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The adaptor protein complex-1 (AP-1) sorts and packages membrane proteins into clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) at the TGN and endosomes. Here we show that this process is highly regulated by phosphorylation of AP-1 subunits. Cell fractionation studies revealed that membrane-associated AP-1 differs from cytosolic AP-1 in the phosphorylation status of its beta1 and mu1 subunits. AP-1 recruitment onto the membrane is associated with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-mediated dephosphorylation of its beta1 subunit, which enables clathrin assembly. This Golgi-associated isoform of PP2A exhibits specificity for phosphorylated beta1 compared with phosphorylated mu1. Once on the membrane, the mu1 subunit undergoes phosphorylation, which results in a conformation change, as revealed by increased sensitivity to trypsin. This conformational change is associated with increased binding to sorting signals on the cytoplasmic tails of cargo molecules. Dephosphorylation of mu1 (and mu2) by another PP2A-like phosphatase reversed the effect and resulted in adaptor release from CCVs. Immunodepletion and okadaic acid inhibition studies demonstrate that PP2A is the cytosolic cofactor for Hsc-70-mediated adaptor uncoating. A model is proposed where cyclical phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the subunits of AP-1 regulate its function from membrane recruitment until its release into cytosol.  相似文献   

The R-SNARE VAMP4, which contains a dileucine motif, binds to the AP-1 (adaptor protein-1) subunit μ1a, but not μ1b, or the GGAs (Golgi-associated gamma ear containing ARF binding proteins). Serine 20 and leucines 25,26 are essential for this binding. AP-1 association with VAMP4 is enhanced when serine 30, in an acidic cluster, is phosphorylated by casein kinase 2. This phosphorylation-dependent modulation of AP-1 binding is mediated by PACS-1 (phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein). Ablation of both the dileucine motif and serine 30 results in a dramatic mislocalization of VAMP4 in the regulated secretory pathway in AtT20 cells. A dominant-negative PACS-1, which binds acidic clusters but not AP-1, also causes mislocalization of VAMP4. Our data support a model whereby phosphorylation-dependent recruitment of PACS-1 enhances AP-1 association to cargo, and suggest that efficient retrieval depends on the formation of a complex between cargo, such as VAMP4, AP-1 and PACS-1.  相似文献   

Although perturbation of organic anion transport protein (oatp) cell surface expression can result in drug toxicity, little is known regarding mechanisms regulating its subcellular distribution. Many members of the oatp family, including oatp1a1, have a COOH-terminal PDZ consensus binding motif that interacts with PDZK1, while serines upstream of this site (S634 and S635) can be phosphorylated. Using oatp1a1 as a prototypical member of the oatp family, we prepared plasmids in which these serines were mutated to glutamic acid [E634E635 (oatp1a1(EE)), phosphomimetic] or alanine [A634A635 (oatp1a1(AA)), nonphosphorylatable]. Distribution of oatp1a1(AA) and oatp1a1(EE) was largely intracellular in transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells. Cotransfection with a plasmid encoding PDZK1 revealed that oatp1a1(AA) was now expressed largely on the cell surface, while oatp1a1(EE) remained intracellular. To quantify these changes, studies were performed in HuH7 cells stably transfected with these oatp1a1 plasmids. These cells endogenously express PDZK1. Surface biotinylation at 4°C followed by shift to 37°C showed that oatp1a1(EE) internalizes quickly compared with oatp1a1(AA). To examine a physiological role for phosphorylation in oatp1a1 subcellular distribution, studies were performed in rat hepatocytes exposed to extracellular ATP, a condition that stimulates serine phosphorylation of oatp1a1 via activity of a purinergic receptor. Internalization of oatp1a1 under these conditions was rapid. Thus, although PDZK1 binding is required for optimal cell surface expression of oatp1a1, phosphorylation provides a mechanism for fast regulation of the distribution of oatp1a1 between the cell surface and intracellular vesicular pools. Identification of the proteins and motor molecules that mediate these trafficking events represents an important area for future study.  相似文献   

An expression vector containing three copies of the AP-1 binding element (TRE) upstream of a thymidine kinase promotor which controlled the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene was transiently transfected into vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells and a human hepatocarcinoma cell line, Hep G2. Twelve hours of angiotensin (Ang) II exposure stimulated significantly CAT expression by 3.4 fold and 2.7 fold in Hep G2 and VSM cells, respectively. AngII had no effect on CAT expression of a control vector. This AngII-induced stimulation was attenuated significantly by an AngII receptor antagonist, Sar1 Ile8 AngII, and abolished completely by a PKC inhibitor, staurosporine. Our data suggest that the TRE plays a crucial role in AngII-induced gene expression that is mediated by PKC. We concluded that TRE is one of the AngII-responsive elements.  相似文献   

The Golgi-localized, gamma-ear-containing, ADP ribosylation factor-binding family of monomeric clathrin adaptors (GGAs) is known to bind cargo molecules through short C-terminal peptide motifs conforming to the sequence DXXLL (X = any amino acid), while the heterotetrameric adaptors AP-1 and AP-2 utilize a similar but discrete sorting motif of the sequence [D,E]XXXL[L,I]. While it has been established that a single cargo molecule may contain either or both types of these acidic cluster-dileucine (AC-LL) sorting signals, there are no examples of cargo with overlapping GGA and AP-1/AP-2-binding motifs. In this study, we report that the cytosolic tail of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP)9 contains a bifunctional GGA and AP-1/AP-2-binding motif at its carboxy-terminus (EDEPLL). We further demonstrate that the internal EDEVLL sequence of LRP9 also binds to GGAs in addition to AP-2. Either AC-LL motif of LRP9 is functional in endocytosis. These findings represent the first study characterizing the trafficking of LRP9 and also have implications for the identification of additional GGA cargo molecules.  相似文献   

In resting human epithelial and fibroblastic cells, c-Jun is phosphorylated on serine and threonine at five sites, three of which are phosphorylated in vitro by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3). These three sites are nested within a single tryptic peptide located just upstream of the basic region of the c-Jun DNA-binding domain (residues 227-252). Activation of protein kinase C results in rapid, site-specific dephosphorylation of c-Jun at one or more of these three sites and is coincident with increased AP-1-binding activity. Phosphorylation of recombinant human c-Jun proteins in vitro by GSK-3 decreases their DNA-binding activity. Mutation of serine 243 to phenylalanine blocks phosphorylation of all three sites in vivo and increases the inherent trans-activation ability of c-Jun at least 10-fold. We propose that c-Jun is present in resting cells in a latent, phosphorylated form that can be activated by site-specific dephosphorylation in response to protein kinase C activation.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens recruit clathrin upon interaction with host surface receptors during infection. Here, using three different infection models, we observed that host-pathogen interactions induce tyrosine phosphorylation of clathrin heavy chain. This modification was critical for recruitment of actin at bacteria-host adhesion sites during bacterial internalization or pedestal formation. At the bacterial interface, clathrin assembled to form coated pits of conventional size. Because such structures cannot internalize large particles such as bacteria, we propose that during infection, clathrin-coated pits serve as platforms to initiate actin rearrangements at bacteria-host adhesion sites. We then showed that the clathrin-actin interdependency is initiated by Dab2 and depends on the presence of clathrin light chain and its actin-binding partner Hip1R, and that the fully assembled machinery can recruit Myosin VI. Together, our study highlights a physiological role for clathrin heavy chain phosphorylation and reinforces the increasingly recognized function of clathrin in actin cytoskeletal organization in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The energetic basis of GCN4-bZIP complexes with the AP-1 and ATF/CREB sites was investigated by optical methods and scanning and isothermal titration microcalorimetry. The dissociation constant of the bZIP dimer was found to be significantly higher than that of its isolated leucine zipper domain: at 20 degrees C it is 1.45microM and increases with temperature. To avoid complications from dissociation of this dimer, DNA binding experiments were carried out using an SS crosslinked version of the bZIP. The thermodynamic characteristics of the bZIP/DNA association measured at different temperatures and salt concentrations were corrected for the contribution of refolding the basic segment upon binding, determined from the scanning calorimetric experiments. Fluorescence anisotropy titration experiments showed that the association constants of the bZIP at 20 degrees C with the AP-1 and ATF/CREB binding sites do not differ much, being 1.5nM and 6.4nM, corresponding to Gibbs energies of -49kJmol(-1) and -46kJmol(-1), respectively. Almost half of the Gibbs energy is attributable to the electrostatic component, resulting from the entropic effect of counterion release upon DNA association with the bZIP and is identical for both sites. In contrast to the Gibbs energies, the enthalpies of association of the fully folded bZIP with the AP-1 and ATF/CREB sites, and correspondingly the entropies of association, are very different. bZIP binding to the AP-1 site is characterized by a substantially larger negative enthalpy and non-electrostatic entropy than to the ATF/CREB site, implying that the AP-1 complex incorporates significantly more water molecules than the ATF/CREB complex.  相似文献   

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