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光照时间和冷藏对桃小食心虫生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了光照时间和冷藏对桃小食心虫各虫态生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,随着光照时数的延长,各虫态历期基本呈缩短趋势,光照时间对幼虫滞育率影响最为明显,15 h滞育率最低,无论是光照延长还是缩短,幼虫滞育率都会明显增加.其它重要生命参数如单雌产卵量、幼虫体重、孵化率、脱出率和羽化率等最高点多集中在光照13~17 h,所以,桃小食心虫生长发育和繁殖的最佳光照时间为15 h左右.冷藏时间对蛹历期、成虫寿命和卵历期影响均不明显,但冷藏7 d后羽化率、单雌产卵量及孵化率均呈下降趋势,蛹和卵不易长时间低温存放.  相似文献   

长吻鮠的卵巢发育和周年变化及繁殖习性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文报道了长吻卵巢发育与周年变化特点和繁殖习性。依外形和组织学特征,性成熟前至性成熟鱼卵巢的发育可分为卵原细胞期、单层滤泡期、卵黄泡期,卵黄充满期、成熟期和退化期6个时期,Ⅰ期性腺只存在于1龄内个体,Ⅱ期性腺持续2年左右,性成熟前发育至Ⅲ期,经Ⅳ、Ⅴ期发育至成熟并首次参与繁殖,最小性成熟个体3龄。性成熟后个体卵巢的发育只有后5个时期。繁殖期4—6月,产后卵巢很快退回到Ⅱ期,Ⅲ期卵巢越冬。一次产卵类型。卵壳膜源于滤泡细胞。卵粒的退化吸收分5步完成。  相似文献   

蛇莓跳甲Alticafragariae(Nakane)是一种寡食性昆虫,在北京地区世代重叠现象明显,1年可发生2~3代,以成虫越冬,越冬时有明显的群集行为。蛇莓跳甲幼虫共3个龄期。在实验室条件下(光照∶黑暗=16∶8,25℃),蛇莓跳甲卵期为7~9d,平均7.57d;从幼虫孵出开始到羽化需要20~24d,其中雄虫平均需要21.31d,雌虫平均需要21.73d,羽化率为79%,羽化后5~7d可达到性成熟,开始交配、产卵。  相似文献   

【目的】本文旨在明确营养状况不同造成的梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)雌、雄蛹重量差异对其羽化的成虫产卵量、产卵期、寿命及下一代(F1)幼虫发育的影响。【方法】室内条件下,通过不同的饲养方法,获得个体重量不同的梨小食心虫雌、雄蛹,待其羽化交配后,记录其产卵量、产卵时间和成虫寿命;卵孵化前后,分别测量卵和初孵幼虫大小,计算卵孵化率,统计幼虫发育历期。【结果】雌蛹重量对梨小食心虫的成虫产卵量影响显著,其重量与产卵量呈正相关(y=15.505x-59.292);同一条件下,雌蛹与雄蛹重量也呈正相关(y=0.823x-0.538)。同时,雌蛹重量对成虫产卵期影响也较大,蛹重大的个体羽化的雌虫比蛹重小的个体羽化的雌虫产卵高峰期提前1 d;较重、中等和较轻蛹羽化出的雌虫个体每天产卵量高于10粒/雌的时间分别为9~10,7和5~6 d;产卵量高于5粒/雌的时间分别为12~13,9和6~7 d。而雄蛹重量对产卵量、雄成虫寿命影响没有明显影响。较轻的蛹羽化的雌成虫寿命比较重蛹羽化的雌成虫短2~3 d;而雄蛹重量对其羽化的雄成虫寿命影响没有明显规律。雌、雄蛹重量对其羽化成虫的卵孵化率、卵和初孵幼虫的大小影响均不显著,对F_1幼虫发育历期影响也不显著。【结论】梨小食心虫雌蛹重对羽化成虫的产卵量和产卵期等影响显著,田间防治时应注意在不同条件下完成发育的个体,尤其是雌虫,由于营养差异引起的个体大小对随后种群增长的影响。  相似文献   

沱江宽体华鳅繁殖特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对2010年4~11月采集于沱江资中段的573尾宽体华鳅(Sinibotia reevesae)进行了繁殖特性研究。结果表明:宽体华鳅性腺发育分为6期,5月卵巢发育到Ⅳ期,精巢发育到Ⅴ期。繁殖期在5~8月,盛期为6~7月,可通过胸鳍和生殖孔差异辨别性别。繁殖群体雌雄性比为1︰1.15,2~3龄性成熟,性成熟最小年龄两性均为2龄,为补充群体占优势的繁殖群体。雄性(Ⅴ期)最小性成熟个体体长71 mm,体重5.43 g,成熟系数4.76%,雌性(Ⅲ期)最小性成熟个体体长76 mm,体重7.80 g,成熟系数1.46%。成熟卵巢中卵子大小基本一致,卵径分布为单峰型,属于单次产卵类型;繁殖群体体长76~120 mm,体重7.80~41.60 g;卵小,沉性,野生条件下胚胎发育需要流速较快的流水环境。  相似文献   

小菜蛾蛹主要天敌颈双缘姬蜂的生物学   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
汪信庚  刘树生 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):389-395
颈双缘姬蜂Diadromus collaris是小菜蛾蛹的重要寄生蜂。该文报道了此蜂的羽化、产卵、交配、发育、繁殖、存活等生物学、生态学特性以及农药残留对其成蜂毒性等。在25℃下,雌蜂羽化后1~2d即可产卵,第3~7d达到产卵高峰,每雌一生平均产卵寄生43.8头寄主,平均产卵寄生期为11.5d。幼虫共有5个龄期,25℃下卵期和各龄幼虫期1~2d,蛹期5~6d,雌、雄蜂的发育历期无显著差异,在15℃、17.5℃、20℃、22.5℃、25℃、27.5℃、30℃和32.5℃时从卵发育至成虫的平均历期为30.6d、22.5d、17.8d、14.5d、12.1 d、11.1d、10.3d和10.2d。发育起点温度为7.4℃,有效积温为225.1日度。发育、存活和产卵寄生适温范围约17~30℃。15℃下成蜂可贮存20~30d。Bt、抑太保、害极灭等对成蜂无直接的残留毒性,辛硫磷、灭多威、杀虫双等则有较高的毒性,杀灭菊酯有微毒性。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江黑斑原鮡繁殖生物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2004-2006年采集于雅鲁藏布江拉萨河的190尾黑斑原鮡进行了繁殖生物学研究。雄性最小性成熟(精巢Ⅳ期)个体体长141.7mm,体重45.2g,性体指数1.09%,雌性最小性成熟(卵巢Ⅳ期)个体体长146.8mm,体重66.7g性体指数11.52%,相应年龄均为5龄。初次性成熟年龄(L50):♂,170.1mm相应年龄为7龄;♀,150.2mm,相应年龄5龄。通过组织切片法和GSI的周年变化分析,繁殖时间集中在5-6月,每年繁殖一次,繁殖之后的6-8月卵巢从Ⅵ期回复到Ⅲ期,9月卵巢发育到Ⅳ期越冬。卵径频率分布显示,卵巢发育类型为分批同步型,卵巢中至少存在2批卵径,每年成熟一批卵并同时产出,产卵类型为完全同步产卵。卵黏性,成熟卵卵径在2.04-3.37mm之间,平均(2.83±0.16)mm。对19尾产卵前夕(体长为151.0-210.0mm)的标本进行统计,其绝对繁殖力范围在525-2058粒之间,平均为(1244±346)粒,相对繁殖力为(14.7±5.8)粒/g。绝对繁殖力与体长呈直线正相关,表达式为F=13.624L-1187。    相似文献   

为明确紫茎泽兰粗提物对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响,在实验室条件下分别利用4个不同稀释浓度(20、15、10、5倍)的紫茎泽兰粗提物处理玉米叶片后喂养草地贪夜蛾初孵幼虫,记录各虫态的发育历期、存活率、重量、成虫寿命以及后代性比、F2代卵孵化率、F2代卵的发育历期。结果表明,随着紫茎泽兰粗提物浓度的升高,草地贪夜蛾各虫态的发育历期延长,5倍稀释液处理下蛹的发育历期最长,达20.27 d,10倍稀释液处理下幼虫的发育历期最长,为21.46 d;随着处理浓度的增加,各虫态的重量逐渐降低,且存活率呈下降趋势,其中粗提物对蛹存活率的影响最大,对1~3龄幼虫存活率的影响较小;随着处理浓度的升高成虫的寿命均缩短,且雌成虫寿命长于雄成虫;随着处理浓度的升高,草地贪夜蛾的产卵前期和F2代卵发育历期延长,产卵期缩短;单雌产卵量、后代性比和卵的孵化率降低。总的来说,紫茎泽兰粗提物对草地贪夜蛾的生长发育及繁殖均造成消极影响。5倍稀释液对草地贪夜蛾的生长发育及繁殖的影响最显著,可作为草地贪夜蛾防治研究中的重要植物源杀虫剂材料。  相似文献   

研究了低温(<8℃)对小菜蛾的发育、存活和繁殖的影响.结果表明,卵和蛹在4℃和6℃下死亡率随处理时间的延长而增加,在分别处理55d和70d后,卵和蛹全部死亡;经4℃和6℃处理的蛹,在16℃下羽化成虫的平均产卵量随处理时间的延长而减少,处理45d时,产卵量均为0.小菜蛾幼期各虫态在0℃以下,死亡率随低温强度加大和处理时间的延长而增高.就耐寒力而言,3龄幼虫和蛹最强,其次是2龄和4龄幼虫,卵和1龄幼虫的耐寒力最弱.不同低温和时间处理小菜蛾幼期虫态对其后继虫态的发育历期有较大影响,总体说来,经过处理的小菜蛾幼期虫态,其后继虫态的发育历期普遍延长,一般处理某一虫态对其相邻虫态发育历期的影响最大.小菜蛾蛹经低温处理后其羽化成虫的产卵量随着蛹期所经历低温强度的增强和时间延长而减少.  相似文献   

董兆克  戈峰 《生态学杂志》2013,32(5):1265-1268
棉铃虫是华北地区重要的农业害虫,磁场可能对该害虫的生长发育存在显著影响.本试验设置不同磁场强度(零磁场、高磁场和自然磁场),观察棉铃虫幼虫生长发育以及成虫繁殖情况.结果表明:零磁场能明显延长幼虫历期,平均延迟0.4~1.7 d;高磁场对幼虫历期没有明显影响;幼虫存活率、蛹重、羽化率、成虫产卵量及卵孵化率等指标受磁场影响并不显著;表明零磁场延缓幼虫发育,但对其繁殖没有明显影响;由于试验中高磁场强度仅有4 Gs,是否更高磁场有影响还需进一步验证.  相似文献   

We describe 15 new variable microsatellites in the freshwater snail Aplexa (Physa) marmorata, as well as conditions for multiplexing and simultaneous genotyping sets of loci. Two to 11 alleles were detected per locus over the five populations studied, and up to eight alleles per locus and population. The observed heterozygosity was extremely low, most probably as the consequence of high selfing rates. The genetic differentiation among populations was large. These markers will constitute efficient tools for investigating the population structure in fragmented habitats. Cross-species amplification in three Physa species (P. acuta, P. fontinalis and P. gyrina) was rather unsuccessful.  相似文献   

北京发现尖膀胱螺   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尖膀胱螺(Physa acuta)为世界性广布淡水螺类,系多种重要寄生虫如广州管圆线虫(Angiostrongylis cantonensis)和卷棘口吸虫(Echinostoma revolutum)的中间宿主.在20世纪70年代淡水贝类调查中,北京地区未曾发现该螺的分布.2007年笔者在北京地区开展主要寄生虫流行病学调查,在朝阳公园、玉渊潭、圆明园及奥运村附近河流中相继发现该螺,此螺入侵北京地区并大量孳生应引起相关部门高度重视.  相似文献   

We present data for seven new markers isolated from a microsatellite‐enriched DNA library from the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Six of them appear to be conserved in Physa cubensis. These loci might be useful for analysing population structure and reconstructing the story of invasion of freshwaters on a worldwide scale by P. acuta.  相似文献   

Malacophagous larvae of the fly Sepedon scapularis Adams were shown experimentally to be effective predators of three species of aquatic pulmonate snails tested as prey: Bulinus africanus (Krauss) an important intermediate host of Schistosoma haematobium (Bilharz), Bulinus tropicus (Krauss) and the invasive species Physa acuta Draparnaud. Survival of S. scapularis larvae from instar to instar was negatively affected by the size of prey snails, since larvae tended to be asphyxiated by the mucous secretions of the snails, or by the larval hydrofuge hairs becoming entangled in snail faeces. In experiments to test the choice of S.scapularis larvae for different species and sizes of snails, B.africanus was significantly disfavoured compared with the other two snail species. Small snails (< 3 mm) were more frequently killed by all three larval instars of S.scapularis. First instars killed few, if any, large snails (> 7 mm), whereas second and third instars preyed effectively on all sizes of snails. Third instars killed significantly more snails than younger instars. For larvae offered only one species of snail as prey, the mean total number of snails killed per larva during its entire development was 49 B.africanus, 45 B.tropicus or 34 P.acuta. It is concluded that S.scapularis is potentially useful as a biological control agent for use against indigenous Bulinus and exotic Physa snails.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression was simultaneously studied under contrasted environments, laboratory and natural conditions, using individuals originating from 14 families of the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Both survival and growth of juveniles showed inbreeding depression under laboratory conditions. The same fitness components were monitored with mature snails either kept under laboratory conditions or released at a natural site and analysed using capture-mark-recapture models. Genetic composition of both samples was similar. Inbreeding depression on survival was highest in the laboratory while strong outbreeding depression was revealed in the field. Thus inbreeding depression may not be always higher under natural conditions, at the opposite of what is commonly assumed. We suggest that inbreeding depression is dependent on metabolic requirements imposed by the environment. Other evidences showing that inbreeding depression is environment-dependent are reviewed. We conclude that genetic models should include both genetic and environmental variance in inbreeding depression for studying mating system evolution.  相似文献   

Although reproductive assurance (RA) might play a central role in the evolution of the selfing rate, this hypothesis has never been seriously investigated in an hermaphroditic animal. We studied the mating system of the freshwater snail Physa acuta in which the availability of mating partners might be highly variable, because this species is an efficient colonizer occupying unstable habitats. A total of 11 populations differing in ecological disturbance regime (water level, openness) and snail densities were monitored over 2 years. The outcrossing rate was estimated in ca 10 families per population using microsatellite markers and the progeny-array approach. Components of fecundity and survival were recorded for each progeny. Predominant outcrossing (t(m)=0.94) was detected, with a few individuals (4%) purely selfing. The outcrossing rate did not explain among-family variation in fitness components. None of the predictions formulated under the RA hypothesis were verified: (i) selfing was related neither to disturbed habitats, nor to temporal density fluctuations, (ii) it was positively related to population density, (iii) it co-occurred with multiple paternity, and (iv) it did not induce delayed reproduction. Explanations for these negative results are discussed in light of other arguments supporting the RA hypothesis in P. acuta, as well as alternative theories explaining the occurrence of partial selfing, as either a genetically fixed or plastic trait.  相似文献   

Abstract. It has long been speculated that Physa acuta , a pulmonate snail widespread and invasive in fresh waters of the old world, may have originated in North America. But the identification of a new-world cognate has been complicated by the confused systematics and taxonomy of the Physidae in America. More than 40 species of physids are currently recognized in the United States, many with variable and overlapping morphology. We have previously established that premating reproductive isolation is negligible among physid snails. Here we report the results from no-choice crosses each involving 2 populations of the widespread American species Physa heterostropha and Physa integra , both with each other and with P. acuta , designed to compare measures of reproductive success between species and between populations within species. Samples of P. acuta were collected from France and Ireland, P. heterostropha from eastern Pennsylvania and South Carolina, and P. integra from southern Indiana and northern Michigan. The 6 intrapopulation controls varied quite significantly in their survival, age at first reproduction, parental fecundity, F1 viability, and F1 fertility under our culture conditions. Measures of survival and reproduction in the 6 interpopulation crosses were generally intermediate, but in no case significantly worse than the more poorly performing control. Thus we were unable to detect evidence of reproductive isolation among our 6 populations of snails from 2 continents. All should be referred to the oldest available nomen, P. acuta .  相似文献   

The morphology of the different life-history stages and life-cycle of Euparyphium albuferensis are described and drawn. The freshwater snail Gyraulus chinensis (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) serves as the natural and experimental first intermediate host. This and other freshwater snails, such as Lymnaea truncatula, L. peregra, L. palustris and Physa acuta, serve as second intermediate hosts. Adult worms, possessing 45 collar spines, were obtained naturally from Rattus norvegicus and R. rattus, and experimentally from albino rats, mice and golden hamsters. Chickens, ducks and pigeons were not suitable experimental definitive hosts. E. albuferensis differs from the most closely related species, E. murinum Tubangui, 1931, in its larger body, suckers and oesophageal measurements, in the distribution of vitelline follicles and in the morphology of the collar spines.  相似文献   

Encountering mates and avoiding predators are ubiquitous challenges faced by many organisms and they can affect the expression of many traits including growth, timing of maturity and resource allocation to reproduction. However, these two factors are commonly considered in isolation rather than simultaneously. We examined whether predation risk and mate availability interact to affect morphology and life-history traits (including lifetime fecundity) of a hermaphroditic snail (Physa acuta). We found that mate availability reduced juvenile growth rate and final size. Predator cues from crayfish induced delayed reproduction, but there were no reduced fecundity costs associated with predator induction. Although there were interactive effects on longevity, lifetime fecundity was determined by the number of reproductive days. Therefore, our results indicate a resource-allocation trade-off among growth, longevity and reproduction. Future consideration of this interaction will be important for understanding how resource-allocation plasticity affects the integration of defensive, life-history and mating-system traits.  相似文献   

In this paper, the forth of a series dealing with the survey of freshwater gastropods of the state of Rio de Janeiro, the results of collections carried out in the Sul Fluminense Mesoregion from 2000 to 2002 are presented and revealed the occurrence of 18 species: Antillorbis nordestensis; Biomphalaria glabrata; Biomphalaria peregrina; Biomphalaria straminea; Biomphalaria tenagophila; Drepanotrema anatinum; Drepanotrema cimex; Drepanotrema lucidum; Ferrissia sp.; Gundlachia ticaga; Gundlachia sp.; Heleobia sp.; Lymnaea columella; Melanoides tuberculatus; Physa acuta; Physa marmorata; Pomacea sordida and Pomacea sp. As to the snail hosts of Schistosoma mansoni the most frequent species was B. tenagophila, found in all municipalities surveyed, except Parati. Besides new records the present study extends the distribution of B. peregrina and B. straminea in the state. No specimens were found harbouring larval forms of S. mansoni although different kinds of cercariae had been observed. An account about the current schistosomiasis transmission sites in this Mesoregion is presented as well.  相似文献   

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