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The late Miocene deposits at Rudabànya, Hungary, were laid down in a shallow valley sloping westwards from a range of hills and opening out into the Pannonian Lake. Rise and fall of lake level gave rise to varying conditions, from dry land with soil formation to swamp and lake. The stratigraphic and palaeontological succession has been investigated at one of the sites, Rudabànya 2, where two cycles of deposition and erosion are represented, with soil formation, swamp conditions with lignite formation, and periods of extended high lake level succeeding each other. Both mammal and plant fossils are present at several levels. Taphonomic modifications in the Rudabànya 2 vertebrate faunas include losses of skeletal elements through carnivore selection, fluvial sorting at some levels, and post-depositional destruction by leaching and/or acid soils. The lowest level, the lower lignite, has few fossils. The fossil mammals from the level above, the grey marl, are the least modified but they are mixed with abraded, probably allochthonous, bone fragments and more complete specimens resulting from near-lake deaths. Modifications of bones by carnivores are indicated, but the specimens were too broken post-depositionally for the impact of the carnivores to be assessed. Carnivore action is also indicated for the fauna of the black clay which formed on the surface of the grey marl. The fauna consists of relatively abundant small mammals and the primates Anapithecus hernyaki and Dryopithecus hungaricus, with the latter much less common. The predator accumulating the smaller species was probably a viverrid. The red marl fauna is a transported assemblage from higher up the valley with the fossils extremely fragmentary and abraded and few identifiable specimens, almost all of which are teeth. The black mud fauna is also probably a transported assemblage, lower energy than the red marl environment, and the bones are much modified subsequently by acid corrosion similar to that seen today in bone preserved in peat bogs. Dryopithecus is a major constituent of the fauna, with Anapithecus less common. D. hungaricus is thus associated more strongly with swamp forest and shallow riverine conditions with low energy movement of water, and A. hernyaki is associated with lake shore (probably forest) conditions, accumulating in lake sediments and lake-flat sediments. The palaeoecology of the area as a whole, based on the associated flora and fauna, is a combination of swamp forest, lake shore forest and open mud flats.  相似文献   

Mathematical models are developed describing unsteady-state bacterial growth on organic polymers that are hydrolyzed by extracellular enzymes secreted by the bacteria to yield low-molecular-weight oligomers that may be directly transported across bacterial cytoplasmic membranes and hence metabolized. Two different modes of extracellular enzyme action on the organic polymer are considered. In one case, the enzyme is exoacting yielding a transportable oligomer with each polymer bond hydrolyzed. In the other case, the enzyme is endoacting yielding a series of oligomers upon random cleavage of the polymer bonds with oligomers up to a certain chain length assumed to be transportable. These models are exploited to show under what circumstances the rate of hydrolysis by the extracellular enzyme to yield transportable oligomers influences the bacterial growth rate. It is shown that an initial lag period, an accentuated declining growth phase, and a low overall rate of bacterial growth will be some of the manifestations when the rate of hydrolysis has a strong influence.  相似文献   

Large benthic foraminifers are considered to be good indicators of shallow marine carbonate environments in fossil series. Over the last 50 years, the palaeoenvironment of Tertiary Nummulites accumulations has been a matter of debate, particularly because of difficulties in interpreting these deposits, and in this way, the absence of analogues in present-day seas does not help. The aim of this paper is to insight the different ways Nummulites tests and clasts may accumulate according to their hydrodynamic behaviour. Based on experimental measurements and on SEM observations, it appears that the high primary skeletal porosity of Nummulites made them easily transportable. The calculated threshold shear velocities confirm that large-sized Nummulites can be moved by weak wave-driven currents. This peculiar hydrodynamic behaviour of Nummulites could explain the diversity of depositional models. Depending on local hydrodynamic conditions, autochthonous Nummulites deposits can be preserved as in situ winnowed bioaccumulations or be accumulated offshore, onshore or alongshore, away from the original biotope.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to develop a mathematical model of the skeletal muscle based on the frequency transfer function, referred to as frequency response model, and to presume the relationship between the model elements and skeletal muscle contractile properties. Twitch force in elbow flexion was elicited by applying a single electrical stimulation to the motor point of biceps brachii muscles, and then analyzed visually by the Bode gain and phase diagram of the force signal. The frequency response model was represented by a frequency transfer function consisting of five basic control elements (proportional element, dead time element, and three first-order lag elements). The model element constants were estimated by best-fitting to the Bode gain and phase diagram of the twitch force signal. The proportional constant and the dead time in the frequency response model correlated significantly with the peak torque and the latency in the actual twitch force, respectively. In addition, the time constants of the three first-order lag elements in the model correlated strongly with the contraction time and the half relaxation time in the actual twitch force. The results suggested a possibility that the individual elements in the frequency response model would reflect the biochemical and biomechanical properties in the excitation–contraction coupling process of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Nasal morphology and the emergence of Homo erectus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modern humans, among extant hominoids, possess a unique projecting, external nose whose basic structure is reflected in a series of skeletal features including nasal bone convexity, an internasal angle, lateral nasal aperture eversion, prominence and anterior positioning of the anterior nasal spine, an acute angle of the subnasal alveolar clivus, and an expansion of the breadth of the nasal bones relative to that of the piriform aperture. This anatomy appears with the emergence of Homo erectus ca. 1.6 million years ago. Although it undoubtedly evolved in the context of craniofacial and dental reduction during hominid evolution, it appears to have been primarily a response to the need for moisture conservation in an arid environment via turbulence enhancement and ambient cooling of expired air. Its appearance at this time in hominid evolution, in conjunction with the presence of a fatigue-resistant locomotor anatomy characteristic of archaic members of the genus Homo, indicates a shift to increasingly prolonged bouts of activity in open and arid environments.  相似文献   

Gluteus maximus muscle function and the origin of hominid bipedality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bipedality not only frees the hands for tool use but also enhances tool use by allowing use of the trunk for leverage in applying force and thus imparting greater final velocity to tools. Since the weight and acceleration of the trunk and forelimbs on the hindlimbs must be counteracted by muscles such as m. gluteus maximus that control pelvic and trunk movements, it is suggested that the large size of the cranial portion of the human gluteus maximus muscle and its unique attachment to the dorsal ilium (which is apparent in the Makapan australopithecine ilium) may have contributed to the effectiveness with which trunk movement was exploited in early hominid foraging activities. To test this hypothesis, the cranial portions of both right and left muscles were investigated in six human subjects with electromyography during throwing, clubbing, digging, and lifting. The muscles were found to be significantly recruited when the trunk is used in throwing and clubbing, initiating rotation of the pelvis and braking it as trunk rotation ceases and the forelimb accelerates. They stabilize the pelvis during digging and exhibit marked and prolonged activity when the trunk is maintained in partial flexion during lifting of heavy objects.  相似文献   

Studies of pollen dispersion by wind show, that pollen spectra of the deposits of small lakes and bogs and also those of a near-shore zone of the sea reflect the composition of the vegetation growing in the neighborhood. In the pollen spectra of marine deposits distant from the shore an average composition of the vegetation of large territories is reflected. These pollen spectra are rather monotonous, the prevalence of the most transportable Pinus pollen is typical of them.When marine and continental deposits are correlated it is important to reveal the specificity of the change succession in the composition of pollen spectra of the sections compared, to use data on the concentration of pollen and spores in the deposits, to ascertain the location of the sections compared with respect to the former shore, genesis and composition of the deposits, and to take into account the results of the mentioned deposits studied by other methods.  相似文献   

The primary voltage sensor of the sodium channel is comprised of four positively charged S4 segments that mainly differ in the number of charged residues and are expected to contribute differentially to the gating process. To understand their kinetic and steady-state behavior, the fluorescence signals from the sites proximal to each of the four S4 segments of a rat skeletal muscle sodium channel were monitored simultaneously with either gating or ionic currents. At least one of the kinetic components of fluorescence from every S4 segment correlates with movement of gating charge. The fast kinetic component of fluorescence from sites S216C (S4 domain I), S660C (S4 domain II), and L1115C (S4 domain III) is comparable to the fast component of gating currents. In contrast, the fast component of fluorescence from the site S1436C (S4 domain IV) correlates with the slow component of gating. In all the cases, the slow component of fluorescence does not have any apparent correlation with charge movement. The fluorescence signals from sites reflecting the movement of S4s in the first three domains initiate simultaneously, whereas the fluorescence signals from the site S1436C exhibit a lag phase. These results suggest that the voltage-dependent movement of S4 domain IV is a later step in the activation sequence. Analysis of equilibrium and kinetic properties of fluorescence over activation voltage range indicate that S4 domain III is likely to move at most hyperpolarized potentials, whereas the S4s in domain I and domain II move at more depolarized potentials. The kinetics of fluorescence changes from sites near S4-DIV are slower than the activation time constants, suggesting that the voltage-dependent movement of S4-DIV may not be a prerequisite for channel opening. These experiments allow us to map structural features onto the kinetic landscape of a sodium channel during activation.  相似文献   

The Solen 98 well corresponds to the limestones of the Lower Tithonian Cazals Formation (Gigas Zone). The iterative succession of six sedimentary terms expresses a cyclic peritidal dynamic. Limited by two emersion surfaces, each sequence evolves from an upper subtidal lagoon to a tidal flat, upper intertidal or supratidal environment, and ends with open sea depositional bioclastic and oolitic shoals deposits. Hierarchical ascendant classification applied to palynological data define 6 palynofacies types associated with different depositional facies. Type 1, characterizing open marine deposits, shows a diversified and balanced assemblage. The blade-shape woody particles are abundant and the amorphous organic matter is absent. Types 2 and 3 are linked to lagoonal and skeletal shoals deposits. Then microfossil population is dominated by Corculodinium or long-spine Micrhystridium. The Shannon-Weaver and the equitability indices are moderate. Type 4 is associated with the upper tidal flat, lagoonal and skeletal shoal deposits. When microfossils are present, the algal assemblages are more balanced than in type 5. This type, observed in all the palaeo-environments except the open marine, is enriched in elements attributed to the Hyalinsphaeridia complex. The marine component assemblages are balanced. The amorphous organic matter is relatively abundant and the oxydized woody particles absent. Type 6, mainly composed of amorphous organic matter and phytoclasts, is principally associated with the stromatolitic facies of tidal flat deposits. The example of the Solen 98 well, shows that hierarchical ascendant classification method is well suited for identification of palynofacies  相似文献   

Variations in the number of skeletal elements in the proximal portion of the arms (primibrachials) of Metacrinus rotundus Carpenter and Saracrinus nobilis (Carpenter) are compared. Older specimens of Metacrinus rotundus show increased variation in number of elements along with a tendency toward reduction, whereas the number of elements remains nearly constant in Saracrinus nobilis. The variation in Metacrinus rotundus is attributed to inaccurate arm regeneration following autotomy. Separation of Saracrinus from Metacrinus on the basis of number of skeletal elements is therefore possible, but caution must be used in the application of taxonomic characters which might be influenced by regeneration.  相似文献   

From a detailed analysis of published and unpublished sources, we constructed a digitized three-dimensional, stratigraphically-controlled excavation grid of Zhoukoudian Locality 1 in order to assess the spatial relationships of the excavated materials. All 15 fossil Homo erectus loci were mapped on the grid. Meter cubes were used in excavation starting in 1934, and Loci H through O, established between 1934 and 1937, were mapped to within 1 m(3)vertical and horizontal provenience. Loci A through G, established between 1921 and 1933, were excavated in the northernmost part of Locality 1 by unmapped quarrying, but their stratigraphic levels were recorded. We could localize Loci A through G on the grid system by utilizing locations of remaining walls, stratigraphic sections, excavation reports, excavation maps, and photographs. Loci contained skeletal elements of Homo erectus individuals scattered over areas of the cave floor of up to 9 m in diameter. Scoring of taphonomic damage on the Homo erectus sample, as observed on casts and originals, demonstrates that 67% of the hominid sample shows bite marks or other modifications ascribed to large mammalian carnivores, particularly the large Pleistocene cave hyena, Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Virtually all of the remaining Homo erectus skeletal assemblage shows breakage consistent with this taphonomic pattern of fragmentation. Bioturbation by digging carnivores is the most likely explanation for a fragment of Homo erectus Skull XI discovered 1 m below its other conjoined portions in Locus L. Carbon on all the Homo erectus fossils from Locus G, a circumscribed area of 1-meter diameter, earlier taken to indicate burning, cooking, and cannibalism, is here interpreted as detrital carbon deposited under water, perhaps the result of hyaenid caching behavior. Locus G records the close stratigraphic and horizontal association of stone artifacts with Homo erectus and other vertebrate skeletal elements, an association that is seen at other loci as well. Layer 4 of the excavation contains equid cranial bone previously interpreted to have been burned while fresh. We here document that Locus B Homo erectus, including Skull I, is stratigraphically associated with this evidence, but at some 10-12 m distance. Even though the presence of wood-stoked fires and hearths is not supported by geochemical results, evidence of fire at Locality 1 in the form of burned bone is confirmed. Contextual relationships of fossil skeletal elements, relationships of carnivore damage and stone tool cutmarks on bone, and evidence of the burning of fresh bone associated with Homo erectus and stone tools support a model of transient hominid scavenging aided by the use of fire at the large hyenid den that became Zhoukoudian Locality 1. Although the original excavation catalogue from Locality 1, as well as a significant number of fossils and stone artifacts, were lost during World War II, catalogue numbers on the many surviving specimens can be used to locate fossils and artifacts within the three-dimensional grid provided in this paper.  相似文献   

A range of clinical conditions in which fetal movement is reduced or prevented can have a severe effect on skeletal development. Animal models have been instrumental to our understanding of the interplay between mechanical forces and skeletal development, particularly the mouse and the chick model systems. In the chick, the most commonly used means of altering the mechanical environment is by pharmaceutical agents which induce paralysis, whereas genetically modified mice with nonfunctional or absent skeletal muscle offer a valuable tool for examining the interplay between muscle forces and skeletogenesis in mammals. This article reviews the body of research on animal models of bone or joint formation in vivo in the presence of an altered or abnormal mechanical environment. In both immobilized chicks and “muscleless limb” mice, a range of effects are seen, such as shorter rudiments with less bone formation, changes in rudiment and joint shape, and abnormal joint cavitation. However, although all bones and synovial joints are affected in immobilized chicks, some rudiments and joints are unaffected in muscleless mice. We propose that extrinsic mechanical forces from movements of the mother or littermates impact on skeletogenesis in mammals, whereas the chick embryo is reliant on intrinsic movement for mechanical stimulation. The insights gained from animal models into the mechanobiology of embryonic skeletal development could provide valuable cues to prospective tissue engineers of cartilage and bone and contribute to new or improved treatments to minimize the impact on skeletal development of reduced movement in utero. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 90:203–213, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phosphate deposits are used mainly as raw materials in the fertilizer industry. However, toxic elements content in both phosphate ores and final mining products has received little attention. The present study used inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine levels of toxic elements in phosphate deposits in Al-Hisa and Al-Abyad mines, Jordan. Concentrations of elements were converted into rock content based on the ICP-MS results and compared using an enrichment-factor (EF) method that normalized to the mean concentration of elements in crustal rock. The results showed that the U, V, and Hg were enriched in the Jordanian deposits compared to the average worldwide phosphate (AWP), whereas lower enrichments of Pb were found in the Jordanian deposits (JP). Other trace elements had similar levels in Jordanian deposits comparable to worldwide averages of phosphates. Concentrations of U, V, and Cd in Jordanian phosphate deposits were greater than the permissible limits for soils for growing crops established by the European Community (EC) and World Health Organization (WHO). Finally, Jordanian phosphate deposits show the highest enrichment of Hg and U, thus can be regarded as U-bearing.  相似文献   

Thick filaments can move from the center of the sarcomere to the Z-disc while the isometric tension remains stable in skinned rabbit psoas fibers activated for several minutes (Horowits and Podolsky, 1987). Using the active and resting tension-length relations and the force-velocity relation, we calculated the time course and mechanical consequences of thick filament movement in the presence and absence of the elastic titin filaments, which link the ends of the thick filaments to the Z-discs and give rise to the resting tension. The calculated time course of thick filament movement exhibits a lag phase, during which the velocity and extent of movement are extremely small. This lag phase is dependent only on the properties of the cross-bridges and the initial position of the thick filament. The time course of thick filament movement in skinned rabbit psoas fibers at 7 degrees C is well fit assuming a small initial thick filament displacement away from the center of the sarcomere; this leads to a lag of approximately 80 s before any significant thick filament movement occurs. In the model incorporating titin filaments, this lag is followed by a phase of slow, steady motion during which isometric tension is stable. The model excluding titin filaments predicts a phase of acceleration accompanied by a 50% decrease in tension. The observed time course of movement and tension are consistent with the model incorporating titin filaments. The long lag phase suggests that in vivo, significant movement of thick filaments is unlikely to occur during a single contraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract:  Coprolites from the Arcadia Formation, Queensland, Australia, were studied in conjunction with the vertebrate fossil assemblages from two localities to maximize our understanding of the palaeoecology of these Early Triassic deposits. Criteria used by other researchers to identify the producers of coprolites were found to be of little value in the Arcadia Formation specimens. Using a combination of shape, biostratigraphic distribution, size and included remains some of the coprolites are attributed to basal archosauromorphs and fish whereas others could not be identified. Perhaps the most important attribute of the Arcadia coprolites is that they preserved rare organisms such as cyanobacteria, insects and other arthropods, and a diversity of fish. Estimates of the number of actinopterygians and dipnoans preserved in coprolites significantly increased relative abundance estimates based on skeletal elements alone. Although coprolites are an important source of palaeobiological information, this information is limited by our poor understanding of the taphonomic processes involved in the fossilization of faecal matter and by the near impossibility of assigning coprolites to specific producers.  相似文献   

Long-bone circumference and weight in mammals, birds and dinosaurs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mid-shaft circumferences of the humerus and femur are closely related to body weight in living terrestrial vertebrates. Because these elements are frequently preserved in subfossil and fossil vertebrate skeletal materials, the relationship can be used to estimate body weight in extinct vertebrates. When the allometric equations are applied to the mid-shaft circumferences of these elements in dinosaurs, the weights calculated for some giant sauropods ( Brachiosaurus ) are found to be lighter than previous estimates.  相似文献   

骨龄与儿童智力发育水平的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐勇  张国栋 《人类学学报》1991,10(2):135-138

Sporadic inclusion body myositis (SIBM) is characterized by vacuolar degeneration of muscle fibers and intrafiber clusters of paired helical filaments with abnormal amyloid deposition. Because of their potential involvement in other degenerative disorders, we have examined the expression of transglutaminases (TGases) in normal and SIBM tissues. We report that at least two different enzymes, the ubiquitous TGase 2 as well as the TGase 1 enzyme, are present in muscle tissues. However, in comparison with normal tissue, the expression of TGases 1 and 2 was increased 2.5- and 4-fold in SIBM, accompanied by about a 20-fold higher total TGase activity. By immunohistochemical staining, in normal muscle, TGase 2 expression was restricted to some endomysial connective tissue elements, whereas TGase 1 and beta-amyloid proteins were not detectable. In SIBM muscle, both TGases 1 and 2 as well as amyloid proteins were brightly expressed and co-localized in the vacuolated muscle fibers, but none of these proteins colocalized with inflammatory cell markers. Next, we isolated high molecular weight insoluble proteins from SIBM muscle tissue and showed that they were cross-linked by about 6 residues/1000 residues of the isopeptide bond. Furthermore, by amino acid sequencing of solubilized tryptic peptides, they contain amyloid and skeletal muscle proteins. Together, these findings suggest that elevated expression of TGases 1 and 2 participate in the formation of insoluble amyloid deposits in SIBM tissue and in this way may contribute to progressive and debilitating muscle disease.  相似文献   

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