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The objective of this research was to study the efficiency of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and the role of any plant-associated bacteria in removing chlorpyrifos from water. The relative growth rate (RGR) of E. crassipes in the presence of 0.1 mg/L chlorpyrifos was not significantly different from that in its absence and only slightly decreased at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L by ~1.1- and ~1.2-fold, respectively, with an observed dry weight based RGRDW for E. crassipes of 0.036–0.041 mg/g/d. The removal rate constants of chlorpyrifos in the absence of plants were low at 3.52, 2.29 and 1.84 h?1 for concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L, respectively, but were some 3.89- to 4.87-fold higher in the presence of E. crassipes. Chlorpyrifos removal was markedly facilitated by the presence of a root-associated bacterium, preliminarily identified as Acinetobacter sp. strain WHA. The interaction of E. crassipes and Acinetobacter sp. strain WHA provide an efficient and ecological alternative to accelerate the removal and degradation of chlorpyrifos pollution from aquatic systems including wastewater.  相似文献   

凤眼莲根系分泌物中的克藻化合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前文(孙文浩等1988,1989)已报告凤眼莲 Eichhornia crassipes(Mart)Solms对藻类有克制作用。在野外实验中,在一条富营养化严重的小河浜(上海市曹杨新村环浜)中种植凤眼莲后,藻类生长受抑制,水变澄清。在室内实验中,排除凤眼莲和藻类之间对光和营养的竞争后,藻类生长仍受  相似文献   

Abstract: An investigation of soluble calcium partitioning in organs of the water hyacinth growing along the shores of L. Victoria, bordering Jinja town was carried out. The levels of Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the lake water were also estimated. The pH and electrical conductivity of lake water were determined. There was a differential accumulation of Ca and oxalate between component organs of the water hyacinth. The concentration of oxalate in the various organs was more than twice that of Ca. Soluble Ca decreased with age in all organs except the leaf, while oxalate increased with age in all organs except the rhizome. There were site variations in the partitioning of both Ca and oxalate in the water hyacinth.  相似文献   

Plants of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) were grown undertwo red/far-red ratios (Z) to investigate the effects on morphologyand growth of the light quality component of canopy shade. Experimentswere conducted in diffuse sunlight in the presence or absenceof far-red radiation. Under low Z conditions, fewer new ramets were produced and theirstolons were shorter. The number of leaves per ramet was unchanged,but petiole length and blade area were increased. This changein biomass partitioning resulted in a lower investment in themain resource-acquiring organs (leaf blades and roots). Thelower allocation of biomass to the leaf blades was compensatedfor by a higher net assimilation rate, such that relative growthrate remained unchanged. Key words: Biomass partitioning, Eichhornia crassipes, growth, morphogenesis, red: far-red ratio  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae biotype eltor appears to concentrate on the surface of the water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes), thereby enhancing its survival and its potential for transmission through waterways of cholera-endemic regions such as Bangladesh.  相似文献   

本文研究了凤眼莲、芦苇、蒲草、杏菜、黑藻等高等水生植物对含砷、汞、镉污水的监测作用和净化能力以及温度、pH值等因子对植物的影响。初步认为凤眼莲是含砷污水的监测植物,同时又是含砷、汞,镉污水的净化植物。芦苇,蒲草是抗污能力较强的植物,并能吸收积累污水中的砷、汞、镉。水生植物对砷、汞、镉的忍耐力大小是因其植物生活型不同而异,一般为挺水植物>飘浮、浮叶植物>沉水植物。积累量为沉水植物>飘浮、浮叶植物>挺水植物。植物对重金属元素的吸收积累受温度和pH值等生态因子的制约。  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensityand temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at10000 µmol(CO2) mol–1 and in winter at 6000 µmol(CO2)mol–1 Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had highphotosynthetic rate (35 µmo1(CO2) m–2 s–1),high saturating photon flux density (1500–2000) µmolm–2 s–1 and low sensitivity to temperature in therange 20–40 °C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 µmol(CO2)m–2 s–1) was reached at an internal CO2 concentrationof 800 µmol mol–1. Plants grown at high CO2 in summerhad photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15%less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosyntheticrates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2and high light intensity had typical response curves to internalCO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plantsgrown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under lowCO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreasedsharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1000 µmol–1. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, enrichment, Eichhornia crassipes  相似文献   

The mitotic cell-cycle duration of root meristematic cells of Eichhornia crassipes as determined by the colchicine labelling method was approximately 24 h at 30 +/- 1 degrees C. In one experiment the intact root meristems of E. crassipes were subjected to 1 h acute exposure to water contaminated with maleic hydrazide (MH), 56 ppm, or methyl mercuric chloride (MMCl), 0.1-0.5 ppm, followed by recovery in tap water for 4-48 h. In a second experiment the roots were subjected to 96 h exposure to water contaminated with MH, 56 ppm, or MMCl, 0.0001-0.1 ppm. In both experiments the cytological end-point measured was the frequency of cells with micronuclei (MNC). In the first experiment, while in the MH-exposed root meristems the frequency of MNC was significant at 40 h of recovery, MMCl induced significant MNC at 12, 20, 24, 40, and 40 h of recovery depending on the concentration. In the second experiment both test chemicals induced MNC which was concentration-dependent in case of MMCl. The highest ineffective concentration tested (HICT) and lowest effective concentration tested (LECT) for MMC determined in this experiment were 0.0005 ppm and 0.001 ppm, respectively. The present work provides evidence that E. crassipes could be a promising in situ environmental biomonitoring assay system.  相似文献   

In this study, laboratory tests were performed in order to examine growth characteristics of floating aquatic macrophytes (Lemna gibba and Lemna minor) in the presence of wastewater with circulation. The results showed that circulation of the waste water enhanced the kinetics of the process, as compared to the control systems. However, prolonged application of high circulation level had a different effect. In the presence of circulation with aquatic plants, there was additional 85.3-88.2% for BODs and 59.6-66.8% for COD decreases in the water quality indicators. In this study, the effectiveness of L. gibba and L. minor with circulation addition for the removal of four heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Mn, and Cu) from waste water was also investigated. Results from analysis confirmed the accumulation of different metals within the plant and a corresponding decrease of metals in the waste water. At the end of the study of circulation, L. gibba provided the metal removal for Cu, Pb, Ni, and Mn in the waste water as the ratio of 57%, 60%, 60%, and 62%, respectively. In this context, the best results were obtained when the action of L. gibba and L. minor plants, was combined with that of circulation. It is shown that in the presence of L. gibba and L. minor plants that are supplemented with circulation, the national standards of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) 27-33 mgL(-1) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) 62-78 mgL(-1) for L. minor and L. gibba, respectively, were reached after treatment. The new results can be used for design calculations regarding expected removal of pollutants by aquatic floating plants.  相似文献   

The effects of harvesting frequency on productivity, nutrient storage and uptake, and detritus accumulation by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes /Mart/ Solms) cultured outdoors in nutrient-enriched waters were evaluated for a period of 13 months. Significant differences in hyacinth standing crop and productivity were measured with harvesting regimes of 1, 3 (harvest at maximum density) and 21 harvests over a 13-month period. The average plant standing crop decreased from 65 to 20 kg (fresh wt) m−2 for systems with 1 and 21 harvests, respectively. Total harvested plant biomass was 67 kg (fresh wt) m−2, 110 kg (fresh wt) m−2 and 162 kg (fresh wt) m−2 for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. The mean net productivity increased from 7·7 to 16·5 and 24·5 g (dry wt) m−2 day−1 for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. Nutrient storage in water hyacinth biomass (live, dead and detrital) at the end of the study decreased from 93 to 46 and 30 g N m−2, and from 20 to 12 and 5 g P m−2, for 1, 3 and 21 harvests, respectively. For the system with one harvest, 46% of the stored N and 25% of the stored P were recovered in dedrital tissue at the bottom of the tank. For the systtem with 21 harvests, only 11% of the stored N and 15% of the stored P were recovered in detrital tissue at the bottom of the tank. Ammonium-N and soluble reactive P concentrations in the water column were significantly higher for the treatment with one harvest compared to the treatments with 3 and 21 harvests.  相似文献   

Xia H  Ma X 《Bioresource technology》2006,97(8):1050-1054
The potential of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) to remove a phosphorus pesticide ethion were investigated. The disappearance rate constants of ethion in culture solutions were 0.01059, 0.00930, 0.00294, and 0.00201 h-1 for the non-sterile planted, sterile planted, non-sterile unplanted, and sterile unplanted treatment, respectively, which were significantly different and implied that plant uptake and phytodegradation contributed 69% and that of microbial degradation took up 12% to the removal of the applied ethion. The accumulated ethion in live water hyacinth plant decreased by 55-91% in shoots and 74-81% in roots after the plant growing 1 week in ethion free culture solutions, suggesting that plant uptake and phytodegradation might be the dominant process for ethion removal by the plant. This plant might be utilized as an efficient, economical and ecological alternative to accelerate the removal and degradation of agro-industrial wastewater polluted with ethion.  相似文献   

Cornops aquaticum (juveniles, adults) was monitored on 5 m 2 of floating Eichhornia crassipes in a whitewater flood-plain near Manaus during one year. Its abundance and biomass varied as a consequence of changing host plant densities caused by the flood pulse of the Solim[otilde]es/Amazon River. During rising waters C. aquaticum usually exhibited five nymphal instars, while during falling waters there were six instars. Average development from oviposition to adult took 71 or 81 days, respectively, the nymphal phase lasting 41 or 54 days. Longevity was 3.2 months in males and 5.8 months in females. The average food intake per g dry weight (dw) grasshopper (five nymphal instars) per day was approximately 0.9 g dw of Eichhornia leaves. Given a daily net primary production of 15 gm -2 dw of E. crassipes, estimated food intake was 16.7%. This feeding impact could not prevent mass development of floating Eichhornia stocks.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Hu Y  Yang B  Ma F  Lu P  Li L  Wan C  Rayner S  Chen S 《PloS one》2010,5(10):e13527


Plant infection models provide certain advantages over animal models in the study of pathogenesis. However, current plant models face some limitations, e.g., plant and pathogen cannot co-culture in a contained environment. Development of such a plant model is needed to better illustrate host-pathogen interactions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We describe a novel model plant system for the study of human pathogenic bacterial infection on a large scale. This system was initiated by co-cultivation of axenic duckweed (Lemna minor) plants with pathogenic bacteria in 24-well polystyrene cell culture plate. Pathogenesis of bacteria to duckweed was demonstrated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus as two model pathogens. P. aeruginosa PAO1 caused severe detriment to duckweed as judged from inhibition to frond multiplication and chlorophyll formation. Using a GFP-marked PAO1 strain, we demonstrated that bacteria colonized on both fronds and roots and formed biofilms. Virulence of PAO1 to duckweed was attenuated in its quorum sensing (QS) mutants and in recombinant strains overexpressing the QS quenching enzymes. RN4220, a virulent strain of S. aureus, caused severe toxicity to duckweed while an avirulent strain showed little effect. Using this system for antimicrobial chemical selection, green tea polyphenols exhibited inhibitory activity against S. aureus virulence. This system was further confirmed to be effective as a pathogenesis model using a number of pathogenic bacterial species.


Our results demonstrate that duckweed can be used as a fast, inexpensive and reproducible model plant system for the study of host-pathogen interactions, could serve as an alternative choice for the study of some virulence factors, and could also potentially be used in large-scale screening for the discovery of antimicrobial chemicals.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on extraction and retrieval of potassium from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). The stem and leaf were subjected to 13 treatments. The highest rate of K removal following HCl treatment was 69.7% K. Most effective removal of suspended organic substances, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were achieved at pH approximately 13, when 88.0% of K remained in filtrate. Maximum K in precipitate following this step was achieved with tartaric acid additions at n(C4H6O6)/n(K+) of 1.72 when precipitating at 4 degrees C for 3h, which resulted in 72.3% of K removal from the solution. Over the entire process, 44.3% of K in the dried stem-leaf sample of water hyacinth was retrieved in the form of KC4H5O6. This process demonstrated the potential for use of water hyacinth as a resource of potassium to produce potassium salts and provide a valuable end use for the plant, which could be highly invasive in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Using the patch‐clamp technique, we investigated the transport properties of vacuolar ion channels from the roots of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. Solms, Pontederiacae). Eichhornia crassipes vacuoles displayed large voltage‐dependent rectifying slow‐vacuolar (SV) currents, which activated in a few seconds at positive potentials and deactivated at negative voltages in a few hundreds of millseconds. Similarly to SV channel previously identified in the tonoplast of terrestrial plants, SV currents in E. crassipes were activated by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ and current slightly increased (25%) on addition (10 mm ) of the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT). Eichhornia crassipes SV channels were equally permeable to K+ and Na+. The permeability sequence derived from current values is: K+ ≈ Na+ > Rb+ > NH4+ ≈ Cs+ >> TEA+. Excised membrane patches displayed single channel transitions typical of SV‐type single channel openings with a conductance of (83·0 ± 5·6) pS; a smaller channel with a conductance of (31·0 ± 2·7) pS was also identified. Metals such as Ni2+ and Zn2+ decreased the vacuolar current in a reversible manner. However, although Zn2+ inhibition is comparable to that induced by the same metal in vacuoles from the main root of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), the inhibition of the SV currents by Ni2+ is not as substantial in E. crassipes as in sugar beet. To our knowledge, this is the first electrophysiological characterization of ionic transport in E. crassipes, a pervasive troublesome aquatic weed, which has exceptional absorption properties of several water contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides and phenols.  相似文献   

Lyle Lockhart  W.  Billeck  Brian N.  Baron  Chris L. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):353-359
Macrophytes in forested areas and in prairie wetlands furnish critical habitat for aquatic communities and for several species of birds and mammals. North American agriculture relies heavily on herbicides and these compounds are detected routinely in surface waters of Western Canada. The question is whether these residues have biological meaning. There is surprisingly little literature on the responses of macrophytes to herbicides, or indeed to other chemicals. Previously we have used common duckweed in efforts to detect effects of herbicides and other chemicals. Duckweed clones were developed from local collections and grown axenically. In this study the plants were exposed to glyphosate herbicide either by dissolving formulated Roundup® (Monsanto Canada Inc.) in the culture media or by spraying of the cultures in a laboratory spray chamber. Plant growth was monitored by counting the fronds present on several occasions over a 2-week period following treatment and by taking wet and dry weights of plants after the final counting period. Plant growth, as measured by increased numbers of fronds or increased wet or dry weights was relatively insensitive to glyphosate dissolved in the culture medium. However, the plants were killed by application of glyphosate as a spray.  相似文献   

Duckweed ( Lemna minor L.) plants grown under high light are characterized, when compared to low light acclimated plants, by a higher xanthophyll cycle (VAZ) pool content, but also by a higher proportion of photoconvertible violaxanthin and a superior ability to synthesize VAZ pigments. When duckweed plants were transferred to a high light environment a general response was the quick adjustment of the carotenoid composition, mainly xanthophyll cycle pigments. These changes resulted from a balance between a process of continuous light-independent carotenoid degradation and a light-induced accumulation. The use of norflurazon, an inhibitor of carotenogenesis, allowed us to demonstrate that the observed light induced increase of the VAZ pool was mainly caused by de novo synthesis through carotenogenesis. The extent of light-induced carotenogenesis was proportional to the light treatment and also to the operation of the VAZ cycle since it was partly abolished by treatments leading to a low activity of the VAZ cycle, such as low light, DTT or DCMU. These results suggest that not only the light itself, but also a mechanism triggered by a factor associated with the de-epoxidation state of the VAZ cycle controls carotenogenesis at some point before phytoene formation in the terpenoid biosynthesis pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of Lemna minor for Toluidine Blue (TB) removal. Influence of the initial concentration over the removal process was considered. Experimental data have been analyzed using Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin–Radushkevich (D–R), and Elovich isotherm models. In addition, several kinetic models, pseudo-first-, pseudo-second-order, intraparticle and film diffusion models were considered. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm suggested a favorable adsorption of TB by Lemna minor plants. From the D–R the mean free energy was calculated to be 11.18 kJ/mol, which indicates that TB adsorption was characterized by a chemisorption process. Kinetic studies showed that liquid film diffusion plays an important role during the process. Adsorption capacities of up to 26.69 mg/g and a high capacity of adaptation indicated that phytoremediation using Lemna minor could be a valuable alternative for dyes removal from wastewaters.  相似文献   

Leachate from Pulau Burung landfill site was analyzed and treated using phytoremediation technique while water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) was used as the phytoremediator. Some parameters analyzed included ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), nitrate, nitrite, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphate, and zinc. The range of values of nutrients such as the pH, ammonia nitrogen, TKN, phosphate and zinc during leachate characterization were 8.72 and 8.58, 1810 and 1070 mg/L, 1183 and 1120 mg/L, 46.4 and 31.2 mg/L, 11.1 and 5.4 mg/L, respectively. After phytoremediation, significant reduction was noticed in all the nutrients and zinc. Nitrite, phosphate and zinc values were between 91.9% and 98.2%, 4.4 to 0.6 mg/L and 1.1 and 0.1 mg/L, respectively. Statistical analyses showed significant differences between the planted and unplanted systems (p ≤ .05). It was established that Eichhornia crassipes had the capacity to remove nutrients and heavy metals from leachate, which requires treatment to minimize pollutants to an acceptable level before discharging into water courses.  相似文献   

Members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) have emerged in recent decades as problematic pulmonary pathogens of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, with severe infections progressing to acute necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis. This study presents evidence that Lemna minor (Common duckweed) is useful as a plant model for the Bcc infectious process, and has potential as a model system for bacterial pathogenesis in general. To investigate the relationship between Bcc virulence in duckweed and Galleria mellonella (Greater wax moth) larvae, a previously established Bcc infection model, a duckweed survival assay was developed and used to determine LD50 values. A strong correlation (R2 = 0.81) was found between the strains’ virulence ranks in the two infection models, suggesting conserved pathways in these vastly different hosts. To broaden the application of the duckweed model, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and five isogenic mutants with previously established LD50 values in the larval model were tested against duckweed, and a strong correlation (R2 = 0.93) was found between their raw LD50 values. Potential virulence factors in B. cenocepacia K56-2 were identified using a high-throughput screen against single duckweed plants. In addition to the previously characterized antifungal compound (AFC) cluster genes, several uncharacterized genes were discovered including a novel lysR regulator, a histidine biosynthesis gene hisG, and a gene located near the gene encoding the recently characterized virulence factor SuhBBc. Finally, to demonstrate the utility of this model in therapeutic applications, duckweed was rescued from Bcc infection by treating with bacteriophage at 6-h intervals. It was observed that phage application became ineffective at a timepoint that coincided with a sharp increase in bacterial invasion of plant tissue. These results indicate that common duckweed can serve as an effective infection model for the investigation of bacterial virulence factors and therapeutic strategies to combat them.  相似文献   

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