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Tubular transport of oxalate is thought to be an energy-mediated process which may contribute to the renal deposition of calcium oxalate in a variety of pathologic states. In order to examine this possibility, the renal handling of oxalate was investigated in rat renal cortical slices in vitro. Slices incubated in vitro with 1 microM [14C]oxalate in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer at 25 degrees C for 180 min achieved a mean slice to medium ratio of 2.8 +/- 0.08 (SEM) and a mean tissue concentration of 7.7 +/- 0.2 mumol/kg dry wt (N = 64). Section freeze-dry autoradiographs demonstrated maximum uptake within proximal tubule cells but no crystals were evident. Substituting N2 for O2, adding KCN, or removing Ca2+ increased uptake of 14C-oxalate. Dinitrophenol (DNP) and iodoacetamide (IoAc), however, significantly decreased, and O degrees C eliminated slice uptake. Slices incubated with 100 microM [14C]oxalate showed a further increase in tissue accumulation and the appearance of [14C]oxalate crystals. Crystals formed in vitro were deposited throughout the tissue. Oxalic acid did not appear to share the organic acid by renal cortical slices in vitro is largely independent of energy-mediated mechanisms.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to test the hypothesis that cyclosporine A (CSA) inhibits renin secretion and stimulates renal prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release in vitro. In rat renal cortical slices incubated at 37 degrees C in a buffered and oxygenated physiological saline solution containing 4 mM KCl, CSA concentrations ranging from 1 to 30 microM had no significant effect on renin secretion. Furthermore, partial depolarization of the cells, produced by increasing extracellular KCl concentration to 20 mM, failed to reveal any latent inhibitory or stimulatory effects of CSA on renin secretion. On the other hand, PGE2 release was significantly inhibited by CSA over the same range of concentrations. This inhibitory effect might be explained by the previous findings of others, that CSA inhibits phospholipase A2 activity, thereby decreasing arachidonic acid production, the rate-limiting step in PG synthesis. In conclusion, CSA inhibits PGE2 release but fails to affect renin secretion in vitro. These results suggest that the occasional effects of CSA on renin secretion in intact animals must be attributable to indirect and/or chronic effects.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is known as an orexigenic factor in the brain of mammals and mediates the feeding-stimulatory effect of other factors such as neuropeptide Y (NPY). In neonatal chicks, however, we recently reported that NO might have an anorexigenic effect and suggested that the feeding-regulatory mechanism in chicks might be different from that in mammals regarding NO. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of NO in the effect of other orexigenic and anorexigenic factors in neonatal chicks. Intracerebroventricular co-injection of N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), a NO synthase inhibitor, did not affect NPY- and prolactin-releasing peptide-induced feeding behavior. On the other hand, the co-injection of l-NAME significantly attenuated the anorexigenic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). The anorexigenic effects of glucagon-like peptide-1, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and ghrelin were not affected by the l-NAME treatment. These results suggest that NO might mediate the anorexigenic effect of CRH in the brain of neonatal chicks.  相似文献   

Norethandrolone (NE) and other androgenic steroids have been shown to be renotropic in various species and have also been reported to have salutary effects in patients with diminished renal function. Renal cortical slices prepared from rats pretreated with NE showed an increased capability to concentrate p-aminohippuric acid (PAH). Pretreatment with NE failed to stimulate the transport of the organic base tetraethylammonium and the organic acid benzylpenicillin. Stimulation of PAH transport was observed after eight daily subcutaneous injections of NE. No stimulation was observed with shorter pretreatment intervals. When NE was given subcutaneously for 14 days at doses of 2.6 or 20 mg kg-1 day-1, significant stimulation of PAH transport was seen at all three dose levels but no dose-effect relationship was apparent. Stimulation of PAH transport was seen in female rats as well as castrated and intact males. In addition to its general anabolic properties, NE induces the synthesis of hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes. For comparative purposes, therefore, the effect of pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) was also investigated. This agent is a potent inducer of drug metabolism but is neither anabolic nor renotropic. When rats were pretreated with an inducing dose of PCN (75 mg kg-1 day-1 for 3 days), there was no significant stimulation of PAH transport. It would seem, then, that the stimulatory effect of NE on PAH transport is more closely associated with its generalized anabolic effect than with its ability to induce hepatic microsomal enzymes.  相似文献   

一氧化氮合酶抑制剂L-NAME对大鼠脑缺血耐受诱导的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Liu HQ  Li WB  Feng RF  Li QJ  Chen XL  Zhou AM  Zhao HG  Ai J 《生理学报》2003,55(2):219-224
采用大鼠四血管闭塞全脑缺血耐受模型和脑组织切片形态学方法,观察应用一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂L—NAME对大鼠海马CAl区脑缺血耐受(BIT)诱导的影响,在整体水平探讨一氧化氮(NO)在BIT诱导中的作用。54只Wistar大鼠凝闭双侧推动脉后分为6组:(1)假手术组(n=6);分离双侧颈总动脉,但不阻断脑血流;(2)损伤性缺血组(n=6):全脑缺血10min;(3)预缺血 损伤性缺血组(n=6):脑缺血预处理(CIP)3min,再灌注72h后行全脑缺血10min;(4)L—NAME组;分别于CIP前1h和后1、12及36h腹腔注射L—NAME(5mg/kg),每个时间点6只动物,其余步骤同预缺血 损伤性缺血组;(5)L—NAME L—精氨酸组(n=6):于CIP前1h腹腔注射L—NAME(5mg/kg)和L—精氨酸(300mg/kg),其它步骤同L—NAME组;(6)L—NAME 损伤性缺血组(n=6):于腹腔注射L—NAME(5mg/kg)72h后行全脑缺血10min。实验结果表明,(1)单纯10min全脑缺血可使海马CAl区组织学分级增加(表明损伤加重),神经元密度降低(P<0.01);(2)预缺血 损伤性缺血组的海马CAl区组织学分级、神经元密度与假手术组相比,无显著性差别(P>0.05);(3)L—NAME组中,应用L—NAME后海马CAl区组织学分级增加,神经元密度降低,与预缺血 损伤性缺血组相比有显著性差异(P<0.05),表明L—NAME可阻断CIP对神经元的保护作用;(4)L—NAME L—精氨酸组与L—NAME组相比,海马CAl区组织损伤明显减轻(P<0.05),但与预缺血 损伤性缺血组相比仍有显著性差别(P<0.05),提示L-精氨酸可部分逆转L—NAME的作用;(5)L—NAME 损伤性缺血组的组织学表现与损伤性缺血组相同(P>0.05)。这些结果表明,在整体情况下N0参与BIT的诱导。与CIP前1h及后1、12h给予L—NAME组相比,CIP后36h给予L—NAME对CIP保护作用的阻断效应明显减弱,提示N0在CIP后较早阶段即开始参与BIT的诱导。  相似文献   

The pathophysiological processes underlying the development of diabetic osteopenia has not hitherto been elucidated. Induction of streptozotocin diabetes leads in our experiments to decrease of bone density, ash, mineral content and to thinner cortical width compared to control male rats. In order to investigate the pathogenetic role of bone resorption by osteoclasts in streptozotocin-induced diabetes, we determined the circulating levels of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), a biochemical marker for bone resorption. Plasma TRAP values in diabetic rats did not differ from their corresponding controls. Streptozotocin diabetes by itself did not have any effect on the weight of seminal vesicles which are highly testosterone-dependent. Low doses of nitric oxide cause bone resorption, but higher doses of NO inhibit bone resorbing activity. We examined the effect of L-NAME (inhibitor of nitric oxide production) after six weeks of administration to diabetic rats. There was no further significant loss of bone mineral density, ash and mineral content or tibia weight in diabetic rats treated with L-NAME. L-NAME itself did not decrease bone metabolism. In our study no evidence of an increased bone resorption was found. Our results have indicated that a predominance of bone resorption over bone formation is not involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes-associated osteopenia. Inhibition of NO neither increased osteoclastic activity (TRAP) nor induced osteopenia in L-NAME-treated rats. This suggests a possibility that NO is not involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic osteopenia.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase in the rat carotid body and carotid sinus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The participation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the innervation of the rat carotid body and carotid sinus was investigated by means of NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and NOS immunohistochemistry using antisera raised against purified neuronal NOS and a synthetic tridecapeptide. NOS was detected in 23% of neurons at the periphery of the carotid bodies. Some negative neurons were surrounded by NOS-positive terminals. NOS-containing varicose nerve fibres innervated the arterial vascular bed and, to a lesser extent, the islands of glomus cells. These fibres persisted after transection of the carotid sinus nerve and are probably derived from intrinsic neurons. Large NOS-positive axonal swellings in the wall of the carotid sinus were absent after transection of the sinus nerve, indicating their sensory origin. The results suggest a neuronal nitrergic control of blood flow, neuronal activity and chemoreception in the carotid body, and an intrinsic role of NO in the process of arterial baroreception.  相似文献   

The effect of lesions induced by bilateral intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of quinolinate (250 nmol of QUIN/ventricle), a selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonist, on [3H]glutamate ([3H]Glu) binding to the main types of both ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors (iGluR and mGluR) was investigated in synaptic membrane preparations from the hippocampi of 50-day-old rats. The membranes from QUIN injured brains revealed significantly lowered binding in iGluR (by 31%) as well as in mGluR (by 22%) as compared to the controls. Using selected glutamate receptor agonists as displacers of [3H]Glu binding we found that both the NMDA-subtype of iGluR and group I of mGluR are involved in this decrease of binding. Suppression of nitric oxide (NO) production by N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (50 nmol of NARG/ventricle) or the increase of NO generation by 3-morpholinylsydnoneimine (5 nmol of SIN-1/ventricle) failed to alter [3H]Glu or [3H]CPP (3-((D)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-[1,2-(3)H]-propyl-1-phosphonic acid; NMDA-antagonist) binding declines caused by QUIN-lesions. Thus, our findings indicate that both the NMDA-subtype of iGluR and group I of mGluR are susceptible to the QUIN-induced neurodegeneration in the rat hippocampus. However, the inhibition of NO synthesis did not reveal any protective action in the QUIN-evoked, NMDA-receptor mediated decrease of [3H]Glu binding. Therefore, the additional mechanisms of QUIN action, different from direct NMDA receptor activation/NO production (e.g. lipid peroxidation induced by QUIN-Fe-complexes) cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The present studies examined the inhibitory effect of veratridine (a Na+ channel activator) on carbachol (a cholinergic agonist) stimulated inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate accumulation in rat brain cortical slices. Veratridine inhibited carbachol stimulation of inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate formation (after a delay of about 30 seconds) at 60 or 120 seconds when there was little inhibition of inositol 1,4,5 trisphophate accumulation. The inhibitory effect of veratridine on carbachol stimulated inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate accumulation was abolished in the presence of ouabain or tetrodotoxin but was unaffected in low calcium conditions. Veratridine reduced the total ATP content and this effect was abolished by tetrodotoxin. The inhibitory effect of 10 but not 30 M veratridine on inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate accumulation in the presence of carbachol was reversed by the presence of exogenous 8-bromo cyclic AMP or forskolin which activates adenylylcyclase. However, the decrease in brain slice ATP seen in the presence of veratridine was unaffected by forskolin. Our results are compatible with the hypothesis that veratridine inhibition of carbachol-stimulated inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate formation is due to depletion of ATP at the site of Ins 1,3,4,5-P4 formation from Ins 1,4,5-P3.Abbreviations used Ins 1,4,5-P3 inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate - Ins 1,3,4,5-P4 inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate - PMA phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate  相似文献   

The ionotropic glutamatergic receptor system, especially the subtype mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), is known to exhibit special sensitivity to the effect of ethanol. This is due partly to the ability of ethanol to modulate the production of nitric oxide through the NMDA-nitric oxide synthase (NOS) pathway. In this study, we examined the effects of ethanol on basal and NMDA-stimulated NOS activity in rat hippocampal slices by measuring the conversion of [(14)C]-arginine into [(14)C]-citrulline in an incubation system containing the necessary cofactors. Stimulation of hippocampal slices with NMDA (100 microM) enhanced NOS activity by 43% (n = 12). Although ethanol did not alter NOS activity when added to the incubation system during NMDA stimulation, it dose-dependently inhibited NMDA-NOS activity when added to the slices during the 90-min preincubation period. Further assay of NOS activity with brain cytosolic fraction indicated an inhibitory effect of ethanol (200 mM) when the assay was carried out in the absence of exogenous tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a redox-active cofactor for NOS. Incubation of brain homogenates resulted in a time-dependent increase in the levels of lipid peroxidation products, but ethanol did not further enhance these products. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the role of BH4 but not oxidative stress in the inhibitory effect of ethanol on NMDA-NOS activity in rat hippocampal slices.  相似文献   

c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and is robustly activated in response to muscle contraction. Little is known about the biological functions of JNK signaling in terminally differentiated muscle cells, although this protein has been proposed to regulate insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity in mouse skeletal muscle. To determine whether JNK signaling regulates contraction-stimulated glycogen synthase activation, we applied an electroporation technique to induce JNK overexpression (O/E) in mouse skeletal muscle. Ten days after electroporation, in situ muscle contraction increased JNK activity 2.6-fold in control muscles and 15-fold in the JNK O/E muscles. Despite the enormous activation of JNK activity in JNK O/E muscles, contraction resulted in similar increases in glycogen synthase activity in control and JNK O/E muscles. Consistent with these findings, basal and contraction-induced glycogen synthase activity was normal in muscles of both JNK1- and JNK2-deficient mice. JNK overexpression in muscle resulted in significant alterations in the basal phosphorylation state of several signaling proteins, such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, p90 S6 kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3, protein kinase B/Akt, and p70 S6 kinase, in the absence of changes in the expression of these proteins. These data suggest that JNK signaling regulates the phosphorylation state of several kinases in skeletal muscle. JNK activation is unlikely to be the major mechanism by which contractile activity increases glycogen synthase activity in skeletal muscle. electroporation; gene delivery; muscle contraction; exercise  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the role of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-induced ACTH and corticosterone secretion, as well as possible involvement of hypothalamic dopamine and noradrenaline in that secretion in conscious rats. CRH given i.p. stimulated dose-dependently the pituitary-adrenocortical activity measured 1 h later. Dexamethasone (0.2 mg/kg i.p.) injected 1 h before CRH (1 microg/kg i.p.) totally abolished the CRH-elicited ACTH and corticosterone secretion, indicating a predominantly pituitary site of CRH-evoked stimulation. L-arginine (120 mg/kg i.p.) and N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME 5-10 mg/kg i.p.) did not markedly affect the basal plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels. L-NAME given 15 min before CRH markedly, but not significantly, augmented the CRH-induced ACTH response, and enhanced more potently and significantly the corticosterone response. Pretreatment with L-arginine, a substrate for NOS, slightly diminished the CRH-induced ACTH response and considerably reduced the corticosterone response. L-arginine also significantly reversed the L-NAME-evoked increase in the CRH-induced ACTH and corticosterone secretion. L-NAME did not markedly alter the CRH-induced hypothalamic dopamine and noradrenaline levels, while L-arginine significantly increased noradrenaline level. However, those alterations were not directly correlated with the observed changes in ACTH and corticosterone secretion. These results indicate that in conscious rats NO plays a marked inhibitory role in the CRH-induced ACTH secretion and inhibits more potently corticosterone secretion. Hypothalamic dopamine and noradrenaline do not seem to be directly involved in the observed alterations in ACTH and corticosterone secretion.  相似文献   

It is known that nitric oxide modulates the prostaglandin generation. However, little is known about the regulatory action of prostaglandin on nitric oxide production. There is a molecular cross-talk between nitric oxide and prostaglandin. Here, we examined biochemical signalling pathways coupled to the prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) receptor related to nitric oxide synthase stimulation in rat submandibular gland. PGE(2) through the stimulation of its own receptor, triggered activation of phosphoinositide turnover (IPs), translocation of protein kinase C (PKC), stimulation of nitric oxide synthase activity (NOS) and increased production of cyclic GMP (cGMP). PGE(2) stimulation of NOS and cGMP production was blunted by agents interfering with calcium influx, calcium/calmodulin and phospholipase C (PLC) activities; while PKC inhibitor was able to stimulate PGE(2) effects. PGE(2) did not evoke amylase release, indicating that NOS/ cGMP pathway were not associated with this enzyme secretion. Our results suggest that this prostanoid could act as vasoactive chemical mediator through its ability to activate NOS-cGMP pathway via own gland membrane receptor.  相似文献   

Rat cerebral cortical slices labelled with [3H]-inositol were incubated with the muscarinic agonist carbachol in media containing normal 5.9 mM or elevated 24 mM K+ ions. Over the first few minutes both carbachol and elevated K+ stimulated the production of [3H]-inositol phosphates. The very rapid formation of [3H]-inositol tetrakis, tris and bisphosphate was followed by accumulation of [3H]-inositol monophosphate. However, elevated K+ resulted in a relatively larger stimulation of [3H]-inositol bisphosphate than muscarinic receptor stimulation. When carbachol effects were examined in media containing elevated K+, production of [3H]-inositol trisphosphate was apparently additive whereas the mono and bisphosphate displayed somewhat synergistic responses after 1-2 minutes. In contrast, [3H]-inositol tetrakisphosphate production was greatly enhanced and marked synergy was observed between the K+ and carbachol responses. The production of the tetrakisphosphate under these conditions was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and a stimulatory effect of this divalent ion on the 3-kinase is discussed.  相似文献   

Extraocular muscles (EOMs) are specialized skeletal muscles that are constantly active, generate low levels of force for cross sectional area, have rapid contractile speeds, and are highly fatigue resistant. The neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is concentrated at the sarcolemma of fast-twitch muscles fibers, and nitric oxide (NO) modulates contractility. This study evaluated nNOS expression in EOM and the effect of NO modulation on lateral rectus muscle's contractility. nNOS activity was highest in EOM compared with diaphragm, extensor digitorum longus, and soleus. Neuronal NOS was concentrated to the sarcolemma of orbital and global singly innervated fibers, but not evident in the multi-innervated fibers. The NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, a NOS inhibitor), increased submaximal tetanic and peak twitch forces. The NO donors S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) and spermineNONOate reduced submaximal tetanic and peak twitch forces. The effect of NO on the contractile force of lateral rectus muscle is greater than previously observed on other skeletal muscle. NO appears more important in modulating contraction of EOM compared with other skeletal muscles, which could be important for the EOM's specialized role in generation of eye movements.  相似文献   

Zinc has been shown to effect--in vitro--a number of processes associated with neurotransmission. We have tested whether the rate of impulse conduction--in vivo--as measured from the latencies of auditory brainstem responses (ABR), is influenced by dietary zinc deficiency in the rat. Dietary zinc deficiency for up to 26 wk had no effect on the wave I-IV interval compared to zinc-adequate fed animals. The results are discussed in relation to the observed constancy of brain overall and extracellular fluid zinc concentrations under conditions of dietary zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

Adenosine analogs selective for the A1 subclass of adenosine receptors, such as N6-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), inhibit renin secretion in in vitro preparations. Ca chelation blocks the inhibitory effect, consistent with mediation by increased intracellular free Ca2+, and it has been suggested that intracellular Ca2+ could increase as a result of receptor-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase followed by decreased Ca efflux from the renin-secreting cells. Pertussis toxin blocks receptor-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase in many cells, and in others, it blocks receptor-induced phosphotidylinositol response. In the present studies, pertussis toxin treatment stimulated the basal renin secretory rate of rat renal cortical slices and blocked the inhibitory effect of CHA but not the inhibitory effect of K-depolarization. These data support the hypothesis that a pertussis toxin substrate, such as Ni, is involved in CHA-, but not in K-depolarization, -induced inhibition of renin secretion.  相似文献   

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