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Methionyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli. Primary structure of the active crystallised tryptic fragment 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
A 3300-base segment of Escherichia coli chromosomal DNA, cloned into pBR322, will complement a methionine auxotroph in which the lesion is a defective methionyl-tRNA synthetase with a much reduced affinity for methionine. Crude extracts of these transformants contain elevated levels of a protein which has a subunit molecular weight of 66 000, methionyl-tRNA synthetase aminoacylation activity in vitro and which cross-reacts with anti-(methionyl-tRNA synthetase) antibodies. This polypeptide is very slightly larger than the well-characterised and crystallised tryptic fragment of methionyl-tRNA synthetase. A DNA sequence of 1750 residues at one end of the cloned insert codes for a non-terminated open reading frame in which we can locate a large number of methionyl-tRNA synthetase tryptic and chymotryptic peptides. We have also sequenced 300 nucleotides upstream of this coding segment where we find a large invert repeat in the putative methionyl-tRNA synthetase promoter region. 相似文献
Cloning of the C-terminal cytoplasmic fragment of the tar protein and effects of the fragment on chemotaxis of Escherichia coli. 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7

A gene encoding only the C-terminal portion of the receptor-transducer protein Tar of Escherichia coli was constructed. The gene product was detected and localized in the cytoplasmic fraction of the cell by immunoblotting with anti-Tar antibodies. The C-terminal fragments from wild-type and mutant tar genes were characterized in vivo. The C-terminal fragment generated from tar-526, a mutation that results in a dominant "tumble" phenotype, was found to be deamidated and methylated by the CheB and CheR proteins, respectively. The C-terminal fragment derived from a wild-type gene was poorly deamidated, and the C-terminal fragment derived from tar-529, a dominant mutant with a "smooth swimming" phenotype, was not apparently modified. Cells carrying the C-terminal fragment with the tar-526 mutation as the sole receptor-transducer protein showed a high frequency of tumbling and chemotaxis responses to changes in intracellular pH. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic C-terminal fragment of Tar retains some of the functions of the whole protein in vivo. 相似文献
F Martin G J Sharples R G Lloyd S Eiler D Moras J Gangloff G Eriani 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(11):3691-3696
The Escherichia coli tls-1 strain carrying a mutated aspS gene (coding for aspartyl-tRNA synthetase), which causes a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, was cloned by PCR, sequenced, and shown to contain a single mutation resulting in substitution by serine of the highly conserved proline 555, which is located in motif 3. When an aspS fragment spanning the codon for proline 555 was transformed into the tls-1 strain, it was shown to restore the wild-type phenotype via homologous recombination with the chromosomal tls-1 allele. The mutated AspRS purified from an overproducing strain displayed marked temperature sensitivity, with half-life values of 22 and 68 min (at 42 degrees C), respectively, for tRNA aminoacylation and ATP/PPi exchange activities. Km values for aspartic acid, ATP, and tRNA(Asp) did not significantly differ from those of the native enzyme; thus, mutation Pro555Ser lowers the stability of the functional configuration of both the acylation and the amino acid activation sites but has no significant effect on substrate binding. This decrease in stability appears to be related to a conformational change, as shown by gel filtration analysis. Structural data strongly suggest that the Pro555Ser mutation lowers the stability of the Lys556 and Thr557 positions, since these two residues, as shown by the crystallographic structure of the enzyme, are involved in the active site and in contacts with the tRNA acceptor arm, respectively. 相似文献
It had been reported previously that the beta2 subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthetase [L-serinehydrolyase (adding indole) EC] can be cleaved by trypsin into a nearly functional dimeric protein, the monomer of which consists of two large, nonoverlapping, polypeptide fragments. In the present paper, it is shown that these fragments can be separated after denaturation. Upon removal of the denaturing agent, the isolated fragments spontaneously refold into conformation, which, by various physical-chemical criteria, are shown to approximate the conformations of the corresponding fragments associated within the native protein. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that, upon mixing, these renatured fragments reassociate to form the renatured nicked protein which, by all the physical and functional criteria used, is indistinguishable from the native nicked protein. These results are taken as strong evidence that the isolated fragments can be considered as independently folding regions corresponding to intermediates in the folding of the intact protein. 相似文献
R P Bywater C H Carlisle R B Jackson A L Mackay P A Timmins 《Journal of molecular biology》1975,91(3):293-300
Further details are given of crystals of glutamine synthetase prepared from Escherichia coli. Crystals of two kinds have been observed: (1) rhombic dodecahedra which correspond to the morphology of the crystals studied by Eisenberg et al. (1971) (and which were found by them to contain dodecamers), and (2) rhombohedra, reported here. Cell dimensions and packing considerations led to the consideration of two possible structures for the rhombohedral crystals. These we have called the “T = 7 structure” and the “B.C.C. structure”. The T = 7 structure would be related to that derived by Eisenberg and would contain dodecamers, but is inconsistent with our X-ray intensity data. The B.C.C. structure is considered more probable. It is built of cubic octomers or square tetramers. Electron micrographs of our glutamine synthetase preparations show a wide variety of aggregates, including dodecamers and tetramers. The unit cell dimensions of our crystals are , and . The Laue symmetry group is m P31. 相似文献
The last steps in the biosynthesis of the Escherichia coli siderophore enterobactin (Ent) are carried out by Ent synthetase, a multienzyme complex believed to be composed of the entD, -E, -F, and -G products (EntD to -G). However, sequencing data showed that there is no separate entG gene and, unlike EntD to -F, no distinct EntG polypeptide has been identified. In this study, genetic, biochemical, and immunological approaches were used to study the anomalies associated with EntG activity. Two plasmids, pJS43 and pJS100, were isolated that had mutations resulting in truncated EntB proteins; both had the phenotype EntB+ EntG-. PJS43 had a Tn5 inserted 198 bp from the entB termination codon, and pJS100 had the last 25 codons of entB deleted. Plasmids isolated with Tn5 insertions in the 5' half of entB had the phenotype EntB- EntG+. These latter Tn5 mutations were EntB- EntG- when moved to the bacterial chromosome. Polyclonal antiserum was prepared and shown to react only with intact EntB in Western immunoblots. Addition of anti-EntB antiserum to Ent synthetase assays resulted in complete inhibition of enzyme activity, whereas preimmune serum had no effect. Lastly, AN462, the type strain for entG which was derived by Mu insertion and which has the phenotype EntB-G-A-, was characterized. Southern blot data showed a Mu insertion, presumably with polar effects, in the vicinity of the 5' end of entB. In summary, EntG activity was found to be encoded by the entB 3' terminus. The evidence, while not rigorously eliminating the possibility that a separate EntG polypeptide exists, strongly supports the idea that EntB is a bifunctional protein. 相似文献
S-Adenosylmethionine synthetase from Escherichia coli 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
G D Markham E W Hafner C W Tabor H Tabor 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1980,255(19):9082-9092
Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase has been purified to homogeneity from Escherichia coli. For this purification, a strain of E. coli which was derepressed for AdoMet synthetase and which harbors a plasmid containing the structural gene for AdoMet synthetase was constructed. This strain produces 80-fold more AdoMet synthetase than a wild type E. coli. AdoMet synthetase has a molecular weight of 180,000 and is composed of four identical subunits. In addition to the synthetase reaction, the purified enzyme catalyzes a tripolyphosphatase reaction that is stimulated by AdoMet. Both enzymatic activities require a divalent metal ion and are markedly stimulated by certain monovalent cations. AdoMet synthesis also takes place if adenyl-5'yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) is substituted for ATP. The imidotriphosphate (PPNP) formed is not hydrolyzed, permitting dissociation of AdoMet formation from tripolyphosphate cleavage. An enzyme complex is formed which contains one equivalent (per subunit) of adenosylmethionine, monovalent cation, imidotriphosphate, and presumably divalent cation(s). The rate of product dissociation from this complex is 3 orders of magnitude slower than the rate of AdoMet formation from ATP. Studies with the phosphorothioate derivatives of ATP (ATP alpha S and ATP beta S) in the presence of Mg2+, Mn2+, or Co2+ indicate that a divalent ion is bound to the nucleotide during the reaction and provide information on the stereochemistry of the metal-nucleotide binding site. 相似文献
C L Harris 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(6):2718-2723
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases from several strains of Escherichia coli are shown to elute as a high-molecular-weight complex on 6% agarose columns (Bio-Gel A-5M). In contrast, very little synthetase activity was observed in such complexes on Sephadex G-200 columns, suggesting that these enzymes may interact with or are dissociated during chromatography on dextran. The size of the complex observed on Bio-Gel A-5M was influenced by the method of cell breakage and the salt concentrations present in buffers. The largest complexes (greater than 1,000,000 daltons) were seen with cells broken with a freeze press, whereas with sonicated preparations the average size of the complex was about 400,000 daltons. Extraction of synthetases at 0.15 M NaCl, to mimic physiological salt concentrations, also resulted in high-molecular-weight complexes, as demonstrated by both agarose gel filtration and ultracentrifugation analysis. Evidence is presented that dissociation of some synthetases does occur in the presence of higher salt levels (0.4 M NaCl). Partial purification of the synthetase complex on DEAE-Sephacel was accomplished with only minor dissociation of individual synthetases. These data suggest that a complex(es) of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase does exist in bacterial cells, just as in eucaryotes, and that the complex may have escaped earlier detection due to its fragility during isolation. 相似文献
Summary Specific transformation of a rifampicin sensitive strain of Escherichia coli to rifampicin resistance has been performed by a single, defined DNA restriction fragment carrying the genetic information for the subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase. In this transformation the transforming genetic character has been substituted for the corresponding recipient gene locus by recombination. The value of the described transformation system for locating genetic markers on DNA restriction fragments is discussed in comparison to previously reported in vitro systems. 相似文献
The amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of an open reading frame adjacent to the frdA gene of Escherichia coli shows 30.5% identity with the C terminus of Escherichia coli lysyl-tRNA synthetases. The three motifs characteristic of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases of class 2 are recognizable within this sequence. 相似文献
The native dimeric form of methionyl-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli contains two zinc atoms per dimer, one per subunit. The bound zinc is retained upon trypsin modification which yields a monomer with one zinc atom. The enzymatic activity of both the dimeric forms is reversibly inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline but not by its non-chelating analogues. In addition, the native enzyme binds two Mn2+ per dimer with a binding constant of approx. 70 micron but no binding is observed with the trypsin-modified monomer. 相似文献
The C-terminal fragment of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (F19) is a leading candidate for the development of a malaria vaccine. Successful vaccination trials on primates, immunochemistry, and structural studies have shown the importance of its native conformation for its protective role against infection. F19 is a disulfide-rich protein, and the correct pairing of its 12 half-cystines is required for the native state of the protein. F19 has been produced in the Escherichia coli periplasm, which has an oxidative environment favorable for the formation of disulfide bonds. F19 was either expressed as a fusion with the maltose binding protein (MBP) or directly addressed to the periplasm by fusing it with the MBP signal peptide. Direct expression of F19 in the periplasm led to a misfolded protein with a heterogeneous distribution of disulfide bridges. On the contrary, when produced as a fusion protein with E. coli MBP, the F19 moiety was natively folded. Indeed, after proteolysis of the fusion protein, the resulting F19 possesses the structural characteristics and the immunochemical reactivity of the analogous fragment produced either in baculovirus-infected insect cells or in yeast. These results demonstrate that the positive effect of MBP in assisting the folding of passenger proteins extends to the correct formation of disulfide bridges in vivo. Although proteins or protein fragments fused to MBP have been frequently expressed with success, our comparative study evidences for the first time the helping property of MBP in the oxidative folding of a disulfide-rich protein. 相似文献
An investigation of the subunit structure of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC from Escherichia coli indicates that this enzyme is a monomer. The enzyme purified to apparent homogeneity is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 62,000 ± 3,000 and KGlum ? 50 μM in the aminoacylation reaction. Analytical gel electrophoretic procedures were used to determine the molecular weight of species exhibiting glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity in freshly prepared extracts of several strains of E. coli, which had been grown under various nutritional conditions and harvested at different stages of growth. In all cases, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity was associated with a protein having about the same molecular weight and KGlum as the purified enzyme. Thus, no evidence of an oligomeric form of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase with a greater affinity for l-glutamate was obtained, in contrast to a previous report of J. Lapointe and D. Söll (J. Biol. Chem.247, 4966–4974, 1972). 相似文献
A mutant of Escherichia coli (sof) which was previously shown to have increased recombination frequency, to produce abnormally short "Okazaki fragments," and to be deficient in deoxyuridine triphosphatase has now been found also to possess mutator activity for several genes; point mutation rates and deletion rates are affected. The mutational stimulation effects are consistent with the hypothesis that incorporation of uracil into DNA is directly or indirectly responsible for the observed mutator activity. 相似文献
Human collagen X contains a highly conserved 161-amino acid C-terminal non-triple helical domain that is homologous to the C-terminal domain of collagen VIII and to the C1q module of the human C1 enzyme. We have expressed this domain (residues 545-680) in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The purified fusion protein trimerizes spontaneously in vitro, and after thrombin cleavage, the purified C-terminal domain trimer (46.2 kDa) is extremely stable and trypsin-resistant. Mutations within the C-terminal domain have been observed in patients with Schmid's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (SMCD). Some of these mutations (Y598D, G618V, W651X, or H669X; X is the stop codon) were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. Each mutation had identical consequences regarding the fusion protein: 1) absence of trimeric formation, 2) copurification of the approximately 60-kDa GroEL chaperone protein, and 3) sensitivity of the monomeric fusion protein to trypsin digestion. These results show that the C-terminal domain of collagen X is sufficient to produce a very stable and compact trimer in the absence of collagen Gly-X-Y repeats. Moreover, mutations causing SMCD interfere in this system with the correct folding of the C-terminal domain. The existence of a similar mechanism in chondrocytes might explain the relative homogeneity of phenotypes in SMCD despite the diversity of mutations. 相似文献
H Hennecke I Walther H Franz 《Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie》1977,358(2):197-208
Antibodies against the alpha and beta subunits of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography into different classes and then digested with papain to yield the respective Fab fragments. The preparations obtained were used to investigate (i) whether the alpha and beta polypeptides share any common antigenic determinants and (ii) whether immunological methods are able to resolve the catalytic function of the subunits of this enzyme (or principally of oligomeric enzymes). As to the first problem, immunodiffusion and complement fixation experiments showed that there is no immunological relatedness between the subunits which argues against the existence of sequence homoligies. As to the second question investigated, it was found that any binding of immunoglobulins of Fab fragments to the alpha or the the beta subunit affects enzyme activity either in the direction of activation or inhibition. These results therefore show that the immunological approach is not appropriate for resolving subunit-specific funcitons, possibly as a consequence of conformational changes induced in the enzyme by the binding of the immunoglobulins of Fab fragments. 相似文献
Y Cenatiempo F Deville J Dondon M Grunberg-Manago C Sacerdot J W Hershey H F Hansen H U Petersen B F Clark M Kjeldgaard 《Biochemistry》1987,26(16):5070-5076
Low concentrations of ADP are shown to increase the rate of phosphoenzyme formation of E. coli succinyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase (SCS) without altering the fraction of phosphorylated enzyme. This is true when either ATP or succinyl-CoA and Pi are used to phosphorylate the enzyme. The stimulatory effect of ADP is not altered by sample dilution, is retained upon partial purification of the enzyme, and reflects the binding of ADP to a site other than the catalytic site. GDP also alters the phosphorylation of the E. coli SCS but does so primarily by enhancing the level of the phosphoenzyme and only when ATP is used as the phosphate donor. GDP appears to function by neutralizing the action of a specific inhibitory protein. This inhibitor of SCS allows for interconversion of succinate and succinyl-CoA in a manner dissociated from changes in ATP-ADP metabolism. These previously unidentified and varied mechanisms by which SCS is regulated focus attention on this enzyme as an important control point in determining the cell's potential to meet its metabolic demands. 相似文献