efforts of several laboratories. New challenging views on the protein structure, folding, and evolution are introduced by these studies. In particular, the role of van der Waals contacts in protein stability is better understood. They can be considered as locks closing the polypeptide chain returns and forming the loop-n-lock elements. The linearity of the arrangement of the standard loops in the proteins has important evolutionary implications. Selection pressure to maintain the loops of nearly standard size is reflected in the protein sequences as characteristic distance between hydrophobic residues, equal to the loop end-to-end distance. Further characterization of the loop-n-lock units reveals several sequence/structure prototypes, which suggests a new basis for protein classification. The following is a review of these studies.  相似文献   

The intestinal fatty acid binding protein is one of a family of proteins that are composed of two beta-sheets surrounding a large interior cavity into which the ligand binds. Glycine residues occur in many of the turns between adjacent antiparallel beta-strands. In previous work, the effect of replacing these glycine residues with valine has been examined with stopped flow instrumentation using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy [Kim and Frieden (1998) Protein Sci. 7, 1821-1828]. To resolve the burst phase missing in the stopped flow measurements, these valine mutants have been reexamined with sub-millisecond continuous flow instrumentation. Some of the glycine residues have also been replaced with proline, and the folding reactions of these proline mutants have been compared with those of their valine counterparts. In all cases, the stability of the protein is decreased, but some turns appear to be more critical for final structure stabilization than others. Surprisingly, the rate constants observed for all the mutants measured by sub-millisecond continuous flow methods are quite similar (1400-3000 s(-1)), and in all the mutants, there is a shift in the fluorescence emission maximum from that of the unfolded protein to lower wavelengths, suggesting some collapse of the unfolded state within 200 micros. In contrast to the rate constants observed for the initial folding events measured by the sub-millisecond continuous flow method, the rate constants for the slower phase observed in the stopped flow instrument vary widely for the different mutants. The latter step appears to be related to side chain stabilization rather than secondary structure formation. It is also shown that the ligand binds tightly only to the native protein and not to any intermediate forms.  相似文献   

The human p60 (Mr 60,000) is an abundant protein in the two-dimensional electrophoresis pattern of the cellular proteins of human mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes. The p60 shows as remarkable characteristic a genetic polymorphism with two different alleles. Electrotransfer of this protein from two-dimensional gels onto siliconized glass fiber sheets and subsequent amino-acid sequence analysis has revealed a striking homology to the known bacteria and plant chaperonins, the groEL and the Rubisco-subunit-binding protein. From this sequence homology we conclude that we have identified the human chaperonin homologue.  相似文献   

The cellular isoform of the prion protein PrPC is a Cu2+-binding cell surface glycoprotein that, when misfolded, is responsible for a range of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. As changes in PrPC conformation are intimately linked with disease pathogenesis, the effect of Cu2+ ions on the structure and stability of the protein has been investigated. Urea unfolding studies indicate that Cu2+ ions destabilise the native fold of PrPC. The midpoint of the unfolding transition is reduced by 0.73 ± 0.07 M urea in the presence of 1 mol equiv of Cu2+. This equates to an appreciable difference in free energy of unfolding (2.02 ± 0.05 kJ mol− 1 at the midpoint of unfolding). We relate Cu2+-induced changes in secondary structure for full-length PrP(23-231) to smaller Cu2+ binding fragments. In particular, Cu2+-induced structural changes can directly be attributed to Cu2+ binding to the octarepeat region of PrPC. Furthermore, a β-sheet-like transition that is observed when Cu ions are bound to the amyloidogenic fragment of PrP (residues 90-126) is due only to local Cu2+ coordination to the individual binding sites centred at His95 and His110. Cu2+ binding does not directly generate a β-sheet conformation within PrPC; however, Cu2+ ions do destabilise the native fold of PrPC and may make the transition to a misfolded state more favourable.  相似文献   

T Kesvatera  B J?nsson  A Telling  V T?ugu  H Vija  E Thulin  S Linse 《Biochemistry》2001,40(50):15334-15340
The binding of calcium ions by EF-hand proteins depends strongly on the electrostatic interactions between Ca(2+) ions and negatively charged residues of these proteins. We have investigated the pH dependence of the binding of Ca(2+) ions by calbindin D(9k). This protein offers a unique possibility for interpretation of such data since the pK(a) values of all ionizable groups are known. The binding is independent of pH between 7 and 9, where maximum calcium affinity is observed. An abrupt decrease in the binding affinity is observed at pH values below 7. This decrease is due to protonation of acidic groups, leading to modification of protein charges. The pH dependence of the product of the two macroscopic Ca(2+)-binding constants can be formally described by the involvement of two acidic groups with pK(a) = 6.6. Monte Carlo calculations show that the reduction of Ca(2+) binding is strictly determined by variable electrostatic interactions due to pH-dependent changes not only in the binding sites, but also of the overall charge of the protein.  相似文献   

Reversible folding of rhodanese. Presence of intermediate(s) at equilibrium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For the first time completely reversible unfolding was achieved for guanidinium chloride-denatured rhodanese using a systematically defined protocol. These conditions included beta-mercaptoethanol, lauryl maltoside, and sodium thiosulfate. All components were required to get more than the previous best reactivation with lauryl maltoside of 17% (Tandon, S., and Horowitz, P. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 15615-15681). Non-coincidental transition curves were obtained by monitoring different parameters including: (i) variation in the activity, (ii) shifts of the fluorescence wavelength maximum, and (iii) variation in ellipticity at 220 nm. The transition followed by the fluorescence wavelength maximum was asymmetric and resolvable into two separate transitions. A thermodynamic analysis was used to define the energetics of the two processes. Studies with the fluorescent "apolar" probe 1,8ANS are consistent with the appearance of organized hydrophobic surfaces following the first transition. Near UV CD measurements indicated that the first transition is associated with a loss of dyssymmetry around at least some of the tryptophans. Thus, the unfolding of rhodanese is complex, and there are detectable intermediate(s) during the process. These results suggest that reversible unfolding occurs in two discrete stages: 1) loss of tertiary interactions and activity, with retention of secondary structure, and 2) loss of secondary structure. The available x-ray structure suggests that the first transition can be associated with changes in the domain interactions, which may modulate the effectiveness of helix dipoles in lowering the pKa of the active site sulfhydryl.  相似文献   

Actin, an abundant cytosolic protein in eukaryotic cells, is dependent on the interaction with the chaperonin tail-less complex polypeptide 1 ring complex (TRiC) to fold to the native state. The prokaryotic chaperonin GroEL also binds non-native beta-actin, but is unable to guide beta-actin toward the native state. In this study we identify conformational rearrangements in beta-actin, by observing similarities and differences in the action of the two chaperonins. A cooperative collapse of beta-actin from the denatured state to an aggregation-prone intermediate is observed, and insoluble aggregates are formed in the absence of chaperonin. In the presence of GroEL, however, >90% of the aggregation-prone actin intermediate is kept in solution, which shows that the binding of non-native actin to GroEL is effective. The action of GroEL on bound flourescein-labeled beta-actin was characterized, and the structural rearrangement was compared to the case of the beta-actin-TRiC complex, employing the homo fluorescence resonance energy transfer methodology previously used [Villebeck, L., Persson, M., Luan, S.-L., Hammarstr?m, P., Lindgren, M., and Jonsson, B.-H. (2007) Biochemistry 46 (17), 5083-93]. The results suggest that the actin structure is rearranged by a "binding-induced expansion" mechanism in both TRiC and GroEL, but that binding to TRiC, in addition, causes a large and specific separation of two subdomains in the beta-actin molecule, leading to a distinct expansion of its ATP-binding cleft. Moreover, the binding of ATP and GroES has less effect on the GroEL-bound beta-actin molecule than the ATP binding to TRiC, where it leads to a major compaction of the beta-actin molecule. It can be concluded that the specific and directed rearrangement of the beta-actin structure, seen in the natural beta-actin-TRiC system, is vital for guiding beta-actin to the native state.  相似文献   

Folding and assembling of newly synthesized proteins is directed and effected by a group of relatively recently discovered proteins called molecular chaperones. These proteins not only control the assembling of native structures; they also remodel protein molecules that have wrong conformations. All molecular chaperones perform the same function, but structurally they are divided into groups of chaperones and chaperonins. These proteins are highly conserved in evolution and display an ATPase activity. Certain known chaperones and chaperonins are shown in the table, and their structures and mechanisms of action are described.  相似文献   

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