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Actin and tropomyosin of Cryptosporidium muris were localized by immunogold labeling. Two kinds of antibodies for actin labeling were used. The polyclonal antibody to skeletal muscle (chicken back muscle) actin was labeled on the pellicle and cytoplasmic vacuoles of parasites. The feeder organelle has showed a small amount of polyclonal actin antibody labeling as well. Whereas the monoclonal antibody to smooth muscle (chicken gizzard muscle) actin was chiefly labeled on the filamentous cytoplasm of parasites. The apical portion of host gastric epithelial cell cytoplasm was also labeled by smooth muscle actin together. The polyclonal antibody to tropomyosin was much more labeled at C. muris than host cells, so it could be easily identified even with low magnification (×2,000). The tropomyosin was observed along the pellicle, cytoplasmic vacuoles, and around the nucleus also. The skeletal muscle type actin seems to play a role in various cellular functions with tropomyosin in C. muris; on the other hand, the smooth muscle type actin was located mainly on the filamentous cytoplasm and supported the parasites'' firm attachment to host cells. Tropomyosin on the pellicle was thought to be able to stimulate the host as a major antigen through continuous shedding out by the escape of sporozoites or merozoites from their mother cells.  相似文献   

Here, we report on the structure and in situ location of arthrin (monoubiquitinated actin). Labelling of insect muscle thin filaments with a ubiquitin antibody reveals that every seventh subunit along the filament long-pitch helices is ubiquitinated. A three-dimensional reconstruction of frozen-hydrated arthrin filaments was produced. This was based on a novel algorithm that divides filament images into short segments that are used for single-particle image processing. Difference maps with an actin filament reconstruction locate ubiquitin at the side of actin sub-domain 1 opposite where myosin binds. Consistent with the reconstructions, peptide mapping places the ubiquitin linkage on lysine 118 in actin. Molecular modelling was used to generate arthrin monomers from ubiquitin and actin crystal structures. Filament models constructed from these monomers were compared with the arthrin reconstruction. The reconstruction suggests ubiquitin attached to Lys118 adopts one or a few conformers, stabilized by a small interface with actin. The function of actin ubiquitination is not known, but may involve regulation of muscle contractile activity.  相似文献   

Lethocerus indirect flight muscle has two isoforms of troponin C, TnC-F1 and F2, which are unusual in having only a single C-terminal calcium binding site (site IV, isoform F1) or one C-terminal and one N-terminal site (sites IV and II, isoform F2). We show here that thin filaments assembled from rabbit actin and Lethocerus tropomyosin (Tm) and troponin (Tn) regulate the binding of rabbit myosin to rabbit actin in much the same way as the mammalian regulatory proteins. The removal of calcium reduces the rate constant for S1 binding to regulated actin about threefold, independent of which TmTn is used. This is consistent with calcium removal causing the TmTn to occupy the B or blocked state to about 70% of the total. The mid point pCa for the switch differed for TnC-F1 and F2 (pCa 6.9 and 6.0, respectively) consistent with the reported calcium affinities for the two TnCs. Equilibrium titration of S1 binding to regulated actin filaments confirms calcium regulated binding of S1 to actin and shows that in the absence of calcium the three actin filaments (TnC-F1, TnC-F2 and mammalian control) are almost indistinguishable in terms of occupancy of the B and C states of the filament. In the presence of calcium TnC-F2 is very similar to the control with approximately 80% of the filament in the C-state and 10-15% in the fully on M-State while TnC-F1 has almost 50% in each of the C and M states. This higher occupancy of the M-state for TnC-F1, which occurs above pCa 6.9, is consistent with this isoform being involved in the calcium activation of stretch activation. However, it leaves unanswered how a C-terminal calcium binding site of TnC can activate the thin filament.  相似文献   

CNTF (ciliary neurotrophic factor), purified from rabbit sciatic nerves by a relatively simple procedure, is bioactive in tissue culture at low picomolar concentration and appears as a doublet on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In these nerves, CNTF accounts for more than one-half of the survival-promoting activity on ciliary neurons. The concentration of CNTF in rabbit sciatic nerves is estimated to be 5 nmol/kg, more than 1000 times higher than would seem to be required to support neurons if the neurotrophic factor were homogeneously distributed. With recombinant DNA technology, rat CNTF has been synthesized in Escherichia coli, purified without denaturating agents, and found to be bioactive at a slightly lower concentration than CNTF extracted from rabbit sciatic nerves. After radioiodination, CNTF retains biological activity but is not specifically internalized and retrogradely transported in motor and sensory axons. In peripheral nerves, ciliary neurotrophic factor differs biologically from nerve growth factor (NGF) by its much higher tissue concentration and apparent lack of internalization by peripheral nerve axons. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The synaptopodin family of proteins consists of at least 3 members: synaptopodin, the synaptopodin 2 proteins, and the synaptopodin 2-like proteins. Each family member has at least 3 isoforms that are produced by alternative splicing. Synaptopodin family members are basic proteins that are rich in proline and have little regular 2° or 3° structure at physiological temperature, pH and ionic strength. Like other natively unfolded proteins, synaptopodin family members have multiple binding partners including actin and other actin-binding proteins. Several members of the synaptopodin family have been shown to stimulate actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments either on their own or in collaboration with other proteins. Synaptopodin 2 has been shown to accelerate nucleation of actin filament formation and to induce actin bundling. The actin polymerization activity is inhibited by Ca2+-calmodulin. Synaptopodin 2 proteins are localized in Z-bands of striated and heart muscle and dense bodies of smooth muscle cells. Depending on the developmental status and stress, at least one member of the synaptopodin family can occupy nuclei of some cells. Members of the synaptopodin 2 subfamily have been implicated in cancers.  相似文献   

DNA bases are normally sheltered within a double helix, but enzymes that modify and repair DNA gain access by flipping individual bases out of the double helix.  相似文献   

CNTF (ciliary neurotrophic factor), purified from rabbit sciatic nerves by a relatively simple procedure, is bioactive in tissue culture at low picomolar concentration and appears as a doublet on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In these nerves, CNTF accounts for more than one-half of the survival-promoting activity on ciliary neurons. The concentration of CNTF in rabbit sciatic nerves is estimated to be 5 nmol/kg, more than 1000 times higher than would seem to be required to support neurons if the neurotrophic factor were homogeneously distributed. With recombinant DNA technology, rat CNTF has been synthesized in Escherichia coli, purified without denaturating agents, and found to be bioactive at a slightly lower concentration than CNTF extracted from rabbit sciatic nerves. After radioiodination, CNTF retains biological activity but is not specifically internalized and retrogradely transported in motor and sensory axons. In peripheral nerves, ciliary neurotrophic factor differs biologically from nerve growth factor (NGF) by its much higher tissue concentration and apparent lack of internalization by peripheral nerve axons.  相似文献   

Alpha-actinin is the major F-actin crosslinking protein in both muscle and non-muscle cells. We report the crystal structure of the actin binding domain of human muscle alpha-actinin-3, which is formed by two consecutive calponin homology domains arranged in a "closed" conformation. Structural studies and available biochemical data on actin binding domains suggest that two calponin homology domains come in a closed conformation in the native apo-form, and that conformational changes involving the relative orientation of the two calponin homology domains are required for efficient binding to actin filaments. The actin binding activity of muscle isoforms is supposed to be regulated by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2), which binds to the second calponin homology domain. On the basis of structural analysis we propose a distinct binding site for PtdIns(4,5)P2, where the fatty acid moiety would be oriented in a direction that allows it to interact with the linker sequence between the actin binding domain and the first spectrin-like repeat, regulating thereby the binding of the C-terminal calmodulin-like domain to this linker.  相似文献   

Neurite development requires rearrangement of cytoskeletal elements, which are mechanically and functionally integrated with each other. Although the process of how an extracellular signal induces rearrangement of a single element has been closely examined, the mechanisms by which the signal regulates cytoskeletal integration during cell shape changes are poorly understood. We previously reported that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) induces actin polymerization-dependent microtubule (MT) rearrangement, leading to neurite retraction in cultured neurons. Here we examined whether the crosslinker proteins were involved in LPA-induced neurite retraction using immortalized mouse neuroblast TR cells. When the MT-binding domains of MACF (MT actin-crosslinking factor) were exogenously expressed in TR cells, MTs were found to be stabilized and become resistant to exposure to LPA. On the other hand, expression of MT-associated protein 2c showed no effect on LPA-induced neurite retraction. These findings suggest that MACF is involved in actin-dependent MT rearrangement during LPA-induced neurite retraction.  相似文献   

A convenient synthesis for bis-diosgenin pyrazine dimers, cephalostatin analogues is reported. These symmetrical dimeric steroid-pyrazines were obtained by the classical condensation of -amino ketones, the most efficient method for pyrazine ring construction.  相似文献   

Repulsive guidance cues can either collapse the whole growth cone to arrest neurite outgrowth or cause asymmetric collapse leading to growth cone turning. How signals from repulsive cues are translated by growth cones into this morphological change through rearranging the cytoskeleton is unclear. We examined three factors that are able to induce the collapse of extending Helisoma growth cones in conditioned medium, including serotonin, myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, and phorbol ester. To study the cytoskeletal events contributing to collapse, we cultured Helisoma growth cones on polylysine in which lamellipodial collapse was prevented by substrate adhesion. We found that all three factors that induced collapse of extending growth cones also caused actin bundle loss in polylysine-attached growth cones without loss of actin meshwork. In addition, actin bundle loss correlated with specific filamentous actin redistribution away from the leading edge that is characteristic of repulsive factors. Finally, we provide direct evidence using time-lapse studies of extending growth cones that actin bundle loss paralleled collapse. Taken together, these results suggest that actin bundles could be a common cytoskeletal target of various collapsing factors, which may use different signaling pathways that converge to induce growth cone collapse.  相似文献   

This paper considers the possibility of stochastic resonance (SR) in tubulin dimers. A formula for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of tubulin as a function of temperature is derived. The effective potential experienced by a delocalized electron in such a dimer is postulated to be a symmetric bimodal well. Inter-well and intra-well motions are described by Kramers rate theory and the Langevin formalism respectively. The frequency-dependent expression for the SNR shows that the response of the electron-tubulin dimer system is enhanced by ambient dipolar oscillations in specific frequency regimes. This is a characteristic of SR. Biophysical implications of this property such as the relevance to 8.085 MHz microtubule resonance and the clocking mechanism are detailed.  相似文献   

In granulation tissue the myofibroblast, a specialized fibroblast characterized by cytoplasmic stress fibres with alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA), develops from mechano-tension between cells. In vitro the myofibroblast phenotype can be induced in the absence of obvious tension by plating human dermal fibroblasts at low density (LD). Upon reaching confluence the LD-plated cells express alpha SMA within stress fibres. In contrast, few cells express alpha SMA when those same fibroblasts are plated at high density (HD). Cadherins, trans-membrane proteins, and link cells tie the cytoskeletal stress fibres of neighbouring cells together. By immunohistology myofibroblasts (LD-plated fibroblasts) are shown to express cadherin-11 on their surface and between cells, while HD-plated fibroblasts expressed less cadherin-11 on their surface. Western blot analysis revealed elevated concentrations of cadherin-11 and alpha SMA in confluent LD-plated cell lysates. Reduced amounts of both proteins were found in confluent HD-plated cell lysates. Plating fibroblasts on collagen inhibits alpha SMA synthesis. When confluent LD-plated myofibroblasts were covered with a collagen lattice for 24 h, both the expression of cadherin-11 and alpha SMA were reduced by 50%. There is the possibility that direct linkage of the cytoskeleton stress fibres by cell surface cadherins maintains tension between neighbouring cells, which induces alpha SMA expression in stress fibres. Cell contact with collagen reduces cadherin expression, which may eliminate the generation of mechano-tension between fibroblasts. The other possibility is that the myofibroblast phenotype may be induced by factors other than mechano-tension.  相似文献   

A series of Group IV phthalocyanine (Pc) dimers, (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOSiPcOSi(n-C6H13)3 (SiPcSiPc), (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOGePcOSi(n-C6H13)3 (SiPcGePc), and (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOSnPcOH (SiPcSnPc), was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and DFT calculation. Two oxidations and two reductions were observed for (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOSiPcOSi(n-C6H13)3 and (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOGePcOSi(n-C6H13)3, while there were two oxidations and three reductions for (n-C6H13)3SiOSiPcOSnPcOH. The Pc with a bigger size of the central metal in one part of the dimeric compound is more difficult to be oxidized but it is easier to be reduced at the same time: i.e., both oxidation and reduction potentials showed a positive shift with the increase of the size of the central metal atom. Density functional theory was used to optimize the structures of the Pc dimers and to understand the electrochemical properties. The optimized structures of HOSiPcOSiPcOH, HOSiPcOGePcOH and HOSiPcOSnPcOH as model compounds for SiPcSnPc, SiPcGePc, SiPcSiPc, respectively, show that all the Pc dimers are staggered, the plane-to-plane distances are 3.394, 3.538 and 3.722 Å, respectively. Tin generates a saddle-type structure of phthalocyanine, but silicon or germanium does not greatly distort the ring structure, and yields a planar ring structure. A large plane-to-plane distance and a high degree of plane distortion yield a red-shift of Q-band, a low ring current, high oxidation and low reduction potentials and high ionization energies.  相似文献   

The intrinsic surface activity of the contractile protein actin has been determined from surface tension measurements using the Wilhelmy hanging-plate method. Actin, a very soluble protein, moves from the subphase to the air-water interface to make a film. In the absence of magnesium, actin is monomeric and is known as G-actin. During the compression the monomers change their conformation or orientation at the interface and they are then pushed reversibly into the subphase upon further compression. No collapse occurs. Actin monomers in the presence of magnesium become activated; at concentrations greater than some critical value, actin polymerizes to form filaments of F-actin. The actin filaments have a higher surface activity than the actin monomers either because they are more hydrophobic or because F-actin, a rigid polymer, is much more efficient at creating excluded volume. The actin filaments then form a rigid film at the interface that collapses when the surface area is decreased. At less than the critical concentration, the actin monomers are present in the subphase in their activated form. However, their concentration increases at the interface during film compression until the critical concentration is reached. The surface pressure isotherm in this case has the characteristics of a G-actin film at the beginning of the compression and of an F-actin film at the end of the compression process.  相似文献   

Actin and nonmuscle myosin heavy chain (myosin-II) have been identified and localized in the cortex of unfertilized zebrafish eggs using techniques of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and fluorescence microscopy. Whole egg mounts, egg fragments, cryosections, and cortical membrane patches probed with rhodamine phalloidin, fluorescent DNase-I, or anti-actin antibody showed the cortical cytoskeleton to contain two domains of actin: filamentous and nonfilamentous. Filamentous actin was restricted to microplicae and the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane where it was organized as an extensive meshwork of interconnecting filaments. The cortical cytoplasm deep to the plasma membrane contained cortical granules and sequestered actin in nonfilamentous form. The cytoplasmic surface (membrane?) of cortical granules displayed an enrichment of nonfilamentous actin. An antibody against human platelet myosin was used to detect myosin-II in whole mounts and egg fragments. Myosin-II colocalized with both filamentous and nonfilamentous actin domains of the cortical cytoskeleton. It was not determined if egg myosin was organized into filaments. Similar to nonfilamentous actin, myosin-II appeared to be concentrated over the surface of cortical granules where staining was in the form of patches and punctate foci. The identification of organized and interconnected domains of filamentous actin, nonfilamentous actin, and myosin-II provides insight into possible functions of these proteins before and after fertilization. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Prior studies have demonstrated the expression of a contractile actin isoform, alpha-smooth muscle actin, in bone marrow stromal cells. One objective of the current study was to correlate contractility with alpha-smooth muscle actin expression in human bone marrow stroma-derived mesenchymal stem cells. A second objective was to determine the effects of transforming growth factor-beta1, platelet derived growth factor-BB, and a microfilament-modifying agent on alpha-smooth muscle actin expression and alpha-smooth muscle actin-enabled contraction. Adult human bone marrow stromal cells were passaged in monolayer and their inducibility to chondrocytic, osteoblastic, and adipogenic phenotypes was demonstrated. Western blot analysis was employed along with densitometry to quantify the alpha-smooth muscle actin content of the cells and their contractility was evaluated by their contraction of a type I collagen-glycosaminoglycan sponge-like matrix into which they were seeded. Transforming growth factor-beta1 (1 ng/ml) significantly increased and platelet-derived growth factor-BB (10 ng/ml) decreased alpha-smooth muscle actin expression and the contractility of the cells. Cytochalasin D also blocked cell contraction. There was a notably high correlation of cell-mediated contraction normalized to the DNA content of the matrices with alpha-smooth muscle actin content of the cells by linear regression analysis (R(2) = 0.88). These findings lay the groundwork for considering the role of alpha-smooth muscle actin-enabled contraction in mesenchymal stem cells and in their connective tissue cell progeny.  相似文献   

Changes of properties of actin preparations from rabbit skeletal muscles in the course of purification were studied. It is shown that independent on initial properties of actin preparations at successive polimerization, sedimentation and depolimerization cycles: 1) the quantity of protein in supernatant diminishes progressively, 2) intrinsic viscosity of F-actin increases, 3) the value of spectral parameter A = (I320/I365)296., which in characteristic of the fluorescence spectrum position of tryptophan residues, increases and approaches the extremal value, 4) the effect of short wave shift of the spectrum at actin polimerazation becomes more pronounced. The actin preparation with the extremal value of A = 2,6 (native actin) has [eta] = 8,8; deltaAg leads to f approximately 0,25; lambdamax=325 nm. Inactivation of actin results in the long-wave shift of fluorescence spectrum (lambdamax=337 nm, A = 1,30) suggesting the disturbance of exclusively compact globular structure of native protein macromolecular. The ratio is described which enables to use parameter A for the quick estimation of the content of native actin in its preparations. The technical simplicity of the measurement of parameter A enables to use it for the characterization of individual fractions in gelfiltration of actin preparations.  相似文献   

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