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Habitat structure across multiple spatial and temporal scales has been proposed as a key driver of body size distributions for associated communities. Thus, understanding the relationship between habitat and body size is fundamental to developing predictions regarding the influence of habitat change on animal communities. Much of the work assessing the relationship between habitat structure and body size distributions has focused on terrestrial taxa with determinate growth, and has primarily analysed discontinuities (gaps) in the distribution of species mean sizes (species size relationships or SSRs). The suitability of this approach for taxa with indeterminate growth has yet to be determined. We provide a cross‐ecosystem comparison of bird (determinate growth) and fish (indeterminate growth) body mass distributions using four independent data sets. We evaluate three size distribution indices: SSRs, species size–density relationships (SSDRs) and individual size–density relationships (ISDRs), and two types of analysis: looking for either discontinuities or abundance patterns and multi‐modality in the distributions. To assess the respective suitability of these three indices and two analytical approaches for understanding habitat–size relationships in different ecosystems, we compare their ability to differentiate bird or fish communities found within contrasting habitat conditions. All three indices of body size distribution are useful for examining the relationship between cross‐scale patterns of habitat structure and size for species with determinate growth, such as birds. In contrast, for species with indeterminate growth such as fish, the relationship between habitat structure and body size may be masked when using mean summary metrics, and thus individual‐level data (ISDRs) are more useful. Furthermore, ISDRs, which have traditionally been used to study aquatic systems, present a potentially useful common currency for comparing body size distributions across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The mechanism of postlarval fish myotomal growth was investigated in trout (Salmo gairdneri) by means of morphometric and cytofluorometric analysis. The mechanism by which new fibres are added during postlarval growth (hyperplasia) is not fully understood. In histological cross sections these new fibres have a small diameter which give the muscle a "mosaic" appearance. One hypothesis suggested that they could be derived from the proliferative activity of satellite cells. DNA cytofluorometric analysis of nuclei suspensions obtained from trout white myotomal muscle during different developmental stages (eleutherembyronic; alevin; yearling and adult) showed a consistently low S-cytometric phase during all stage in which myofibres of small diameters were present. The percentage of such small fibres, determined by morphometric analysis, suggested that satellite cells are the proliferative population. In fact, their percentages, as determined by morphometric analysis in histological section, bear a linear relationship with the S-cytometric phase percent nuclei (R = 0.927). Only in adults (67 cm in size) there was a significant decrease in the S-cytometric phase. At this stage, in histological sections, the myotomal muscle no longer had a "mosaic" appearance because of the disappearance of the small fibres. It may, therefore, be supposed that in the cm 67 adult specimens, the proliferative population is entering the G0 phase. It is known, in fact, that muscle growth proceeds only by fibre hypertrophy in trout longer than 70 cm in length (Stickland, 1983).  相似文献   

The response of rat quadriceps muscle fibers to chronic streptozotocin (STZ) diabetes was studied. Transverse sections of rectus femoris muscle from diabetic and weight-matched control rats were assayed for myofibrilar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR). A quantitative analysis was carried out by an automatic interactive analysis system focused on the fiber type size and distribution. STZ-induced diabetes caused important effects in this muscle, with changes in the distribution of oxidative enzyme reactions, type I fiber hypertrophy, and type II fiber atrophy, which was greater in type IIB than in type IIA. It is concluded that hypoinsulinism produces morphological alterations in proximal skeletal muscle fibers that are similar to those of neurogenic myopathy. Thus the pathological changes in these mammalian muscle fibers could explain the clinical syndrome seen in diabetic patients called "diabetic symmetrical proximal motor neuropathy," perhaps the least understood of the major neuropathic complications of diabetes.  相似文献   

Electron inactivation analysis with 16 MeV electrons was used to determine the functional target size of a number of commonly studied lysosomal hydrolases. Observed values ranged from a low of 62 000 +/- 4000 Da for beta-galactosidase to a high of 200 000 +/- 17 500 Da (mouse beta-glucuronidase). One group of lysosomal hydrolases (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, N-acetyl-beta-galactosaminidase, alpha-galactosidase, beta-mannosidase, beta-glucosidase, arylsulphatase A and sphingomyelinase) had target sizes in the range 100 000-120 000 Da, whereas alpha-glucosidase and alpha-fucosidase exist as complex multimers in the 150 000-160 000 Da range. Analysis of freeze-dried cell material showed little evidence of species (mouse versus human) variation in the functional size of most lysosomal hydrolases with the exception of beta-glucuronidase. Our findings suggest the potential usefulness of lysosomal hydrolases as endogenous marker enzymes in studies where the target size of proteins of unknown molecular mass is to be determined.  相似文献   

Renn J  Winkler C  Schartl M  Fischer R  Goerlich R 《Protoplasma》2006,229(2-4):209-214
Summary. Teleost fish develop bones directly from mesenchymal condensations and from cartilage precursors. At the cellular level, the involved cell populations share many features with their mammalian counterparts. In addition, several genes are already described in fish showing high homology in amino acid sequence and expression with the corresponding genes of tetrapods that are involved in bone metabolism. Therefore, analysis of the underlying molecular mechanism in fish, in particular zebrafish and medaka, will increase the knowledge in teleosts. Furthermore, it will help to identify novel genes and regulatory pathways of bone homeostasis and skeletal disorders also in higher vertebrates, including disorders caused by altered gravity. Correspondence and reprints (present address): Department of Physiological Chemistry I, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

N. Rama Rao 《Plant and Soil》1986,96(1):125-131
Summary Potassium requirements for growth—dry matter (DM) and leaf area (LA) and related processes — relative leaf growth rate (RLGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and crop growth rate (CGR) were determined by plant analysis during the entogeny of wheat. Wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. HD 2329) plants were supplied with different amounts of K from deficient to adequate through nutrient solution. Samples were taken at specific stages for K determinations. The DM and LA were recorded at 45d, 75d and 105d. The growth related processes RGR, NAR and CGR were estimated between 30–45d, 45–75d and 75–105d. In case of RLGR the observations were carried out between 15–30d, 30–45d and 45–75d. These physiological processes and grain yield were correlated with K concentration in whole plant at 30 and 45d and top two leaves at 75 and 105d. The results indicated that k status in plants influences growth mostly through leaf area formation which inturn influences successively RLGR, RGR and CGR and finally grain yield. For vegetative growth the optimum concentration required in plants was always lower than the optimum for grain production.  相似文献   

Differences in face shape are considered a factor in cleft lip malformation. The purpose of this study was to analyze craniofacial growth in two strains: A/WySn with 28% cleft lip and C57BL/6J without cleft lip. Standardized photographs of 27 A/WySn and 25 C57BL/6J embryos with 34-46 somites (S) were taken in the superior, frontal, and lateral views. Landmarks were located and digitized for computerized analysis of growth change relative to somite number and at stages of face development before, during, and after primary palate closure. The results showed that both strains had similar overall growth patterns with increases in head width and face width, and decreases in nasal pit width. During early palatal closure in C57BL/6J mice, the nasal pit width was unchanged as brain width increased rapidly; and then later, the nasal pit width decreased as brain width increased slowly. However, during early closure in A/WySn mice, the nasal pit width decreased rapidly as brain width increased slowly; and then later, the nasal pit width was unchanged as brain width increased more rapidly. During early palatal closure, the narrower nasal pit width in A/WySn mice appeared to result from delayed growth of the supporting forebrain as the nasal pits become more medially positioned with normal face development. From the lateral view, the maxillary prominence depth was also smaller in the A/WySn strain during early palatal closure. This deficient forward growth of the maxillary prominences and the narrower positioning of the medial nasal prominences in A/WySn embryos appear to reduce the contact between the prominences and thus predispose this strain to cleft lip malformation.  相似文献   

Ovary tissue fragments of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon were incubated in vitro with L-methionine[35S] plus L-cysteine[35S] as a metabolic labeling reagent. The labeled cytoplasmic and secreted proteins synthesized in vitro during incubations under various conditions were subjected to SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis and visualized by autoradiography. Vitellogenin (Vg) was immunologically identified and shown to be actively synthesized and released into the incubation medium. The synthesis and release of Vg into the incubation medium was optimized and shown to be linear over a 16-h period. Comparisons between different ovarian regions and different stages of development revealed that the level of Vg synthesis and accumulation in the incubation media was variable depending on stage of development and region within the ovary. Coincubation of ovarian fragments with sinus gland extracts showed a dose-related inhibition of total protein and Vg synthesis. The in vitro ovarian bioassay is suitable for examining the effect of hormonal inputs of P. monodon.  相似文献   

Isoptera are highly specialized cockroaches and are one of the few eusocial insect lineages. Cryptocercus cockroaches have appeared to many as ideal models for inference on the early evolution of termites, due to their possible phylogenetic relationship and several shared key attributes in life history. Recently, Pellens, Grandcolas, and colleagues have proposed the blaberid cockroach Parasphaeria boleiriana to be an alternative model for the early evolution in termites. We compare the usefulness of Cryptocercus and P. boleiriana as models for termite evolution. Cryptocercus and lower Isoptera (1) can both feed on comparatively recalcitrant wood, (2) have an obligate, rich and unique hypermastigid and oxymonadid fauna in the hindgut, (3) transfer these flagellates to the next generation by anal trophallaxis, (4) have social systems that involve long-lasting biparental care, and, finally, (5) are strongly suggested to be sister groups, so that the key attributes (1)-(4) appear to be homologous between the two taxa. On the other hand, P. boleiriana (1) feeds on soft, ephemeral wood sources, (2) shows no trace of the oxymonadid and hypermastigid hindgut fauna unique to Cryptocercus and lower Isoptera, nor does it have any other demonstrated obligate relationship with hindgut flagellates, (3) is likely to lack anal trophallaxis, (4) has only a short period of uniparental brood care, and (5) is phylogenetically remote from the Cryptocercus+Isoptera clade. These facts would argue against any reasonable usage of P. boleiriana as a model for the early evolution of Isoptera or even of the clade Cryptocercus+Isoptera. Cryptocercus thus remains an appropriate model-taxon-by-homology for early termite evolution. As compared to P. boleiriana, some other Blaberidae (such as the Panesthiinae Salganea) appear more useful as model-taxa-by-homoplasy for the early evolution of the Cryptocercus+Isoptera clade, as their brooding behavior is more elaborate than in P. boleiriana.  相似文献   

Summary Banding patterns of esterase isozymes in Aegilops triuncialis (2n = 28, genome formula CuCuCC) and its putative parental species, Ae. umbellulata (2n = 14, CuCu) and Ae. caudata (2n = 14, CC), were studied by the gel isoelectric focusing method using pH 6–8 carrier ampholite. Zymogram phenotypes of both parents were quite uniform. Seven zymogram phenotypes (designated as phenotypes 1 to 7) were found among the 260 strains of Ae. triuncialis examined. Of these phenotypes, phenotype 1 was identical to the zymogram phenotype produced by the ancestral species, Ae. umbellulata, and bands considered to have been derived from Ae. caudata were absent in this phenotype. Phenotype 3 had all bands of both parents. The other phenotypes differed greatly from phenotype 3. Therefore, phenotype 3 was considered to be most primitive of the 7 types, and the Ae. triuncialis strains which showed phenotype 3 to be the most primitive of the strains examined. If Ae. triuncialis originated as a hybrid between Ae. umbellulata and Ae. caudata, the zymogram phenotype must have been phenotype 3, in which the isozymes of both parental species are present. Whether the phenotypes other than type 3 were due to introgressive hybridization could not be verified, but they were considered in this article to be a consequence of a rearrangement of chromosomes.Contribution from the Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University No. 432  相似文献   

The life history of a transplantable B cell leukemia (BCL1) that arose spontaneously in a BALB/c mouse is described. Animals bearing this tumor live from 2 to 4 months in apparently good health despite massive splenomegaly and leukemia. Antibody to the idiotype or gamma light chain of the tumor IgM was used in conjunction with the fluorescence-activated cell sorter to identify tumor cells in the BCL1-bearing mice. The results suggest that these cells multiply and differentiate in the spleen and subsequently emigrate to the blood. Tumor cells do not recirculate as evidenced by their failure to enter the thoracic duct or to infiltrate lymph nodes to a significant extent. During tumor growth, a population of T cell blasts appears that may be involved with an immune response against the tumor.  相似文献   

Killer toxin activity of Pichia anomala WC65 appeared fungicidal for P. bimundalis WC38 and fungistatic for Candida albicans RC1. Inhibitory activity against sensitive C. albicans showed a linear relationship between toxin concentrations and the inverse of the reduced growth rates. The plot of toxin concentrations against growth rates was hyperbolic, as is characteristic of saturation kinetics. Sensitivity of C. albicans to the toxin decreased with increased cell age. The measurement of growth rate reduction provided a simple and accurate method for quantitation of toxin.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the hypothesis that, due to functional and structural differences, the apparent elastic modulus and viscous behavior of cardiac and skeletal muscle and vascular endothelium would differ. To accurately determine the elastic modulus, the contribution of probe velocity, indentation depth, and the assumed shape of the probe were examined. Hysteresis was observed at high indentation velocities arising from viscous effects. Irreversible deformation was not observed for endothelial cells and hysteresis was negligible below 1 μm/s. For skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle cells, hysteresis was negligible below 0.25 μm/s. Viscous dissipation for endothelial and cardiac muscle cells was higher than for skeletal muscle cells. The calculated elastic modulus was most sensitive to the assumed probe geometry for the first 60 nm of indentation for the three cell types. Modeling the probe as a blunt cone–spherical cap resulted in variation in elastic modulus with indentation depth that was less than that calculated by treating the probe as a conical tip. Substrate contributions were negligible since the elastic modulus reached a steady value for indentations above 60 nm and the probe never indented more than 10% of the cell thickness. Cardiac cells were the stiffest (100.3±10.7 kPa), the skeletal muscle cells were intermediate (24.7±3.5 kPa), and the endothelial cells were the softest with a range of elastic moduli (1.4±0.1 to 6.8±0.4 kPa) depending on the location of the cell surface tested. Cardiac and skeletal muscle exhibited nonlinear elastic behavior. These passive mechanical properties are generally consistent with the function of these different cell types.  相似文献   

The verapamil-type calcium antagonist, D600, and its charged quaternary derivative, D890, were used to assess the sidedness of blockade in single calcium channels reconstituted from purified transverse tubules of skeletal muscle. Spontaneous single channel openings were induced with the agonist Bay-K8644 and recordings were made in a two-chamber planar bilayer setup so that drugs could be delivered to either side of the channel. Micromolar drug addition resulted in a greater than 10-fold decrease in probability of open channel events (po) without a significant change in single channel currents. Changes in po occurred in parallel with changes in mean open time and both parameters could be titrated with a similar IC50. At pH 7.2, cis or trans D600 blocked with an IC50 of 5 microM but for D890 the IC50 was cis 3 microM and trans greater than 75 microM (cis is the intracellular-equivalent side as defined by the voltage-dependent activation). The asymmetry of D890 blockade indicates that the drug can readily gain access to the blocking site from the aqueous phase adjacent to the inner but not extracellular end of the channel.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle unweighting: spaceflight and ground-based models.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Long-term manned spaceflight requires that flight crews be exposed to extended periods of unweighting of antigravity skeletal muscles. This exposure will result in adaptations in these muscles that have the potential to debilitate crew members on return to increased gravity environments. Therefore, the development of countermeasures to prevent these unwanted adaptations is an important requirement. The limited access to microgravity environments for the purpose of studying muscle adaptation and evaluating countermeasure programs has necessitated the use of ground-based models to conduct both basic and applied muscle physiology research. In this review, the published results from ground-based models of muscle unweighting are presented and compared with the results from related spaceflight research. The models of skeletal muscle unweighting with a sufficient body of literature included bed rest, cast immobilization, and unilateral lower limb suspension. Comparisons of changes in muscle strength and size between these models in the context of the limited results available from spaceflight suggest that each model may be useful for the investigation of certain aspects of the skeletal muscle unweighting that occur in microgravity.  相似文献   

Quantitative in situ determination of conjugative gene transfer in defined bacterial biofilms using automated confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by three-dimensional analysis of cellular biovolumes revealed conjugation rates 1,000-fold higher than those determined by classical plating techniques. Conjugation events were not affected by nutrient concentration alone but were influenced by time and biofilm structure.  相似文献   

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