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Brief photic stimuli at different circadian times induce differential expression of c-Fos in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Whether circadian modulation of light-induced c-Fos expression occurs in other visual projection areas is not known. We addressed this question by estimating the immunohistochemical expression of c-Fos induced by 60 min light pulses at three different circadian times. The areas studied were the SCN, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet, the ventral tegmental area, the superior colliculus and a non-visual control, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT). Light pulses induced an increase in the number of c-Fos immunoreactive cells in the SCN as a function of the circadian time. Remaining visual structures showed a light-induced increase in c-Fos expression but this was not dependent on the circadian time. The non-visual control area (PVT) did not respond to light pulses. Since no circadian modulation was found in the intergeniculate leaflet, which rec eives collateral projections from the same retinal ganglion cells that project to the SCN, nor in other primary visual projection areas, the present findings suggest that the circadian modulation of light-induced c-Fos expression in the SCN depends mainly on the functional properties of its intrinsic neurons.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the primary circadian pacemaker in mammals that can synchronize or entrain to environmental cues. Although light exerts powerful influences on SCN output, other non-photic stimuli can modulate the SCN as well. We recently demonstrated that daily performance of a cognitive task requiring sustained periods of attentional effort that relies upon basal forebrain (BF) cholinergic activity dramatically alters circadian rhythms in rats. In particular, normally nocturnal rats adopt a robust diurnal activity pattern that persists for several days in the absence of cognitive training. Although anatomical and pharmacological data from non-performing animals support a relationship between cholinergic signaling and circadian rhythms, little is known about how endogenous cholinergic signaling influences SCN function in behaving animals. Here we report that BF cholinergic projections to the SCN provide the principal signal allowing for the expression of cognitive entrainment in light-phase trained animals. We also reveal that oscillator(s) outside of the SCN drive cognitive entrainment as daily timed cognitive training robustly entrains SCN-lesioned arrhythmic animals. Ablation of the SCN, however, resulted in significant impairments in task acquisition, indicating that SCN-mediated timekeeping benefits new learning and cognitive performance. Taken together, we conclude that cognition entrains non-photic oscillators, and cholinergic signaling to the SCN serves as a temporal timestamp attenuating SCN photic-driven rhythms, thereby permitting cognitive demands to modulate behavior.  相似文献   

Surgical isolation of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) within a hypothalamic island is reported to produce loss of circadian rhythmicity. The results have been interpreted to indicate that SCN efferents are necessary for the expression of circadian rhythms. It is not clear, however, whether the loss of circadian rhythms in behavioral responses following SCN isolation is attributable to transection of efferents, to loss of cells within the island, or to gliosis produced by the knife cut. To explore this issue, we examined locomotor activity and gonadal state of male golden hamsters housed in constant darkness (DD, with a dim red light for maintenance) for at least 10 weeks following isolation of the SCN from the rest of the brain by cuts by means of a Halasz wire microknife. Brain sections were immunocytochemically stained for the peptides vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), vasopressin (VP) or neurophysin II (NP II), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) to localize the SCN and to assess its viability, and for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) to delimit the border of the knife cut. Experimental animals with VIP and VP/NP II immunoreactivity in the SCN within the island retained free-running locomotor rhythms following transection of SCN efferents. Animals with cuts that failed to sever SCN efferents, and sham-operated animals (in which the Halasz knife was lowered but not rotated), also maintained circadian rhythmicity. Hamsters sustaining severe damage to the SCN showed disrupted locomotor activity. In those hamsters that retained circadian locomotor rhythmicity following SCN isolation, gonads failed to regress in DD, demonstrating the absence of an appropriate photoperiodic response. The results suggest a multiplicity of SCN coupling mechanisms in the control of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a debilitating disorder that may have a neurodevelopmental origin. For this reason, animal models based on neonatal insults or manipulations have been extensively used to demonstrate schizophrenia-related behaviors. Among those, the neonatal ventral hippocampus lesion (nVHL) is largely used as a model of schizophrenia-related behavior as it mimics behavioral and neurochemical abnormalities often seen in schizophrenic patients including hyperlocomotion in a novel environment. To investigate the neuroanatomical basis of coding novelty in the nVHL rat, we assessed the behavioral locomotor activity paradigm in a novel environment and measured expression of c-Fos, a marker of neural activation, in brain regions involved in the process of coding novelty or locomotion. Upon reaching adulthood, nVHL rats showed hyperlocomotion in the novel environment paradigm. Moreover, in nVHL rats the expression of c-Fos was greater in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus compared to sham rats. Whereas similar expression of c-Fos was observed in the basolateral amygdala, nucleus accumbens and dentate gyrus region of  hippocampus of nVHL and sham rats. These results suggest that the nVHL disrupts the neural activity in the PFC and CA1 region of hippocampus in the process of coding novelty in the rat.  相似文献   

Abstract: RNase protection analysis using p75, trk A, and trk B RNA probes was used to examine mRNA expression in rat tissues, with particular emphasis on the immune system. Every tissue examined, with the exception of postnatal day 0 spleen, expressed p75 mRNA. Trk A mRNA was observed in tissues previously reported to be negative for the trk A receptor, such as kidney, thymus, lymph node, muscle, and lung. Neuronal tissues expressed only the long form of trk A, whereas nonneuronal tissues expressed both trk A forms. Trk B mRNA was expressed by the same tissues as trk A, plus heart and spleen. Neuronal tissues expressed full-length and truncated trk B, whereas nonneuronal tissues only expressed truncated trk B. During development of the thymus p75 mRNA levels increased and trk A mRNA levels decreased. Similarly, for the spleen, p75 mRNA levels increased and those of trk B decreased during development. The expression of p75, trk A and trk B was localized primarily to the stroma of the thymus and spleen, but there was some expression by the splenocytes and thymocytes. The widespread expression of neurotrophin receptors in areas not known to be targets for neurotrophins suggests broader functions for neurotrophins outside of the nervous system.  相似文献   



It is generally assumed that visual cortical cells homogeneously shift their ocular dominance (OD) in response to monocular deprivation (MD), however little experimental evidence directly supports this notion. By using immunohistochemistry for the activity-dependent markers c-Fos and Arc, coupled with staining for markers of inhibitory cortical sub-populations, we studied whether long-term MD initiated at P21 differentially affects visual response of inhibitory neurons in rat binocular primary visual cortex.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The inhibitory markers GAD67, parvalbumin (PV), calbindin (CB) and calretinin (CR) were used. Visually activated Arc did not colocalize with PV and was discarded from further studies. MD decreased visually induced c-Fos activation in GAD67 and CR positive neurons. The CB population responded to MD with a decrease of CB expression, while PV cells did not show any effect of MD on c-Fos expression. The persistence of c-Fos expression induced by deprived eye stimulation in PV cells is not likely to be due to a particularly low threshold for activity-dependent c-Fos induction. Indeed, c-Fos induction by increasing concentrations of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin in visual cortical slices was similar between PV cells and the other cortical neurons.


These data indicate that PV cells are particularly refractory to MD, suggesting that different cortical subpopulation may show different response to MD.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Nogo-NgR system plays multiple roles in controlling axonal regeneration and neuronal plasticity. However, the investigation on the distributions of Nogo and NgR was limited to restricted areas or special ages, and their expression patterns in the neonatal visual nervous system is still unknown. Frozen sections were made from eyeballs and brains of three neonatal rats, and expression of Nogo and NgR proteins were examined by immunofluorescence under a laser confocal microscopy. Nogo and NgR were observed to express in the cell bodies of retina, lateral geniculate bodies and visual cortex of the neonatal rats. Our results provide evidences that the Nogo-NgR system may play an active role in the plasticity of neonatal visual system. Y. Xiaolei, Y. Rongdi and J. Shuxing contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) is a key molecule mediating brain plasticity related processes. Knowing that alternative splicing of the NMDAR1 (NR1) subunit offers molecular diversity to NMDAR, controls the forward trafficking of the NR1 protein and is important for placing NMDA receptors at synapses, we investigated herein the postnatal developmental expression and the influence of visual deprivation on NR1 subunit splice variants in rat retina. Real-time PCR was performed using oligonucleotide primers specific for N- terminal (NR1a, NR1b) and C-terminal splice variants (NR1-1, NR1-2, NR1-3, NR1-4). The developmental profiles of mRNA expression levels of all NR1 isoforms peaked at the end of the third week. Dark rearing led to reductions in both N- and C-terminal NR1 variants in several developmental ages and a significant interaction between age and visual experience was observed for NR1a, NR1-2 and NR1-4 expression. Our results have demonstrated a developmental and visual experience-dependent regulation of NR1 splicing in rat retina.  相似文献   

Acetyl-coenzyme A: choline O-acetyltransferase (EC (ChAT) enzyme activity was measured in the nucleus basalis and other microscopically identified brain areas at various times after unilateral cortical lesions were made in the rat. Initially, a significant decrease in ChAT activity was detected in the nucleus basalis ipsilateral to the lesion. However, after 120 days ChAT activity had apparently recovered, as levels of the enzyme at that time were not significantly different from control values. No changes in ChAT activity could be detected in any of the other brain areas similarly studied. The significance of these findings and their relationship to the morphological changes seen in neurones of the nucleus basalis after cortical lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the circadian and homeostatic control of body temperature was studied in golden hamsters maintained under a 14:10 LD cycle. Telemetric records of body temperature showed that body temperature oscillates daily with a low phase during the light section of the LD cycle and a high phase during the dark section. The low phase of the temperature rhythm was found to start two hours after lights on and to last about 8 hours. The high phase was found to start immediately after lights off and to last about 8 hours also. Metabolic heat production was measured by indirect calorimetry during the high phase and the low phase of the body temperature rhythm. Heat production in a thermoneutral environment was higher during the high phase of the body temperature rhythm than during the low phase, but cold-induced thermogenesis was greater during the low phase than during the high phase. This finding suggests that the autonomic thermoregulatory system is more responsive to cold stress during the low phase than during the high phase. Consequently, the daily oscillation of body temperature cannot be explained by an elevation of the thermoregulatory set point during the high phase of the rhythm. The homeostatic and circadian control of body temperature seem to be exerted separately from each other.  相似文献   

The relationship between the circadian and homeostatic control of body temperature was studied in golden hamsters maintained under a 14:10 LD cycle. Telemetric records of body temperature showed that body temperature oscillates daily with a low phase during the light section of the LD cycle and a high phase during the dark section. The low phase of the temperature rhythm was found to start two hours after lights on and to last about 8 hours. The high phase was found to start immediately after lights off and to last about 8 hours also. Metabolic heat production was measured by indirect calorimetry during the high phase and the low phase of the body temperature rhythm. Heat production in a thermoneutral environment was higher during the high phase of the body temperature rhythm than during the low phase, but cold-induced thermogenesis was greater during the low phase than during the high phase. This finding suggests that the autonomic thermoregulatory system is more responsive to cold stress during the low phase than during the high phase. Consequently, the daily oscillation of body temperature cannot be explained by an elevation of the thermoregulatory set point during the high phase of the rhythm. The homeostatic and circadian control of body temperature seem to be exerted separately from each other.  相似文献   

利用凝胶迁移率变化的实验方法,对饲养在光照-黑暗循环的条件和持续黑暗的条件下Wistar雄性大鼠下丘脑交叉上核中CREB含量的昼夜间变化进行了分析,发现CREB在交叉上核中具有内源性的昼夜节律.  相似文献   

The beta-2 subunit of the mammalian brain voltage-gated sodium channel (SCN2B) was examined in the rat trigeminal ganglion (TG) and trigeminal sensory nuclei. In the TG, 42.6 % of sensory neurons were immunoreactive (IR) for SCN2B. These neurons had various cell body sizes. In facial skins and oral mucosae, corpuscular nerve endings contained SCN2B-immunoreactivity. SCN2B-IR nerve fibers formed nerve plexuses beneath taste buds in the tongue and incisive papilla. However, SCN2B-IR free nerve endings were rare in cutaneous and mucosal epithelia. Tooth pulps, muscle spindles and major salivary glands were also innervated by SCN2B-IR nerve fibers. A double immunofluorescence method revealed that about 40 % of SCN2B-IR neurons exhibited calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactivity. However, distributions of SCN2B- and CGRP-IR nerve fibers were mostly different in facial, oral and cranial structures. By retrograde tracing method, 60.4 and 85.3 % of TG neurons innervating the facial skin and tooth pulp, respectively, showed SCN2B-immunoreactivity. CGRP-immunoreactivity was co-localized by about 40 % of SCN2B-IR cutaneous and tooth pulp TG neurons. In trigeminal sensory nuclei of the brainstem, SCN2B-IR neuronal cell bodies were common in deep laminae of the subnucleus caudalis, and the subnuclei interpolaris and oralis. In the mesencephalic trigeminal tract nucleus, primary sensory neurons also exhibited SCN2B-immunoreactivity. In other regions of trigeminal sensory nuclei, SCN2B-IR cells were very infrequent. SCN2B-IR neuropil was detected in deep laminae of the subnucleus caudalis as well as in the subnuclei interpolaris, oralis and principalis. These findings suggest that SCN2B is expressed by various types of sensory neurons in the TG. There appears to be SCN2B-containing pathway in the TG and trigeminal sensory nuclei.  相似文献   

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