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The distributions of alleles at the carbonic anhydrase I (CA I = CA B) and carbonic anhydrase II (CA II = CA C) loci in nine troops of Papio cynocephalus were determined. Two alleles were found at the CA I locus, and three at the CA II locus; the frequencies were: CA Ia = 0.856; CA Ib = 0.144; CA IIa = 0.784; CA IIb = 0.209; CA IIc = 0.007. Results of tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, homogeneity tests, and calculations of migration rates were used in support of the interpretation that migration and genetic drift may affect the distribution of alleles at the CA I locus and that selection is the process responsible for the distribution of alleles at the CA II locus.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 526 baboons (Papio cynocephalus) from 10 troops from the Laikipia district of northern Kenya, from 60 baboons from two troops from the Awash National Park, central Ethiopia, and from 127 baboons from South Africa were tested for Gm and Inv allotypes. Four of the 10 troops from Kenya formed a western cluster and six formed an eastern cluster. The clusters were separated by approximately 10 miles. The samples were tested for Gm (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 24) and for Inv (1, 2, 3). All samples were negative for Gm (2, 6, 14, 16, 24). All from Kenya and Ethiopia were negative for Inv (2), and all were positive for Gm (11, 17) and for Inv (3). The south African samples differed from the others in that 10 were negative for Gm (11) and four were positive for Inv (2). Taking all animals into account, polymorphism was present for Gm (1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 21) and for Inv (1, 2). No two Kenya troops had the same array of phenotypes or of haplotypes, but the four western troops were more similar to each other than to the six eastern troops. Three haplotypes were present in the eastern troops that were not present in the western troops and five were present in the western troops that were not present in the eastern troops. Five haplotypes appeared in at least some troops of each cluster of troops. The samples from each of the two troops from Ethiopia show the same three phenotypes but with significantly different frequencies. It is suggested that the variation in haplotype frequencies observed among the 10 troops from Kenya is the result of a founder effect deriving largely from fission of a large troop into two smaller troops. The data show that speculations about the evolutionary origin of the allotypes are premature. For most species, too few animals have been tested and except for those in this study their origins are not known. Finally, the samples have been from too restricted an area.  相似文献   

Body weights of adult baboons (genera Papio, Mandrillus, and Theropithecus) were gathered from notes of collectors and museum records. However, these data were insufficient to establish mean body weights for all baboon groups. Thus, log cube roots of mean body weights were regressed as functions of the logs of several cranial and dental variables. The resulting least squares regression coefficients were used to estimate weights for 503 adult baboons from cranial measurements. The ability of the various regression functions to assess baboon body weight was determined by comparing reported and estimated mean and individual body weights. The best estimator of baboon body weights was the function derived from the factor scores of a principal components analysis of seven craniometric variables regressed on body weight. However, each of these craniometric variables singly was nearly as precise an estimator of body weight as the multivariate combination of all seven. Other measurements such as dental dimensions and foramen magnum area estimated weight less accurately. Body weight estimates derived from the regression analyses coupled with museum and literature records allowed an assessment of size relationships among all baboon groups.  相似文献   

Rapid withdrawal of females from males at the end of the copulatory sequence (prior to male dismounting) characterizes several primate species. The purpose of this paper is to make a preliminary investigation into possible functional aspects of these “copulatory darts.” Two hypotheses are proposed; (1) females use darts to aid competing males to locate the source of copulation calls; and (2) females dart in order to promote re-mating with the same male. Both hypotheses postulate that darts may thus enhance male-male competition, although acquisition of other benefits may be the primary drive to darting according to the re-mating hypothesis. Using data from 157 copulations collected from six females spread across four groups in a wild population of chacma baboonsPapio cynocephalus ursinus, darting behaviour is described. Within females, darting distance is highly variable. Darting distance is greatest at the time of ovulation (and maximal sexual swelling), and there is some evidence that darting may also be more frequent, and cover greater distances, when the mating male is adult rather than juvenile. While darting behaviour appears unrelated to the presence or absence of ejaculation, it tends to correlate positively with the duration of the female copulation call. These preliminary results are consistent with a mediating role in male-male competition and therefore provide support for both hypotheses.  相似文献   

Relative digit lengths and testosterone levels in Guinea baboons   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A growing body of literature suggests that the ratio of the lengths of the second to fourth digits (2D:4D) on human hands is sexually dimorphic and associated with prenatal exposure to gonadal hormones, circulating serum testosterone, and a number of psychological and behavioral measures. Little research has investigated digit ratios in nonhuman species. In the present study, we investigated sex differences in digit ratios and their possible association with serum testosterone in a captive group of Guinea baboons (Papio papio). Contrary to the sex difference typically reported in humans, male baboons exhibited a substantially larger 2D:4D than did female baboons. Consistent with the human data, however, lower 2D:4D was associated with higher serum testosterone among the males. The present findings suggest that the relationship between digit ratios and male gonadal hormones may be phylogenetically well-conserved, although they also suggest possible species differences in the causal relationships between developmental mechanisms and sex-differentiated digit length patterns.  相似文献   

Morphometric data collected from 118 male and 169 female savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) aged between birth and 5.5 years were analyzed to describe the morphology and physical growth of this species. Measurements included weight, crown-rump length, triceps circumference, and skinfolds at the neck, subscapular, suprailiac, and triceps anatomical sites. Principal components analyses were applied to the data to provide multivariate assessments of morphological patterning among the variables. These analyses resulted in the extraction of two unrotated orthogonal components that accounted for 88% of the overall sample variation. The first component accounted for 77% of the variation and represents an axis of overall body size. The second component represents an axis of shape variation that contrasts body size with fat patterning, and was interpreted as a measure of body leanness. Individual component scores were computed for determining age, gender, and age-by-gender interaction effects. Both components were found to be age dependent for both genders. Males and females shared similar age patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in respect to leanness. The multivariate measure of overall body size increased for both genders similarly with advancing age. Age patterning along the leanness component was described as a decrease from birth to 1 year, followed by an increase in leanness in older ages. Females had a delayed and significantly less intense increase in leanness relative to males.  相似文献   

The blood and saliva groups of 51 Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus, Kerr) were determined. The ABO blood group frequencies differed significantly from another subspecies (P. u. ursinus) but they gave a close agreement with the Hardy-Weinberg estimates. Thus the data are compatible with the hypothesis that the saliva groups of baboons are the products of two allelic genes A and B that are inherited in a similar manner to the A and B genes of humans.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, that provide most of the ATP needed for cell work, and that play numerous specific functions in biosyntheses and degradations, as well as contributing to Ca2+; signaling, also play a key role in the pathway to cell death. Impairment of mitochondrial functions caused by mutations of mt-genome, and by acute processes, are responsible for numerous diseases.The involvement of impaired mitochondria in the pathogenesis of sepsis is discussed. By means of the skinned fiber technique and high resolution respirometry, we have detected significantly reduced rates of mitochondrial respiration in heart and skeletal muscle of endotoxaemic rabbits. Mitochondria from heart were more affected than those from skeletal muscle. Decreased respiration rates were accompanied by reduced activities of complex I+III of the respiratory chain. Endotoxin-caused impairment was also detectable at the level of the Langendorff perfused heart, where the coronary vascular resistance was significantly increased.For an investigation of the influence of bacteraemia on the mitochondrial respiratory chain, baboons were made septic by infusion of high and low amounts of E. coli. For complex I+III and II+III, a clear dose-dependent decrease was detectable and in animals which died in septic shock, a further decrease of enzyme activities in comparison to the controls were found.These results are discussed in the light of current knowledge on the role of mitochondria in cell pathology in respect to sepsis.In conclusion, we present evidence that mitochondrial function is disturbed during sepsis. Besides ischaemic and poison-induced disturbances of mitochondrial function, sepsis is a further example of an acute disease where impaired mitochondria have to be taken into account.  相似文献   

The respiratory pathogenPasteurella multocida was isolated from infections of the laryngeal air sacs of two baboons and from abscesses in the neck or femoral area of two other baboons. The infections were associated with surgical procedures involving the cervical area, chronic catheterization, and chair restraint. The organism was also detected among the commensal pharyngeal flora in 2 of 15 clinically healthy, wildborn adult baboons. These findings suggest that the organism is harbored naturally in baboons and that exudative infections can occur secondary to specific procedures.  相似文献   

Heavy metals are essential for the normal progression of maternal and fetal tissue growth and metabolism in pregnancy. Considerable data have been collected for concentrations of various elements in pregnant women, but no comprehensive evaluation of element concentrations in any non-human primate model has been performed. Baboons were studied at the second half of pregnancy. Forty essential and toxic element concentrations were analyzed by absorption spectrophotometry in paired maternal and fetal blood samples; hair and nail samples in pregnant baboons; in placenta, amniotic fluid; and fetal femur, lymph nodes, and liver. Concentrations demonstrated an excellent correlation with concentrations reported in late human pregnancy. Twenty-four elements were below detectable limits in various specimens. We conclude that the pregnant baboon offers unique opportunities to study both normal maternal, fetal, and placental physiology as well as the environmental toxicology of these elements. This information and the ability to use the pregnant baboon as a model is important because essential and toxic elements are key components of the diet as well as major products of manufacturing processes within our industrialized society.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the use of various baboon species in biomedical research throughout the world.  相似文献   

Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was carried out on 65 individuals from a captive colony of guinea baboons (Papio hamadryas papio) at Brookfield Zoo, in order to determine the allocation of reproductive success among 7 active males. DNA fingerprinting was found to reveal very low levels of genetic variability in the study population, rendering discrimination of different levels of relatedness, and hence paternity, impossible. A method was therefore developed for emphasizing the region of the fingerprint pattern which revealed the greatest level of band variability, and the effect of this experimental modification on band sharing statistics was tested. Band sharing coefficients among unrelated individuals were significantly lower using the modified system, which was then applied to paternity testing in the whole population. However even when using the modified system, of the 33 offspring analyzed only 4 could be assigned solely to 1 male, 14 offspring were assigned to 1 of 2 males, 7 offspring had 3 potential fathers, and the remainder had 4 or more possible fathers. The implications of the limitations of these data for behavioural studies and genetic management of captive populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Water contents of the various body water compartments were estimated in 16 nonpregnant adult female baboons and compared to human data. Total body water, extracellular water, and plasma volumes were determined by dilution studies. Intracellular water, interstitial water, blood volume, and red cell volume were calculated. The data were compatible with the finding that baboon females probably have less body fat than their human counterparts. Our data establish a basis for longitudinal studies of the changes in body water content and distribution during normal and pathological pregnancies.  相似文献   

Blood and saliva from 495 Ethiopan baboons were collected in the field and tested for their human-type A-B-O groups while 493 blood samples were tested for their simian-type blood factors Ap, Bp, Cp, Gp, Np, ca and hu. Four series of feral animals were tested: 194 olive baboons, a troop of 82 and another of 90 hamadryas baboons, and a series of 129 baboons classified as olive/hamadryas hybrids. In addition, 126 baboons from other sources were tested for their human-type A-B-O groups and 131 for their simian-type blood groups. Human-type groups A, B and AB but not group O were found in combined series of 621 animals. Gene frequency analysis also indicated the absence of group O. Population analysis of the data obtained for the 493 Ethiopian baboons has shown that the simian-type blood groups Ap and Bp are independent of one another. In contrast Bp and Gp appear to be determined by corresponding allelic genes; if confirmed by population data on additional series of animals, this would define the first baboon blood group system found. There is a close association between the blood group specificities ca and hu, the exact nature of which still remains to be clarified. Blood group ca, originally believed to be species specific, is found to be polymorphic in both olive baboons and hamadryas as well as in the hybrids; hu, on the other hand, present in all hamadryas tested, is polymorphic only in olive baboons.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in mammals has been related to such variables as absolute body size, ecology, and various aspects of social behaviour. Attempts to relate dimorphism to any of these variables have necessarily used small heterogeneous samples to represent the relevant species. We are concerned by the inevitable exclusion of any measure of variability in dimorphism and the consequent impossiblity of assessing the significance of observed interspecific differences. In this paper we describe aspects of sexual dimorphism in anubis,hamadryas, and hybrid baboons from Ethiopia. Samples are large enough to permit a measure of intrapopulation variability. Hamadryas baboons are more dimorphic than anubis in epigamic features, but not in postcanine dentition, nor, contrary to previous reports, in body weight or canine tooth size. Hybrid males are more hamadryas-like and hybrid females more anubis-like, as would be predicted by the proposed mechanism for the establishment of the hybrid zone, namely the capture of anubis females by hamadryas males.  相似文献   

Frontal and lateral intraoral photographs of 19 baboons from the Awash National Park, Ethiopia and 37 baboons from Amboseli National Park, Kenya, were used to assess periodontal health. The Awash baboons, and two groups (Alto's and Hook's) at Amboseli, fed entirely from natural sources, but baboons from the third Amboseli group (Lodge) fed largely on food refuse from one of the park's lodges. Juveniles and adults were evaluated separately. Intraoral photographs were seriated based on visual appraisals of periodontal health. In both age groups, the best periodontal health was seen in Awash animals; Alto's and Hook's animals were intermediate, and the poorest health was seen in the Lodge sample. The periodontal health decreased with age in adult baboons, as reported in humans. Geochemistry, genetics, age, and diet (particularly variations in bacterial flora) were considered as factors contributing to the intergroup differences. Although it is not possible at present to exclude any of these as a contributing cause, we consider that diet in the broad sense (including food, water, and contamination by oral bacteria of human origin) probably plays a major role. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studying how novel phenotypes originate and evolve is fundamental to the field of evolutionary biology as it allows us to understand how organismal diversity is generated and maintained. However, determining the basis of novel phenotypes is challenging as it involves orchestrated changes at multiple biological levels. Here, we aim to overcome this challenge by using a comparative species framework combining behavioral, gene expression, and genomic analyses to understand the evolutionary novel egg-laying substrate-choice behavior of the invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii. First, we used egg-laying behavioral assays to understand the evolution of ripe fruit oviposition preference in D. suzukii compared with closely related species D. subpulchrella and D. biarmipes as well as D. melanogaster. We show that D. subpulchrella and D. biarmipes lay eggs on both ripe and rotten fruits, suggesting that the transition to ripe fruit preference was gradual. Second, using two-choice oviposition assays, we studied how D. suzukii, D. subpulchrella, D. biarmipes, and D. melanogaster differentially process key sensory cues distinguishing ripe from rotten fruit during egg-laying. We found that D. suzukii’s preference for ripe fruit is in part mediated through a species-specific preference for stiff substrates. Last, we sequenced and annotated a high-quality genome for D. subpulchrella. Using comparative genomic approaches, we identified candidate genes involved in D. suzukii’s ability to seek out and target ripe fruits. Our results provide detail to the stepwise evolution of pest activity in D. suzukii, indicating important cues used by this species when finding a host, and the molecular mechanisms potentially underlying their adaptation to a new ecological niche.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the follicular phase steroid hormone secretion into the utero-ovarian vein by the ovary with a dominant follicle and the contralateral ovary in the same baboon. Serial utero-ovarian vein blood from both sides was collected in 25 baboons by the use of a laparoscope on alternate days, starting on day 1 or 3 of the cycle and continuing through 2 to 3 days post-ovulation. Approximately 3–4 days before the day of expected ovulation, samples were collected at 8-hr intervals. Steroids estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were measured in all utero-ovarian vein plasma by radioimmunoassay. In the peripheral plasma, E2, P, LH, and FSH measurements were carried out. Concentrations of steroids were significantly higher on the side of the ovulating ovary by day 5 before ovulation. Individual plots however, indicated that some baboons may establish the dominant side as early as day 11 before ovulation. The preovulatory gonadotropins had a differential effect on the two ovaries. For example, E2 values on the ovulatory side ovary declined after increases in LH/FSH, whereas on the contralateral side these values had increased. Both sides showed increases in the level of P with the increases in LH. The mean interval from E2 peak to LH peak was 24 hrs and LH peak to ovulation was 24 hrs.  相似文献   

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