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Love darts are hard 'needles' that many snails and slugs use to pierce their partner during mating. In a few species, darts have been shown to play a role in sperm competition. Two new papers, by Davison et al., and Koene and Schulenburg, might further pique researchers' interest, because they show how the full potential of darts can be tapped for studies of sexual selection in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the main neural elements in the cell body area of procerebrums, the higher olfactory centers of terrestrial snails and slugs, was studied. It has been shown that nearly every neuron of the procerebrums contains several types of agranular and granular vesicles used in various interneuronal connections. Several types of classic and non-classic synaptic junctions between granular cell bodies and their main processes as well as between granular cells and various neural fibers coming to this area from other brain regions are described. About 70% of the synapses and synaptic-like junctions are symmetric. Complex synaptic complexes of both divergent and convergent types are observed. It has been established that the coming fibers form numerous, spatially separated, parallel, divergent and partially overlapping, synaptic complexes with the procerebrum neurons clustered in columns. Due to the high degree of convergence of afferent inputs in the procerebrums and the huge amount of symmetric and unidirectional links, procerebrums may represent an integral, highly differentiated, integrative system of the molluscan brain.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure and peculiarities of interneuronal connections in various zones of neuropil of procerebral olfactory centers of the brain in snails and slugs: in the outer and inner neuropil, zone of input of afferent fibers of labial nerves, as well as zones of running of afferent and efferent fibers of tentacular nerves, were studied. A pronounced spatial morpho-functional differentiation and a complex zonal synaptoarchitectonics of procerebrums is revealed. It has been shown that the procerebrum neural elements, both intrinsic and numerous ones coming from other brain regions and chemosensory systems, contain an enormous variety of vesicles. These vesicles provide connections between neural elements in various synapses and synapse-like junctions and in the composite divergent and convergent complexes formed by them. A positive polychemical nature of granular cells, the main neural elements of procerebrums, and functional significance of symmetric junctions predominant in procerebrums is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence for a possible endocrine basis for the remarkable synchrony often observed between the development of entomophilic nematodes and that of their hosts. Although some suggestive observations have been made by various workers, there is no rigorous evidence which points to such an association. In those few cases which have been rigorously examined, there is some evidence that the synchrony is not based upon endocrine signals passing between host and parasite. The possibility that the parasite may manipulate the endocrinology of the insect in order to alter the metabolism and physiology of the host to favour the parasite has received less attention, but is nevertheless thought to constitute a promising areas of research.  相似文献   

The native snails of the Hawaiian Islands are disappearing. One cause is predation by introduced carnivorous snails. Habitat destruction/modification is also important, facilitating the spread of other non-indigenous snails and slugs. Eighty-one species of snails and slugs are recorded as having been introduced. Thirty-three are established: 12 freshwater, 21 terrestrial. Two or three species arrived before western discovery of the islands (1778). During the nineteenth century about one species per decade, on average, was introduced. The rate rose to about four per decade during the twentieth century, with the exception of an especially large number introduced in the 1950s as putative biocontrol agents against the giant African snail, Achatina fulica. The geographical origins of these introductions reflect changing patterns of commerce and travel. Early arrivals were generally Pacific or Pacific rim species. Increasing trade and tourism with the USA, following its annexation of Hawaii, led to an increasing proportion of American species. More general facilitation of travel and commerce later in the twentieth century led to a significant number of European species being introduced. African species dominated the 1950s biological control introductions. The process continues and is just part of the homogenization of the unique faunas of tropical Pacific islands.  相似文献   

The nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita has been developed as a biological control agent for slugs and snails. Slugs avoid areas where P. hermaphrodita is present. We investigated whether behavioural avoidance of P. hermaphrodita is a common feature of slugs and snails by exposing eight species to P. hermaphrodita. We showed that slugs generally avoided P. hermaphrodita, whereas snails did not. We also showed that slugs specifically avoided the commercial strain and a natural isolate of P. hermaphrodita and were not deterred by other nematodes such as Steinernema kraussei or Turbatrix aceti. We also showed that slugs avoided the dauer stage of P. hermaphrodita and not mixed-stage cultures. Furthermore, slugs do not avoid dead P. hermaphrodita or exudates from live nematodes. Taken together, we have unravelled further factors that are essential for slugs to avoid P. hermaphrodita in soil, which could have important implications for the biological control of slugs and snails.  相似文献   

The precise anatomical relation by which autonomic nerve endings contact gastric epithelial cells to enhance the rate of gastric secretions is not fully understood. The aim of the present study was to clarify this issue by using the technique of serial section reconstruction of areas of the gastric mucosa. The work also explored the possibility of a functional role for a system of smooth muscle strands in the gastric mucosa that emanate from the muscularis mucosa, run in the lamina propria, and are associated in a unique manner with the gastric glands. Electron microscopic serial sections of the gastric mucosa were performed to visualize the entire limiting membrane of gastric epithelial cells to determine any nerve associations (especially varicose endings) with these cells. Evaluation of serial sections of five separate parietal cells showed that their basal membrane did not come in close contact (nearest distance 500 nm) with any nerve axon or varicosity. Moreover, the axons passing in the area of these cells ultimately showed varicose endings associated with smooth muscle cells in the adjacent connective tissue (often separated by only 20 nm), with mast cells or with vascular elements. Additionally, the lateral membrane of these five parietal cells did not contact any endocrine cell in the epithelium, although other parietal cells in the area were adjacent to endocrine cells. Chief cells in the immediate area also did not form any close associations with nerve varicosities. Random analysis of 5,000 additional epithelial cells in these sections showed no close associations to nerve elements with significant accumulations of neurosecretory vesicles (varicosities). Because of the observed existence of innervation to the smooth muscle strands in the area of the gastric glands, serial 1-micron epoxy sections of the gastric mucosa were prepared, and profiles of smooth muscle and gastric glands were entered into a computer-assisted reconstruction system. Three-dimensional reconstruction techniques were employed to reveal the existence of a unique association between the mucosal smooth muscle strands and the gastric glands. The muscle strands arose from the muscularis mucosa at regular intervals and became branched to form an intricate wrap around a series of gastric glands that empty into one gastric pit.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of peripheral nerves with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of elements and their relationships in the optic, trigeminal, vagus, median, radial, ulnar, femoral, sciatic, tibial, and common peroneal nerves by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The subjects consisted of 10 men and 12 women, ranging in age from 65 to 91 yr. It was found that although accumulations of Ca and P occurred only in the trigeminal nerve at old age, it hardly occurred in the optic, vagus, median, radial, ulnar, femoral, sciatic, tibial, and common peroneal nerves at old age. The average contents of Ca and P were three and two times higher in the trigeminal nerve than in the other nine kinds of nerve, respectively. Likewise, the average content of Mg was a little higher in the trigeminal nerve compared with the other nerves. With regard to the relationships among elements, significant direct correlations were found among the contents of Ca, P, S, and Mg in most, but not all, 10 kinds of nerve. In the trigeminal nerve, a significant inverse correlation was found between the contents of S and the other elements, such as Ca, P, and Mg. Regarding the relationships between the contents of S and other elements, the nerves, except for the trigeminal nerve, differed from those found in the arteries previously reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use the method of independent contrasts to study body size relationships between pocket gophers and their chewing lice, a host-parasite system in which both host and parasite phylogcnies are well studied. The evolution of body size of chewing lice appears to be dependent only on the body size of their hosts, which confirms the 1991 findings of Harvey and Keymer. We show that there is a positive relationship between body size and hair-shaft diameter in pocket gophers, and that there is also a positive relationship between body size and head-groove width in chewing lice. Finally, we show a positive relationship between gopher hair-shaft diameter and louse head-groove width. We postulate that changes in body size of chewing lice are driven by a mechanical relationship between the parasite's head-groove dimension and the diameter of the hairs of its host. Louse species living"on larger host species may be larger simply because their hosts have thicker hairs, which requires that the lice have a wider head groove. Our study of gopher hair-shaft diameter and louse head-groove dimensions suggest that there is a 'lock-and-key' relationship between these two anatomical features.  相似文献   

比较河流浮游藻类和着生藻类群落的时空格局及其与环境因子关系的差异,有助于了解两类藻的区别与联系。然而,目前这方面的研究还不多。基于2019年秋季和2020年夏季金沙江上段干流17个样点藻类及水体理化指标的调查数据,分析了不同季节浮游藻类和着生藻类群落结构及其主要环境驱动因子,比较了两类藻的多样性格局及其与环境关系的异同。结果发现,调查河段的浮游藻类和着生藻类均以硅藻为主,其中浮游藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、钝脆杆藻(Fragilaria capucina)、适中舟形藻(Navicula accomoda)为主要优势种,着生藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula)、橄榄绿色异极藻(Gomphonema olivaceum)为主要优势种。浮游藻类和着生藻类秋季平均密度分别为:2.41×10~5个/L、9.43×10~3个/cm~2,均明显高于夏季的平均密度(4.84×10~4个/L、4.84×10~3个/cm~2)。两类藻的群落格局表现出明显的季节变化,但只有着生藻分类单元...  相似文献   

The effects of chloramphenicol (CAP) on puffing activity and incorporation of tritiated amino acids in proteins synthesized by cultured larval salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster were examined. CAP concentrations exceeding 1 mM were found to inhibit cellular protein synthesis and to induce the special group of heat-shock puffs in the polytene chromosomes. Recovery from a transient treatment with 5 mM CAP for 120 min led to rapid regression of the puffs and resumption of protein synthesis giving a pattern of labelled polypeptides similar to that produced by cells submitted to a temperature shift from 25 to 37 degrees C. Only slight inhibition of protein synthesis was found with thiamphenicol, the methylsulphonyl analogue of CAP, which induced a single puff in the 93D region, but did not alter the pattern of polypeptides. In contrast to the results obtained with CAP, recovery from a transient inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide led to the synthesis of normal proteins as produced by control cells at 25 degrees C. Different effects of CAP which may interfere with protein synthesis and puffing activity are discussed.  相似文献   

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