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All pathogenic Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) share a type three secretion system (TTSS) that allows translocation of effector proteins into host cells. Yersinia enterocolitica SycH is a chaperone assisting the transport of the effector YopH and two regulatory components of the TTSS, YscM1 and YscM2. We have recombinantly expressed SycH in Escherichia coli. Purification of tag-free SycH to near homogeneity was achieved by combining ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. Functionality of purified SycH was proven by demonstrating binding to YopH. SycH crystals were grown that diffracted to 2.94 Å resolution. Preliminary crystallographic data and biochemical findings suggest that SycH forms homotetramers. SycH may therefore represent a novel class of TTSS chaperones. In addition, we found that YopH was enzymatically active in the presence of SycH. This implies that the function of the secretion chaperone SycH is not to keep YopH in a globally unfolded state prior to secretion.  相似文献   

Yersinia species pathogenic to human benefit from a protein transport machinery, a type three secretion system (T3SS), which enables the bacteria to inject effector proteins into host cells. Several of the transport substrates of the Yersinia T3SS, called Yops (Yersinia outer proteins), are assisted by specific chaperones (Syc for specific Yop chaperone) prior to transport. Yersinia enterocolitica SycD (LcrH in Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) is a chaperone dedicated to the assistance of the translocator proteins YopB and YopD, which are assumed to form a pore in the host cell membrane. In an attempt to make SycD amenable to structural investigations we recombinantly expressed SycD with a hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli. Combining immobilized nickel affinity chromatography and gel filtration we obtained purified SycD with an exceptional yield of 120mg per liter of culture and homogeneity above 95%. Analytical gel filtration and cross-linking experiments revealed the formation of homodimers in solution. Secondary structure analysis based on circular dichroism suggests that SycD is mainly composed of alpha-helical elements. To prove functionality of purified SycD previously suggested interactions of SycD with Yop secretion protein M2 (YscM2), and low calcium response protein V (LcrV), respectively, were reinvestigated.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species use a type III secretion (TTS) system to deliver a number of cytotoxic effector proteins directly into the mammalian host cell. To ensure effective translocation, several such effector proteins transiently bind to specific chaperones in the bacterial cytoplasm. Correspondingly, SycT is the chaperone of YopT, a cysteine protease that cleaves the membrane-anchor of Rho-GTPases in the host. We have analyzed the complex between YopT and SycT and determined the structure of SycT in three crystal forms. Biochemical studies indicate a stoichometric effector/chaperone ratio of 1:2 and the chaperone-binding site contains at least residues 52-103 of YopT. The crystal structures reveal a SycT homodimer with an overall fold similar to that of other TTS effector chaperones. In contrast to the canonical five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet flanked by three alpha-helices, SycT lacks the dimerization alpha-helix and has an additional beta-strand capable of undergoing a conformational change. The dimer interface consists of two beta-strands and the connecting loops. Two hydrophobic patches involved in effector binding in other TTS effector chaperones are also found in SycT. The structural similarity of SycT to other chaperones and the spatial conservation of effector-binding sites support the idea that TTS effector chaperones form a single functional and structural group.  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative bacteria use a type III secretion (T3S) system to directly inject effector molecules into eucaryotic cells in order to establish a symbiotic or pathogenic relationship with their host. The translocation of many T3S proteins requires specialized chaperones from the bacterial cytosol. SycD belongs to a class of T3S chaperones that assists the secretion of pore-forming translocators and, specifically chaperones the translocators YopB and YopD from enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. In addition, SycD is involved in the regulation of virulence factor biosynthesis and secretion. In this study, we present two crystal structures of Y. enterocolitica SycD at 1.95 and 2.6 Å resolution, the first experimental structures of a T3S class II chaperone specific for translocators. The fold of SycD is entirely α-helical and reveals three tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs that had been predicted from amino acid sequence. In both structures, SycD forms dimers utilizing residues from the first tetratricopeptide repeat motif. Using site-directed mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, we verified that SycD forms head-to-head homodimers in solution. Although in both structures, dimerization largely depends on the same residues, the two assemblies represent alternative dimers that exhibit different monomer orientations and overall shape. In these two distinct head-to-head dimers, both the concave and the convex surface of each monomer are accessible for interactions with the SycD binding partners YopB and YopD. A SycD variant carrying two point mutations in the dimerization interface is properly folded but defective in dimerization. Expression of this stable SycD monomer in Yersinia does not rescue the phenotype of a sycD null mutant, suggesting a physiological relevance of the dimerization interface.  相似文献   

棉铃虫单核衣壳核型多角体病毒(HaSNPV)是我国第一个商品病毒杀虫剂,具有使用安全、害虫不产生抗药性等优点,是一种很有发展潜力的生物农药。幼虫虫体受病毒感染后,HaSNPV几丁质酶在其液化过程中起了很大的作用,因此可以作为增效剂以显著提高细菌、病毒、真菌等微生物杀虫剂的毒力,并具有更高的安全性。将HaSNPV几丁质酶基因构建到原核表达载体pET28a中,经测序检验后转化至大肠杆菌Rosetta,然后以IPTG作为诱导剂,目标蛋白以包涵体的形式得以成功表达。在变性条件下,包涵体经镍 次氮基三乙酸(Ni-NTA)柱层析纯化,并以两种不同的方法进行复性,均可获得具有活性的HaSNPV几丁质酶。  相似文献   

The inner-membrane protein YscU has an important role during the assembly of the Yersinia enterocolitica type III secretion injectisome. Its cytoplasmic domain (YscUC) recognizes translocators as individual substrates in the export hierarchy. Activation of YscU entails autocleavage at a conserved NPTH motif. Modification of this motif markedly changes the properties of YscU, including translocator export cessation and production of longer injectisome needles. We determined the crystal structures of the uncleaved variants N263A and N263D of YscUC at 2.05 Å and 1.55 Å resolution, respectively. The globular domain is found to consist of a central, mixed β-sheet surrounded by α-helices. The NPTH motif forms a type II β-turn connecting two β-strands. NMR analysis of cleaved and uncleaved YscUC indicates that the global structure of the protein is retained in cleaved YscUC. The structure of YscUC variant N263D reveals that wild type YscUC is poised for cleavage due to an optimal reaction geometry for nucleophilic attack of the scissile bond by the side chain of Asn263. In vivo analysis of N263Q and H266A/R314A YscU variants showed a phenotype that combines the absence of translocator secretion with normal needle-length control. Comparing the structure of YscU to those of related proteins reveals that the linker domain between the N-terminal transmembrane domain and the autocleavage domain can switch from an extended to a largely α-helical conformation, allowing for optimal positioning of the autocleavage domain during injectisome assembly.  相似文献   

A general procedure for the reliable preparation of insoluble transmembrane domains has been developed. Improved expression schemes were developed by expressing the transmembrane domains of caveolin proteins 1, 2, and 3 as a fusion to the Trp leader protein. This construct readily formed inclusion bodies during overexpression, allowing high levels of protein to be achieved. Cleavage of the transmembrane domain away from the Trp leader carrier protein was performed with cyanogen bromide. The transmembrane domains were then purified using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with a C4 column and were eluted with a mixture of 1-butanol and acetic acid. Using this method, the 39-42 amino acid transmembrane domains from caveolin proteins 1, 2, and 3 were successfully purified to homogeneity. Further verification of this method was successfully done with Rfbp(18-51), another insoluble transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Arenicins are 21-residue cationic antimicrobial peptides, isolated from marine polychaeta Arenicola marina. In order to determine a high-resolution three-dimensional structure of arenicin-2, the recombinant peptide was overexpressed as a fused form in Escherichia coli. Both arenicin isoforms were synthesized using the Fmoc-based solid-phase strategy. Recombinant and synthetic arenicins were purified, and their antimicrobial and spectroscopic properties were analyzed. NMR investigation shows that in water solution arenicin-2 displays a prolonged beta-hairpin, formed by two antiparallel beta-strands and stabilized by one disulfide and nine hydrogen bonds. A significant right-handed twist in the beta-sheet is deprived the peptide surface of amphipathicity. CD spectroscopic analysis indicates that arenicin-2 binds to the SDS and DPC micelles, and conformation of the peptide is significantly changed upon binding. Arenicin strongly binds to anionic lipid (POPE/POPG) vesicles in contrast with zwitterionic (POPC) ones. These results suggest that arenicins are membrane active peptides and point to possible mechanism of their selectivity toward bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Type III secretion is a mechanism used by a broad range of gram-negative bacteria to neutralize eukaryotic defenses by enabling translocation of bacterial proteins directly into the cytoplasm of host cells. The bacterial energy source for secretion is ATP, which is consumed by an ATPase that couples ATP hydrolysis to the unfolding of secreted proteins and the dissociation of their chaperones just prior to secretion. By studying the biochemical properties of YscN and YscL of Yersinia enterocolitica, we have characterized them as the ATPase and ATPase regulator, respectively, of the type III secretion system of this organism. In vivo, YscL and YscN interact with each other, and the overexpression of glutathione S-transferase-YscL abolishes secretion and down-regulates the expression of secretion apparatus components.  相似文献   

In order to purify milligram quantities of turkey β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) for structural analysis, we have expressed mutant βARs using the baculovirus system. The initial βAR construct was truncated at both N- and C-termini thus removing an N-glycosylation site. Cys 116 was mutated to leucine and a histidine tag was added at the C-terminus resulting in the βAR construct 20-424/His6. Expression of this construct in Sf9 cells produced 0.5 mg of unpurified receptor per liter of culture which necessitated the use of a fermenter for large-scale production. The yield was improved more than 2-fold to 1.2 mg/l culture by using Tni cells which facilitated the production of receptor on a 4 litre scale in shake cultures. The receptor was purified to homogeneity with 35% recovery giving a yield of 2 mg receptor. A further deletion at the N-terminus (βAR 34-424/His6) eliminated proteolysis which had been observed with the original construct and also increased expression more than 5-fold to 360 pmol/mg solubilized membrane protein. This expression level is one of the highest reported for a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) and has enabled us to purify 10 mg βAR for large-scale crystallization experiments.  相似文献   

将编码融合蛋白GST-SUMO-MT的DNA片段连接到大肠杆菌表达载体pET-28a中,构建重组表达质粒pET-GS-MT并转化到大肠杆菌Origami(DE3)中。20℃,1mM的IPTG诱导20h后,获得分子量约为43Kd的融合蛋白,表达量占菌体上清总蛋白的38.4%。利用谷胱甘肽交联琼脂糖(Glutathione Sepharose 4B)凝胶柱和Sephardex G-25分子筛联用可以得到纯度为95%以上的融合蛋白,得率约为70mg/L。该融合蛋白可与GST抗体产生阳性反应。融合蛋白GST-SUMO-MT可以显著提高宿主对Cd2+、Zn2+和Cu2+离子聚积的能力,其耐受能力比对照组分别提高4.2倍、4倍及1.6倍。此外,原子吸收光谱法测定,每分子GST-SUMO-MT可以结合2-3个Cd2+离子。  相似文献   

Human cytosolic thymidine kinase (hTK1) is the key enzyme of the pyrimidine salvage pathway and phosphorylates thymidine to thymidine monophosphate, a precursor building block of the DNA. Wild-type hTK1 (hTK1W) as well as a truncated form of the enzyme (hTK1M) carrying deletions at the N- and C-terminal regions were cloned as His(6)-tagged fusion proteins. Expression, isolation, and purification protocols have been established, leading to high yields of soluble and active wild type (approximately 35 mg) and truncated hTK1 (approximately 23 mg) per liter of culture. The protein was purified to near homogeneity. The chaperone DnaK was identified to be the major contaminant that could be removed by applying an additional ATP-MgCl(2) incubation and washing step. hTK1W was a permanent tetramer in solution, whereas the truncated construct hTK1M appears to be a dimer in absence and presence of substrates. Both hTK1W and hTK1M exhibit pronounced thermal stability with transition temperatures (T(m)) of 71.7 and 73.4 degrees C, respectively, when measured without adding substrates. The presence of substrates stabilized both hTK1W (DeltaT(m) ranging from 5.6 to 12.5 degrees C) and hTK1M (DeltaT(m) ranging from 0.8 to 5.3 degrees C). Both enzymes show high activity over a broad range of pH, temperature, and ionic strength. Kinetic studies determined a K(M) of 0.51 microM and a k(cat) of 0.28 s(-1) for wild-type hTK1. The truncated hTK1M has a K(M) of 0.87 microM and k(cat) of 1.65 s(-1), thus exhibiting increased catalytic efficiency. The availability of recombinant human TK1 will facilitate further biochemical and crystallographic studies.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica maintains three different pathways for type III protein secretion. Each pathway requires the activity of a specific multicomponent apparatus or type III secretion system (TTSS). Two of the TTSSs are categorized as contact-dependent systems which have been shown in a number of different symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria to influence interactions with host organisms by targeting effector proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. The third TTSS is required for the assembly of flagella and the secretion of the phospholipase YplA, which has been implicated in Y. enterocolitica virulence. In this study, YplA was expressed from a constitutive promoter in strains that contained only a single TTSS. It was determined that each of the three TTSSs is individually sufficient for YplA secretion. Environmental factors such as temperature, calcium availability, and sodium chloride concentration affected the contribution of each system to extracellular protein secretion and, under some conditions, more than one TTSS appeared to operate simultaneously. This suggests that some proteins might normally be exported by more than one TTSS in Y. enterocolitca.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a protein that belongs to the family of growth factors that bind the ErbB receptors, which play a prominent role in the development of carcinomas. We had demonstrated that potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI) acts as an EGF antagonist. Because of the low affinity of PCI for the epidermal growth factor receptor, it was decided to design EGF mutants with PCI abilities. In order to achieve this we have first cloned, expressed and purified the native protein, EGF. Different expression systems with different locations of the recombinant protein were designed and a purification protocol was designed with those which allowed expression of EGF. Finally, the sample needed folding. Differences in the amount of EGF obtained and its activity were observed depending on the expression system used.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (YscC) protein of Yersinia pestis plays an essential role in the translocation of Yersinia outer proteins (Yops) into eukaryotic target cells through a type III secretion mechanism. To assess the immunogenicity and potential protective efficacy of YscC against lethal plague challenge, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified YscC using two different bacterial expression and purification systems. The resulting expression plasmids for YscC, pETBlue-2-YscC and pTYB11-YscC, were regulated by robust T7 promoters that were induced with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. The intein-fusion pTYB11-YscC system and the six-histidine-tagging pETBlue-2-YscC system were both successful for producing and purifying YscC. The intein-mediated purification system produced about 1mg of soluble YscC per liter of bacterial culture while the YscC-His(6)-tag method resulted in 16mg of insoluble YscC per liter of bacterial culture. Protein identity for purified YscC-His(6) was confirmed by ion trap mass spectrometry. Antisera were produced against both YscC and YscC-His(6). The specific immune response generated in YscC-vaccinated mice was relative to the particular purified protein, YscC or YscC-His(6), which was used for vaccination as determined by Western blot analysis and ELISA. Regardless of the purification method, either form of the YscC protein failed to elicit a protective immune response against lethal plague challenge with either F1 capsule forming Y. pestis CO92 or the isogenic F1(-)Y. pestis C12.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are highly potent toxins that inhibit neurotransmitter release from peripheral cholinergic synapses. BoNTs consist of a toxifying light chain (LC; 50 kDa) and a binding-translocating heavy chain (HC; 100 kDa) linked through a disulfide bond. The complete sequence of BoNT/A consists of 1296 amino acid residues. The beta-trefoil domain for BoNT/A to which gangliosides bind starts at Ser 1092 and this fragment represents the C-half of the C-terminus of the heavy chain (C-quarter HC or HCQ). The recombinant HCQ DNA was successfully cloned into an expression vector (pET15b), which was used to transform Escherichia coli strain BL21-Star (DE3) for expression. Expression of HCQ was obtained by an extended post-induction time of 15 h at 30 degrees C. The recombinant histidine tagged HCQ protein was isolated and purified by nickel affinity gel column chromatography and its molecular weight was verified by gel electrophoresis. The HCQ was positively identified by antibodies raised against BoNT/A employing immunological dot-blot and Western blot assays. HCQ was shown to bind with synaptotagmin (a known BoNT/A receptor) and gangliosides, indicating that the expressed and purified HCQ protein retains a functionally active conformation.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a new member of the TNF superfamily. Here, a recombinant form of the extracellular domain of the TRAIL (sTRAIL) was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) under the control of a T7 promoter. The resulting insoluble bodies were separated from cellular debris by centrifugation and solubilized with 8 M urea. A rapid and simple on-column refolding procedure was developed. It was applied and then the refolded sTRAIL was purified by anion-exchange chromatography. The purified final product was >98% pure by SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. Mass spectroscopic analysis indicated the protein to be 19.2 kDa, which equalled the theoretically expected mass. N-terminal sequencing of refolding sTRAIL showed the sequence which corresponded to the designed protein. The renatured protein displayed its immunoreactivity with the antibodies to TRAIL protein by Western blotting. The purified sTRAIL had a strong cytotoxic activity against human cervical cancer HeLa cells with ED50 about 1.5 mg/L. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectrum analysis showed that the refolded sTRAIL had a structure similar to that of native protein with beta-sheet secondary structure. This efficient procedure of sTRAIL renaturation may be useful for the mass production of this therapeutically important protein.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding fumarase, an enzyme catalyzing reversible hydration of fumarate to L-malate, from the parasitic roundworm Ascaris suum, has been cloned, sequenced, over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified. The single open reading frame translates into a protein of 50,502Da containing 467 amino acids. It shows 82, 77, and 58% identity with Caenorhabditis elegans, human, and E. coli fumC fumarases, respectively. The A. suum fumarase shows the signature sequence motif (GSSIMPGKVNPTQCE), which defines not only the class II fumarase family but also a much broader superfamily of proteins containing GSSxMPxKxNPxxxE motif. The coding region was cloned into pET101D-directional TOPO expression vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 Star (DE3). The protein after induction was expressed at high levels, almost 10% of the soluble protein, purified to near homogeneity, and appears identical to the enzyme purified from Ascaris suum.  相似文献   

An artificial protein containing alternating hydrophilic–hydrophobic blocks of amino acids was designed in order to mimic the structure of synthetic multiblock copolymers. The hydrophobic block consisted of the six amino acids Ala Ile Leu Leu Ile Ile (AILLII) and the hydrophilic block of the eight amino acids Thr Ser Glu Asp Asp Asn Asn Gln (TSEDDNNQ). The coding DNA sequence of the cluster was inserted into an commercial pET 30a(+) vector using a two step strategy. The expression of the artificial protein in Escherichia coli was optimized using a temperature shift strategy. Only at cultivation temperature of 24 °C after induction expression was observed, whereas at 30 and 37 °C no target protein could be detected. Cells obtained from a 15 L bioreactor cultivation of E. coli were disintegrated by mechanical methods. Interestingly, glass bead milling and high pressure homogenization resulted in a different solubility of the target protein. The further purification was carried out by affinity chromatography using the soluble homogenized protein. Extreme conditions (6 M urea, 0.5 M NaCl) were applied in order to prevent aggregation to insoluble particles. The designer protein showed an extremely high tendency to form dimers or trimers caused by intermolecular interactions which were even not broken under the conditions of SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, rendering the behavior during purification different from proteins usually found in nature. The protein preparation was not completely pure according to SDS–PAGE stained by Coomassie blue or silver. In MALDI-TOF-MS, nano-ESI qTOF-MS of the entire protein preparation and nano-ESI-MS after digestion by trypsin and chymotrypsin impurities were not detectable.  相似文献   

The plague-causing bacterium Yersinia pestis utilizes a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins into mammalian cells where they interfere with signal transduction pathways that mediate phagocytosis and the inflammatory response. Effector proteins are injected through a hollow needle structure composed of the protein YscF. YscG and YscE act as “chaperones” to prevent premature polymerization of YscF in the cytosol of the bacterium prior to assembly of the needle. Here, we report the crystal structure of the YscEFG protein complex at 1.8 Å resolution. Overall, the structure is similar to that of the analogous PscEFG complex from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion system, but there are noteworthy differences. The structure confirms that, like PscG, YscG is a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat family of proteins. YscG binds tightly to the C-terminal half of YscF, implying that it is this region of YscF that controls its polymerization into the needle structure. YscE interacts with the N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat motif of YscG but makes very little direct contact with YscF. Its function may be to stabilize the structure of YscG and/or to participate in recruiting the complex to the secretion apparatus. No electron density could be observed for the 49 N-terminal residues of YscF. This and additional evidence suggest that the N-terminus of YscF is disordered in the complex with YscE and YscG. As expected, conserved residues in the C-terminal half of YscF mediate important intra- and intermolecular interactions in the complex. Moreover, the phenotypes of some previously characterized mutations in the C-terminal half of YscF can be rationalized in terms of the structure of the heterotrimeric YscEFG complex.  相似文献   

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