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本文描述了霜霉属(Peronospora)两个新种。即:寄生于唇形科植物香薷(Elsholtziapatrnia Garcke)上的香薷霜霉(Peronospora elsholtziae sp.nov.)和寄生于大花益母草(Leonurusmacranthus Maxim.)上的大花益母草霜霉(Peronospora leonuri sp.nov);单轴霉属(Plasmopara)一个新种,寄生于车前草科植物车前草(Plantago major L.)上的车前草单轴霉(Plasmoparaplantaginicola sp.nov.,);盘梗霉属(Bremia)一个新种,寄生于石竹科植物莫石竹(Moehringialateriflora L.)上的莫石竹盘梗霉(Bremia moehringiae sp.nov.).这四个新种均有拉丁文和中文描述。还分别讨论了新种与同科近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

Longman's beaked whale, Indopacetus pacificus , was known previously from only two skulls. Here we describe four new specimens of this species from strandings in the western and central Indian Ocean. Two juveniles, previously misidentified from external morphology as Hyperoodon planifrons , were identified as I. pacificus through diagnostic characteristics of mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences derived from the holotype of this species. Images of the external appearance and teeth of the species are presented for the first time. Comparison of the color pattern of these new specimens with that of "tropical bottlenose whales" sighted in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans confirm that those unidentified whales represent I. pacificus. Moore (1968) erected a new genus, Indopacetus , for this species (described initially as Mesoplodon pacificus ) based primarily on cranial morphology. Phylogenetic analyses of short mtDNA fragments available from the specimens known to date were unable to resolve the validity of this genus. However, the diagnostic osteological features highlighted by Moore (1968) for Indopacetus were also observed in the new specimens. Rib count and number of fused cervical vertebrae may also be diagnostic. Rostrum depth at mid-length and melon shape further distinguish this species from Mesoplodon beaked whales. As such, we see no reason on morphological grounds to overturn Moore's (1968) proposal that Longman's beaked whale is sufficiently distinct to be afforded its own genus.  相似文献   

Lentaria Corner is a widespread basidiomycetous genus composed of 17 known species. Most members of this genus are lignicolous and play important roles as decomposers in forest ecosystems. Lentaria specimens collected from China were studied using morphological and molecular methods. Five species were recognized, two of which, L. bambusina and L. uncispora, were described as new species. In addition, L. patouillardii was confirmed to be a new record from China. The remaining two species, L. byssiseda and L. surculus, were previously found in China. The two new species were described in detail, illustrated with line drawings and photographs, and compared with similar species. The other three species were redescribed to clarify their morphological characters and distribution patterns. Phylogeny of this genus was analyzed based on internal transcribed spacer sequences. Additionally, a key to Lentaria species in China is provided. Holotypes of the two new species are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Hunan Normal University.  相似文献   

本文对广东滩涂经济鱼类寄生吸虫异肉科Allocreadiidae(Loose,1902)(Stossich,1903)和独睾科MonorchiidaeOdhner,(1911)进行研究,并建立拟履口吸虫属Paracrepidostomumgen.nov.是异肉科,履口亚科Crepidostominae(Dollfus,1951)的新属;长宫吸虫属Lenolopagen.nov是独睾科、孤睾亚科Lasiotocinae的新属。文中对二新属二新种:金钱鱼拟履口吸虫Paracrepidostomumscatophagusi和惠州长空吸虫Lenolopahuizhouensis分别进行了详细的描述,并对异肉科、履口亚科和属的分类特征进行修正、补充和讨论。  相似文献   

Deep-sea smelts (Argentiniformes: Microstomatidae, Bathylaginae) from the Miocene of Far East Russia (Sakhalin and Urup islands) are described. The specimens described belong to four taxa, one of which is assigned to a new species of the genus Leuroglossus. Like Recent smoothtongues, the new species has thickened medial rays in the caudal fin. The small number of abdominal vertebrae makes the new species similar to the extant southern smoothtongue L. stilbius, which occurs along the eastern coasts of the Pacific Ocean. The new species differs from extant smoothtongues in the short snout, which is not longer than the orbit. Phylogenetic analysis of morphological features of the new species, using a matrix of characters of living deepsea smelts, shows that it occupies a basal position in the genus Leuroglossus. Three other extinct taxa cannot be reliably classified below the level of the subfamily Bathylaginae or tribe Bathylagini because of insufficient preservation of available specimens. The new records of deep-sea smelts in Far East Russia show that this fish subfamily was widespread and highly morphologically differentiated in the Neogene.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以前,全世界已知宽鳃鮟鱇属Sladenia Regan(1908)鱼类仅有3种。1980~1982年期间,东海水产研究所"东方"号和南海水产研究所"南锋"号调查船分别在东海和南海的大陆架渔场调查时,共采集到4尾珍稀的深海鮟鱇鱼类。经研究,认为这4尾标本是1新种,定名为朱氏宽鳃鮟鱇Sladenia zhui sp.nov.。  相似文献   

印尼新几内亚巴布亚省豕蛙属4新种(两栖纲:姬蛙科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姬蛙科豕蛙属(Choerophryne)已知5种,几乎都分布于新几内亚岛东部地区,已有物种的描述多基于较少数量的标本,由于标本贫乏,迄今无 后续研究.本文针对采集于1998-2003年的50号标本,对该属进行了再研究,并描述了分布 于新几内亚岛的巴布亚西北地区鲜为人知的4新种.与同属已知物种比较,新种的有效性得 到来自形态、声谱以及分子数据的综合分析结果的支持.在新几内亚岛西部地区豕蛙属4新 种中,至少有3种的种群密度很高,从而极大增加了对该属的了解  相似文献   

报道了采自湖北西部地区的扁胸切叶蚁属1新种和红蚁属中国1新纪录种,即亮颚扁胸切叶蚁Vollenhovialucimandibula sp.nov.和乌尔班红蚁Myrmica urbanii Radchenko et Elmes.新种与埃氏扁胸切叶蚁V.emeryi Wheeler相似,但新种身体黑褐色,第2结节背面具密集粗糙刻点,上颚光亮无刻点.模式标本保存于湖北民族学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

本文记述了枝圆盾蚧属Diaspidiotus Cockerell一新种,危枝圆盾蚧Diaspidiotu perniciabilus sp.nov.,该属是盾蚧科Diaspididae中的一个小属。新种的模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Monocotylid monogeneans were collected from the gills of 2 Rhinobatos productus and 5 Zapteryx exasperata in Bahia Almeja, Baja California Sur, Mexico. All are parasitized by monocotylids of the genus Spinuris, 9 specimens of Spinuris lophosoma Doran on Rhinobatos productus (new record) and 27 specimens of Spinuris zapterygis n. sp. on Z. exasperata. This new species differs from the other species in the genus Spinuris by the number of dorsal haptoral sclerites, morphology of hooks, and male copulatory apparatus. The generic diagnosis of the genus Spinuris is revised.  相似文献   

郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2008,51(4):424-429
研究了分布于中国澳汉蚱属Austrohancockia的种类共10种,其中包括采自广西的1新种,即长背澳汉蚱Austrohancockia longidorsalis sp. nov.;并提供了分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Teskeyellus was described for T. hirsuticornis Philip & Fairchild 1974, from Mexico. After more than 40 years, another species is described in the genus, T. cyanommatus sp. nov., based on two females and one male specimens from Amazon basin. The type specimens of T. hirsuticornis were studied and we concluded that there are enough similarities to include the new species in Teskeyellus.  相似文献   

中国血革螨科记述及一新属的建立:蜱螨亚纲:寄螨目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对中国血革螨科进行整理,总共记录了53种和亚种,并建立了畸胸螨属Terasternagen.nov.,新属与中国血革螨亚科中唯一的血革螨属Haemogamasus相并列。  相似文献   

本文对碧蝉属HeaDistant做了研究,并记述该属1新种──云南碧蝉Heayunnanensis,sp.nov.,模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述中国脊翅叶蝉管茎叶蝉属1新种Fistulatus rectilineus Shang&Zhang,sp.nov.并给出本属所有种的检索表,新种模式标本分别保存在中国农业大学和南开大学.新种与Fistulatusluteolus Cen&Cai,2002的区别为:1)尾节侧瓣具1个突起而不是2个;2)阳茎干不背向弯曲;3)阳茎干背缘两侧各具一凸缘,近端部有一窄三角形凸缘.  相似文献   

Coccodiella is a genus of plant-parasitic species in the family Phyllachoraceae (Phyllachorales, Ascomycota), i.e., tropical tar spot fungi. Members of the genus Coccodiella are tropical in distribution and are host-specific, growing on plant species belonging to nine host plant families. Most of the known species occur on various genera and species of the Melastomataceae in tropical America. In this study, we describe the new species C. calatheae from Panama, growing on Calathea crotalifera (Marantaceae). We obtained ITS, nrLSU, and nrSSU sequence data from this new species and from other freshly collected specimens of five species of Coccodiella on members of Melastomataceae from Ecuador and Panama. Phylogenetic analyses allowed us to confirm the placement of Coccodiella within Phyllachoraceae, as well as the monophyly of the genus. The phylogeny of representative species within the family Phyllachoraceae, including Coccodiella spp., graminicolous species of Phyllachora and taxa with erumpent to superficial stroma from several host families, suggests that the genus Phyllachora might be polyphyletic. Furthermore, tar spot fungi with superficial or erumpent perithecia seem to be restricted to the family Phyllachoraceae, independently of the host plant. We also discuss the biodiversity and host-plant patterns of species of Coccodiella worldwide.  相似文献   

记述采自中国西藏的墨潜蝇属(双翅目,潜蝇科) 1新种,西藏墨潜蝇 Nemorimyza xizangensis sp.nov,并编制了世界墨潜蝇属分种检索表.新种与斑墨潜蝇 N.maculosa(Malloch)近缘,不同之处在于:胸部腋瓣黄色,翅 M3 4脉末段约为次末段的1.5倍,雄性射精管内骨端部几乎垂直.新种根据模式产地命名,模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京.  相似文献   

The genus Imbira Carbayo et al., 2013 encompasses two species, Imbira guaiana (Leal-Zanchet & Carbayo, 2001) and Imbira marcusi Carbayo et al., 2013, which occur in south Brazil, in areas originally covered by the Atlantic Forest. In the present study, we examine the genetic diversity within the genus, investigate the occurrence of molecular autapomorphies for its species and describe a new species for the genus based on an integrative approach. The Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses based on DNA barcoding recovered the monophyly of the genus Imbira, but indicate that specimens representing I. marcusi correspond to five distinct lineages. These analyses, as well as sequence divergence data, revealed that the new species herein described is closely related to I. guaiana and that the specific status of specimens of I. marcusi available in GenBank should be reviewed. In addition, sequence analysis revealed 32 molecular autapomorphies for all independent evolutionary units within the genus. The new species described herein seems to be endemic to its type locality, a private area without legal protection.  相似文献   

郑哲民  曾慧花 《昆虫学报》2010,53(3):331-334
记述分布于中国、尼泊尔及北朝鲜地区拟台蚱属的种类7种,包括1新种, 即墨脱拟台蚱Formosatettixoides motuoensis sp. nov,并提供了拟台蚱属的分种检索表和种类分布。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

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