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The length of the spinal column as a percentage of stature is smaller in the Australian aboriginal than in most other ethnic groups (Abbie, 1957). It is conceivable that relative lengths of the cervical column might influence population differences in craniocervical posture and craniofacial morphology. The present study aimed to elucidate this relationship by comparing head posture and craniofacial morphology in Australian aboriginals to the same features in a previously studied sample of 120 Danish students (Solow and Tallgren, 1976). The aboriginal sample consisted of 42 young male adults from the Yuendumu settlement, Northern Territory, Australia. Cephalometric films of the natural head position were taken during a field trip to the settlement. The comparison comprised 18 postural and 61 morphological variables. In the aboriginals, the cervical column was shorter and had a less pronounced lordosis. The head was held about 3° lower, and the upper cervical column was 81/2° more forward inclined. As a consequence, the craniocervical angle was about 6° larger. Comparison of the craniofacial morphology in the two groups showed in the aboriginals a shorter upper facial height, a larger anterior lower facial height, and a larger vertical jaw relationship (NL/ML). The length of the posterior cranial base, s-ba, was 4 mm shorter (P <0.001) in the aboriginals, possibly developmentally related to the generally shorter spinal column in Australian aboriginals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare intersex differences in the angular relationships of the head, the cervical column, and the true vertical in natural head posture (the "postural variables") for unselected samples of southern Chinese (n = 240) and British Caucasian (n = 80) 12-year-old children in Hong Kong. For both samples the cervical spine was angulated significantly more forwardly in the females (P less than or equal to 0.001) and the head held higher relative to the spine. Cervical lordosis was also greater in the females and the cervical column of greater relative length. Our findings are in agreement with comparable data previously reported for a northern Finnish population.  相似文献   

Landmarks digitized from lateral cephalometric radiographs of 107 Navajo Indians between 10 and 12 years of age were analyzed to determine coefficients of variation or standard deviations for 38 cephalometric measurements. These values were compared with the same measures of variation for identical measurements on North American whites derived from the Michigan and Philadelphia Growth Studies. For the majority of variables, there were no differences between groups. Variation for the genetically and environmentally isolated Navajo Indians was the same as that of the highly diverse Caucasian samples. However, measurements of upper, lower, and total anterior facial height (N-ANS, ANS-Me, and N-Me, respectively) indicate that these features are substantially less variable in Navajo Indians relative to the Michigan and Philadelphia populations.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of Caurinus dectes were examined and described in detail. The features are compared to conditions found in other groups of Antliophora. Caurinus is obviously crucial for the reconstruction of the mecopteran and antliophoran groundplan. It displays a remarkable series of plesiomorphic character states such as a complete clypeolabral suture, the presence of M. hypopharyngomandibularis (M. 13) and M. frontohypopharyngalis (M. 41), a subdivided clypeus, a short head without rostrum, a dorsal tentorial arm attached to the head capsule, the absence of a cranial dilator of the antenna, and large mandibles with a well developed apical tooth, two distinct subapical teeth, and a basal molar part. The first three plesiomorphic features render potential autapomorphies of Mecoptera in the traditional sense invalid. Autapomorphies of Caurinus are the distinctly flattened labrum, the absence of the labroepipharyngeal muscle, the very large size of M. 13, the strongly enlarged penultimate palpomeres, the partition of M. 41, the very strongly developed precerebral sucking chamber, strongly curved optic lobes, the presence of a large protocerebral extension in the genal region and deep posterior excavations of the protocerebrum. The maxillolabial plate, the absence of cardines as separate structures, the reduction of ocelli, and the origin of maxillary palp muscles on a median ridge or area of the maxillolabial plate are likely autapomorphies of Boreidae. Another potential autapomorphy of the family is the presence of longitudinal furrows on the mandibles. However, they are absent in Boreus. The thick strongly sclerotised, median ridge of the maxillolabial plate, the missing retractibility of the prementum, the absence of extrinsic labial muscles, and the presence of a median ridge on the prepharyngeal roof suggest a clade Boreus + Hesperoboreus. The origin of extrinsic maxillary muscles from the clypeus has probably evolved independently in Boreus and Hesperoboreus, and in Panorpa, respectively. The absence of M. craniolacinialis and the presence of a row of several subapical mandibular teeth are autapomorphies of Boreus. The presence of a specific intrinsic muscle of the salivary duct and a membranous galea enclosing the labrum and mandibular base are derived features shared by Boreidae and Pistillifera (galea absent in Nannochorista, Siphonaptera and Diptera). The loss of M. frontolabralis (M. 8) is a potential apomorphy of Mecoptera incl. Siphonaptera. A sister group relationship between Boreidae and Siphonaptera is not supported by characters of the adult head. Head structures of Siphonaptera are extremely modified in correlation with ectoparasitic habits.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the adult neurocranium were studied on lateral head films of 32 Finnish women aged 20–73 years, the interval between the first and last observation being 15 years. The measurements were computed from x- and y-coordinates of 21 neurocranial reference points obtained directly on the films with a D-Mac Pencilfollower. The findings revealed no significant changes in measurements of the cranial vaults and the cranial base over the observation period. The constancy of the neurocranial dimensions with mean changes ranging from ?0.14 mm to 0.20 mm indicated that no appreciable changes in external or internal size of the calvarium had occurred with increasing adult age. Nor was there any marked evidence of increases or decreases in skull thickness.  相似文献   

锹甲的头部形态及常用分类特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锹甲的外部形态纷繁多样,头部形态尤其复杂并导致种类鉴定混乱,有必要对其深入研究。文章介绍锹甲的头部形态,并以代表性属种为例,比较与讨论上颚、上唇、下颚和下唇、复眼、触角等常用分类特征及其分类学意义。  相似文献   

Summary The characterization of head activator (HA) as a morphogen capable of increasing the number of tentacles regenerated by hydra was re-examined. Gastric tissue was excised from HA-treated whole animals and allowed to regenerate. At the cellular level the differentiation of head-specific ectodermal epithelial cells was monitored by quantifying monoclonal antibody, CP8, labeling. This labeling has been correlated with a rise in head activation potential and the determination of tissue to form head structures (Javois et al. 1986). At the morphological level tentacle number was monitored. HA-treated regenerates began the head patterning processes and evaginated tentacles sooner than controls but did not produce extra tentacles. The kinetics of CP8 labeling did not reveal major differences between treated and control regenerates after the initiation of head-specific epithelial cell differentiation. HA appeared to act more like a growth factor stimulating the differentiation of head-specific cell types rather than a morphogen which altered head morphology. An additional aspect of the study examined axial-specific effects of HA on the initiation and extent of head-specific epithelial cell differentiation. The cellular response of ectodermal epithelial cells to HA was dependent on their original axial location. More CP8+ tissue differentiated in regenerates of apical as opposed to mid-gastric origin.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(6):413-423
The life cycle of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) remained a mystery until the 20th century, when Schmidt discovered that the Sargasso Sea was its spawning area. However, many aspects of the eel's life cycle remain poorly understood. Among these is the bimodal distribution in head shape, with broad- and narrowheaded phenotypes reported in the yellow eel stage. Although this has been linked to dietary preferences of the yellow eels, very little is known about why, how and when this dimorphism arises during their ontogeny. To determine whether this dimorphism indeed appears in relation to trophic niche segregation, we examined head shape variation at an earlier ontogenetic stage, the glass eel stage, as at this stage eels are considered to be non-feeding. Head shape was studied in a large dataset, containing glass eels captured from the Yser river mouth, the Leopold Canal (Belgium) and from the rivers Severn, Trent and Parret (UK), by both taking measurements (head width/head length) and using an outline analysis. Our results show that there is already considerable variation in broadness and bluntness of the head at the glass eel stage. In most cases, equal support for a unimodal and bimodal head shape distribution is found, whereas some cases support head shape bimodality in glass eels, suggesting that glass eel head shape might be shifting from a unimodal to a bimodal distribution. This, in combination with the observation that variation in head width/head length ratios in non-feeding glass eels shows a similar range as in feeding yellow eels, indicates that head shape in European eel might be at least partially determined through other mechanisms than trophic segregation.  相似文献   

This study examines patterns of secular change in cranial morphology in the New Lisbon collection, a documented skeletal collection from Lisbon, Portugal with birth years from 1806 to 1954. This period represents a time when Lisbon was undergoing increased urbanization and population growth, as well as changes in mortality and fertility patterns. Previous studies from the U.S., Europe, and Japan have reported significant secular changes in cranial morphology over the past 200 years. In the current study, secular changes were analyzed using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics methods. The results from this study demonstrate a significant change in cranial morphology over the roughly 150-year period. Allometry was rejected as a causal factor of this change because there was no association found between temporal change and size. The pattern of temporal change is similar to that observed in other populations in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, including decreased facial breadth and a more inferiorly placed cranial base. This study, along with previous research, suggests a similar pattern of change occurs in genetically and geographically diverse populations experiencing modern environmental conditions. We argue that because the secular changes are focused in the cranial base, a region of the skull that experiences a relatively early growth curve, changes related to declines in childhood morbidity and mortality are likely important factors related to the observed changes.  相似文献   

Age factor and the pattern of change in craniofacial structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today special emphasis is being placed upon the understanding of human aging and this study is an attempt to shed light on the craniofacial complex during the later years. Postcranial skeletal alteration is clear and it is now evident that cranial and facial structures are no exception to the aging process. The longitudinal information presented here indicates continuing overall growth from early adulthood to later life. The cranium thickens and the skull diameter increases. Endocranial dimensions enlarge as well. This suggests larger overall skull size and expansion of the cranial cavity. The visceral cranial structures also participate in the continuing growth process. Enlargement in all areas seems to be of similar magnitude except for skull thickness, sella turcica, and frontal sinus. The size increase in these three structures is greater than in other segments examined. In essence, the craniofacial complex is in a state of growth throughout life. The entire system is involved in a process of symmetrical enlargement.  相似文献   

Thirty-three cephalometric variables and height have been measured on each of 630 individuals (316 male and 314 female) from 157 families. After age and sex differences were adjusted for each measurement, a rotated factor analysis was undertaken to account for the variation by a limited number of linear combinations of the adjusted measurements. It was found that most of the variation could be explained by nine independent factors. Finally, correlation coefficients were computed on twins, siblings and parent-offspring data for factor scores. The results suggest that each factor which is measured by a linear combination of a set of variables could result from the interaction of independent sets of genes with the environment.  相似文献   

Birds utilize one of two hindlimb postures during flight: an extended posture (with the hip and knee joints flexed, while the ankle joint is extended caudally) or a flexed posture (with the hip, knee, and ankle joints flexed beneath the body). American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and Black‐necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) extend their legs caudally during flight and support them for extended periods. Slow tonic and slow twitch muscle fibers are typically found in muscles functioning in postural support due to the fatigue resistance of these fibers. We hypothesized that a set of small muscles composed of high percentages of slow fibers and thus dedicated to postural support would function in securing the legs in the extended posture during flight. This study examined the anatomy and histochemical profile of eleven hindlimb muscles to gain insight into their functional roles during flight. Contrary to our hypothesis, all muscles possessed both fast twitch and slow twitch or slow tonic fibers. We believe this finding is due to the versatility of dynamic and postural functions the leg muscles must facilitate, including standing, walking, running, swimming, and hindlimb support during flight. Whether birds use an extended or flexed hindlimb flight posture may be related to the aerodynamic effect of leg position or may reflect evolutionary history. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2014,253(2):164-178
Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott, 1911 from the Cambrian Series 3 Burgess Shale of British Columbia is largely accepted as a representative of the artiopodans, an assemblage of Paleozoic arthropod taxa, including trilobites and their immediate relatives. Its appendage morphology was never fully understood, but the exopod seemed to differ from that of other artiopodans, except for the shared presence of lamellae. The head was considered to comprise only the ocular and antennular segments, these being covered entirely on the ventral side by a large doublure. This short head was often taken as an evidence for variability of head segment counts in Cambrian arthropods, and to falsify the hypothesis of a head with three postantennular segments in the euarthropod ground pattern. Restudy of a substantial amount of material of S. inexpectans shows that previous interpretations of a short head were based on taphonomically deformed specimens, where the head was either partly folded, or entirely flipped under the thorax, resulting in the dorsal shield being mistaken for an extensive doublure. Rather than an extensive doublure, there is a broad hypostome, and the head comprises ocular, antennular, and at least two postantennular appendage bearing segments. The appendage morphology is shown to be consistent with artiopodan affinities. The exopod is of the bilobate flap-like type with lamellae inserting on the proximal portion, earlier proposed as a potential autapomorphy of Artiopoda. Reinforcement of artiopodan affinities for S. inexpectans and reinterpretation of its head reconciles this species with current understanding of arthropod phylogeny and head segmentation.  相似文献   

The first aim of this investigation was to quantify the distribution of trapezius muscle activity with different scapular postures while seated. The second aim of this investigation was to examine the association between changes in cervical and scapular posture when attempting to recruit different subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. Cervical posture, scapular posture, and trapezius muscle activity were recorded from 20 healthy participants during three directed shoulder postures. Planar angles formed by reflective markers placed on the acromion process, C7, and tragus were used to quantify cervical and scapular posture. Distribution of trapezius muscle activity was recorded using two high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) electrodes positioned over the upper, middle, and lower trapezius. Results validated the assumption that directed scapular postures preferentially activate different subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. In particular, scapular depression was associated with a more inferior location of trapezius muscle activity (r = 0.53). Scapular elevation was coupled with scapular abduction (r = 0.52). Scapular adduction was coupled with cervical extension (r = 0.35); all other changes in cervical posture were independent of changes in scapular posture. This investigation provides empirical support for reductions in static loading of the upper trapezius and improvements in neck posture through verbal cueing of scapular posture.  相似文献   

BMP signaling is one of the key pathways regulating craniofacial development. It is involved in the early patterning of the head, the development of cranial neural crest cells, and facial patterning. It regulates development of its mineralized structures, such as cranial bones, maxilla, mandible, palate, and teeth. Targeted mutations in the mouse have been instrumental to delineate the functional involvement of this signaling network in different aspects of craniofacial development. Gene polymorphisms and mutations in BMP pathway genes have been associated with various non-syndromic and syndromic human craniofacial malformations. The identification of intricate cellular interactions and underlying molecular pathways illustrate the importance of local fine-regulation of Bmp signaling to control proliferation, apoptosis, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, and stem/progenitor differentiation during craniofacial development. Thus, BMP signaling contributes both to shape and functionality of our facial features. BMP signaling also regulates postnatal craniofacial growth and is associated with dental structures life-long. A more detailed understanding of BMP function in growth, homeostasis, and repair of postnatal craniofacial tissues will contribute to our ability to rationally manipulate this signaling network in the context of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

In adult human subjects, the correlations were determined between the cross-sectional areas of the jaw muscles (measured in CT scans) and a number of facial angles and dimensions (measured from lateral radiographs). Multivariate statistical analysis of the skeletal variables in a group of 50 subjects led to the recognition of six independent factors determining facial shape, i.e., cranial base length, lower facial height, cranial base flexure and prognathism, facial width, mandibular length, and upper facial height. In 29 of these subjects, the cross-sectional areas of the jaw muscles were determined, and correlations between these areas and the scores on the above-mentioned factors were calculated. It appeared that the cross-sectional areas of temporalis and masseter muscles correlated positively with facial width, whereas the areas of masseter and both pterygoid muscles did so with mandibular length. It has been shown experimentally that a decrease in jaw muscle size in various animals likewise has an effect on facial width and mandibular length. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that in man too the jaw muscles affect facial growth and partly determine the final facial dimensions. They also hint that the role of each muscle is different.  相似文献   

External and internal head structures of the mantodean Hymenopus coronatus are examined and described in detail. The results are elaborately compared with the literature. Strong crests on the anterior tentorial arms that articulate with the subantennal suture, a parietal suture and glossae and paraglossae with anteriorly bent tips are proposed as new potential apomorphies for Mantodea while a head capsule being wider than long, enlarged compound eyes, the presence of a frontal shield or scutellum, lateral lobes in the anterior tentorial arms, the presence of a transverse and an interantennal suture and the reduction of the mentum are confirmed as apomorphies, As potential apomorphies for Dictyoptera the reduction of Musculus tentoriobuccalis lateralis (M. 49) is newly presented and a “perforate” tentorium, lacinial incisivi that are located in a galeal pouch and the presence of a postmola are confirmed. The present study shows the value of cephalic morphology for phylogenetic analysis but also points out that further studies including evolutionary key taxa are essential for resolving the evolutionary adaptations among dictyopterans.  相似文献   

Recently discovered Craniofacial fossils of the middle Miocene cercopithecoid Victoriapithecus are described. The frontal, zygomatic, maxilla, and premaxilla anatomy differ from the previously proposed colobine-like ancestral cercopithecoid morphotype in several significant respects. This morphotype was based on the assumption that features held in common by subordinate hominoid and cercopithecoid morphotypes (Colobinae and Hylobatidae) are primitive for Old World monkeys. Cranial similarities between Victoriapithecus, which represents the sister-group of both colobine and cercopithecone monkeys, and the shorter-snouted Cercopithecinae (Macaca and Cercopithecus) indicate that the last common ancestor of Old World monkeys possessed the following features: a narrow interorbital septum, moderately long snout, moderately long and anteriorly tapering premaxilla, large procumbent upper central incisors set anterior to and with longer roots than lateral incisors, moderately tall face below the orbits, teardrop-shaped nasal aperture of low height and moderate width, and probably long and narrow nasal bones. The Victoriapithecus cranium is also characterized by features not present in modern cercopithecids. These include a deep malar region of the zygomatic and the presence of a frontal trigon due to the occurrence of temporal lines that merge with supraorbital costae close to the midline of each orbit and converge anterior to bregma. These features are interpreted as primitive retentions from the basal catarrhine condition as indicated by the occurrence of these features among primitive catarrhines (Aegyptopithecus) and Miocene hominoids (Afropithecus). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Body mass has been shown in experimental and comparative morphological studies to have a significant effect on joint posture in major limb joints. The generalizability of experimental studies is limited by their use of small sample sizes and limited size ranges. In contrast, while comparative morphological studies often have increased sample sizes, the connection between joint posture and morphological variables is often indirect. The current study infers joint postures for a large sample of primates using an experimentally validated method, and tests whether larger primates use more extended joint postures than smaller species. Postures are inferred through the analysis of patterns of subchondral bone apparent density on the medial femoral condyle. Femora from 94 adult wild‐shot individuals of 28 species were included. Apparent density measurements were obtained from CT scans using AMIRA software, and the angular position of the anterior‐most extent of the region of maximum apparent density on the medial femoral condyle was recorded. In general, the hypothesis that larger‐bodied primates use more extended knee posture was supported, but it should be noted that considerable variation exists, particularly at small body sizes. This indicates that smaller species are less constrained by their body size, and their patterns of apparent density are consistent with a wide range of knee postures. The size‐related increase in inferred joint posture was observed in most major groups of primates, and this observation attests to the generalizability of Biewener's model that relates body size and joint posture. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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