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A mutation in the gene upstream of nifA in Azotobacter vinelandii was introduced into the chromosome to replace the corresponding wild-type region. The resulting mutant, MV376, produced nitrogenase constitutively in the presence of 15 mM ammonium. When introduced into a nifH-lacZ fusion strain, the mutation permitted beta-galactosidase production in the presence of ammonium. The gene upstream of nifA is therefore designated nifL because of its similarity to the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifL gene in proximity to nifA, in mutant phenotype, and in amino acid sequence of the gene product. The A. vinelandii nifL mutant MV376 excreted significant quantities of ammonium (approximately 10 mM) during diazotrophic growth. In contrast, ammonium excretion during diazotrophy was much lower in a K. pneumoniae nifL deletion mutant (maximum, 0.15 mM) but significantly higher than in NifL+ K. pneumoniae. The expression of the A. vinelandii nifA gene, unlike that of K. pneumoniae, was not repressed by ammonium.  相似文献   

A Bali  G Blanco  S Hill    C Kennedy 《Applied microbiology》1992,58(5):1711-1718
A mutation in the gene upstream of nifA in Azotobacter vinelandii was introduced into the chromosome to replace the corresponding wild-type region. The resulting mutant, MV376, produced nitrogenase constitutively in the presence of 15 mM ammonium. When introduced into a nifH-lacZ fusion strain, the mutation permitted beta-galactosidase production in the presence of ammonium. The gene upstream of nifA is therefore designated nifL because of its similarity to the Klebsiella pneumoniae nifL gene in proximity to nifA, in mutant phenotype, and in amino acid sequence of the gene product. The A. vinelandii nifL mutant MV376 excreted significant quantities of ammonium (approximately 10 mM) during diazotrophic growth. In contrast, ammonium excretion during diazotrophy was much lower in a K. pneumoniae nifL deletion mutant (maximum, 0.15 mM) but significantly higher than in NifL+ K. pneumoniae. The expression of the A. vinelandii nifA gene, unlike that of K. pneumoniae, was not repressed by ammonium.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine a loss of nitrogen compounds with sweat in sauna and to estimate their plasma concentration. Sweat was collided during 30 min stay in sauna. Blood was taken before and immediately after the sauna. Concentrations of ammonia, urea, creatinine and uric acid were determined in the both fluids. It has been found, that the concentration of ammonia in sweat exceeds, that in plasma by 77 times. Ammonia plasma concentration following sauna increased by about 60%. Sweat urea concentration exceeded that in plasma by 3.5 times. Plasma urea concentration was significantly reduced after sauna. Sweat creatinine concentration was about two times higher than that in plasma. No uric acid was detected in sweat. Sweating did not affect plasma creatinine and uric acid concentrations. Results indicate that considerable amount of nitrogen is lost with sweat during sauna.  相似文献   

The main part of newly synthesized DNA is preferentially released in vitro both by non-stimulated or phytohemagglutinin-stimulated tonsil lymphocytes. Freshly isolated cells excrete DNA faster than phytohemagglutinin-stimulated ones. The acid-precipitable 3H-thymidine lost can be accounted for in the culture medium as labeled, double stranded DNA isolated on hydroxyapatite column.  相似文献   

M Homma  T Iino 《Journal of bacteriology》1985,164(3):1370-1372
Hook-associated proteins (HAPs) were excreted into the culture medium of the Fla+ strain as well as into the growth medium of the filamentless mutants of Salmonella typhimurium. This indicates that the bacteria synthesize HAPs excessively, beyond the amount required for construction of flagella. The extra HAPs are shed into the culture medium after a definite amount of each HAP has been assembled into the flagellar structure.  相似文献   

A large proportion of DNA synthesized in vitro by human lymphocytes stimulated with plant mitogens or specific antigens is selectively excreted from the cells. To determine if DNA excretion differs among various types of lymphocytes, we examined purified human lymphocyte subpopulations for DNA synthesis and excretion in response to stimulation by L-PHA. The relative proportion of newly synthesized DNA that is excreted by unseparated mononuclear cells, macrophage-depleted cells, T, and B lymphocytes is identical despite great differences in the magnitude of their responses. Low levels of both DNA synthesis and excretion by macrophage-depleted cells and B cells can be increased by reconstitution with macrophages and T cells, respectively. These data indicate that DNA exretion is a general property of lymphocytes stimulated to undergo DNA synthesis by plant mitogens.  相似文献   

土壤氮水平对喜旱莲子草原产地和引入地基因型生长和防御的影响 同种植物生长在资源丰富生境中的个体,其防御水平被认为低于生长在资源匮乏生境中的个体。然而,生境的养分水平如何影响植物的诱导抗性和耐受性,以及这种影响在入侵植物的原产地和引入 地种群间是否存在差异,目前均知之甚少。本研究以入侵植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的原产地阿根廷和引入地美国的基因型为研究对象设计同质园实验,以探究土壤氮水平对植物的生长、组成和诱导性[莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila)取食诱导]化学防御以及耐受性的影响。实验中,我们测定了植物总生物量、伸长速率(生长速率的表征)以及叶片和根系中总碳、总氮和三萜皂苷(化学防御物质)的含量。研究结果显示,植物在低土壤氮水平下表现出较高的组成抗性(植物在低土壤氮水平下的叶片三萜皂苷含量高于其在高土壤氮水平的33%)和耐受性[植物被取食后总生物量下降的程度更低(植物在高土壤氮水平和低土壤氮水平下被取食后总生物量分别下降了24%和15%)],而在高土壤氮水平下表现出较高的诱导抗性(在高土壤氮水平下的植物被取食后叶片三萜皂苷含量与空白对照的植物相比升高了24%)。植物的组成抗性和耐受性与生长速率存在权衡,但诱导抗性与生长速率存在显著的正相关性。此外,引入地基因型在低土壤氮水平下叶片碳含量显著低于原产地基因型(-6%),但这种差异在高土壤氮水平下消失。这些结果表明,土壤氮水平 影响植物对不同防御策略的选择偏好,并且在决定引入地基因型的表现时与植食作用存在交互作用。  相似文献   

1. A total of 450 fertilized eggs were used to study the concentrations of uric acid, urea and ammonia in allantoic and amniotic fluids, and some enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in the liver and kidney during the development of the chick embryo from the 5th to 21st day of incubation. 2. Concentrations of the compounds studied were higher in allantoic fluid. The molar concentration of allantoic uric acid increased steadily with time. The pattern of urea and ammonia in both allantoic and amniotic fluids were the same. 3. Arginase (E.C. activity in both embryonic kidney and definitive kidney was higher than that in the liver. The specific activity of arginase (mumole urea formed/hr per g wet wt kidney) dropped during development. 4. Little arginine synthetase activity (argininosuccinate synthetase, E.C.; and argininosuccinate lyase, E.C. was found in kidney, but none in the liver. 5. The complete urea cycle function was absent in both the liver and the kidney of the chick embryo.  相似文献   

1. Fourteen different protein-containing diets were fed to small alligators. Their rates of digestion and their nutritional values were determined by following changes in free amino acids in the plasma. 2. Fish, chicken and nutria were digested rapidly and all their component essential amino acids disappeared quickly and at the same rate. When given in the dry, fat-free form the amino acids were released and assimilated about 50% faster than when fat was included. 3. None of the isolated proteins tested (casein, gelatin, edestin, gliadin, corn gluten and soy) proved nutritionally adequate and all but gelatin digested slowly and incompletely. 4. One diet compounded of salts, vitamins and mixed commercial animal products was tested. It showed promise but it was lacking in methionine and isoleucine. 5. It was concluded that dry, powdered, preparations from whole animals could prove a satisfactory, stable diet for alligator husbandry. 6. Prolonged force-feeding of an animal diet increased the percent of nitrogen excreted as NH3 over that excreted in urates.  相似文献   

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