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The development and application of selective staining methods for routine detection of mast cells are of considerable interest, because these cells play an important role in health and disease. The composition of cytoplasmic mast cell granules depends on the species and type of mast cell. The study reported here was conducted to investigate the combined use of aldehyde fuchsin (AF) and the Alcian blue-critical electrolyte concentration (AB-CEC) (pH 5.8, 0.3 M MgCl2) techniques for differentiating avian mast cell subtypes. Tissue samples from skin, intestines, and lungs of six healthy adult quail and two control rats were fixed in Carnoy's solution and 10% formolin for routine histological processing. To determine the staining properties of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), a three-step staining technique was applied using berberine sulfate, AF, and AB-CEC. In quail, AF positivity following application of the AB-CEC technique was found only in the lungs, mostly in cells that gave a berberine sulfate-positive reaction, and this positivity was determined to be localized particularly in the nucleus and perinuclear cytoplasm. In other regions, the pale AF staining of cells that did not emit fluorescence when stained with berberine sulfate was determined to be replaced by a blue color after application of AB-CEC. The AF/AB-CEC (pH 5.8, 0.3 M MgCl2) technique demonstrated that rat and quail mast cells varied in both GAG types and their distribution within the cell. Especially in avian species, this technique can be applied to distinguish mast cells according to their GAG content. It can be used as an alternative to the AB/safranin O staining procedure for differentiating mast cells that contain and lack heparin.  相似文献   

Materials on the development of an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) system for the detection of the antigens of C. burnetii, the causative agent of Q rickettsiosis, are presented. The system is highly specific and effective with respect to both corpuscular antigens of phases 1 and 2 and soluble antigen (lipopolysaccharide). The sensitivity of this method varies within the range 5-100 ng/ml. The effectiveness of EIA as a quantitative (semiquantitative) control test used in the process of the production of Coxiella preparations has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid method for demonstrating bacterial flagella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We developed a simple, rapid method for demonstrating flagellation of bacteria using the fluorescent protein stain NanoOrange (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oreg.). The NanoOrange reagent binds to hydrophobic regions of proteins, which results in substantial enhancement of fluorescence. Unbound reagent is essentially nonfluorescent. NanoOrange fluorescently stained bacterial cell bodies, as well as flagella and other appendages, which could be directly observed by epifluorescence microscopy. Detection of flagella was further improved by using a charge-coupled device camera for image capture and processing. The reliability of the method was tested by using 37 pure cultures of marine bacteria. Detection of flagella on the isolates by NanoOrange staining was compared to detection by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For 36 of 37 cultures, the two methods yielded the same results. In one case, flagella were detected by TEM but not by NanoOrange, although the difference may be attributable to differences between the culture preparations. NanoOrange staining is rapid (10 to 15 min) and does not require fixation or dehydration, so live samples can be stained. Since NanoOrange is a general protein stain and works directly in seawater, it may also prove to be useful for staining other proteinaceous material that is of interest to aquatic microbial ecologists.  相似文献   

Jana M  Luong TT  Komatsuzawa H  Shigeta M  Lee CY 《Plasmid》2000,44(1):100-104
A method for demonstrating whether a gene of Staphylococcus aureus is essential for growth in a rich medium is described. We have used this method to determine whether the murE gene, which encodes the UDP-N-acetylmuramyl tripeptide synthetase required for peptidoglycan synthesis, is essential for growth in S. aureus. In this study, strain CYL368 was constructed from S. aureus RN4220 by placing the murE gene in the chromosome under the control of the spac promoter (a hybrid promoter of the Escherichia coli lac operator and the Bacillus subtilis SPO1 phage promoter). To regulate the murE gene in CYL368, the E. coli lacI gene was expressed from the B. licheniformis penicillinase gene (pcn) promoter in plasmid pMJ8426. Strain CYL368(pMJ8426) grew normally in the presence of isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside but could not grow in the absence of the inducer. These results indicate that the murE gene expressed from the spac promoter in CYL368(pMJ8426) is needed for bacterial growth. We concluded that murE is an essential gene of S. aureus.  相似文献   

A method has been elaborated by which degenerating axons can be selectively impregnated with silver. Based on reconsideration of the physicochemical mechanisms of the degeneration methods it takes advantage of physical developers over the chemical ones. The staining procedure is applied to frozen sections of brains fixed with formol. It consists of 6 steps: (1) pretreatment with alkaline hydroxylamine, (2) washing in acetic acid, (3) impregnation in silver nitrate in the presence of ferric ions, (4) washing in citric acid, (5) physical development, and (6) washing in acetic acid. By electron microscopy silver precipitates by this method are almost entirely restricted to the cytoplasm of dense, degenerating axons, sparing mitochondria and myelin sheaths. No special expertise is required to achieve reproducible results. Large numbers of sections treated simultaneously, and large sections, can be stained uniformly. Light microscopic criteria are described which help diagnose the source of possible failures. Low background staining allows dark field illumination and television image analysis to be applied. The method works at survival times of only 3 to 5 days after axotomy. Hence, degenerating axons and axon terminals can be stained in alternating sections from the same brain using this method and another being described separately, which, using different conditions, demonstrates degenerating axon terminals.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for histological preparation of degenerated myelin are time-consuming and difficult. The purpose of our study was to shorten the time required for the procedure and to obtain better quality results for light microscopic demonstration of degenerated myelin in the central and peripheral nervous systems by using microwave irradiation. Rat brain and sciatic nerve were used for the study. The middle cerebral artery was occluded and the sciatic nerve was cut to produce myelin degeneration. Marchi's method was used for staining degenerated myelin. Fixation for light microscopy that would take two days using the conventional procedure was completed in 16.5–18.5 min using microwave irradiation. While staining of degenerated myelin requires 10 days for the conventional Marchi method, we decreased it to 7 h for brain tissue and 1 h for sciatic nerve by using the microwave oven. Moreover, a better quality preparation was achieved in the groups stained under microwave irradiation than those prepared by the conventional method.  相似文献   

The use of an imaginary organism to illustrate principles of genetics is described. The organism is easily drawn, and is well suited to simple printing techniques. It has been used to show independent segregation of genes, partial dominance, linkage in both sex chromosomes and in autosomes, as well as the inheritance of an autosomal gene lethal in the homozygous state. Additional exercises for students are suggested.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for histological preparation of degenerated myelin are time-consuming and difficult. The purpose of our study was to shorten the time required for the procedure and to obtain better quality results for light microscopic demonstration of degenerated myelin in the central and peripheral nervous systems by using microwave irradiation. Rat brain and sciatic nerve were used for the study. The middle cerebral artery was occluded and the sciatic nerve was cut to produce myelin degeneration. Marchi's method was used for staining degenerated myelin. Fixation for light microscopy that would take two days using the conventional procedure was completed in 16.5-18.5 min using microwave irradiation. While staining of degenerated myelin requires 10 days for the conventional Marchi method, we decreased it to 7 h for brain tissue and 1 h for sciatic nerve by using the microwave oven. Moreover, a better quality preparation was achieved in the groups stained under microwave irradiation than those prepared by the conventional method.  相似文献   

Dissociated explants of 8-day-old embryonic chick cerebrum were cultured for up to 18 days. By the beginning of the 2nd week and thereafter, primary cultures of neurons exhibited characteristic differentiated morphology with an interconnecting neurofibrillary network that became increasingly ramified. Neurons in bipolar, tripolar or multipolar form could be demonstrated positively using a short modified silver impregnation method with potassium ferrocyanide.  相似文献   

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