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The purpose of these experiments was to quantify stagnant intrapulmonary blood caused by a pulmonary arterial occlusion (PAO). The hypothesis was that the diffusing capacity of the lung for CO (DLCO) would be altered little by PAO when measured with the usual inspired concentrations (0.3%) of CO, since stagnant blood distal to the occlusion takes up CO for 20 s or more before significant CO backpressure would develop. However, higher levels of CO (i.e., greater than or equal to 3%) would equilibrate faster with capillary blood (within 5-10 s), and DLCO measured 10-20 s subsequent to the high CO exposure would reflect only the DLCO in the unoccluded regions. Thus the fractional reduction in DLCO measured with 3% CO, with respect to that measured with 0.3% CO, should be related to the fractional occlusion of the pulmonary artery in a predictable way. We occluded the right pulmonary artery (RPAO), the left pulmonary artery (LPAO), or the left lower lobar artery (LLPAO) and found that DLCO measured during rebreathing a 0.3% CO mixture was 80, 87, and 94%, respectively, of the preocclusion value, whereas the DLCO measured during rebreathing a 3.3% CO mixture was 59, 73, and 87% of the preocclusion value. A computer model was developed to predict the reduction in DLCO at different levels of CO exposure that would be caused by varying fractions of PAO. Our data indicated that RPAO corresponded to a 42% vascular occlusion, LPAO a 35% occlusion, and LLPAO a 20% occlusion. Measurement of DLCO using low and high concentrations of CO might be useful in assessing the fraction of vascular bed occluded and in following noninvasively the course of vascular occlusion in a variety of pulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a new approach for using the pressure vs. time data obtained after various vascular occlusion maneuvers in pump-perfused lungs to gain insight into the longitudinal distribution of vascular resistance with respect to vascular compliance. Occlusion data were obtained from isolated dog lung lobes under normal control conditions, during hypoxia, and during histamine or serotonin infusion. The data used in the analysis include the slope of the arterial pressure curve and the zero time intercept of the extrapolated venous pressure curve after venous occlusion, the equilibrium pressure after simultaneous occlusion of both the arterial inflow and venous outflow, and the area bounded by equilibrium pressure and the arterial pressure curve after arterial occlusion. We analyzed these data by use of a compartmental model in which the vascular bed is represented by three parallel compliances separated by two series resistances, and each of the three compliances and the two resistances can be identified. To interpret the model parameters, we view the large arteries and veins as mainly compliance vessels and the small arteries and veins as mainly resistance vessels. The capillary bed is viewed as having a high compliance, and any capillary resistance is included in the two series resistances. With this view in mind, the results are consistent with the major response to serotonin infusion being constriction of large and small arteries (a decrease in arterial compliance and an increase in arterial resistance), the major response to histamine infusion being constriction of small and large veins (an increase in venous resistance and a decrease in venous compliance), and the major response to hypoxia being constriction of the small arteries (an increase in arterial resistance). The results suggest that this approach may have utility for evaluation of the sites of action of pulmonary vasomotor stimuli.  相似文献   

To determine the sensitivity of pulmonary resistance (RL) to changes in breathing frequency and tidal volume, we measured RL in intact anesthetized dogs over a range of breathing frequencies and tidal volumes centering around those encountered during quiet breathing. To investigate mechanisms responsible for changes in RL, the relative contribution of airway resistance (Raw) and tissue resistance (Rti) to RL at similar breathing frequencies and tidal volumes was studied in six excised, exsanguinated canine left lungs. Lung volume was sinusoidally varied, with tidal volumes of 10, 20, and 40% of vital capacity. Pressures were measured at three alveolar sites (PA) with alveolar capsules and at the airway opening (Pao). Measurements were made during oscillation at five frequencies between 5 and 45 min-1 at each tidal volume. Resistances were calculated by assuming a linear equation of motion and submitting lung volume, flow, Pao, and PA to a multiple linear regression. RL decreased with increasing frequency and decreased with increasing tidal volume in both isolated and intact lungs. In isolated lungs, Rti decreased with increasing frequency but was independent of tidal volume. Raw was independent of frequency but decreased with tidal volume. The contribution of Rti to RL ranged from 93 +/- 4% (SD) with low frequency and large tidal volume to 41 +/- 24% at high frequency and small tidal volume. We conclude that the RL is highly dependent on breathing frequency and less dependent on tidal volume during conditions similar to quiet breathing and that these findings are explained by changes in the relative contributions of Raw and Rti to RL.  相似文献   

Recently, we presented a compartmental model of the pulmonary vascular resistance (R) and compliance (C) distribution with the configuration C1R1C2R2C3 (J. Appl. Physiol. 70: 2126-2136, 1991). This model was used to interpret the pressure vs. time data obtained after the sudden occlusion of the arterial inflow (AO), venous outflow (VO), or both inflow and outflow (DO) from an isolated dog lung lobe. In the present study, we present a new approach to the data analysis in terms of this model that is relatively simple to carry out and more robust. The data used to estimate the R's and C's are the steady-state arterial [Pa(0)] and venous [Pv(0)] pressures, the flow rate (Q), the area (A2) encompassed by Pa(t) after AO and the equilibrium pressure (Pd) after DO, and the average slope (m) of the Pa(t) and Pv(t) curves after VO. The following formulas can then be used to calculate the 2 R's and 3 C's: [Pa(0) - Pv(0)]/Q = R1 + R2 = RT, R1C1 congruent to to A2/[Pa(0) - Pd], R1 congruent to [Pa(0) - Pd]/Q, Q/m = C1 + C2 + C3 = CT, and C2 = CT - (RTC1/R2).  相似文献   

Nine right apical lobes of healthy Friesian calves and 10 right apical lobes of double-muscled calves of Belgian White and Blue (BWB) breed were suspended in an airtight box, inflated at a constant transpulmonary pressure (Ptp), and subjected to quasi-sinusoidal pressure changes (amplitude: 0.5 kPa) at a frequency of 30 cycles/min. Lobar resistance (RL) was partitioned at six different lung volumes into three components: central airway resistance (Rc), small airway resistance (Rp), and tissue resistance (Rt). Pressure in small airways (2-3 mm ID) was measured with a retrograde catheter. Alveolar pressure was sampled in capsules glued onto the punctured pleural surface. RL was minimal at values of Ptp comprised between 0.5 and 0.7 kPa and increased at higher and lower values of Ptp. At a Ptp of 0.5 kPa, Rc, Rp, and Rt represented 30, 15, and 55% of RL, respectively, in Friesian calves and 25, 25, and 50% in BWB calves. Rp increased markedly at low lung volumes. Rt was responsible for the increase of RL at high Ptp. Rc tended to decrease at high Ptp. The significantly higher values of Rp in BWB calves (P less than 0.05) might explain the sensitivity of this breed to severe bronchopneumonia.  相似文献   

The functional properties of microcirculation and rheology of blood were studied in dogs subjected to arterial and venous occlusion of mesenteric vessels (cranial mesenteric artery and cranial mesenteric vein). It was found that a local alterations of microvascular bed of intestinal wall are quite different in case of arterial or venous occlusion. The degree of hemorheological and microvascular deviations is higher in case of acute venous thrombosis than during the acute occlusion of cranial mesenteric artery.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the longitudinal distribution of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in acute lactic acidosis utilizing pulmonary artery and vein balloon occlusion techniques (Holloway et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 54: 840-851, 1983). In anesthetized dogs, both a systemic vein (I-V) infusion and systemic artery (I-A) infusion of L-lactic acid were studied to control for potential effects of factors other than pH on PVR. During progressive I-A infusion (n = 9) to a pH of 6.94 +/- 0.06 there was no significant change in PVR or its distribution. In contrast, I-V infusion (n = 9) to a pH of 7.08 +/- 0.09 increased median PVR from 3.6 to 21.7 mmHg.1(-1).min (P less than 0.001), due to an increase in middle segment resistance (0.0-15.4 mmHg.1(-1).min, P less than 0.02). Examination by light and electron microscopy demonstrated pulmonary capillary obstruction with hemolyzed erythrocyte (RBC) membranes with I-V infusion, but representative I-A animals did not demonstrate these findings. Conceivably, the systemic vascular bed filtered the fragmented RBC membranes in the I-A model, but this microvascular obstruction with altered RBCs and RBC fragments caused the pulmonary hypertension observed in the I-V infusion. We conclude that lactic acidosis does not increase pulmonary vascular tone in dogs, a finding compatible with most previous studies in which observed increases in PVR may be attributed to other effects from I-V acid infusion on circulating blood elements.  相似文献   

Partitioning of pulmonary resistance in the dog   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

In six anesthetized and mechanically ventilated adult sheep, the bronchial artery was perfused with blood from an oxygenator-pump circuit. When the lungs were ventilated with 100% O2 and the bronchial O2 tension (PbrO2) was approximately 600 Torr, the mean of the pulmonary vascular resistances (PVR) measured at the beginning (3.32 +/- 0.29 units) and end (3.17 +/- 0.13 units) of the experiment was 3.24 +/- 0.20 units. When the PbrO2 was changed to 58 +/- 1 Torr, the PVR (2.99 +/- 0.14 units) did not change significantly. However, when the lungs were ventilated with air as PbrO2 was decreased to 91 +/- 4, 77 +/- 3, 56 +/- 2, and 42 +/- 1 Torr, the PVR increased to 3.67 +/- 0.18, 4.03 +/- 0.16, 4.79 +/- 0.19, and 4.71 +/- 0.35 units, respectively. However, when the PbrO2 was decreased further to 26 +/- 1 and 13 +/- 1 Torr, the PVR decreased to 3.77 +/- 0.28 and 3.91 +/- 0.30 units, respectively. In contrast, the bronchial vascular resistance decreased monotonically as PbrO2 decreased. The bronchial circulation supplies vasa vasorum to the walls of all but the smallest pulmonary arteries, and it is therefore suggested that the PO2 of the bronchial circulation is responsible for the bimodal response of the pulmonary vasculature, with stimulation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction at moderate hypoxemia and of hypoxic pulmonary vasodilation at profound hypoxemia. The physiological and pathophysiological significance of the influence of systemic PO2 on pulmonary vascular tone is discussed.  相似文献   

To provide a better understanding of analysis of arterial (AO) and venous occlusion (VO) tracings, using a constant and nonpulsatile perfusion pressure system, we set up an isolated in situ dog lobe preparation perfused with autologous blood. Four signals were recorded: arterial pressure, arterial inflow rate, venous pressure, and venous outflow rate. The four signals were recorded into the memory of a computer. When flow into the lobe was abruptly stopped (AO), flow out of the lung continued unchanged for approximately 150 ms and then decreased slowly to zero. Likewise, when flow out of the lung was abruptly stopped (VO), the flow into the lung continued unchanged for approximately 130 ms and then decreased slowly to zero. A monoexponential curve was fitted to different stretches of data between 0.1 and 5 s postocclusion and extrapolated to the instant of occlusion (defined here as the instant when flow at the site of occlusion becomes zero). The results indicate that 1) the first 150 ms postocclusion should be avoided because of the oscillatory artifacts generated by the occlusion maneuver, 2) use of a long segment of postocclusion data (5 s) tends to underestimate the middle pressure gradient and overestimate the arterial and venous pressure gradients, and 3) the changes in segmental vascular resistance under different experimental conditions were found to be unaffected by the criteria of analysis. Analysis of the postocclusion (AO and VO) tracings was found to be most compatible with the double-occlusion capillary pressure by fitting a stretch of data between 0.2 and 2.5 s postocclusion and extrapolating back to the instant when flow becomes zero at the site of occlusion but no earlier.  相似文献   

We devised a technique that permitted elevation of pulmonary pressures in unanesthetized sheep by occluding their pulmonary veins. Using this technique, we raised pulmonary capillary pressure from a baseline of 13.2 +/- 2.2 to 35.3 +/- 5.1 mmHg. This increased lung lymph flow (from 8.8 +/- 2.7 to 53.1 +/- 13.9 ml/h). We estimated the pulmonary microvascular oncotic reflection coefficient and found it to be 0.82 +/- 0.05 (SD). The filtration coefficient was 0.019 +/- 0.005 ml.mmHg-1.min-1. During the period of increased pressure, the animals had stable arterial pressures and cardiac outputs. None of the animals developed blood coagulation problems. These data illustrate the usefulness of pulmonary venous occlusion to elevate pulmonary microvascular pressure to obtain plasma-to-lymph protein concentration ratios independent of flow, allowing for the calculation of the oncotic reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

Histological studies provide evidence that the bronchial veins are a site of leakage in histamine-induced pulmonary edema, but the physiological importance of this finding is not known. To determine if a lung perfused by only the bronchial arteries could develop pulmonary edema, we infused histamine for 2 h in anesthetized sheep with no pulmonary arterial blood flow to the right lung. In control sheep the postmortem extravascular lung water volume (EVLW) in both the right (occluded) and left (perfused) lung was 3.7 +/- 0.4 ml X g dry lung wt-1. Following histamine infusion, EVLW increased to 4.4 +/- 0.7 ml X g dry lung wt-1 in the right (occluded) lung (P less than 0.01) and to 5.3 +/- 1.0 ml X g dry wt-1 in the left (perfused) lung (P less than 0.01). Biopsies from the right (occluded) lungs scored for the presence of edema showed a significantly higher score in the lungs that received histamine (P less than 0.02). Some leakage from the pulmonary circulation of the right lung, perfused via anastomoses from the bronchial circulation, cannot be excluded but should be modest considering the low pressures in the pulmonary circulation following occlusion of the right pulmonary artery. These data show that perfusion via the pulmonary arteries is not a requirement for the production of histamine-induced pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

Total effective vascular compliance was measured repeatedly in open-chest dogs without circulatory arrest, utilizing a closed-circuit venous bypass system with a constant cardiac output. Mutual inductance coils were used to measure the diameter of the inferior vena cava above the diaphragm at the position where the pressure change was recorded during a volume load (lambde V). In all experiments, there was a relationship which tended to be curvilinear between the diameter of the inferior vena cava and the venous pressure before lambde V. No relationship was demonstrated between the initial diameter or pressure and the calculated effective vascular compliance. During aortic constriction or infusion of noradrenaline, the effective compliance was reduced in value at any given initial venous diameter and pressure. An unaltered venous diameter and plasma volume excluded the possibility of a large change in initial venous volume as a cause of the observed changes in compliance during aortic constriction or during infusion of noradrenaline. A relationship was observed between compliance and calculated venous wall tension so that as the wall tension, developed during a fixed volume load, increased, there was an associated reduction in compliance. These results demonstrate that the measurement of effective compliance provides an assessment of combined active and passive venous wall tension and venous tone.  相似文献   

We examined theeffect of anaphylactic shock on the longitudinal distribution ofpulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in ragweed-sensitized dogs in whichPVR was partitioned into an upstream arterial component (Rus) and adownstream venous and capillary component (Rds). We also assessedwhether Rus and Rds would be reduced by pretreatment with histamineH1- andH2-receptor blocking agents andwith cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathway inhibitors.Anesthetized animals were examined on separate occasions 3 wk apart inwhich one of the treatments was randomly given. The pulmonary arterialocclusion technique was used to determine segmental pressure drops.During ragweed challenge, PVR increased 4 times compared with thepreshock value (3.04 vs. 12.07 mmHg · l1 · min;P < 0.05). Although both Rus and Rds increased postshock, the greatestrelative increase occurred in Rds. None of the treatments reducedpartitioned resistances compared with no treatment. Our results showthat, under conditions of anaphylactic shock, increases in Rus and Rdscould not be ascribed to release of histamine or products of thecyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways.


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