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通过电光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察了平疣桑椹石磺精子的形态及其超微结构。平疣桑椹石磺成熟精子属于进化型,由头部、中段和末段组成。头部由顶体和精核构成,顶体长约0.7μm,呈细奶嘴状,内含物分布均匀,电子密度稍低于细胞核。顶体基部与精核前端紧密相连,无间隙。精核长约3.8μm,宽约1.0μm,核质高度浓缩,电子密度高,无核泡,纵切似辣椒状,核后端内凹形成核后窝。中段加长,结构复杂,线粒体演化成线粒体鞘,螺旋状包绕轴丝。精子末段由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的“9+2”结构。比较了平疣桑椹石磺精子与相关腹足类精子结构的异同,进一步证实了腹足纲贝类精子结构之间的区别主要在于顶体有无及形态,精核的长短与外形、中段线粒体的数目及其排列方式等。  相似文献   

东方扁虾精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用电镜研究了东方扁虾(Thenus orientalis)精子的形态和结构。精子由核、膜复合物区和顶体区3部分组成。核内含非浓缩的染色质、微管及细纤维丝,外被核膜;5~6条辐射臂自核部位伸出,臂内充满微管。膜复合物区位于核与顶体之间,由许多膜片层结构及其衍生的囊泡共同组成。顶体区由顶体囊和围顶体物质组成,顶体结构复杂,由顶体帽、内顶体物质和外顶体物质等构成;围顶体物质呈细颗粒状,主要分布于顶体囊  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epididymal sperm of Tarsius bancanus is described. The sperm possess the typical eutherian pattern of a dorsoventrally flattened, ovate sperm head, comprising a nucleus capped by a symmetrical acrosome, and a distinct midpiece and principal piece containing a 9 + 9 + 2 arrangement of outer coarse fibres and microtubules. However, unique features are also present. The overall head length (9 μm) equals the greatest for any primate yet examined, and the subacrosomal space ("perforatorium" or "pseudoperforatorium") tilted at 30° to the sagittal axis of the sperm, is described for the first time for mammals. The acrosome extends only a short distance beyond the length of the nucleus of the mature sperm, and a significant reduction in the acrosome to nuclei ratio appears to occur during the final stages of sperm maturation. In contrast to earlier predictions based on the spermatid of Tarsius syrhicta , the mature spermatozoa of Tarsius shows greatest morphological similarity with the sperm of the Anthropoidea, which have a short symmetrical acrosome, than with the Strepsirhini, which have a relatively long acrosome that can be either symmetrical (Lemuriformes) or asymetrical (Lorisiformes). Four proposed phylogenies of the Primates are assessed using comparative sperm ultrastructure. Placing the Tarsiidae as a sister group to the Lorisidae appears the least likely. The sperm data are consistent with the Tarsiidae being a sister group to the Anthropoidea, to the Strepsirhini, or even to the extant primate groups as a whole. Use of sperm morphology to provide characters in phylogenetic systematics of the primates is discussed, and the principle of "total evidence" is preferred to the common practice of "hanging" sperm on phylogenetic hypotheses based on other evidence. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

Silkworm (Lepidoptera) males produce dimorphic sperm: nucleate eupyrene sperm and anucleate apyrene sperm. The eupyrene sperm are ordinary sperm to fertilise the eggs, while the function of apyrene sperm remains uncertain. After meiosis, 256 sperm cells are enclosed by a layer of cyst cells, forming a sperm bundle. We have previously documented that the nucleus of eupyrene sperm anchors to the head cyst cell, which locates at the anterior apex of the bundle, by an acrosome tubule-basal body assembly. Neither the basal body attachment to the nucleus nor the acrosome is seen in apyrene sperm, and the nuclei remain in the middle region of the bundle. Peristaltic squeezing starts from the anterior of the bundles in both types of sperm, and cytoplasmic debris of the eupyrene sperm, and both the nuclei and debris of apyrene sperm, are eliminated at the final stage of spermatogenesis. Since the irregularity of meiotic division in apyrene sperm is known, we used triploid silkworm males that show irregular meiotic division even in eupyrene spermatocytes and are highly sterile. The irregular nuclei of the triploid are discarded by the peristaltic squeezing just as those of the apyrene sperm. Transmission electron microscopic observations disclose the abnormality in the acrosome tubule and in the connection to the basal body. The peristaltic squeezing of sperm bundles in the silkworm appears to be the final control mechanism to eliminate irregular nuclei before they enter female reproductive organs.  相似文献   

We produced transgenic mouse lines that accumulate mutated green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in sperm acrosome, a membrane limited organelle overlying the nucleus. The sperm showed normal fertilizing ability and the integrity of their acrosome was easily examined in a non-invasive manner by tracing the GFP in individual 'live' sperm with fluorescent microscopy. The time required for the dispersal of acrosomal contents was demonstrated to be approximately 3 s after the onset of acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Holothuroidea, like the Crinoidea, Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea have aquatic sperm with a subspherical nucleus in which is embedded a subspherical acrosome and its surrounding periacrosomal material. A ring-shaped mitochondrion behind the nucleus surrounds two centrioles from the distal of which a 9 + 2 axoneme arises. The term "echinosperm" is proposed for this sperm type. Holothuroid echinosperm are characterized by anterior constriction of the periacrosomal fossa; a rounded posterior limit to the acrosome; absence of a distinct subacrosomal depression; outgrowth of a flagellar rootlet from the proximal centriole, of which vestigial homologues are known only in one crinoid and one echinoid. Modified sperm, though not greatly divergent from the echinosperm, are known in two holothuroids and one crinoid. The sperm of echinoids, which are not referable to the echinosperm, are considered plesiomorphic in failure of the acrosome to become embedded in the nucleus (a feature retained from an ancestry shared with enteropneusts), but apomorphic in the conical form of the nucleus and development of spine-like structures around the anterior rim of the nucleus. Spermatozoa1 data suggest that the holothuroid-crinozoan-asterozoan assemblage is the sister group of the Echinoidea. Inclusion of holothuroids in the Echinozoa is not supported.  相似文献   

SPERMIOGENESIS IN CANCER CRABS   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Spermiogenesis in Cancer crabs was studied by light and electron microscopy. The sperm are aflagellate, and when mature consist primarily of a spherical acrosome surrounded by the nucleus with its short radiating arms. The acrosome forms by a coalescence of periodic acid-Schiff-positive (PAS-positive) vesicles. During spermiogenesis one edge of the acrosomal vesicle invaginates to form a PAS-negative central core. The inner region of the acrosome bounding the core contains basic proteins which are not complexed to nucleic acid. The formation of an elaborate lattice-like complex of fused membranes, principally from membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, is described. These membranes are later taken into the nucleus and subsequently degenerate. In late spermatids, when most of the cytoplasm is sloughed, the nuclear envelope and the cell membrane apparently fuse to become the limiting boundary over most of the sperm cell. In the mature sperm the chromatin of the nucleus and arms, which is Feulgen-positive, contains no detectable protein. The chromatin filaments appear clumped, branched, and anastomosed; morphologically, they resemble the DNA of bacterial nuclei. Mitochondria are absent or degenerate in mature sperm of Cancer crabs, but the centrioles persist in the nucleoplasm at the base of the acrosome.  相似文献   

用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜技术研究了瘤背石磺精子的结构特点,分析了其生理生态适应性以及在肺螺亚纲系统演化中的意义。瘤背石磺的精子由头部、中段和末段组成。头部由奶嘴形的顶体和长圆筒状的细胞核构成。顶体包括顶体囊和顶体构架体两部分;两者的内含物都分布均匀,电子密度稍低于细胞核;顶体基部平整,与核前端之间有一空隙,内含物电子密度极低。细胞核由电子密度高的均匀颗粒物质组成,并出现核泡;核的后端有一"杯形"的凹陷,称为核后窝。中段结构复杂,主要包括一对位于核后窝内的中心粒、轴丝、质膜、线粒体及由线粒体衍生的糖原质螺旋体、基质层和类晶体层等。末段由"9 2"结构的轴丝及外包的质膜组成,无糖原质螺旋体和其它线粒体衍生物。比较瘤背石磺精子与肺螺亚纲其它物种的精子结构,我们认为该物种的精子属于"进化型",是一类在进化地位中比基眼目高等的动物。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a new method that allows morphometric assessment of the sperm nucleus and acrosome in the ram using fluorescence microscopy and free software. The study was divided into three experiments. In the first experiment, semen smears from 20 ejaculates were fixed and labeled with a propidium iodide–pisum sativum agglutinin (PI/PSA) combination. Digital images of the sperm nucleus, acrosome, and whole sperm head were captured and analyzed using the ImageJ program. The computer-assisted sperm morphometry analysis fluorescence (CASMA-F) method used allowed the differentiation, capture, and morphometric analysis of most sperm nuclei, acrosomes, and whole heads with high precision and the assessment of the acrosomal status. In the second experiment, sperm nuclear morphometry by CASMA-F was compared by staining with the PI/PSA combination and staining with Hoechst 33342 as in previous studies. Similar results were obtained using both methods. In the third experiment, CASMA-F with PI/PSA was compared with a more conventional CASMA method (semen smears stained with Hemacolor (HEM) and processed with the ISAS commercial software, HEM). Spermatozoa displayed a bigger size when processed with CASMA-F than with HEM method in all primary sperm head morphometric parameters, but results using both methods were correlated. It was concluded that the CASMA-F method allows the simultaneous assessment of sperm nucleus, acrosome, and head in the ram.  相似文献   

采用相同种类卵水诱导的方法对直翅目,蟋蟀科,黄脸油葫芦的受精囊精子的顶体反应过程进行系统观察.发现黄脸油葫芦精子顶体反应可划分为3个阶段,第1阶段,精子质膜膨胀、断裂或丢失;第2阶段,顶体复合体的顶体外层与顶体本体外膜发生融合,囊泡化;第3阶段,顶体复合体大部分脱落,只留有短锥状的顶体位于核前端.据观察,蟋蟀精子质膜不参与囊泡形成,此结果与家蝇及哺乳类的猪、牛、绵羊、猕猴精子的顶体反应结果很相似.经过比较发现卵水对受精囊内精子的诱导率明显高于精巢内,据分析,可能与精子的生理成熟有关,即便受精囊内精子比精巢内精子更趋于成熟.与其他学者的实验结果相比,蟋蟀精子顶体反应率与家蝇的相似,但明显低于其他动物.这可能与动物的授精方式有关.  相似文献   

The sperm of Microstigmus arlei and Microstigmus nigrophthalmus are twisted in a spiral and consist of two regions: the head, formed by an acrosome and a nucleus, and the flagellum, formed by two asymmetric mitochondrial derivatives, a long centriolar adjunct, an axoneme (9+9+2) and two accessory bodies. The head shows a characteristic morphology. The acrosome is very long and is basically made up of a paracrystalline structure. In the central head region, the acrosome is inserted into the nucleus, which is observed coiling laterally around the paracrystalline structure. In the subsequent part of the spermatozoon the nucleus appears round in transverse sections, and over some length it is still penetrated by the acrosome until shortly distal to the flagellar insertion. At this point the nucleus forms an inverted cone-shaped projection. These morphological characteristics of acrosome and nucleus of the Microstigmus wasp have not been previously described in Apoidea and are useful for phylogenetic evaluation of this superfamily.  相似文献   

Nuclear shaping is a critical event during sperm development as demonstrated by the incidence of male infertility associated with abnormal sperm ad shaping. Herein, we demonstrate that mouse and rat spermatids assemble in the subacrosomal space a cytoskeletal scaffold containing F-actin and Sak57, a keratin ortholog. The cytoskeletal plate, designated acroplaxome, anchors the developing acrosome to the nuclear envelope. The acroplaxome consists of a marginal ring containing keratin 5 10-nm-thick filaments and F-actin. The ring is closely associated with the leading edge of the acrosome and to the nuclear envelope during the elongation of the spermatid head. Anchorage of the acroplaxome to the gradually shaping nucleus is not disrupted by hypotonic treatment and brief Triton X-100 extraction. By examining spermiogenesis in the azh mutant mouse, characterized by abnormal spermatid/sperm head shaping, we have determined that a deformity of the spermatid nucleus is restricted to the acroplaxome region. These findings lead to the suggestion that the acroplaxome nucleates an F-actin-keratin-containing assembly with the purpose of stabilizing and anchoring the developing acrosome during spermatid nuclear elongation. The acroplaxome may also provide a mechanical planar scaffold modulating external clutching forces generated by a stack of Sertoli cell F-actin-containing hoops encircling the elongating spermatid nucleus.  相似文献   

This study describes the morphology of the sperm cell of Maja brachydactyla, with emphasis on localizing actin and tubulin. The spermatozoon of M. brachydactyla is similar in appearance and organization to other brachyuran spermatozoa. The spermatozoon is a globular cell composed of a central acrosome, which is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm and a cup‐shaped nucleus with four radiating lateral arms. The acrosome is a subspheroidal vesicle composed of three concentric zones surrounded by a capsule. The acrosome is apically covered by an operculum. The perforatorium penetrates the center of the acrosome and has granular material partially composed of actin. The cytoplasm contains one centriole in the subacrosomal region. A cytoplasmic ring encircles the acrosome in the subapical region of the cell and contains the structures‐organelles complex (SO‐complex), which is composed of a membrane system, mitochondria with few cristae, and microtubules. In the nucleus, slightly condensed chromatin extends along the lateral arms, in which no microtubules have been observed. Chromatin fibers aggregate in certain areas and are often associated with the SO‐complex. During the acrosomal reaction, the acrosome could provide support for the penetration of the sperm nucleus, the SO‐complex could serve as an anchor point for chromatin, and the lateral arms could play an important role triggering the acrosomal reaction, while slightly decondensed chromatin may be necessary for the deformation of the nucleus. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

膜翅目精子结构研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据观察,膜翅目昆虫精子由顶体,精核,中部,尾部四个主要部分构成。顶体具顶体丝,中部具轴丝,中部与精核间具线粒体衍生物。本文同时对膜翅目,分别隶属12个科,10个总科中的2个亚目昆虫精子的顶体、精核、线粒体衍生物、轴丝等结构的研究状况进行概括,并应用精子结构特征对上述类群的系统发育状况进行讨论。  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure and spermiogenesis of the three bivalve species Musculus discors, Nucula sulcata, and Dreissena polymorpha have been studied. During spermatid differentiation in Musculus discors and Nucula sulcata the nucleus attains an elongated rod-like shape. The spermatozoon from Nucula sulcata was found to have a cup-shaped acrosome and five mitochondria surrounding two centrioles in the middle piece. The spermatozoa from Musculus discors has a long complex acrosome. From the distal centriole striated processes extend and attach to the plasma membrane. The spermatozoon of the fresh water species Dreissena polymorpha agrees in all main features with those of other invertebrate groups with external fertilization. It is thus of the primitive type with barrel-shaped nucleus and four to five mitochondria1 spheres in the middle piece. The acrosome is a prominant, complex structure at the apex of the mature spermatozoon. A comparison of sperm ultrastructure among bivalves indicates that there is a certain correlation between the evolution of the elongated sperm nucleus and large, yolk-rich eggs. In species with an elongated sperm nucleus the increased egg size has often led to a lecithotrophic or direct development. The elongated nucleus is a slight modification of the primitive type. There is a great variation in acrosome structure among bivalve spermatozoa, reflecting diverging functional demands at fertilization of the eggs.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes during spermiogenesis in the barnacles, Balanus amphitrite albicostatus, Balanus tintinnabulum rosa, Balanus trigonus and Tetraclita squamosa japonica, and organization of the sperm with special reference to the accessory body were studied. The Golgi complex organizes both the acrosome and the accessory body at different stages during spermiogenesis; the former is formed at the mid-spermatid stage and the latter is formed at the late spermatid stage. The arrangement of the components in the mature filiform sperm is quite unique, with the acrosome, the basal body just behind the acrosome, the axial filament parallel to a long nucleus, and a slender long mitochondrion behind the nucleus. The sperm in the anterior and posterior half of the ejaculatory duct differ from each other in form in that the sperm in the anterior duct are not equipped with the accessory body and the sperm in the posterior duct are. The accessory body can be artificially broken down by some treatments (1 M urea, alkaline sea water: pH 9.0-9.7, low ionic concentration of sea water). The loss of the accessory body from the sperm is assumed to be related to the ferti-lizability of the sperm.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis, known as spermateleosis in lower vertebrates, is the transformation of the round spermatid into a highly specialized spermatozoon with a species-specific structure. Spermateleosis and sperm morphology of two species of caecilians, Ichthyophis tricolor and Uraeotyphlus cf. narayani, from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. Spermateleosis is described in early, mid-, and late phases. During the early phase, the spermatid nucleus does not elongate, but the acrosome vesicle is Golgi-derived and its material is produced as a homogeneous substance rather than as discrete granules. In development of the acrosome, the centrioles shift in position to the lower half of the cell. The acrosomal vesicles take the full shape of the acrosome with the establishment of the perforatorium in midphase. An endonuclear canal develops and accommodates the perforatorium. The incipient flagellum is laid down when the proximal centriole attaches to the posterior side of the nucleus and the distal centriole connects to the proximal centriole, which forms the basal granule of the acrosome. The axial fiber also appears during midphase. The mitochondria shift in position to the posterior pole of the cell to commence establishment of the midphase. Late phase is characterized by nuclear condensation and elongation. Consequently, the final organization of the sperm is established with the head containing the nucleus and the acrosome. The undulating membrane separates the axoneme and axial fiber. Most of the cytoplasm is lost as residual bodies.  相似文献   

The acrosome of marsupial spermatozoa is a robust structure which, unlike its placental counterpart, resists disruption by detergent or freeze/thawing and does not undergo a calcium ionophore induced acrosome reaction. In this study specific fluorescent thiol labels, bromobimanes, were used to detect reactive thiols in the intact marsupial spermatozoon and examine whether disulfides play a role in the stability of the acrosome. Ejaculated brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) spermatozoa were washed by swim up and incubated with or without dithiothreitol (DTT) in order to reduce disulfides to reactive thiols. Spermatozoa were then washed by centrifugation and treated with monobromobimane (mBBr), a membranepermeable bromobimane, or with monobromotrimethylammoniobimane (qBBr), a membrane-impermeable bromobimane. Labelled spermatozoa were examined by fluorescence microscopy and sperm proteins (whole sperm proteins and basic nuclear proteins) were analysed by gel electrophoresis. The membrane-permeable agent mBBr lightly labelled the perimeter of the acrosome of non-DTT-treated possum and wallaby spermatozoa, indicating the presence of peri-acrosomal thiol groups. After reduction of sperm disulfides by DTT, mBBr labelled the entire acrosome of both species. The membrane-impermeable agent qBBr did not label any part of the acrosome in non-DTT or DTT-treated wallaby or possum spermatozoa. Thiols and disulfides are thus associated with the marsupial acrosome. They are not found on the overlying plasma membrane but are either in the acrosomal membranes and/or matrix. The sperm midpiece and tail were labelled by mBBr, with increased fluorescence observed in DTT-treated spermatozoa. The nucleus was not labelled in non-DTT or DTT-treated spermatozoa. Electrophoretic analysis confirmed the microscopic observations: Basic nuclear protein (protamines) lacked thiols or disulfide groups. Based on these findings, the stability of the marsupial acrosome may be due in part to disulfide stabilization of the acrosomal membranes and/or acrosomal matrix. In common with placental mammals, thiol and disulfide containing proteins appear to play a role in the stability of sperm tail structures. It was confirmed that the fragile marsupial sperm nucleus lacked thiols and disulfides. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of Bephratelloides pomorum are very long and fine. Each spermatozoon measures about 620 μm in length by 0.38 μm in diameter and, when seen under the light microscope, appears to be wavy along its entire length. The head, which is approximately 105 μm, comprises a small acrosome and a nucleus. The acrosome is made up of a cone-shaped acrosomal vesicle surrounding the perforatorium and the anterior end of the nucleus. Innumerable filaments radiate from it. The perforatorium has a diameter equal to that of the nucleus at their junction, where it fits with a concave base onto the rounded nuclear tip. The nucleus is helicoidal and completely filled with homogeneous compact chromatin. It is attached to the tail by a very long and quite electron-dense centriolar adjunct that extends anteriorly from the centriole in a spiral around the nucleus for approximately 8.5 μm. The tail consists of an axoneme with the 9+9+2 microtubule arrangement pitched in a long helix, as well as a pair of spiraling mitochondrial derivatives (with regularly arranged cristae) that coil around the axoneme, and two small accessory bodies. As well as the spiraling of the nucleus, mitochondrial derivatives and axonemal microtubules, the sperm of B. pomorum present other very different morphological features. These features include the acrosome and centriolar adjunct, both of which differentiate the spermatozoa from the majority of sperm found in other Hymenoptera. In addition these structural variations demonstrate that the sperm of chalcidoids provide characteristics that can certainly prove useful for future phylogenetic analysis at the subfamily level and, possibly, the genus too.  相似文献   

We describe the sperm ultrastructure of three species of frogs in the genus Phyllomedusa . According to micrographs, total size of the spermatozoon of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis is significantly smaller than those of Phyllomedusa bicolor and Phyllomedusa tarsius . The acrosome complex consists of two conical structures covering the nucleus, the acrosome vesicle and the subacrosomal cone. The subacrosomal cone of P. bicolor and P. tarsius is less electron-dense and appears more granular in transverse section than in P. hypochondrialis . In P. bicolor and P. tarsius , the nuclear space is reduced and the subacrosomal cone fills most of the space between the acrosome vesicle and nucleus. The anterior region of the nucleus in the spermatozoa of P. bicolor and P. tarsius ends abruptly, while in P . hypochondrialis it is sharp-ended. In P. bicolor and P. tarsius , the axial fibre is much larger than in P . hypochondrialis . The sperm ultrastructure of Phyllomedusa appears conservative at the intrageneric level. Future studies on the sperm ultrastructure of hylids can provide new insights on the systematics of the group and a larger database for a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

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