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The surface coatings of spores and pollen often show complex species or genus specific patterning and for which there is no obvious explanation in terms of evolutionary advantage. It has previously been suggested that these patterns are the product of a self-assembly process used by plants in spore and pollen wall development and are a consequence of the physical and chemical behaviour of the components and their interactions. Experiments have shown that comparable patterning and structure can be achieved by self-assembly of analogous components but the range of patterning obtainable was restricted. The introduction of specific surfactants into the reaction has now broadened the range of patterns that can be derived by this method and supports the view that surfactants must be important in the development of the naturally occurring patterns.  相似文献   

The exine of the pollen wall shows an intricate pattern, primarily comprising sporopollenin, a polymer of fatty acids and phenolic compounds. A series of enzymes synthesize sporopollenin precursors in tapetal cells, and the precursors are transported from the tapetum to the pollen surface. However, the mechanisms underlying the transport of sporopollenin precursors remain elusive. Here, we provide evidence that strongly suggests that the Arabidopsis ABC transporter ABCG26/WBC27 is involved in the transport of sporopollenin precursors. Two independent mutations at ABCG26 coding region caused drastic decrease in seed production. This defect was complemented by expression of ABCG26 driven by its native promoter. The severely reduced fertility of the abcg26 mutants was caused by a failure to produce mature pollen, observed initially as a defect in pollen-wall development. The reticulate pattern of the exine of wild-type microspores was absent in abcg26 microspores at the vacuolate stage, and the vast majority of the mutant pollen degenerated thereafter. ABCG26 was expressed specifically in tapetal cells at the early vacuolate stage of pollen development. It showed high co-expression with genes encoding enzymes required for sporopollenin precursor synthesis, i.e. CYP704B1, ACOS5, MS2 and CYP703A2. Similar to two other mutants with defects in pollen-wall deposition, abcg26 tapetal cells accumulated numerous vesicles and granules. Taken together, these results suggest that ABCG26 plays a crucial role in the transfer of sporopollenin lipid precursors from tapetal cells to anther locules, facilitating exine formation on the pollen surface.  相似文献   

When Vero cells, a line derived from and African Green Monkey kidney, are grown under conditions where the saturation density is limited by serum, they deplete the growth medium of a factor necessary for cell division. The factor is a component of serum. When Vero cells are plated at low density (2 X 10(4)/cm2) in this depleted growth medium (after dialysis against serum-free Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium) they initiate an unbalanced program of growth. Protein synthesis proceeds at the same rate as parallel cells in fresh serum, and and the cells accumulate protein as a function of time. DNA synthesis is also initiated in these cells, and the amount of DNA per cell increases for the next four days plating. However the cells quickly stop dividing. Measurements of DNA per cell using microspectrofluorometry show that the cells are accumulating in the late S and G2 period during this time. Thus we conclude that these cells cannot pass through a transition point in G2. When fresh serum is added to cells after three days in depleted growth medium, they divide before they begin to synthesize DNA. This further confirms that they are in late S and G2. Cell division is promoted in Vero cells in depleted growth medium by bovine fetuin, and to a lesser extent by bovine albumin. Cell division is not promoted by insulin, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, linolenic acid, calcium, and typsin inhibitor form ovomucoid. From these data we conclude that transit through G2 requires the prescence of an extracellular factor.  相似文献   

The change in the radioactivity of vasopressin-neurophysin in the rat neurohypophysis after an intracisternal injection of [(35)S]cysteine was fitted to several mathematical models. The data fitted best a model in which there is a linear input of radioactive protein into one pool of the neurohypophysis, from which it is either released by an exponential process or transferred to a second pool from which it is released by a second exponential process with a rate constant much lower than the first. This model is compatible with the existence of a ;readily releasable' pool first postulated by Sachs et al. (1967). Data for the change in radioactivity of vasopressin also gave a good fit in this model. Calculation of the rate constants suggested that the first pool represented about 2% of the total hormone.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Water adhesion forces, water absorption capacity and permeability of the pine exine were investigated to consider a possible function of sporopollenin coatings in the control of water transport. METHODS: The experiments were carried out with sporopollenin capsules obtained from pine pollen consisting of an empty central capsule and two sacci. Changes in the concentration of excluded dextran molecules in the medium were analysed to quantify water absorption by purified exine fragments and the osmotic volume flow out of the intact central capsule. KEY RESULTS: The contact angle of sporopollenin to water is higher than the one to ethanol and lower than the one to n-heptane. The water-filled pore space in pine sporopollenin amounts to only 20.6 % of the matrix volume. A monosaccharide was excluded from 15 % and a trisaccharide from about 38 % of this space. Shrinkage of the central capsule induced by permeable osmotica was transient, whereas that induced by sodium polyacrylate (2100 g mol(-1)) was stable. Values obtained for the hydraulic conductance L(P) of the exine (0.39-0.48 microm s(-1) MPa(-1)) are comparable in size to those of biomembranes. Sodium sulfate solutions induced a significant osmotic flow through the exine (reflection coefficient at least 0.6). The exine around the central capsule can be ruptured by equilibration of its lumen with a concentrated electrolyte solution and subsequent transfer to water. The denatured protoplast along with the intact intine was ejected when pollen grains were subjected to this osmotic shock treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The pine exine is easily wetted with water and does not represent a significant barrier to water exchange either liquid or gaseous. Through osmotic burst, it can be separated from the intine. The effect of salts and small solute molecules on water fluxes may be functionally significant for rehydration upon pollination.  相似文献   

The lungs can substantially influence the redox status of redox-active plasma constituents. Our objective was to examine aspects of the kinetics and mechanisms that determine pulmonary disposition of redox-active compounds during passage through the pulmonary circulation. Experiments were carried out on rat and mouse lungs with 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone [duroquinone (DQ)] as a model amphipathic quinone reductase substrate. We measured DQ and durohydroquinone (DQH2) concentrations in the lung venous effluent after injecting, or while infusing, DQ or DQH2 into the pulmonary arterial inflow. The maximum net rates of DQ reduction to DQH2 in the rat and mouse lungs were approximately 4.9 and 2.5 micromol. min(-1).g dry lung wt(-1), respectively. The net rate was apparently the result of freely permeating access of DQ and DQH2 to tissue sites of redox reactions, dominated by dicumarol-sensitive DQ reduction to DQH2 and cyanide-sensitive DQH2 reoxidation back to DQ. The dicumarol sensitivity along with immunodetectable expression of NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) in the rat lung tissue suggest cytoplasmic NQO1 as the dominant site of DQ reduction. The effect of cyanide on DQH2 oxidation suggests that the dominant site of oxidation is complex III of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. If one envisions DQ as a model compound for examining the disposition of amphipathic NQO1 substrates in the lungs, the results are consistent with a role for lung NQO1 in determining the redox status of such compounds in the circulation. For DQ, the effect is conversion of a redox-cycling, oxygen-activating quinone into a stable hydroquinone.  相似文献   

Two alternative pathways for the synthesis of dGTP and its incorporation into DNA were studied: guanine (Gua)----GMP----GDP----dGDP----dGTP----DNA and dG----dGMP----dGDP----dGTP----DNA. To determine the contribution of each pathway to DNA synthesis independently of each other, [14C]Gua and [3H]dG tracer experiments were performed in a double-mutant S-49 mouse T-lymphoma cell line, dGuo-L, with purine nucleoside phosphorylase (EC and dGTP-feedback-resistant ribonucleotide reductase (RR, EC In this cell line, dGTP pools can be selectively elevated by exogenous dG without affect RR and DNA synthesis. Although [3H]dG, but not [14C]Gua (up to 200 microM), readily expanded the cellular dGTP pool in a dose-dependent fashion in asynchronous cells, only a small fraction of the Gua flux into DNA was derived from [3H]dG, with the major fraction coming from [14C]Gua. H.p.l.c. analysis of G1- and partially enriched S-phase cells revealed that [3H]dGTP only accumulates in G1- but not in S-phase cells because of a rapid turnover of the dGTP pool during DNA synthesis. These results fail to provide evidence for cellular dGTP compartmentation and suggest that the pathway dG----dGMP----dGDP----dGTP alone has insufficient capacity to maintain DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Pollen grains with bulged areas on their proximal and distal faces were observed in some species of Nothofagus Blume in the light and electron microscopes. Pollen grains sectioned meridionally are distinctly transitionary in character in the individual strata within the exine of one pollen grain. The tectum in the apocolpia is considerably thinner than in the mesocolpia, The thickness and the character of the bacular layer in the mesocolpia differ greatly from those of the apocolpia. The foot layer, thick and always present in the mesocolpia, is entirely lacking in the apocolpia. The significant difference in the structure and thickness of the bacular layer, as well as the partial absence of the foot layer in one pollen grain, influence the cohesion between the individual strata of the exine in the apocolpia. The cohesion between the tectum and underlying, globular stratum in the central part of the apocolpia is poor, which facilitates the separation of the tectum and its bulging at that area.  相似文献   

Plant tissue connected in a d.c. circuit behaves as a capacitor, short-circuited through a resistor. Using a saw-tooth voltage (T = 2 ma, Umax = + 13 V), structural and physiological conditions in a plant tissue can be analyzed on the basis of changes in the current character.  相似文献   

A male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, in which filament elongation was defective although pollen fertility was normal, was isolated by means of T-DNA tagging. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed that primexine synthesis and probacula formation, which are thought to be the initial steps of exine formation, were defective, and that globular sporopollenin aggregation was randomly deposited onto the microspore at the early uninucleate microspore stage. Sporopollenin aggregation, which failed to anchor to the microspore plasma membrane, was deposited on the locule wall and in the locule at the uninucleate microspore stage. However, visually normal exine with a basic reticulate structure was observed at the middle uninucleate microspore stage, indicating that the exine formation was restored in the mutant. Thus, the mutant was designated transient defective exine 1 (tde1). These results indicated that tde1 mutation affects the initial process of the exine formation, but does not impair any critical processes. Our results also suggest the existence of a certain factor responsible for exine patterning in A. thaliana. The TDE1 gene was found to be identical to the DE-ETIOLATED 2 gene known to be involved in brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis, and the tde1 probacula-defective phenotypes were recovered in the presence of BR application. These results suggest that BRs control the rate or efficiency of initial process of exine pattern formation.  相似文献   

We have used affinity chromatography to identify proteins that interact with Nap1, a protein previously shown to play a role in mitosis. Our studies demonstrate that a highly conserved protein called Sda1 binds to Nap1 both in vitro and in vivo. Loss of Sda1 function causes cells to arrest uniformly as unbudded cells that do not increase significantly in size. Cells arrested by loss of Sda1 function have a 1N DNA content, fail to produce the G1 cyclin Cln2, and remain responsive to mating pheromone, indicating that they arrest in G1 before Start. Expression of CLN2 from a heterologous promoter in temperature-sensitive sda1 cells induces bud emergence and polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not induce cell division, indicating that the sda1 cell cycle arrest phenotype is not due simply to a failure to produce the G1 cyclins. The Sda1 protein is absent from cells arrested in G0 and is expressed before Start when cells reenter the cell cycle, further suggesting that Sda1 functions before Start. Taken together, these findings reveal that Sda1 plays a critical role in G1 events. In addition, these findings suggest that Nap1 is likely to function during G1. Consistent with this, we have found that Nap1 is required for viability in cells lacking the redundant G1 cyclins Cln1 and Cln2. In contrast to a previous study, we have found no evidence that Sda1 is required for the assembly or function of the actin cytoskeleton. Further characterization of Sda1 is likely to provide important clues to the poorly understood mechanisms that control passage through G1.  相似文献   

Several dinoflagellate species form nonmotile, thick-walled resting cysts in their life cycle. Cysts can be ingested by planktonic and benthic organisms, but there is scarce information concerning their survival after the passage through the digestive apparatus of the grazers. We tested the germination capability of cysts produced by two neritic dinoflagellates, Scrippsiella trochoidea (F. Stein) A.R. Loeblich and Scrippsiella ramonii Montresor, after their ingestion by four copepod species. Experiments have been carried out with four species: Acartia clausi Giesbrecht, 1889; Centropages typicus Kröyer, 1849; Temora stylifera Dana, 1849; and Clausocalanus lividus Frost and Fleminger, 1968. Copepods were fed either with motile cells or cysts, and feeding and clearance rates were estimated for A. clausi, C. lividus and T. stylifera. Grazing rates on both dinoflagellates was much higher for vegetative cells than for cysts. Resting cysts were isolated from the faecal pellets and incubated to test their germination capability. S. trochoidea cysts eaten by C. typicus and T. stylifera showed a high germination rate, while cysts of the same species were not viable after the passage through the gut of A. clausi and C. lividus. In contrast, S. ramonii cysts were never able to germinate after being ingested by copepods. The observed variation in viability among the two cyst types and the different survival rates observed for S. trochoidea cysts might be related to differences in cyst morphology and to differences in the digestive process among the tested copepod species.  相似文献   

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