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The traditional morphogenetic fields of the human dentition were evaluated by means of factor analysis of dental dimensions taken from a series of human crania. When crown length, crown width and crown index were considered separately, factors emerged which could be identified with the tooth group fields. But a combined crown length-crown width analysis generated factors which extended beyond the regional tooth groups. Crown width itself was revealed to be an important axis of morphologic intergration. It was concluded that univariate methods are not adequate for identifying morphogenetic fields; the teeth must be treated as multidimensional units where the correlation among dimensions is accounted for.  相似文献   

Borst SE  Conover CF 《Life sciences》2006,79(4):411-415
The hypogonadal state in men is accompanied by substantial decreases in muscle and bone mass and by an increase in adiposity. Most of the strains of orchiectomized (ORX) rat that have been used to model this state display substantial losses in bone, but only subtle changes in adiposity and muscle mass. In order to identify a rat model displaying a robust catabolic response to ORX, we studied three strains: Fischer 344 (F344), Brown Norway and Wistar. ORX caused a significant and sustained decrease in weight gained by F344, but only a trend toward reduced weight gain in Brown Norway rats and a modest reduction weight gain in Wistar rats that was significant only after 56days. ORX suppressed food intake in F344 rats, and to a lesser degree in Brown Norway and Wistar rats. ORX reduced muscle mass significantly in F344 rats, but not in Brown Norway or Wistar rats. ORX increased adiposity moderately in F344 rats and substantially in Wistar rats. ORX caused a marked reduction in prostate mass and increase in bone resorption in all three strains. Thus, F344 was the only strain in which ORX produced substantial decreases in food intake, body weight and muscle mass with increased adiposity and increased bone resorption. We conclude that the F344 rat displays a broad range of catabolic effects following ORX and is the best rat model for studying the androgenic pathway and strategies for reversing catabolic changes induced by hypogonadism.  相似文献   

Rat Factor II (prothrombin), isolated and purified by chromatography on Blue Dextran-agarose, was used to raise an antiserum in rabbits. On the basis of single radial immunodiffusion measurements. Factor II synthesis by isolated perfused rat liver amounted to 0.54 mg/300 cm2 body surface area of the liver donor in 10 h. Corresponding measurements of Factor II coagulant activity revealed cumulative synthesis of 802 Iowa units. Coumadin added to the liver perfusate blocked production of Factor II coagulant activity, but did not change synthesis of the immunologically measured protein. In perfusions in which either heparin or citrate was used as anticoagulant, synthesis of albumin was not affected by the choice of anticoagulant but bile production and synthesis of Factor II were significantly less in citrate perfusions.  相似文献   

Summary The presence and distribution of CRF-immunoreactive cells and nerve fibers were studied in the mammillary body of the rat, 12 days after placing various types of lesions within the hypothalamus. Anterior and anteriolateral cuts, placed in the midhypothalamus immediately behind the paraventricular nuclei resulted in an almost complete disappearance of CRF-immunoreactive fibers from the median eminence and simultaneous appearance of CRF-containing neurons in the mammillary body. Posterior or postero-lateral hypothalamic cuts carried out in front of the mammillary body caused the accumulation of CRF-immunoreactive material in neurons and neural processes located behind the cut-line. This type of intervention had no effect on the quantity of CRF fibers in the median eminence. A cut running through the central part of the mammillary body in the frontal plane resulted in appearance of CRF neurons only in the posterior half of the mammillary region. Placing a cut behind and over the mammillary body, CRF-immunoreactive neurons became detectable below the superior cut-line. No immunoreactive neurons were observed in the mammillary body when the frontal cut reached the base of the brain at the posterior border of the nucleus, leaving intact its anterior and superior connections. In all these cases when the mammillo-thalamic tract was transected, CRF neurons became detectable in the mammillary body.  相似文献   

Linear prediction in the factor analysis model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Lengths within the cranial base and vault were measured in cephalometric radiographs of 220 boys and 177 girls ranging in age from 0 to 15 years; all these children are participants in The Fels Longitudinal Growth Study. The present study is based on mixed longitudinal data derived from 1640 radiographs for boys and 1260 radiographs for girls. Factor analysis was applied separately for boys and girls for each age group; i.e., 0–3, 4–6, 7–9, 10–12, and 13–15 years. For the 0–3 year age group, two factors were extracted in each sex, whereas four factors were extracted in the rest of the age groups. The factor structures are similar in the three older age groups of boys (7–9, 10–12, and 13–15 years). The first four factors for these groups are labelled, respectively: cranial vault size, posterior cranial base length, presphenoid length, and basisphenoid length. The order of the third and fourth factors is reversed in the 7–9 year olds. For girls, the factors extracted were also the same in both the 7–9 and 10–12 year age groups, even though the order of factors was different between age groups; i.e., anterior cranial base length, cranial vault size, basisphenoid length, and basioccipital length. Differential growth rates among cranial base dimensions probably cause changes in factor patterns. Obliteration of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis is suggested as the mechanism responsible for the change of factor pattern in the girls. Closure of this synchondrosis would have occurred too late to affect the patterns in boys.  相似文献   

The fast-start is an ecologically relevant behavior pattern in fishes. The present article analyses the distribution of five continuous kinematic traits (latency for response initiation, time to maximum angular velocity, time to maximum displacement velocity, maximum angular velocity, and maximum displacement velocity) in eight of the eleven species described in Eaton (66:65–81, 1977). Phylogenetic generalized least square estimation of ancestor states demonstrated evolutionary changes in maximum angular velocity and maximum displacement velocity, consistent with species differences in the same variables. These changes in maximum velocity are also correlated (phylogenetically independent contrasts) with the mean body sizes of all species, pointing to the possibility that body size was an evolutionary constraint on maximum velocities. The conservation of the other traits suggest that they are mainly constrained by neural control, and a trade-off between neural and body size-constraints is proposed ex hypothesi. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Although the insect cell/baculovirus system is an important expression platform for recombinant protein production, our understanding of insect cell metabolism with respect to enhancing cell growth capability and productivity is still limited. Moreover, different host insect cell lines may have different growth characteristics associated with diverse product yields, which further hampers the elucidation of insect cell metabolism. To address this issue, the growth behaviors and utilization profiles of common metabolites among five cultured insect cell lines (derived from two insect hosts, Spodoptera frugiperda and Spodoptera exigua) were investigated in an attempt to establish a metabolic framework that can interpret the different cell growth behaviors. To analyze the complicated metabolic dataset, factor analysis was introduced to differentiate the crucial metabolic variations among these cells. Factor analysis was used to decompose the metabolic data to obtain the underlying factors with biological meaning that identify glutamate (a metabolic intermediate involved in glutaminolysis) as a key metabolite for insect cell growth. Notably, glutamate was consumed in significant amounts by fast-growing insect cell lines, but it was produced by slow-growing lines. A comparative experiment using cells grown in culture media with and without glutamine (the starting metabolite in glutaminolysis) was conducted to further confirm the pivotal role of glutamate. The factor analysis strategy allowed us to elucidate the underlying structure and inter-correlation between insect cell growth and metabolite utilization to provide some insights into insect cell growth and metabolism, and this strategy can be further extended to large-scale metabolomic analysis.  相似文献   

Heteroscedastic factor analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Robustness of statistical inference in factor analysis and related models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BROWNE  M. W. 《Biometrika》1987,74(2):375-384

Summary Rat carotid bodies were studied electron microscopically after short-term severe hypovolaemia, which is known to induce a marked chemoreceptor activation in the carotid body. Altogether 84 nerve-endings in the hypovolaemic rats' carotid bodies and 91 nerve-endings in the control carotid bodies were investigated. An increased accumulation of the glomus cell granular vesicles near the synaptic specializations of the nerve-endings was observed after hypovolaemia. Moreover, a statistically significant increase in the contacts between the nerve-ending synaptic specializations and the glomus cell granular vesicles was observed after hypovolaemia. A suggestion was made that the glomus cells might act as modulating, probably inhibitory, interneurones, whose catecholamines are responsible for the inhibition.The authors are greatly indebted to lecturer Pekka Korkala Ph.L. from the Department of Psychology for his skilful statistical analysis of the results.  相似文献   

1982年和1988年已经有学者报道了黎族体质人类学研究资料,近年来又报道了黎族的分子人类学研究成果。目前未见关于黎族身体组成成分的研究,也没有当前黎族的体质人类学数据。2014年11月,在海南省五指山市5个黎族村寨进行607例(男为308例,女为299例)黎族成人的人体测量。研究发现,黎族人偏瘦,肌肉较发达。随年龄增长,黎族男性体脂率的增加,主要是躯干脂肪率增大造成的,与四肢脂肪率关系不大。男性由于骨量、躯干和四肢肌肉量的下降造成瘦体质量的逐渐减小。随年龄增长,黎族女性的体脂率呈线性增大,总肌肉量呈线性减小。体脂率的逐渐增大是由于躯干和四肢的脂肪率逐渐增加造成的,总肌肉量的逐渐减小是左下肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量逐渐下降造成的。黎族男女均为圆头型、高头型、中头型、阔面型、中鼻型、中躯干型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型、中腿型。与30年前黎族头面部资料相比,本文测量的黎族头宽、面宽值较大,头更圆些、更阔些,面更阔些,红唇较薄,形态面高值较小,男性鼻宽值较小。  相似文献   

Summary The localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was investigated at the cellular and subcellular levels in dissociated cell cultures of the carotid body of the neonatal rat, prepared by the methods of Fishman and Schaffner (1984). In the presence of iso-OMPA, which blocks non-specific cholinesterase, staining was confined almost exclusively to glomus-cell clusters and occasional isolated cells. These clusters grow as discrete islands scattered throughout the culture and display typical catecholamine (CA) fluorescence as in vivo. AChE staining was abolished or reduced by the cholinesterase inhibitors eserine (30–100 M), or (the poorly lipid soluble) echothiophate (8 (M). Processing of the same culture sequentially for the demonstration of both AChE and CA revealed that glomus-cell clusters and individual glomus cells were consistently positive for both. In electron micrographs AChE reaction product was associated intracellularly with the nuclear envelope and cytoplasm of glomus cells (identified by their characteristic dense cored granules), as well as extracellularly with the boundaries of contiguous glomus cells. Significantly, reaction product occurred in some glomus cell profiles that had both dense-cored and clear (cholinergic-like) vesicles. These findings are discussed in the context of a possible dual (adrenergic/cholinergic) function status of glomus cells in the rat's carotid body.  相似文献   

The paper presents anthropometric data on 292 healthy neonates delivered of normal births at the Women's Hospital of Tartu University (150 boys and 142 girls). The parameters of the neonates' physical development measured included height, weight, sitting height, length of sternum and abdomen, shoulder width, upper and lower width and depth of thorax, width and depth of abdomen, D. cristarum, D. trochanterica, pelvic depth, 12 circumferences, foot length and two skinfolds (on abdomen and back). The mean weight of a neonate was 3620.5 g±448.7 g (minimum 2400 g and maximum 4854 g). Boys were somewhat heavier than girls (3684.7 g and 3551.3 g respectively). The average height of the infants was 49.9 cm±1.9 cm (minimum 44 cm and maximum 54.5 cm). Correlation analysis of the characteristics showed that body structure is a system of wellcorrelated anthropometric measurements where the leading role belongs to height and weight. The changes in the relation between height and weight (height-weight classification in 3×3SD classes) cause systemic changes in other measurements. Therefore, in further micropaediatric and clinical research, the height-weight classification could be used as the primary model of the body as a whole.  相似文献   

Summary The volumetric density of most cytoplasmic organelles in the segmenting ovum of the rat was determined by morphometric techniques described by Weibel, at the 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-cell stages, and at the early and late blastocyst stages.During the course of cleavage, the volumetric density of mitochondria remained practically unchanged. The volumetric density of the Golgi complex was too small to permit assessment of the differences between the individual stages of development. Significant changes were found in both granular and agranular endoplasmic reticulum, secondary lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, lamellar structures and lipid droplets. Granular endoplasmic reticulum was first observed as late as the 8-cell ovum stage and its volumetric density increased further in the early and late blastocysts. The relative volume of agranular endoplasmic reticulum was highest in the 1-cell ovum and decreased during the course of cleavage. The same is true for multivesicular bodies. The volumetric density of secondary lysosomes increased during cleavage, reaching the highest values in the 8-cell ovum. Lamellar structures were the most voluminous part of the cytoplasm of the segmenting ovum at all stages. Their volumetric density, however, decreased during the course of cleavage. Lipid droplets occur in very small quantities in the 1- to 4-cell ova, but at later stages their volumetric density increased.Our findings underline the importance of acquiring quantitative information about changes in cell organelle populations for assessing morphological and functional relationships during the early stages of cleavage of the ovum.  相似文献   

On an unbiased predictor in factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CHAN  N. N. 《Biometrika》1977,64(3):642-644

Interrelations between natural arthropod fauna and their environment were studied in 1964 from 165 samples collected from the same number of boxcars each containing about 54 tons of stored grain originating from various parts of Western Canada. Applications of several multivariate procedures, such as principal component and maximum likelihood factor analyses (unrotated, rotated and oblique solutions) were applied to 6 biotic and 3 environmental variates to obtain the clearest picture of interrelations among these variates.Jöreskog’ s computational procedure and computer programs were used for unrotated, rotated and oblique maximum likelihood solutions. A 3-factor hypothesis was developed; of the 3 factors the first 2 were significantly correlated (Correlation coefficient=0.78±0.15). The final confirmatory factor analysis revealed that: 1) the first factor indicates that acarine variates, Glycyphagus and Cheyletus, were correlated positively to each other but negatively with the insect Psocoptera, 2) the second factor indicates that the acarine variate Tarsonemus is correlated to moisture, dockage and the entomological variate Psocoptera, 3) the third factor indicates that the environmental factors are correlated to each other, and 4) the correlations between the third factor and the other factors are statistically different from zero.  相似文献   

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