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B. Gerhardt  K. Fischer  U. Maier 《Planta》1995,196(4):720-726
Mitochondria from pea (Pisum sativum L.) cotyledons and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers exhibited a palmitoyl carnitine-dependent, KCN-sensitive stimulation of the oxygen uptake measured in the presence of 0.2mmol·–1 malate (sparker malate), provided a certain concentration range of palmitoylcarnitine was observed. Above this concentration range, which was dependent on the bovine serum albumin (BSA) concentration of the reaction mixture, the mitochondrial oxygen uptake was inhibited by palmitoylcarnitine. Palmitoylcarnitine (racemate) and palmitoyl-l-carnitine were equally effective in stimulating/inhibiting mitochondrial oxygen uptake in the presence of sparker malate. The mitochondrial membrane potential generated in the presence of sparker malate was partially dissipated by palmitoyl-lcarnitine concentrations stimulating the mitochondrial oxygen uptake. The formation of acid-soluble radioactivity in reaction mixtures provided with [1-14C]palmitoyll-carnitine was considerably lower than that expected minimally if the palmitoyl-l-carnitine-stimulated oxygen uptake resulted from palmitoyl-l-carnitine oxidation sparked by malate. Palmitoylcarnitine concentrations resulting in stimulation of the mitochondrial oxygen uptake in the presence of sparker malate also led to a stimulation of succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity, as well as to an increase in the measurable activities of mitochondrial matrix enzymes, indicating loss of both mitochondrial integrity and mitochondrial enzyme latency in the presence of palmitoylcarnitine. Correspondingly, malate-dependent NADH formation was stimulated by palmitoylcarnitine. Neither NAD reduction nor oxygen uptake were observed when the mitochondria were provided with palmitoylcarnitine only. The oxygen uptake due to glycine oxidation by mitochondria from green sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cotyledons was affected by palmitoylcarnitine in a similar manner to the oxygen uptake of pea cotyledon and potato tuber mitochondria in the presence of sparker malate. The results lead to the conclusion that the palmitoylcarnitine-dependent stimulation of mitochondrial oxygen uptake observed in the presence of sparker malate results substantially from an enhanced malate oxidation due to the detergent effect of palmitoylcarnitine on the mitochondrial membranes, rather than from palmitoylcarnitine -oxidation.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophyenylhydrazone The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The hypoglycaemic agent 2-tetradecylglycidic acid (compound McN-3802) caused an increase in total liver carnitine content, this being due primarily to an increase in the free carnitine pool. In the neonatal animal, this may represent a mechanism to overcome the inhibitory effect of fatty acid oxidation by the drug.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a close relationship between cell metabolism and apoptosis. We have evaluated changes in lipid metabolism on permeabilized hepatocytes treated with truncated Bid (tBid) in the presence of caspase inhibitors and exogenous cytochrome c. The measurement of beta-oxidation flux by labeled palmitate demonstrates that tBid inhibits beta-oxidation, thereby resulting in the accumulation of palmitoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and depletion of acetyl-carnitine and acylcarnitines, which is pathognomonic for inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1). We also show that tBid decreases CPT-1 activity by a mechanism independent of both malonyl-CoA, the key inhibitory molecule of CPT-1, and Bak and/or Bax, but dependent on cardiolipin decrease. Overexpression of Bcl-2, which is able to interact with CPT-1, counteracts the effects exerted by tBid on beta-oxidation. The unexpected role of tBid in the regulation of lipid beta-oxidation suggests a model in which tBid-induced metabolic decline leads to the accumulation of toxic lipid metabolites such as palmitoyl-CoA, which might become participants in the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

The physiological role of L-carnitine is to determine the transport of acyl-CoA through the mitochondrial membrane. However, some observations may also suggest a direct effect of the molecule per se on the physical properties of the membrane, most probably at the level of the binding site. This possibility has been investigated by studying the influence of adriamycin, a drug that binds to cardiolipin, on the effect of carnitine on isolated rat liver mitochondria. It has been found that adriamycin almost abolishes the activating effect of carnitine on state 2 respiration. The effect and its inhibition is seen by using either the L-form of carnitine or the D-form or both. Cardiolipin removes the effect of adriamycin and restores the activation by carnitine. It is proposed that some effects of carnitine on mitochondrial properties may be the result of interaction of carnitine with cardiolipin at the membrane level.  相似文献   

The interaction of exogenous carnitine with whole body carnitine homeostasis was characterized in the rat. Carnitine was administered in pharmacologic doses (0-33.3 mumols/100 g body weight) by bolus, intravenous injection, and plasma, urine, liver, skeletal muscle and heart content of carnitine and acylcarnitines quantitated over a 48 h period. Pre-injection urinary carnitine excretion was circadian as excretion rates were increased 2-fold during the lights-off cycle as compared with the lights-on cycle. Following carnitine administration, there was an increase in urinary total carnitine excretion which accounted for approx. 60% of the administered carnitine at doses above 8.3 mumols/100 g body weight. Urinary acylcarnitine excretion was increased following carnitine administration in a dose-dependent fashion. During the 24 h following administration of 16.7 mumols [14C]carnitine/100 g body weight, urinary carnitine specific activity averaged only 72 +/- 4% of the injection solution specific activity. This dilution of the [14C]carnitine specific activity suggests that endogenous carnitine contributed to the increased net urinary carnitine excretion following carnitine administration. 5 min after administration of 16.7 mumol carnitine/100 g body weight approx. 80% of the injected carnitine was in the extracellular fluid compartment and 5% in the liver. Plasma, liver and soleus total carnitine contents were increased 6 h after administration of 16.7 mumols carnitine/100 g body weight. 6 h post-administration, 37% of the dose was recovered in the urine, 12% remained in the extracellular compartment, 9% was in the liver and 22% was distributed in the skeletal muscle. In liver and plasma, short chain acylcarnitine content was increased 5 min and 6 h post injection as compared with controls. Plasma, liver, skeletal muscle and heart carnitine contents were not different from control levels 48 h after carnitine administration. The results demonstrate that single, bolus administration of carnitine is effective in increasing urinary acylcarnitine elimination. While liver carnitine content is doubled for at least 6 h following carnitine administration, skeletal muscle and heart carnitine pools are only modestly perturbed following a single intravenous carnitine dose. The dilution of [14C]carnitine specific activity in the urine of treated animals suggests that tissue-blood carnitine or acylcarnitine exchange systems contribute to overall carnitine homeostasis following carnitine administration.  相似文献   

1. The CoA and carnitine esters of 2-bromopalmitate are extremely powerful and specific inhibitors of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. 2. 2-Bromopalmitoyl-CoA, added as such or formed from 2-bromopalmitate, inhibits the carnitine-dependent oxidation of palmitate or palmitoyl-CoA, but not the oxidation of palmitoylcarnitine, by intact liver mitochondria. 3. 2-Bromopalmitoylcarnitine inhibits the oxidation of palmitoylcarnitine as well as that of palmitate or palmitoyl-CoA. It has no effect on succinate oxidation, but inhibits that of pyruvate, 2-oxoglutarate or hexanoate; however, the oxidation of these substrates (but not of palmitate, palmitoyl-CoA or palmitoyl-carnitine) is restored by carnitine. 4. In damaged mitochondria, added 2-bromopalmitoyl-CoA does inhibit palmitoylcarnitine oxidation; pyruvate oxidation is unaffected by the inhibitor alone, but is impaired if palmitoylcarnitine is subsequently added. 5. The findings have been interpreted as follows. 2-Bromopalmitoyl-CoA inactivates (in a carnitine-dependent manner) a pool of carnitine palmitoyltransferase which is accessible to external acyl-CoA. This results in inhibition of palmitate or palmitoyl-CoA oxidation. A second pool of carnitine palmitoyltransferase, inaccessible to added acyl-CoA in intact mitochondria, can generate bromopalmitoyl-CoA within the matrix from external 2-bromopalmitoylcarnitine; this reaction is reversible. Such internal 2-bromopalmitoyl-CoA inactivates long-chain beta-oxidation (as does added 2-bromopalmitoyl-CoA if the mitochondria are damaged) and its formation also sequesters intramitochondrial CoA. Since this CoA is shared by pyruvate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases, the oxidation of their substrates is depressed by 2-bromopalmitoylcarnitine, unless free carnitine is available to act as a ;sink' for long-chain acyl groups. 6. These effects are compared with those reported for other inhibitors of fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   

Heart and liver mitochondrial, as well as liver peroxisomal, carnitine acetyltransferase was purified to apparent homogeneity and some properties, primarily of heart mitochondrial carnitine acetyltransferase, were determined. Hill coefficients for propionyl-CoA are 1.0 for each of the enzymes. The molecular weight of heart mitochondrial carnitine acetyltransferase, determined by SDS-PAGE, is 62,000. It is monomeric in the presence of catalytic amounts of substrate. Polyclonal antibodies against purified rat liver peroxisomal carnitine acetyltransferase precipitate liver and heart mitochondrial and liver peroxisomal carnitine acetyltransferase, but not liver peroxisomal carnitine octanoyltransferase. Liver peroxisomes, mitochondria, and microsomes and heart mitochondria all give multiple bands on Western blotting with the antibody against carnitine acetyltransferase. Major protein bands occur at the molecular weight of carnitine acetyltransferase and at 33 to 35 kDa.  相似文献   

In hepatic mitochondria, the outer membrane enzyme, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), appears to colocalize with contact sites. We have prepared contact sites that are essentially devoid of noncontact site membranes. The contact site fraction has a high specific activity for CPT-I and contains a protein at 88 kDa that is recognized by antibodies directed at two different peptide epitopes on CPT-I. Similarly long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (LCAS) specific activity is high in this fraction; a protein at 79 kDa is recognized by an antibody against LCAS. Although activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-II (CPT-II) is present, it is not enriched in the contact site fraction, and a protein of 68 kDa weakly reacted with anti-CPT-II antibody. Likewise, carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase (CACT) protein is present, but at a somewhat reduced level. Using an analytical continuous sucrose gradient, we demonstrate that the activities of CPT-I and LCAS and their associated immunoreactive proteins are present in a constant amount throughout the contact site subfractions. The enzymatic activity of CPT-II and its associated immunoreactive protein, as well as immunoreactive CACT, is absent in the lighter density gradient subfractions and is present in the higher density subfractions only in trace amounts. This heterogeneity of the contact site fraction is due to unvarying amounts of outer membrane and increasing amounts of attached inner membrane with increasing density of the subfractions.  相似文献   

Hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis increase during starvation. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-I) catalyses the rate-controlling step in the overall pathway and retains its control over beta-oxidation under fed, starved and diabetic conditions. To determine the factors contributing to the reported several-fold increase in fatty acid oxidation in perfused livers, we measured the V(max) and K(m) values for palmitoyl-CoA and carnitine, the K(i) (and IC(50)) values for malonyl-CoA in isolated liver mitochondria as well as the hepatic malonyl-CoA and carnitine contents in control and 48 h starved rats. Since CPT-I is localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane and in contact sites, the kinetic properties of CPT-I also was determined in these submitochondrial structures. After 48 h starvation, there is: (a) a significant increase in K(i) and decrease in hepatic malonyl-CoA content; (b) a decreased K(m) for palmitoyl-CoA; and (c) increased catalytic activity (V(max)) and CPT-I protein abundance that is significantly greater in contact sites compared with outer membranes. Based on these changes the estimated increase in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation is significantly less than that observed in perfused liver. This suggests that CPT-I is regulated in vivo by additional mechanism(s) lost during mitochondrial isolation or/and that mitochondrial oxidation of peroxisomal beta-oxidation products contribute to the increased ketogenesis by bypassing CPT-I. Furthermore, the greater increase in CPT-I protein in contact sites as compared to outer membranes emphasizes the significance of contact sites in hepatic fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   

The kinetics of purified beef heart mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase have been extensively investigated with a semiautomated system and the computer program TANKIN and shown to be sigmoidal with both acyl-CoA and L-carnitine. In contrast, Michaelis-Menten kinetics were found with carnitine octanoyltransferase. The catalytic activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase is strongly pH dependent. The K0.5 and Vmax are both greater at lower pH. The K0.5 for palmitoyl-CoA is 1.9 and 24.2 microM at pH 8 and 6, respectively. The K0.5 for L-carnitine is 0.2 and 2.9 mM at pH 8 and 6, respectively. Malonyl-CoA (20-600 microM) had no effect on the kinetic parameters for palmitoyl-CoA at both saturating and subsaturating levels of L-carnitine. We conclude that malonyl-CoA is not a competitive inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyltransferase. The purified enzyme contained 18.9 mol of bound phospholipid/mol of enzyme which were identified as cardiolipin, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine by thin-layer chromatography. The data are consistent with the conclusion that native carnitine palmitoyltransferase exhibits different catalytic properties on either side of the inner membrane of mitochondria due to its non-Michaelis-Menten kinetic behavior, which can be affected by pH differences and differences in membrane environment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨去窦弓神经对脑细胞线粒体氧化磷酸化功能的影响。方法:用氧电极法及华氏减压法测定线粒体的耗氧量、呼吸控制率(RCR)和二磷酸腺苷/氧比值(ADP/O)。结果:线粒体结构完整性和氧化磷酸化效率明显降低(P0.01),且随时间延长逐渐降低(P0.05或P0.01)。结论:去窦弓神经使脑细胞线粒体的结构和功能遭到一定程度的破坏,且随时间延长日益严重。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial carrier protein for carnitine has been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is encoded by the gene CRC1 and is a member of the family of mitochondrial transport proteins. The protein has been over-expressed with a C-terminal His-tag in S. cerevisiae and isolated from mitochondria by nickel affinity chromatography. The purified protein has been reconstituted into proteoliposomes and its transport characteristics established. It transports carnitine, acetylcarnitine, propionylcarnitine and to a much lower extent medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines.  相似文献   

Carnitine increases chlorophyll production in greening barley leaves. [Methyl-14C]carnitine fed to greening leaves was not utilized as a carbon sou  相似文献   

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