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[目的]基因克隆及原核表达纯化后比较拟南芥的2个肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶及2个棉子糖合成酶的体外催化活性,为微生物法或酶法合成棉子糖尊定基础。[方法]RT-PCR克隆拟南芥的肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(GolS1及GolS3)与棉子糖合成酶(RafS1及RafS5)的基因,分别构建原核表达菌株,诱导表达纯化获得酶,电泳检测及蛋白定量后进行体外酶催化反应,HPLC分析产物。[结果]克隆到GolS1与GolS3及RafS1与RafS5的基因,原核表纯化获得纯酶,以反应体系中目标产物生成速率衡量,GolS1与GolS3催化速率分别为0.51和0.28mmol/(mg·min),RafS1与RafS5的催化速率分别为0.45和0.21mmol/(mg·min)。[结论]拟南芥的肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(GolS1及GolS3)与棉子糖合成酶(RafS1及RafS5)基因经异源表达后具有良好酶活,其中GolS1酶活是GolS3的1.82倍,RafS1酶活是RafS5的2.14倍。  相似文献   

卢丽丽  肖敏 《生命的化学》2006,26(5):459-461
糖苷合成酶是糖苷酶的亲核体氨基酸突变酶,催化寡糖的高效合成,可应用于寡糖的大规模生产。最近,糖苷合成酶被成功地应用于两类重要的生物分子——糖蛋白和鞘糖脂的高效合成,这必将对糖生物学和制药业的发展起到重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

为了改善鹰嘴豆芽素A代谢稳定性,提高其生物利用度,本文以乙酰溴代糖和鹰嘴豆芽素A为原料,采用相转移催化法在鹰嘴豆芽素A 7位羟基处引入糖苷,合成12个鹰嘴豆芽素A糖苷类衍生物,方法简单,条件温和,产率较高。产物结构通过1H NMR、13C NMR、IR和ESI-MS分析确认,为进一步对其进行生物活性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在这个研究中测量不同发育时期的油菜种子中可溶性糖含量与肌醇半乳糖苷合成酶(galactinol synthase,GOLS)活性,将二者的变化趋势与种子脱水耐性获得的过程相比较并对结果进行相关性分析。结果显示油菜种子脱水耐性获得过程中,葡萄糖和果糖含量均随着发育期的延长而下降,蔗糖则保持较高水平;肌醇含量下降而肌醇半乳糖苷含量上升;棉子糖系列寡糖(raffinose familyolig osaccharides,RFO)含量随着种子发育而上升,特别是水苏糖,在成熟种子中可以达到相当高的浓度。油菜种子发育中期,细胞内GOLS活性开始上升,至贮藏物积累完成时达到最大。GOLS活性变化与种子肌醇半乳糖苷积累速度、RFO含量及种子的脱水耐性呈一定的正相关关系。我们认为GOLS促使RFO积累,从而对种子脱水耐性的获得产生重要影响。  相似文献   

L-抗坏血酸2-葡糖苷(L-ascorbic acid 2-glucoside,AA-2G)是L-抗坏血酸(L-ascorbic acid,L-AA)的衍生物,相比L-AA,其稳定性极好,并且容易被人体利用。α-葡糖苷酶(alpha glucosidase,AG)是最早发现可以产生AA-2G的酶,但合成效率很低。本研究的目的是通过系统评价来源于黑曲霉、粳稻以及大鼠的AG合成AA-2G的活性,为进一步分子改良提高AG合成AA-2G功能筛选候选AG出发酶。人工合成黑曲霉、粳稻以及大鼠来源的AG基因,构建重组工程菌,表达和纯化3种重组酶(AAG,JrAG,RAG),并对它们产生AA-2G的条件进行优化,在最适反应条件下,比较这3种酶的活力、合成AA-2G的产量和转糖率等。研究结果显示,JrAG的比活力为1.9 U/mg、生成AA-2G的量为2577.2 mg/L、转糖苷率为7.6%;AAG的比活力为1.0 U/mg、生成AA-2G的量为153.10 mg/L、转糖苷率为0.5%;RAG的比活力为0.4 U/mg、生成AA-2G的量为861.0 mg/L、转糖苷率为2.5%;在这3种来源的AG重组酶中,JrAG的比活力和转糖率最高。JrAG具有较高转麦芽糖合成AA-2G的活性,是进一步分子改良提高合成AA-2G产量的良好出发酶,本研究结果也可为开展AG在AA-2G合成的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用重组大肠杆菌进行寡糖合成的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着更多寡糖生物学活性的阐明,寡糖合成研究已成为糖生物学研究的热点之一,其中,以重组大肠杆菌作为酶盒或生物反应器,利用Leloir途径合成寡糖的方法,是近年来发展起来的一类重要的寡糖生物合成技术,并取得了较多的进展。将从细菌糖基转移酶的表达和鉴定、糖核苷酸的供给和寡糖的合成途径等几个方面,关注利用细菌功能尤其是利用重组大肠杆菌合成寡糖的研究进展,并分析各技术手段的优缺点及其应用前景。  相似文献   

陈晓迪  王凤山  肖敏 《微生物学报》2017,57(8):1189-1205
β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷酶(EC.是一类重要的糖苷水解酶,在自然界中催化简单的β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷或复杂的寡糖链、多糖链中末端N-乙酰己糖苷键的水解,在微生物、植物和动物中广泛分布,具有重要的生物学功能。某些种类的β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷酶在一定的人为条件下水解β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷键的同时还具有转糖基作用,能将β-N-乙酰氨基己糖基转移到不同的羟基化合物上,合成β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷化合物,在糖链合成上具有应用的潜力。本文综述了β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷酶的结构和催化机制、酶的生物学功能以及酶在β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷化合物合成中的应用,以促进β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷酶的进一步研究和开发应用。  相似文献   

γ-PGA是一种可降解的、水溶性的,对人体无毒的生物高分子。目前发现多种微生物能合成γ-PGA,包括芽孢杆菌、古生菌和一种真核生物。γ-PGA合成基因可分为capB、capC、capA、capE和pgsB、pgsC、pgsA和pgsE,其表达产物组成的γ-PGA合成酶复合体与细胞膜结合,并消耗ATP及底物谷氨酸进而合成γ-PGA,其中CapB-CapC(或者PgsB-PgsC)主要负责γ-PGA的聚合作用,而CapA-CapE(或者PgsA-PgsE)则作用于γ-PGA的转运。ComP-ComA、DegS-DegU、DegQ、SwrA和pgsB上游的非编码区则对pgsB、C、A和E的表达起重要影响。  相似文献   

实验设计旨在提高水飞蓟宾的水溶性、生物活性,以水飞蓟宾和乳糖苷为原料合成水飞蓟宾乙酰乳糖苷和水飞蓟宾乳糖苷.采用IR、1H NMR、13C NMR及HPLC-MS等手段对产物进行结构表征,并测定了水飞蓟宾乳糖修饰物的还原能力,清除DPPH自由基,清除ABTS+自由基能力及抑制脂质过氧化能力.结果表明水飞蓟宾乳糖苷的抗氧化活性显著优于水飞蓟宾.  相似文献   

新琼寡糖对小鼠B16细胞黑色素合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过测定新琼寡糖对小鼠B16细胞黑色素合成的影响,研究新琼寡糖是否具有美白性能。方法:以小鼠B16黑素细胞作为受试细胞。选择曲酸和熊果苷为阳性对照物,测定不同聚合度的A、B系列新琼寡糖对细胞增殖、细胞内酪氨酸酶活性以及细胞内黑色素合成的影响,对不同聚合度的A、B系列新琼寡糖美白性能进行了初步评价。结果:A、B系列新琼寡糖对B16黑素细胞具有低毒性,半数抑制浓度IC50约为3000μg/L。低聚合度的A系列新琼寡糖对细胞内酪氨酸酶的抑制作用较为平稳,抑制率大约为20%,低于曲酸但与熊果苷接近;高聚合度的B系列新琼寡糖对酪氨酸酶抑制作用不明显。在低浓度下B系列新琼寡糖对黑色素合成的抑制作用高于A系列新琼寡糖,与熊果苷接近。结论:提示了A、B系列新琼寡糖可直接作用于黑素细胞,具有抑制黑色素生成的功效,具有较好的应用和开发前景。  相似文献   

The identification of new drugs for novel therapeutic targets requires the screening of libraries containing tens of thousands of compounds. While experimental screenings are assisted by high-throughput technologies, in target-based biophysical assays, such as differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF), the analysis steps must be calculated manually, often combining several software packages. To simplify the determination of the melting temperature (Tm) of the target and the change induced by ligand binding (ΔTm), we developed the HTSDSF explorer, a versatile, all-in-one, user-friendly application suite. Implemented as a server-client application, in the primary screenings, HTSDSF explorer pre-analyzes and displays the Tm and ΔTm results interactively, thereby allowing the user to study hundreds of conditions and select the primary hits in minutes. This application also allows the determination of preliminary binding constants (KD) through a series of subsequent dose–response assays on the primary hits, thereby facilitating the ranking of validated hits and the advance of drug discovery efforts.  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体84(GPR84)是C9-C14的中链脂肪酸受体,不仅在脂肪酸代谢和机体免疫反应中发挥着重要作用,而且与多发性硬化症、内毒素血症等炎症性免疫疾病有着密切联系.因此,找到以GPR84为靶点的配体,可能为治疗这些疾病提供一种有效的方法.构建稳定过表达GPR84受体蛋白的细胞系,为筛选GPR84为靶点的配体和研究这些免疫疾病提供了重要途径.本文将含GPR84和Gα16基因质粒共转染到HEK293细胞中,经过抗生素抗性筛选,挑取稳定表达GPR84蛋白的HEK293细胞系.用RT-PCR、免疫荧光染色等实验方法检测了GPR84基因和其编码受体蛋白的表达;用钙流实验、环腺苷酸实验、蛋白质印迹分析、流式细胞分析证实了表达的GPR84具有完整的生物学活性,并利用该细胞系进行了药物高通量筛选,得到了新的GPR84拮抗剂,为进一步阐明GPR84的生物学功能,研究并治疗与其相关免疫疾病奠定了基础.  相似文献   

To engineer proteins with desirable characteristics from a naturally occurring protein, high-throughput screening (HTS) combined with directed evolutional approach is the essential technology. However, most HTS techniques are simple positive screenings. The information obtained from the positive candidates is used only as results but rarely as clues for understanding the structural rules, which may explain the protein activity. In here, we have attempted to establish a novel strategy for exploring functional proteins associated with computational analysis. As a model case, we explored lipases with inverted enantioselectivity for a substrate p-nitrophenyl 3-phenylbutyrate from the wild-type lipase of Burkhorderia cepacia KWI-56, which is originally selective for (S)-configuration of the substrate. Data from our previous work on (R)-enantioselective lipase screening were applied to fuzzy neural network (FNN), bioinformatic algorithm, to extract guidelines for screening and engineering processes to be followed. FNN has an advantageous feature of extracting hidden rules that lie between sequences of variants and their enzyme activity to gain high prediction accuracy. Without any prior knowledge, FNN predicted a rule indicating that "size at position L167," among four positions (L17, F119, L167, and L266) in the substrate binding core region, is the most influential factor for obtaining lipase with inverted (R)-enantioselectivity. Based on the guidelines obtained, newly engineered novel variants, which were not found in the actual screening, were experimentally proven to gain high (R)-enantioselectivity by engineering the size at position L167. We also designed and assayed two novel variants, namely FIGV (L17F, F119I, L167G, and L266V) and FFGI (L17F, L167G, and L266I), which were compatible with the guideline obtained from FNN analysis, and confirmed that these designed lipases could acquire high inverted enantioselectivity. The results have shown that with the aid of bioinformatic analysis, high-throughput screening can expand its potential for exploring vast combinatorial sequence spaces of proteins.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient and novel filter assay method, involving radioactive labelling and imaging, to quantify the expression of soluble proteins from a cell-free translation system. Here this method is combined with the conformational sensitivity of 19F NMR to monitor the folded state of the expressed protein. This report describes the optimisation of 6-fluorotryptophan incorporation in a His-tagged human serum retinol-binding protein (RBP), a disulphide bonded -barrel protein. Appropriate reagent concentrations for producing fluorine labelled RBP in a cell-free translation system are described. It is shown that 19F NMR is a suitable method for monitoring the production of correctly folded protein from a high-throughput expression system.  相似文献   

A simple and flexible method is developed for rapid screening of molecular chaperones that enhance the functional expression of recombinant proteins. A panel of molecular chaperones are transiently expressed in a reaction mixture of cell‐free protein synthesis and then a target protein is subsequently expressed in the presence of these presynthesized molecular chaperones. The biological activity of the cell‐free synthesized target protein is compared to identify the effective molecular chaperones. This strategy successfully identifies individual and combinations of bacterial molecular chaperones that markedly improved the functional expression of horseradish peroxidase. The authors believe that the presented strategy provides a versatile platform for the optimal production of functional proteins, and can also be extended to studies of other interacting proteins.  相似文献   

Introduction The completion of the Human Genome Project has triggered large-scale screening of genomes (1) and proteomes (2) in aims to find out candidate genes related to diseases (3), perform expression analyses at the mRNA level (4) or at the protein level (5), discover new drugs (6), and analyze molecular in- teractions (7). For such purposes, technologies han- dling a tiny amount of samples should be developed, of which the importance has already been described as the ambient analyte th…  相似文献   

In this study a novel general approach is presented that allows for a straightforward design of receptor binding assays. This principle of a receptor binding assay is applied to the estrogen receptor, which is important in the management of breast cancer and for the estimation of the estrogenic potency of chemicals in the environment. The inhibitory concentrations to reduce cell proliferation in 50% of controls for 17-beta-estradiol, 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, and tamoxifen are determined to be 61 nM, 33 nM, and 17 microM, respectively. The measurement time of the nanoparticle based immunoassay format is 3 s. The Z' factor, which is calculated to be 0.89, reflects the excellent assay performance.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) enzyme has critical roles in DNA replication repair and recombination. Thus, PARP-1 inhibitors play an important role in the cancer therapy. In the current study, we have performed combination of in silico and in vitro studies in order to discover novel inhibitors against PARP-1 target. Structure-based virtual screening was carried out for an available small molecules database. A total of 257,951 ligands from Otava database were screened at the binding pocket of PARP-1 using high-throughput virtual screening techniques. Filtered structures based on predicted binding energy results were then used in more sophisticated molecular docking simulations (i.e. Glide/standard precision, Glide/XP, induced fit docking – IFD, and quantum mechanics polarized ligand docking – QPLD). Potential high binding affinity compounds that are predicted by molecular simulations were then tested by in vitro methods. Computationally proposed compounds as PARP-1 inhibitors (Otava Compound Codes: 7111620047 and 7119980926) were confirmed by in vitro studies. In vitro results showed that compounds 7111620047 and 7119980926 have IC50 values of 0.56 and 63 μM against PARP-1 target, respectively. The molecular mechanism analysis, free energy perturbation calculations using long multiple molecular dynamics simulations for the discovered compounds which showed high binding affinity against PARP-1 enzyme, as well as structure-based pharmacophore development (E-pharmacophore) studies were also studied.  相似文献   

胞嘧啶甲基化是DNA表观遗传修饰的主要类型之一,在维持正常细胞功能和调控基因表达中具有重要作用。重亚硫酸盐测序法(bisulfite sequencing PCR,BSP)是特异性位点DNA甲基化检测的通用方法,能明确目的片段中每一个CpG位点的甲基化状态,但此方法需要大量的单克隆测序,操作过程较繁琐、成本昂贵。因此,开发准确、高效、便捷的DNA甲基化检测技术对提升表观遗传研究效率具有重要意义。基于本课题组开发的高通量突变类型检测平台Hi-TOM (high-throughput tracking of mutations),我们进一步建立了特定位点DNA甲基化高通量检测平台Hi-Meth (high-throughput detection of DNA methylation)。DNA样品通过重亚硫酸盐处理之后,仅需一轮PCR扩增即可通过Hi-Meth平台获得特定位点DNA甲基化分析结果。利用Hi-Meth平台,对水稻不同基因启动子区域进行了DNA甲基化检测分析,并与基于BSP方法获得的结果进行了比较。结果表明,Hi-Meth策略与BSP策略检测结果基本一致。而且通过Hi-Meth平台可以更准确、便捷地获得特异性位点DNA甲基化分析结果。综上所述,Hi-Meth为特定DNA区域提供了重要的甲基化检测平台,对表观遗传研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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