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Cytochrome c(6) and cytochrome c-549 are small (89 and 130 amino acids, respectively) monoheme cytochromes that function in photosynthesis. They appear to have descended relatively recently from the same ancestral gene but have diverged to carry out very different functional roles, underscored by the large difference between their midpoint potentials of nearly 600 mV. We have determined the X-ray crystal structures of both proteins isolated from the cyanobacterium Arthrospira maxima. The two structures are remarkably similar, superimposing on backbone atoms with an rmsd of 0.7 A. Comparison of the two structures suggests that differences in solvent exposure of the heme and the electrostatic environment of the heme propionates, as well as in heme iron ligation, are the main determinants of midpoint potential in the two proteins. In addition, the crystal packing of both A. maxima cytochrome c-549 and cytochrome c(6) suggests that the proteins oligomerize. Finally, the cytochrome c-549 dimer we observe can be readily fit into the recently described model of cyanobacterial photosystem II.  相似文献   

In cyanobacteria, the thermal dissipation of excess absorbed energy at the level of the phycobilisome (PBS)-antenna is triggered by absorption of strong blue-green light by the photoactive orange carotenoid protein (OCP). This process known as non-photochemical quenching, whose molecular mechanism remains in many respects unclear, is revealed in vivo as a decrease in phycobilisome fluorescence. In vitro reconstituted system on the interaction of the OCP and the PBS isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 presents evidence that the OCP is not only a photosensor, but also an effecter that makes direct contacts with the PBS and causes dissipation of absorbed energy. To localize the site(s) of quenching, we have analyzed the role of chromophorylated polypeptides of the PBS using PBS-deficient mutants in conjunction with in vitro systems of assembled PBS and of isolated components of the PBS core. The results demonstrated that L(CM), the core-membrane linker protein and terminal emitter of the PBS, could act as the docking site for OCP in vitro. The ApcD and ApcF terminal emitters of the PBS core are not directly subjected to quenching. The data suggests that there could be close contact between the phycocyanobilin chromophore of L(CM) and the 3'-hydroxyechinenone chromophore present in OCP and that L(CM) could be involved in OCP-induced quenching. According to the reduced average life-time of the PBS-fluorescence and linear dependence of fluorescence intensity of the PBS on OCP concentration, the quenching has mostly dynamic character. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   

While the presence of inorganic carbon in the form of (bi)carbonate has been known to be important for activity of Photosystem II (PSII), the vast majority of studies on this "bicarbonate effect" have been limited to in vitro studies of isolated thylakoid membranes and PSII complexes. Here we report an in vivo requirement for bicarbonate that is both reversible and selective for this anion for efficient water oxidation activity in the hypercarbonate-requiring cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima, originally isolated from highly alkaline soda lakes. Using a non-invasive internal probe of PSII charge separation (variable fluorescence), primary electron acceptor (Q(A)(-)/Q(A)) reoxidation rate, and flash-induced oxygen yield, we report the largest reversible bicarbonate effect on PSII activity ever observed, which is due to the requirement for bicarbonate at the water-oxidizing complex. Temporal separation of this donor side bicarbonate requirement from a smaller effect of bicarbonate on the Q(A)(-) reoxidation rate was observed. We expect the atypical way in which Arthrospira manages intracellular pH, sodium, and inorganic carbon concentrations relative to other cyanobacteria is responsible for this strong in vivo bicarbonate requirement.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(24):4561-4565
The effects of the Hofmeister series of ions on the activation of the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) from the inactive orange form to the active red form were tested. Kosmotropes led to lower OCP activation, whereas chaotropes led to greater OCP activation. Concentrations of thiocyanate exceeding 1.5 M dark activate the orange carotenoid protein to its red form. This chemically activated OCP was studied by UV–vis and circular dichroism spectroscopies. The chemically-activated OCP quenches the fluorescence of phycobilisomes in vitro, to a level comparable to that of the light-activated OCP.  相似文献   


The photoswitchable orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is indispensable for cyanobacterial photoprotection by quenching phycobilisome fluorescence upon photoconversion from the orange OCPO to the red OCPR form. Cyanobacterial genomes frequently harbor, besides genes for orange carotenoid proteins (OCPs), several genes encoding homologs of OCP’s N- or C-terminal domains (NTD, CTD). Unlike the well-studied NTD homologs, called Red Carotenoid Proteins (RCPs), the role of CTD homologs remains elusive. We show how OCP can be reassembled from its functional domains. Expression of Synechocystis OCP-CTD in carotenoid-producing Escherichia coli yielded violet-colored proteins, which, upon mixing with the RCP-apoprotein, produced an orange-like photoswitchable form that further photoconverted into a species that quenches phycobilisome fluorescence and is spectroscopically indistinguishable from RCP, thus demonstrating a unique carotenoid shuttle mechanism. Spontaneous carotenoid transfer also occurs between canthaxanthin-coordinating OCP-CTD and the OCP apoprotein resulting in formation of photoactive OCP. The OCP-CTD itself is a novel, dimeric carotenoid-binding protein, which can coordinate canthaxanthin and zeaxanthin, effectively quenches singlet oxygen and interacts with the Fluorescence Recovery Protein. These findings assign physiological roles to the multitude of CTD homologs in cyanobacteria and explain the evolutionary process of OCP formation.


The cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 grown under iron starvation assembles a supercomplex consisting of a trimeric Photosystem I (PSI) complex encircled by a ring of 18 CP43' or IsiA light-harvesting complexes [Nature 412 (2001) 745]. Here we present a spectroscopic characterization by temperature-dependent absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, site-selective fluorescence spectroscopy at 5 K, and circular dichroism of isolated PSI-IsiA, PSI and IsiA complexes from this cyanobacterium grown under iron starvation. The results suggest that the IsiA ring increases the absorption cross-section of PSI by about 100%. Each IsiA subunit binds about 16-17 chlorophyll a (Chl a) molecules and serves as an efficient antenna for PSI. Each of the monomers of the trimeric PSI complex contains two red chlorophylls, which presumably give rise to one exciton-coupled dimer and at 5 K absorb and fluoresce at 703 and 713 nm, respectively. The spectral properties of these C-703 chlorophylls are not affected by the presence of the IsiA antenna ring. The spectroscopic properties of the purified IsiA complexes are similar to those of the related CP43 complex from plants, except that the characteristic narrow absorption band of CP43 at 682.5 nm is missing in IsiA.  相似文献   

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The orange coloration of the marine sponge A. verrucosa is provided by some carotenoids widespread in the ectosome and mesohyl of this sponge. These carotenoids are bound to a glyco(lipo)protein forming a non covalent complex. Six carotenoids are bound to the glyco(lipo)protein, but only alpha-carotene was identified by HPLC. The aminoacid composition is quite different from those previously reported in Porifera. The content of Ser and Gly and the total polar residues are high. The presence of Met and Pro was not evidenced. Some unusual aminoacids were detected, of which only Taurine was probably identified.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase [NAD(P)H:GSSG oxidoreductase EC] from cyanobacterium Spirulina maxima was purified 1300-fold to homogeneity by a simple three-step procedure involving ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, and affinity chromatography on 2',5'-ADP-Sepharose 4B. Optimum pH was 7.0 and enzymatic activity was notably increased when the phosphate ion concentration was increased. The enzyme gave an absorption spectrum that was typical for a flavoprotein in that it had three peaks with maximal absorbance at 271, 370, and 460 nm and a E1%271 of 23.3 Km values were 120 +/- 12 microM and 3.5 +/- 0.9 microM for GSSG and NADPH, respectively. Mixed disulfide of CoA and GSH was also reduced by the enzyme under assay conditions, but the enzyme had a very low affinity (Km 3.3 mM) for this substrate. The enzyme was specific for NADPH. The isoelectric point of the native enzyme at 4 degrees C was 4.35 and the amino acid composition was very similar to that previously reported from other sources. The molecular weight of a subunit under denaturing conditions was 47,000 +/- 1200. Analyses of pure enzyme by a variety of techniques for molecular weight determination revealed that, at pH 7.0, the enzyme existed predominantly as a tetrameric species in equilibrium with a minor dimer fraction. Dissociation into dimers was achieved at alkaline pH (9.5) or in 6 M urea. However, the equilibrium at neutral pH was not altered by NADPH or by disulfide reducing reagents. The Mr and S20,w of the oligomeric enzyme were estimated to be 177,000 +/- 14,000 and 8.49 +/- 0.5; for the dimer, 99,800 +/- 7000 and 5.96 +/- 0.4, respectively. Low concentrations of urea increased the enzymatic activity, but this increase was not due to changes in the proportions of both forms.  相似文献   

Sodium gradients in cyanobacteria play an important role in energy storage under photoautotrophic conditions but have not been well studied during autofermentative metabolism under the dark, anoxic conditions widely used to produce precursors to fuels. Here we demonstrate significant stress-induced acceleration of autofermentation of photosynthetically generated carbohydrates (glycogen and sugars) to form excreted organic acids, alcohols, and hydrogen gas by the halophilic, alkalophilic cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima CS-328. When suspended in potassium versus sodium phosphate buffers at the start of autofermentation to remove the sodium ion gradient, photoautotrophically grown cells catabolized more intracellular carbohydrates while producing 67% higher yields of hydrogen, acetate, and ethanol (and significant amounts of lactate) as fermentative products. A comparable acceleration of fermentative carbohydrate catabolism occurred upon dissipating the sodium gradient via addition of the sodium-channel blocker quinidine or the sodium-ionophore monensin but not upon dissipating the proton gradient with the proton-ionophore dinitrophenol (DNP). The data demonstrate that intracellular energy is stored via a sodium gradient during autofermentative metabolism and that, when this gradient is blocked, the blockage is compensated by increased energy conversion via carbohydrate catabolism.  相似文献   

A quenching mechanism mediated by the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is one of the ways cyanobacteria protect themselves against photooxidative stress. Here, we present a femtosecond spectroscopic study comparing OCP and RCP (red carotenoid protein) samples binding different carotenoids. We confirmed significant changes in carotenoid configuration upon OCP activation reported by Leverenz et al. (Science 348:1463–1466. doi:  10.1126/science.aaa7234, 2015) by comparing the transient spectra of OCP and RCP. The most important marker of these changes was the magnitude of the transient signal associated with the carotenoid intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) state. While OCP with canthaxanthin exhibited a weak ICT signal, it increased significantly for canthaxanthin bound to RCP. On the contrary, a strong ICT signal was recorded in OCP binding echinenone excited at the red edge of the absorption spectrum. Because the carbonyl oxygen responsible for the appearance of the ICT signal is located at the end rings of both carotenoids, the magnitude of the ICT signal can be used to estimate the torsion angles of the end rings. Application of two different excitation wavelengths to study OCP demonstrated that the OCP sample contains two spectroscopically distinct populations, none of which is corresponding to the photoactivated product of OCP.  相似文献   

Photoprotective mechanisms have evolved in photosynthetic organisms to cope with fluctuating light conditions. Under high irradiance, the production of dangerous oxygen species is stimulated and causes photo-oxidative stress. One of these photoprotective mechanisms, non photochemical quenching (qE), decreases the excess absorbed energy arriving at the reaction centers by increasing thermal dissipation at the level of the antenna. In this review we describe results leading to the discovery of this process in cyanobacteria (qE(cya)), which is mechanistically distinct from its counterpart in plants, and recent progress in the elucidation of this mechanism. The cyanobacterial photoactive soluble orange carotenoid protein is essential for the triggering of this photoprotective mechanism. Light induces structural changes in the carotenoid and the protein leading to the formation of a red active form. The activated red form interacts with the phycobilisome, the cyanobacterial light-harvesting antenna, and induces a decrease of the phycobilisome fluorescence emission and of the energy arriving to the reaction centers. The orange carotenoid protein is the first photoactive protein to be identified that contains a carotenoid as the chromophore. Moreover, its photocycle is completely different from those of other photoactive proteins. A second protein, called the Fluorescence Recovery Protein encoded by the slr1964 gene in Synechocystis PCC 6803, plays a key role in dislodging the red orange carotenoid protein from the phycobilisome and in the conversion of the free red orange carotenoid protein to the orange, inactive, form. This protein is essential to recover the full antenna capacity under low light conditions after exposure to high irradiance. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase [NAD(P)H:GSSG oxidoreductase; EC] from cyanobacterium Spirulina maxima exists as an equilibrium system between a dimer (S20,W = 5.96) and a tetramer (S20,W = 8.49) which has a very slow interconversion rate at neutral pH. Our results showed that the apparent dissociation constant (kd) was 4.61 X 10(-7) M. The proportion of both forms at pH 7.0 did not alter at either 4 or 25 degrees C. However, electrophoretic analysis at various pH values showed that at 25 degrees C a gradual transition takes place between oligomers with an apparent pKa of 7.55. When dimers aggregate to form tetramers, the reaction involves the uptake of eight protons (K = 1.58 X 10(-64) M9). At pH 7.7, the equilibrium shifts completely from dimers-tetramers to dimers when temperature is increased, which would suggest that the dissociation is an endothermic process. Thermodynamic parameters obtained from the temperature study show that the dissociation of glutathione reductase is characterized by positive entropy and enthalpy changes. Neither NADPH nor GSSG have any effect on the dimer-tetramer equilibrium. Measurements of reductase activity indicate that the tetramer is almost certainly active, whereas the dimer is either less active or inactive.  相似文献   

Efficient cryopreservation conditions for the edible alkalophilic cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis were investigated using a model strain A. platensis NIES-39. As a result, it was found that more than 60% of cells were viable upon thawing, when they had been frozen at a cooling rate of approximately ?1 °C min?1 in the presence of 10% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide. Further examination with other Arthrospira strains showed that many of them had strain-dependent optimal conditions for cryopreservation. For example, the best freezing conditions for A. platensis SAG 21.99 were snap-freezing in liquid nitrogen in the presence of 5% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide, while they were slow cooling at approximately ?1 °C min?1 in the presence of 10% (v/v) methanol for A. platensis NIES-46, NIES-2308 and UTEX 1926. The variety of successful cryopreservation conditions presented in this study is useful when attempting to cryopreserve various Arthrospira strains.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(15):2849-2872
The orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is a photoactive protein involved in cyanobacterial photoprotection by quenching of the excess of light-harvested energy. The photoactivation mechanism remains elusive, in part due to absence of data pertaining to the timescales over which protein structural changes take place. It also remains unclear whether or not oligomerization of the dark-adapted and light-adapted OCP could play a role in the regulation of its energy-quenching activity. Here, we probed photoinduced structural changes in OCP by a combination of static and time-resolved X-ray scattering and steady-state and transient optical spectroscopy in the visible range. Our results suggest that oligomerization partakes in regulation of the OCP photocycle, with different oligomers slowing down the overall thermal recovery of the dark-adapted state of OCP. They furthermore reveal that upon non-photoproductive excitation a numbed state forms, which remains in a non-photoexcitable structural state for at least ≈0.5 μs after absorption of a first photon.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the irreversible unfolding of glutathione reductase (NAD[P]H:GSSG oxidoreductase, EC from cyanobacterium Spirulina maxima was studied at pH 7.0 and room temperature. Denaturation was induced by guanidinium chloride and the changes in enzyme activity, aggregation state, and tertiary structure were monitored. No full reactivation of enzyme was obtained, even after very short incubation times in the presence of denaturant. Reactivation plots were complex, showing biphasic kinetics. A very fast early event in the denaturation pathway was the dissociation of tetrameric protein into reactivatable native-like dimers, followed by its conversion into a nonreactivatable intermediary, also dimeric. In the final step of the unfolding pathway the latter was dissociated into denatured monomers. Fluorescence measurements revealed that denaturation of S. maxima glutathione reductase is a slow process. Release of the prostethic group FAD was previous to the unfolding of the enzyme. No aggregated species were detected in the unfolding pathway, dismissing the aggregation of denatured polypeptide chains as the origin of irreversibility. Instead, the transition between the two dimeric intermediates is proposed as the cause of irreversibility in the denaturation of S. maxima glutathione reductase. A value of 106.6 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1) was obtained for the activation free energy of unfolding in the absence of denaturant. No evidence for the native monomer in the unfolding pathway was obtained which suggests that the dimeric nature of glutathione reductase is essential for the maintenance of the native subunit conformation.  相似文献   

Three distinct heterotrophic eubacterial strains were isolated from mixotrophic cultures of the filamentous cyanobacterium, Spirulina maxima (Gom) Geitl. Spirulina spp. are considered to be prime candidates for the phototrophic production of biomass protein, particularly in developing countries. These cyanobacteria are extreme alkaliphiles and halophiles, making their production in arid regions promising. Most previous studies on the eubacteria which live in Spirulina culture systems have focused on determining the possible presence of pathogenic species in biomass protein. Little has been done to understand the symbiotic relationships between the cyanobacterium and its eubacterial cosymbionts. From the perspective of a heterotrophic eubacterium, autotrophic cultural systems of Spirulina have limited carbon and energy resources, being limited to cyanobacterial exudates. In this study, three eubacterial strains were isolated and studied. One strain, a Gram-negative, non-sporing, motile rod, grew exceptionally well in a mineral salts medium where only a small amount of a single low molecular weight organic compound (e.g., acetate) was supplied as sole energy source. This strain was also extremely euryresponsive with respect to salinity and alkalinity as well. Two less well-adapted eubacterial strains are also described.  相似文献   

Excess light is harmful for photosynthetic organisms. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 protects itself by dissipating the excess of energy absorbed by the phycobilisome, the water-soluble antenna of Photosystem II, into heat decreasing the excess energy arriving to the reaction centers. Energy dissipation results in a detectable decrease of fluorescence. The soluble Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is essential for this blue-green light induced mechanism. OCP genes appear to be highly conserved among phycobilisome-containing cyanobacteria with few exceptions. Here, we show that only the strains containing a whole OCP gene can perform a blue-light induced photoprotective mechanism under both iron-replete and iron-starvation conditions. In contrast, strains containing only N-terminal and/or C-terminal OCP-like genes, or no OCP-like genes at all lack this light induced photoprotective mechanism and they were more sensitive to high-light illumination. These strains must adopt a different strategy to longer survive under stress conditions. Under iron starvation, the relative decrease of phycobiliproteins was larger in these strains than in the OCP-containing strains, avoiding the appearance of a population of dangerous, functionally disconnected phycobilisomes. The OCP-containing strains protect themselves from high light, notably under conditions inducing the appearance of disconnected phycobilisomes, using the energy dissipation OCP-phycobilisome mechanism.  相似文献   

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