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观察了猫对光栅方位辨别的知觉学习。两只成年猫(cat 1和cat 2)先单眼辨别方位差为30度角的两个正弦光栅以获得食物奖赏。当辨别正确率达80%以上后,猫开始学习用单眼辨别夹角连续变化的两个正弦光栅,采用二进一递进训练方法(two-correct down/one-error up staircase method,即猫连续两次辨别正确,则待辨别的两个光栅的方位差降低为原来的0.9倍;如果辨别错误一次,则方位差增加至原来的1.1倍)追踪猫可辨别的光栅方位差。在训练前后分别检测训练眼和非训练眼对不同方位差(2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 12°, 16°, 20°, 24°, 30°)光栅辨别的正确率。结果显示:对于固定方位差光栅的辨别学习,学习效果能完全传递给非训练眼;但对方位差连续减小的光栅辨别,两眼间几乎没有传递。提示固定方位角和连续变化方位角光栅的辨别学习可能由不同的信息处理机制介导。  相似文献   

为了明确视觉系统对一阶运动和二阶运动识别机制之间的相互关系,采用一阶运动和二阶运动的正弦光栅刺激,在旁中央凹对训练组(14名被试)进行运动方向辨别的知觉学习训练.通过比较训练前后的对比敏感度变化,并同对照组(11名被试)的结果比较后发现:a.在旁中央凹,一阶运动光栅方向辨别的训练提高了被试辨别一阶运动方向的能力,但是这种提高的效果却不能传递到二阶运动光栅的方向辨别任务当中;b.二阶运动光栅方向辨别的训练在提高被试二阶运动方向识别能力的同时,也提高了被试在一阶运动光栅方向辨别任务中的表现.这一训练效果的“非对称”传递现象提示,人的视觉系统中存在两种不同的机制分别用于感知一阶运动和二阶运动,但这两种机制并非截然不同,而是部分分离的.  相似文献   

视觉信号识别训练可改变视觉通路神经元的可塑性, 其神经机制尚不清楚。已有少数研究显示, 动物(猴) 长时间进行特定方位的光栅识别学习后, 视皮层部分神经元对视觉刺激的反应表现出与学习任务相关的敏感性变化。这种敏感性变化是否亦存在于皮层下结构尚无报道。本实验训练两只成年猫分别进行水平和垂直方位的条形静止正弦光栅的识别以获得食物奖赏, 两只猫的行为识别能力逐渐提高, 4 个多月后识别的正确率达85%以上, 用与训练方位垂直的正弦光栅检测发现, 识别正确率明显下降。细胞外记录外膝体背核(Dorsal lat eral geniculate nucleus, dLGN) 神经元对不同方位正弦光栅刺激的反应显示, 与正常猫相比, 训练猫外膝体细胞的最优方位并未向着训练方位发生明显改变, 对于感受野位于中央区15度视角以内的细胞来说, 其方位选择性强度以及在训练方位的发放强度与正常猫无明显差异。以上结果表明, 猫对特定方位的光栅识别学习不改变外膝体神经元的方位敏感性, 其行为上方位识别特异性的提高可能与视皮层细胞的方位编码可塑性有关。  相似文献   

周逸峰  寿天德 《生理学报》1996,48(2):195-198
记录和测定了视觉剥夺猫(dark-rearedcats)外膝体344个细胞的方位调谐等感受野特性,多数细胞(82%)具有方位敏感性(Bias>0.1)。最优方位的分布与正常猫类似,偏向于水平方位,但分布特性强于正常猫。与正常猫类似,视觉剥夺猫外膝体细胞的最优方位与该细胞感受野在视网膜上的位置有关,偏向平行于视网膜中心区与感受野中心的连线(向心线);外膝体内位置相邻近的细胞具有相近的最优方位,亦呈现初步有序排列。结果表明:外膝体细胞最优方位的分布特性与后天视觉经验无关而可能来源于遗传因素。  相似文献   

我们检测了猫外膝体(LGN)神经元对闪烁方波光栅的反应与光栅方位的关系。对一定对比度和空间频率的光栅,26个记录到的神经元的反应均随方位不同而变化,其最大反应和最小反应的比值平均为3.0±0.3(S.E.)。神经元的最优方位(即引起最大反应的光栅方位)随其感受野中心在视网膜上的位置而异,具有平行于其各自感受野中心与视网膜中央区(area cen-sralis)的连接线的倾向。  相似文献   

本研究在遗传性听源性癫痫大鼠模型上,采用了行为和放射免疫分析相结合的方法,研究了大鼠反复癫痫发作对光辨别学习的影响及心脑组织中P物质(SP)含量的改变。结果表明:(1)随癫痫发作频率增高,大鼠光辨别学习能力明显减弱。表现为达到学会标准所需时间明显延长(P<0.001),达标率明显降低(P<0.001)。(2)癫痫发作后,大鼠下丘脑和海马中SP含量明显降低(P<0.001),而颞叶皮层和心肌组织SP  相似文献   

以扫描正弦光栅作为刺激,用冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回(LS区)来阻断皮层对外膝体的反馈投射,记录并描绘了猫外膝体597个细胞的方位调制特性.去视皮层猫外膝体神经元的平均方位选择性强度(Bias)为0.154,与正常猫(0.155)几乎相同,其最优方位偏向于水平方位.与正常猫外膝体不同的是,去视皮层猫外膝体失去了最优方位的切向分布规律,用GABA或KCl压抑皮层活动得到了相近的实验结果.结果说明正常外膝体的最优方位切向分布规律来自皮层反馈投射.  相似文献   

以移动的正弦光栅作为刺激,用玻璃微电极记录以冰冻法毁损皮层17、18、19区和外侧上雪氏回区后的猫外膝体的单细胞反应,测定了579个细胞的方位调谐特性,另外还在视觉剥夺猫外膝体测定了344个细胞的方位调谐特性,与正常猫相似,去视以猫和视觉剥夺猫外膝体的少数细胞具有非寻常的方位调谐特性,包括具蝴蝶形调谐曲线的方位调谐特性、双调谐的方位调谐特性和最优方位随刺激空间的不同而变化的方位调谐特性。结果表明外  相似文献   

在十二只成年猫上用多管玻璃微电极记录了外膝体神经元对不同空间频率和不同方位的移动正弦光栅刺激的反应,共详细测定并对比研究了38个方位敏感性细胞在微电泳荷包牡丹碱前后的方位调谐特性。在最优空间频率附近的较低空间频率下,微电泳荷包牡丹碱后,外膝体细胞的方位敏感性强度(Bias)降低,而在截止频率附近的较高空间频率下,微电泳前后外膝细胞的方位敏感性强度(Bias)从总体上看没有显著变化。结果表明,以空间频率为截止频率附近的移动正弦光栅作为刺激,外膝体细胞的方位敏感性可能主要是由视网膜神经节细胞的兴奋输入所形成,而非外膝体内抑制机制所致。  相似文献   

周逸峰  寿天德 《生理学报》1988,40(2):131-139
用金属微电极记录了114个猫皮层17、18区细胞对不同方位光栅图象刺激的反应。细胞最优方位与其感受野中心在视网膜的位置间有系统性关系,即最优方位总是倾向于垂直于各感受野中心与视网膜中心区(area centralis)的连线。这一规律对在18区或17、18区全体记录到的细胞而言,有统计意义。 在17、18区内,仅对于感受野位于视网膜离心度(eccentricity)大于9°视角的细胞、具有较窄感受野(宽度小于2.5°)的细胞以及感受野处于视网膜垂直经线附近的细胞,上述规律才有统计意义,而对感受野离心度小于9°的细胞、感受野宽度大于2.5°的细胞以及感受野在倾斜经线附近的细胞,上述规律不明显。  相似文献   

Octopus ocellatus is a small benthic species of octopus that is easy to rear and spawns large eggs during a short life cycle. These and other features of O. ocellatus may make it an advantageous subject for a broad range of behavioral studies, including those involving various types of learning. However, no type of learning has been studied in O. ocellatus. In a successive visual discrimination task, in which a ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ stimulus (white or black rectangle) was presented to a subject octopus and appropriate rewards or punishments were given to the subject, the rate of ‘correct’ responses (i.e., touches to the positive stimulus or refraining from the negative stimulus) gradually increased. Moreover, ‘observer’ octopuses that observed another octopus performing a visual discrimination task in which reward was also given to the ‘incorrect’ responses (touches to the negative stimulus) showed a higher ratio of incorrect responses in their test sessions. These results, coupled with the physical characteristics of O. ocellatus, indicate that this species is potentially suitable for neurogenetic and neuroembryological studies of learning.  相似文献   

在自然的视觉中,投射到视网膜上的视觉图像总是在不停地变化,而人类的感知系统依然可以准确高效地识别物体.因此,人类的感知系统有相应的快速处理机制以应对这种动态变化.然而,前人的实验都是在相对稳定的刺激条件下研究人类被试的感知系统对一个刺激参数的反应,比如在固定对比度下测试朝向分辨能力,或在固定朝向测定对比度分辨能力,而朝向和对比度同时变化时,人类对这两个参数的分辨能力仍然缺乏研究.因此,在本实验中,我们使用朝向和对比度同时变化的刺激,研究了人类被试对朝向和对比度的分辨能力.结果表明,在这种动态变化的条件下,被试对朝向和对比度的分辨阈值都有显著性的降低.而且,朝向分辨阈值降低的幅度与在固定对比度参数条件下的分辨阈值成负相关,即在固定对比度条件下朝向分辨阈值较高的被试,在朝向和对比度同时变化条件下,其朝向分辨阈值降低的幅度相对要大,朝向分辨能力也就相对地提高更大.对比度分辨能力也呈现同样的规律.这些结果说明,朝向和对比度的同时变化提高了被试对朝向和对比度的分辨能力,一个参数变化时其分辨能力越低的被试,两个参数变化时其分辨能力提高的幅度就越大.揭示了视觉系统处理这种多刺激参量信息变化的能力和机制,对人类视觉系统在真实的视觉过程中如何处理朝向和对比度信息提供了认识.  相似文献   

The ability of animals to learn and remember underpins many behavioural actions and can be crucial for survival in certain contexts, for example in finding and recognising a habitual refuge. The sensory cues that an animal learns in such situations are to an extent determined by its own sensory specialisations. Whip spiders (Arachnida, Amblypygi) are nocturnal and possess uniquely specialised sensory systems that include elongated ‘antenniform’ forelegs specialised for use as chemo- and mechanosensory feelers. We tested the tactile learning abilities of the whip spider Phrynus marginemaculatus in a maze learning task with two tactile cues of different texture—one associated with an accessible refuge, and the other with an inaccessible refuge. Over ten training trials, whip spiders got faster and more accurate at finding the accessible refuge. During a subsequent test trial where both refuges were inaccessible, whip spiders searched for significantly longer at the tactile cue previously associated with the accessible refuge. Using high-speed cinematography, we describe three distinct antenniform leg movements used by whip spiders during tactile examination. We discuss the potential importance of tactile learning in whip spider behaviour and a possible role for their unique giant sensory neurons in accessing tactile information.  相似文献   

Non-reinforced preexposure to two stimuli often enhances discrimination between them. Analyses of this perceptual learning phenomenon have mainly focused on the role played by the distinctive stimulus features; this study examined the contribution of the non-distinctive common elements. A standard appetitive Pavlovian procedure was used. Rats received two different schedules of exposure - alternated or blocked - to two compound auditory stimuli, AX and BX. In Experiment 1 a generalization test to BX that followed conditioning to AX showed that animals responded less, and hence discriminated better, following alternated exposure, thus extending the generality of this perceptual learning effect to standard appetitive Pavlovian procedures. The degree to which the common element X was mediating this effect was explored in the next three experiments. Experiment 2 assessed the effectiveness of X following conditioning to AX. Experiment 3 explored X's effectiveness throughout extensive conditioning to X. Experiment 4 tested the ability of X to overshadow a novel stimulus Y. The results were consistent with the suggestion that alternated preexposure can reduce the relative effectiveness of the common element.  相似文献   

Reversal occurred in four out of 15 325 specimens (0·026%) of four-spotted megrim Lepido-rhombus bascii caught in the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses of juveniles and adults of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) to black geometric shapes of equal surface area was measured. Crabs were tested either in presence or absence of chemicals generated from two common predator species, the portunid crab Callinectes ornatus Ordway, and the soapfish Haemulon aurolineatum Cuvier, 1830. The present study tested the hypothesis that A. pisonii (1) has the capacity to orient to visual cues; (2) it discriminates between different visual objects based on a combination of chemical and visual information and (3) this behavior changes with age. When presented with single black targets in background water, juveniles oriented toward all shapes. This behavioral response was interpreted as visual orientation toward potential shelter. Among shapes, juveniles showed preference for the vertical rectangle, probably due to the recognition of natural visual elements like mangrove roots. In predator conditioned water, juveniles exhibited a stronger response than in background water. Thus, juveniles were able to detect by odor the potential presence of predators. Change in responsiveness between adults and juveniles was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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