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The device described here was originally developed in an attempt to reduce the effects of static electricity during cryo-ultramicrotomy with a dry knife. It has, however, found considerable application in conventional ultramicrotomy.  相似文献   



Numerous completely sequenced bacterial genomes harbor prophage elements. These elements have been implicated in increasing the virulence of the host and in phage immunity. The e14 element is a defective lambdoid prophage element present at 25 min in the Escherichia coli K-12 genome. e14 is a well-characterized prophage element and has been subjected to in-depth bioinformatic analysis.  相似文献   


Molecular models describing intermediates that may lead to proflavin-induced 1 bp deletions during in vitro polymerization by E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment are proposed. The models provide structural explanations for the fact that the induced frameshifts always occur opposite template bases that are adjacent to 5′ pyrimidines and are based on the underlying hypothesis that the deletions arise because the polymerase passes by a template base without copying it. Because the most frequent mutations are opposite Pu in the template sequence 5′ Py Pu 3′, a single-strand loop-out model was constructed for this sequence and proflavin was added, using structures found in crystalline oligonucleotides and their complexes with proflavin. The model seeks to rationalize the roles of the 5′ pyrimidine and proflavin in facilitating the bypass. Four potential roles for proflavin in mutagenesis are described: 1) stacking on the looped-out base; 2) stacking on the base pair immediately preceding the site of mutation; 3) hydrogen bonding with the 5′ pyrimidine; 4) hydrogen bonding with the phosphate backbone. These models point to the possibility that a number of proflavin-DNA interactions may be involved. In contrast, modeling does not suggest a role for classically intercalated proflavin in frameshift mutagenesis arising during in vitro DNA polymerization.  相似文献   


A conceptual model was developed to describe the dynamics of the pet dog population. The model synthesizes existing data collected for a variety of purposes to estimate the size of the various components of the pet dog population in Washington and Iowa during 1991. The total population mortality rate was estimated as 12.4% per year. Animal shelters in Washington and Iowa handled 7.6% and euthanized 4.0% of the dog population in those two states. When these estimates were extrapolated to the entire U.S. dog population, the model predicted that the total annual turnover in owned dogs was 14.7%, or 7.71 million dogs, that 4 million dogs were handled by animal shelters, and that 2.1 million were euthanized. It was also estimated that 79% of all female dogs were spayed, that household breeding could be attributed to less than one-fifth (18.7%) of the female dogs in the reproductive pool, and that the number of owners contributing to total dog population turnover through failure to retain their dog (103,453) was approximately three times the number of owners who allowed their female dogs to be bred (32,513).  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented which facilitates the analysis of cellular age-response functions in terms of the physiological ages of the cells. Age-response functions are generally determined by obtaining synchronous cohorts of cells and measuring the sensitivity of the cohorts to the treatment agent at different times after selection (i.e., at several different chronological ages). the model described here uses data on the [3H]TdR labelling patterns of the cell population to determine the distribution of physiological ages for the cohorts at the times of treatment. the age-response function data are then analysed in terms of the physiological ages of the cells. the compartments used in the analysis may be chosen according to the biology of the system and the wishes of the experimenters and not imposed by the variability of the phase durations. the application of the model is illustrated using the age-response functions for EMT6 cells exposed to radiation and HeLa cells exposed to hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(46):253-271

Mill Creek ceramics from northwest Iowa are used to derive a sequence of occupations for sites along the Little Sioux River and its tributaries. Previous typologies and attempts at seriation of sites are examined and tested. The methods employed in this study are evaluated, and the resulting seriation is cross-checked with stratigraphic evidence and a series of radiocarbon dates.  相似文献   

The expression of p53 in oral mucosal disorders is strongly associated with malignant disease. Smears from normal and malignant oral mucosa were investigated for the presence of p53 using CM1 polyclonal antibody against p53 protein. the expression of p53 in smears was compared with the expression of the marker in biopsies from these oral carcinomas. p53 was identified in eight smears from 12 biopsy positive oral cancers. It was not seen in smears from eight p53-negative oral cancers and 40 smears from normal oral mucosa. It is suggested that expression of p53 in smears from a clinically suspicious lesion may be of value in the diagnosis of oral carcinoma.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, endogenous spleen-colony formation in our mice, following lethal irradiation, has increased to an unacceptable level. It has been found necessary, therefore, to introduce a new method of preparing recipient mice for spleen-colony studies. Irradiation with low dose-rate 60Cobalt γ rays has been compared with high dose-rate linear accelerator electrons, and their effects on endogenous spleen colony formation compared with earlier X and γ ray dose-response data. It was found that a large dose (13.5 Gy) of γ rays results in fewer endogenous colonies than 8.5 Gy of electrons, yet because of its low dose rate (14.1 × 10?3 Gy/min) it has a marked sparing of the intestinal tissue as measured by the intestinal microcolony technique. This in turn permits better survival and, therefore, a ‘healthier’ animal for spleen-colony work. Exogenous colony formation is also lower in the low dose-rate, γ-irradiated recipients and this is shown to be due to a reduced spleen-seeding efficiency. It is concluded that very low dose-rate radiation is preferable for haemopoietic ablation, that a mouse colony requires constant monitoring for changes of endogenous spleen-colony formation and that the spleen-seeding efficiency of CFU-s depends on the irradiation technique used-there is no absolute value for a given strain of mouse.  相似文献   

Hip (HD) and Elbow Dysplasia (ED) are two common complex developmental disorders of dogs. In order to decrease their prevalence and severity, the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) has a voluntary registry of canine hip and elbow conformation certified by boarded radiologists. However, the voluntarily reports have been severely biased against exposing dogs with problems, especially at beginning period. Fluctuated by additional influential factors such as age, the published raw scores barely showed trends of improvement. In this study, we used multiple-trait mixed model to simultaneously adjust these factors and incorporate pedigree to derive Estimated Breeding Values (EBV). A total of 1,264,422 dogs from 74 breeds were evaluated for EBVs from 760,455 hip scores and 135,409 elbow scores. These EBVs have substantially recovered the reporting bias and the other influences. Clear and steady trends of genetic improvement were observed over the 40 years since 1970. The total genetic improvements were 16.4% and 1.1% of the phenotypic standard deviation for HD and ED, respectively. The incidences of dysplasia were 0.83% and 2.08%, and the heritabilities were estimated as 0.22 and 0.17 for hip and elbow scores, respectively. The genetic correlation between them was 0.12. We conclude that EBV is more effective than reporting raw phenotype. The weak genetic correlation suggested that selection based on hip scores would also slightly improve elbow scores but it is necessary to allocate effort toward improvement of elbow scores alone.  相似文献   

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