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This study intended to determine whether LD (Light:Dark) regimens different from the usual 12:12 hours could impair the schizogonic cycle and the synchronism of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi. Five illumination regimens of 12:12 LD, 5:5 LD, 18:18 LD, DD (constant dark) and LL (constant light) were used. Mice were kept in these regimens three months prior to and throughout the experiment. The total and the differential parasitaemia were checked every hour, during more than 24 hours. The parasitaemia data indicated that changes in the LD regimen, except for the LD 18:18, do not affect the length of the developmental cycle of this malaria parasite which remains 24 hours. In both the LL and 18:18 LD regimens, the synchronisation of parasites were impaired, mostly in the LL regimen. Also, we noticed that the schizogony which usually occurs in the dark part of the cycle may happen in the light part too. A circadian rhythm in the frequency of the schizogonic cycle and a time dependent occurrence of ring forms, trophozoites and schizonts were observed. At high parasitaemia, the infection was desynchronised. The total parasitaemia curves displayed a plateau region, followed by a drop at the end of the plateau, and an increase after the schizogony to reach the next plateau level.  相似文献   

Malaria vaccine developers are concerned that antigenic escape will erode vaccine efficacy. Evolutionary theorists have raised the possibility that some types of vaccine could also create conditions favoring the evolution of more virulent pathogens. Such evolution would put unvaccinated people at greater risk of severe disease. Here we test the impact of vaccination with a single highly purified antigen on the malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi evolving in laboratory mice. The antigen we used, AMA-1, is a component of several candidate malaria vaccines currently in various stages of trials in humans. We first found that a more virulent clone was less readily controlled by AMA-1-induced immunity than its less virulent progenitor. Replicated parasites were then serially passaged through control or AMA-1 vaccinated mice and evaluated after 10 and 21 rounds of selection. We found no evidence of evolution at the ama-1 locus. Instead, virulence evolved; AMA-1-selected parasites induced greater anemia in naïve mice than both control and ancestral parasites. Our data suggest that recombinant blood stage malaria vaccines can drive the evolution of more virulent malaria parasites.  相似文献   

The apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic plastid of apicomplexan species, has an extremely reduced but highly conserved genome. Here, the apicoplast genome of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (Pcc) isolate CB was characterized. Although the set of genes in the genome is identical, the copy number of some tRNA genes differs between Pcc and other Plasmodium species because the Pcc DNA has only one rRNA/tRNA gene cluster, which is normally duplicated in other species. The location of the duplicated trnR(ACG) and trnM implies that one of the duplicated clusters in the ancestral molecule has been lost due to an intramolecular recombination event. The Pcc DNA occurs in two isoforms with an internal inversion between them. The presence of a unique variant in the duplicated trnT gene suggests that the two isoforms are interconvertible. This is the first report of the complete nucleotide sequence of a Plasmodium apicoplast DNA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Using fluorogenic substrates and polyacrylamide gels we detected in cell-free extracts of Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi and Plasmodium berghei only a single aminopeptidase. A comparative study of the aminopeptidase activity in each extract revealed that the enzymes have similar specificities and kinetics, a near-neutral pH optima of 7.2 and are moderately thermophilic. Each has an apparent molecular weight of 80,000 ± 10,000, determined by high performance liquid chromatography on a calibrated SW500 column. Whilst the P. c. chabaudi and P. berghei activity co-migrate in native polyacrylamide gels, that of P. falciparum migrates more slowly. The three enzymes can be selectively inhibited by ortho -phenanthroline and are thus metallo-aminopeptidases; however, in contrast to other aminopeptidases the metal co-factor does not appear to be Zn2+.  相似文献   

The effect of the cationic permeant fluorescent dye, rhodamine 123 (R123), on the in vivo growth of Plasmodium yoelii was examined. Plasmodium yoelii-infected mouse erythrocytes were incubated in vitro with R123 and injected intravenously into mice. Examination of daily parasitemias showed that R123 delayed parasite growth whereas rhodamine 110, a neutral compound, and fluorescein, a negatively charged fluorescent dye, did not. Infected erythrocytes treated with R123 were not cleared from the circulation even 7 h after injection. Quantitation of cell-associated R123 by spectrophotometry revealed that infected cells with increased levels of R123 considerably prolonged the 2% prepatent period, the time required for the parasite to develop a 2% parasitemia. Degenerating parasites within and outside the host erythrocytes were observed on day 1 of infection in the mice. Thus it follows that R123, which accumulated in infected erythrocytes, inhibits the growth of P. yoelii; moreover, when R123-labeled infected erythrocytes were treated with 1–10 μM carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), a proton ionophore, to release R123 from the cells, the inhibitory effect on the growth rate of P. yoelii was partially reversed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Reticulocytosis, stimulated by the destruction of red blood cells by phenylhydrazine, altered the course of infection of both Plasmodium chabaudi and P. berghei in the mouse. P. chabaudi, lacking a preference for reticulocytes, was adversely affected when young cells were present in abundance. Parasitemias diminished and most of the animals survived the otherwise fatal infection. P. berghei preferentially invaded reticulocytes to the extent that the parasitemia became contained largely in the reticulocyte population. This was accompanied by a delay in time to death.  相似文献   

The evolution of drug resistance, a key challenge for our ability to treat and control infections, depends on two processes: de-novo resistance mutations, and the selection for and spread of resistant mutants within a population. Understanding the factors influencing the rates of these two processes is essential for maximizing the useful lifespan of drugs and, therefore, effective disease control. For malaria parasites, artemisinin-based drugs are the frontline weapons in the fight against disease, but reports from the field of slower parasite clearance rates during drug treatment are generating concern that the useful lifespan of these drugs may be limited. Whether slower clearance rates represent true resistance, and how this provides a selective advantage for parasites is uncertain. Here, we show that Plasmodium chabaudi malaria parasites selected for resistance to artesunate (an artemisinin derivative) through a step-wise increase in drug dose evolved slower clearance rates extremely rapidly. In single infections, these slower clearance rates, similar to those seen in the field, provided fitness advantages to the parasite through increased overall density, recrudescence after treatment and increased transmission potential. In mixed infections, removal of susceptible parasites by drug treatment led to substantial increases in the densities and transmission potential of resistant parasites (competitive release). Our results demonstrate the double-edged sword for resistance management: in our initial selection experiments, no parasites survived aggressive chemotherapy, but after selection, the fitness advantage for resistant parasites was greatest at high drug doses. Aggressive treatment of mixed infections resulted in resistant parasites dominating the pool of gametocytes, without providing additional health benefits to hosts. Slower clearance rates can evolve rapidly and can provide a strong fitness advantage during drug treatment in both single and mixed strain infections.  相似文献   

In order to propagate within the mammalian host, malaria parasites must invade red blood cells (RBCs). This process offers a window of opportunity in which to target the parasite with drugs or vaccines. However, most of the studies relating to RBC invasion have analyzed the molecular interactions of parasite proteins with host cells under static conditions, and the dynamics of these interactions remain largely unstudied. Time-lapse imaging of RBC invasion is a powerful technique to investigate cell invasion and has been reported for Plasmodium knowlesi and Plasmodium falciparum. However, experimental modification of genetic loci is laborious and time consuming for these species. We have established a system of time-lapse imaging for the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii, for which modification of genetic loci is quicker and simpler. We compared the kinetics of RBC invasion by P. yoelii with that of P. falciparum and found that the overall kinetics during invasion were similar, with some exceptions. The most striking of these differences is that, following egress from the RBC, the shape of P. yoelii merozoites gradually changes from flat elongated ovals to spherical bodies, a process taking about 60 sec. During this period merozoites were able to attach to and deform the RBC membrane, but were not able to reorient and invade. We propose that this morphological change of P. yoelii merozoites may be related to the secretion or activation of invasion-related proteins. Thus the P. yoelii merozoite appears to be an excellent model to analyze the molecular dynamics of RBC invasion, particularly during the morphological transition phase, which could serve as an expanded window that cannot be observed in P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Pantothenate, a precursor of the fundamental enzyme cofactor coenzyme A (CoA), is essential for growth of the intraerythrocytic stage of human and avian malaria parasites. Avian malaria parasites have been reported to be incapable of de novo CoA synthesis and instead salvage CoA from the host erythrocyte; hence, pantothenate is required for CoA biosynthesis within the host cell and not the parasite itself. Whether the same is true of the intraerythrocytic stage of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, remained to be established. In this study we investigated the metabolic fate of [14C]pantothenate within uninfected and P. falciparum-infected human erythrocytes. We provide evidence consistent with normal human erythrocytes, unlike rat erythrocytes (which have been reported to possess an incomplete CoA biosynthesis pathway), being capable of CoA biosynthesis from pantothenate. We also show that CoA biosynthesis is substantially higher in P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and that P. falciparum, unlike its avian counterpart, generates most of the CoA synthesized in the infected erythrocyte, presumably necessitated by insufficient CoA biosynthesis in the host erythrocyte. Our data raise the possibility that malaria parasites rationalize their biosynthetic activity depending on the capacity of their host cell to synthesize the metabolites they require.Pantothenate (vitamin B5) is an essential nutrient for the virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, required to support the rapid growth and replication of the parasite during the intraerythrocytic stage of its life cycle (13). In bacteria, plants, and mammalian tissues, pantothenate serves as a precursor of coenzyme A (CoA),3 an essential enzyme cofactor involved in numerous metabolic reactions in the cell. Pantothenate is converted to CoA via five universal enzyme-mediated steps (see Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.The CoA biosynthesis pathway.Several decades ago, Trager (4) showed that pantothenate supported the survival of the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium lophurae during its development within duck erythrocytes in vitro. Trager (5, 6) later demonstrated, however, that CoA, and not pantothenate, stimulated exoerythrocytic growth of the intraerythrocytic stage of P. lophurae, and proposed that avian malaria parasites are incapable of metabolizing pantothenate to CoA, and instead rely on CoA synthesized by the host erythrocyte. In support of this proposal, CoA biosynthesis enzymes are readily detectable in duck erythrocytes, but appear to be absent from P. lophurae parasites isolated from their host erythrocyte (7, 8). Pantothenate is therefore required by the P. lophurae-infected duck erythrocyte for CoA biosynthesis within the host cell and not the parasite itself.By contrast with nucleated avian erythrocytes, mammalian erythrocytes are thought to be incapable of CoA biosynthesis. In the only study on the subject, Annous and Song (9) reported that although pantothenate is phosphorylated within rat erythrocytes (the first step in CoA biosynthesis), there is no evidence for the subsequent steps of the CoA biosynthesis pathway. Saliba et al. (10) confirmed that human erythrocytes similarly phosphorylate pantothenate, but did not investigate whether CoA synthesis also occurs in the cells. A lack of CoA biosynthesis in mammalian erythrocytes would seemingly place the burden of CoA synthesis squarely on malaria parasites that infect mammals (such as P. falciparum), contrary to the situation in birds. Although Saliba et al. (10) have shown that P. falciparum is capable of performing the first step in CoA biosynthesis, it remains to be established whether the parasite can metabolize the 4′-phosphopantothenate generated from pantothenate to CoA or, like P. lophurae, relies on CoA synthesized in the host erythrocyte for its normal growth and replication.In this study we followed the metabolism of pantothenate within uninfected human erythrocytes, P. falciparum-infected human erythrocytes, and isolated P. falciparum parasites. We provide evidence that both uninfected erythrocytes (which we show do take up pantothenate, albeit very slowly) and P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes synthesize CoA from pantothenate. CoA biosynthesis is, however, dramatically higher in the P. falciparum-infected cell. Furthermore, we show that P. falciparum parasites synthesize CoA in the absence of the host erythrocyte, and hence, by contrast with avian malaria parasites, the human malaria parasite does not rely on the host erythrocyte for CoA.  相似文献   

The structure of both the host and parasite membranes during stages in the asexual development of Plasmodium chabaudi in mouse red blood cells is examined by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections and freeze-fracture preparations. The erythrocyte's plasma membrane, the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole, and the plasma membrane of the parasite exhibit different structural properties in terms of membrane width and the frequency and diameter of the typical intramembrane-particles (IMP) populating the membrane's fracture faces. The difference between the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane and host cell's plasma membrane is remarkable because the vacuolar membrane is formed from an invagination of the erythrocyte's plasma membrane. The vacuolar membrane has significantly reduced frequencies and diameters of IMP's on both faces and reveals a marked temperature response manifesting itself as large IMP-devoid domains emerging on both faces on chilling to 4°C. In contrast, cooling induces only some very small IMP-devoid patches on both faces of the host plasma membrane. Neither of these membranes changes significantly as parasite development progresses. In contrast, the parasite's plasma membrane shows local alterations during its development, forming compaction domains with the nuclear envelope in ca. 30% of the ring-stages and trophozoites. These compaction domains disappear in late uninuclear trophozoites and schizonts. Furthermore, the plasma membrane of the host cell, the vacuolar membrane, and the parasite's plasma membrane do not respond to externally applied Ca2+, and their temperature-response remains unaltered during the infection cycle. Thus, modification of these three membranes as a consequence of invasion and development of the parasites, as recently found in the primate malaria caused by P. knowlesi, can be detected neither directly nor indirectly via temperature- and/or Ca2+-response in the rodent malaria caused by P. chabaudi.  相似文献   

为探讨IL-10在致死型约氏疟原虫(Plasmodium yoelii 17XL,P.y17XL)和夏氏疟原虫(Plasmodiumchabaudi AS,P.cAS)混合感染宿主病理损伤中的作用,用P.y17XL、P.cAS和P.y17XL+P.cAS分别感染DBA/2小鼠,计数红细胞感染率;感染后第3、5、8、10、12和19天分别尾静脉取血,肝素抗凝后短暂离心,采用高纯度DNA提取试剂盒抽提DNA,实时定量PCR检测虫负荷水平;感染后第0、1、3、5、8、10、12和15天制备脾细胞悬液,ELISA检测脾细胞培养上清中IL-10水平。实验结果发现,P.y17XL单独感染和混合感染小鼠IL-10水平在感染后第5天和第8天分别达峰值,随后开始下降至正常水平,小鼠虫血症均达中等水平,存活率100%;相比P.cAS感染小鼠IL-10在感染后第3天突然出现高水平升高并且维持时间较长;于感染后第8天达峰值,是同天P.y17XL单独感染和混合感染小鼠IL-10水平的2倍,虫血症水平较高,小鼠全部死亡。同时实时定量PCR结果发现,混合感染小鼠,于感染后3~12 d P.y17XL增殖占优势,而感染后15~19 d则P.cAS增殖处于优势状态。表明以IL-10为核心的免疫调节网络与疟疾感染过程中病理损伤密切相关。同时提示混合感染小鼠应答模式与P.y17XL感染小鼠的应答模式相同。  相似文献   

The rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei is a practical model organism for experimental studies of human malaria. Plasmepsins are a class of aspartic proteinase isoforms that exert multiple pathological effects in malaria parasites. Plasmepsins residing in the food vacuole (FV) of the parasite hydrolyze hemoglobin in red blood cells. In this study, we cloned PbPM4, the FV plasmepsin gene of P. berghei that encoded an N-terminally truncated pro-segment and the mature enzyme from genomic DNA. We over-expressed this PbPM4 zymogen as inclusion bodies (IB) in Escherichia coli, and purified the protein following in vitro IB refolding. Auto-maturation of the PbPM4 zymogen to mature enzyme was carried out at pH 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5. Interestingly, we found that the PbPM4 zymogen exhibited catalytic activity regardless of the presence of the pro-segment. We determined the optimal catalytic conditions for PbPM4 and studied enzyme kinetics on substrates and inhibitors of aspartic proteinases. Using combinatorial chemistry-based peptide libraries, we studied the active site preferences of PbPM4 at subsites S1, S2, S3, S1’, S2’ and S3’. Based on these results, we designed and synthesized a selective peptidomimetic compound and tested its inhibition of PbPM4, seven FV plasmepsins from human malaria parasites, and human cathepsin D (hcatD). We showed that this compound exhibited a >10-fold selectivity to PbPM4 and human malaria parasite plasmepsin 4 orthologs versus hcatD. Data from this study furthesr our understanding of enzymatic characteristics of the plasmepsin family and provides leads for anti-malarial drug design.  相似文献   

Merozoites of malaria parasites have a membrane-bound serine protease whose solubilization and subsequent activity depend on a parasite-derived glycosylphosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C (GPI-PLC). The GPI-degrading activities from both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium chabaudi have been characterized and partially purified by phenylboronate chromatography. They are membrane-bound, developmentally regulated, calcium-independent enzymes and as such they resemble GPI-PLC of Trypanosoma brucei. Furthermore, a T. brucei GPI-PLC-specific monoclonal antibody (mAT3) immunoprecipitates the plasmodial GPI-degrading activity. Thin-layer chromatography is suggestive of two activities: a GPI-PLC and a phospholipase A.  相似文献   

Several vector-borne infectious agents facultatively alter their life history strategies in response to local vector densities. Some evidence suggests that malaria parasites invest more heavily in transmission stage production (gametocytogenesis) when vectors are present. Such a strategy could rapidly increase malaria transmission rates, particularly when adult mosquitoes begin to appear after dry seasons. However, in contrast to a recent experiment with a rodent malaria (Plasmodium chabaudi), we found no change in gametocytogenesis in either P. chabaudi or in another rodent malaria, P. vinckei, when their mouse hosts were exposed to mosquitoes. Positive results in the earlier study may have been because mosquito-feeding caused anaemia in hosts, a known promoter of gametocytogenesis. The substantial evidence that malaria and a variety of other parasites facultatively alter transmission strategies in response to a variety of environmental influences makes our results surprising.  相似文献   

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