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In this study, we addressed the effects of N limitation in Bradyrhizobium japonicum for its association with soybean roots. The wild-type strain LP 3001 grew for six generations with a growth rate of 1.2 day(-1) in a minimal medium with 28 mM mannitol as the carbon source and with the N source [(NH(4))(2)SO(4)] limited to only 20 microM. Under these conditions, the glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was five to six times higher than in similar cultures grown with 1 or 0.1 mM (NH(4))(2)SO(4). The NtrBC-inducible GSII form of this enzyme accounted for 60% of the specific activity in N-starved rhizobia, being negligible in the other two cultures. The exopolysaccharide (EPS) and capsular polysaccharide (CPS) contents relative to cell protein were significantly higher in the N-starved cultures, but on the other hand, the poly-3-hydroxybutyrate level did not rise in comparison with N-sufficient cultures. In agreement with the accumulation of CPS in N-starved cultures, soybean lectin (SBL) binding as well as stimulation of rhizobial adsorption to soybean roots by SBL pretreatment were higher. The last effect was evident only in cultures that had not entered stationary phase. We also studied nodC gene induction in relation to N starvation. In the chromosomal nodC::lacZ fusion Bj110-573, nodC gene expression was induced by genistein 2.7-fold more in N-starved young cultures than in nonstarved ones. In stationary-phase cultures, nodC gene expression was similarly induced in N-limited cultures, but induction was negligible in cultures limited by another nutrient. Nodulation profiles obtained with strain LP 3001 grown under N starvation indicated that these cultures nodulated faster. In addition, as culture age increased, the nodulation efficiency decreased for two reasons: fewer nodules were formed, and nodulation was delayed. However, their relative importance was different according to the nutrient condition: in older cultures the overall decrease in the number of nodules was the main effect in N-starved cultures, whereas a delay in nodulation was more responsible for a loss in efficiency of N-sufficient cultures. Competition for nodulation was studied with young cultures of two wild-type strains differing only in their antibiotic resistance, the N-starved cultures being the most competitive.  相似文献   

Zhang F  Smith DL 《Plant physiology》1995,108(3):961-968
In the soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) N2-fixing symbiosis, suboptimal root zone temperatures (RZTs) slow nodule development, especially at temperatures below 17[deg]C. A step in the infection process that occurs within the first 24 h is particularly sensitive to suboptimal RZT. The first phase in the establishment of the soybean-Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiosis is the exchange of recognition molecules. The most effective plant-to-bacterium signal is genistein. Binding of genistein to B. japonicum activates many of the B. japonicum nod genes. To our knowledge, the potential of sub-optimal RZT to disrupt this interorganismal signaling has not previously been investigated. Controlled environment experiments were conducted to determine whether the preincubation of B. japonicum with genistein increases soybean nodulation and N2 fixation at suboptimal RZT and whether the time between inoculation and root-hair curling is shortened by genistein application. The results of these experiments indicated that (a) genistein application increased soybean nodulation at suboptimal RZTs (17.5 and 15[deg]C) but not at the optimal RZT (25[deg]C); (b) the period between inoculation and root-hair curling was shortened by inoculation with bradyrhizobia preincubated with genistein; (c) at 17.5 and 15[deg]C RZT, the onset of N2 fixation occurred earlier in plants that received genistein-treated bradyrhizobia than in plants inoculated with untreated bradyrhizobia; (d) over the tested concentration range, genistein application at 15 to 20 [mu]M was the most effective in stimulating nodulation; and (e) between 25 and 15[deg]C, as RZT decreased, there was an increase in the nodulation-stimulating potential of genistein.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutants resistant to 5-methyltryptophan were isolated. Some of these mutants were found to accumulate indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and tryptophan in culture. In greenhouse studies, nodules from control plants inoculated with wild-type bradyrhizobia contained 0.04, 0.10, and 0.58 μg of free, ester-linked, and peptidyl IAA g (fresh weight) of nodules−1, respectively. Nodules from plants inoculated with 5-methyltryptophan-resistant bradyrhizobia contained 0.94, 1.30, and 10.6 μg of free, ester-linked, and peptidyl IAA g (fresh weight) of nodules−1, respectively. This manyfold increase in nodule IAA content indicates that the Bradyrhizobium inoculum can have a considerable influence on the endogenous IAA level of the nodule. Further, these data imply that much of the IAA that accumulated in the high-IAA-containing nodules was of bacterial rather than plant origin. These high-IAA-producing 5-methyltryptophan-resistant bacteria were poor symbiotic nitrogen fixers. Plants inoculated with these bacteria had a lower nodule mass and fixed less nitrogen per gram of nodule than did plants inoculated with wild-type bacteria.  相似文献   

The utilization of gels, which are used for fluid drilling of seeds, as carriers of Bradyrhizobium japonicum for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) inoculation was studied. Gels of various chemical composition (magnesium silicate, potassium acrylate-acrylamide, grafted starch, and hydroxyethyl cellulose) were used, although the hydroxyethyl cellulose gels were more extensively investigated. Gel inocula were prepared by mixing gel powder with liquid cultures of B. japonicum (2% [wt/vol]). The population of B. japonicum USDA 110 did not change in each gel type during 8 days of incubation at 28°C. These fluid gels were prepared with late-exponential-growth-phase cells that were washed and suspended in physiological saline. Mid-exponential-growth-phase B. japonicum USDA 110, 123, and 138 grew in cellulose gels prepared with yeast extract-mannitol broth as well as or better than in yeast extract-mannitol broth alone for the first 10 days at 28°C. Populations in these cellulose gels after 35 days were as large as when the gels had originally been prepared, and survival occurred for at least 70 days. Soybeans grown in sand in the greenhouse had greater nodule numbers, nodule weights, and top weights with gel inoculants compared with a peat inoculant. In soil containing 103 indigenous B. japonicum per g of soil, inoculation resulted in increased soybean nodule numbers, nodule weights, and top weights, but only nodule numbers were greater with gel than with peat inoculation. The gel-treated seeds carried 102 to 103 more bacteria per seed (107 to 108) than did the peat-treated seeds.  相似文献   

An improved method for antibiotic resistance recovery of Bradyrhizobium japonicum from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nodules that is simple, time saving, and economical was developed. This technique involves the use of two 96-well microtiter plates as a multinodule sterilization chamber and a template and a third plate as a 16-point replicator constructed with steel nails affixed to the plate with epoxy cement. With this system a team of four technicians could type 3,000 nodules per day. This method was useful in assessing strain establishment and interstrain competition when one or more uniquely labeled strains of B. japonicum were inoculated onto either growth-room- or field-grown soybeans. Contamination was low and reproducibility across replicates approached the theoretical upper limit. Simplicity in design and use made this recovery method especially adaptable for field studies in which large numbers of nodules were required to provide a representative statistical sample offering good precision.  相似文献   

The influence of five Thai soybean cultivars on nodulation competitiveness of four Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains was investigated. Cultures of B. japonicum strains THA5, THA6, USDA110 and SEMIA5019 were mixed with each other prior to inoculating germinated soybean seeds growing in Leonard jars with nitrogen-free nutrient solution. At harvest, nodule occupancy by each strain was determined by a fluorescent antibody technique. The term ‘general competitive ability’ was introduced to describe the average competitive nodule occupancy of a strain in paired co-inoculation with a number of strains on soybean. The nodule occupancies by an individual strain were directly correlated with the proportions of that strain in the inoculum mixtures. USDA110 showed higher nodulation competitiveness than the other strains on three of the five cultivars. The Thai strain THA6 appeared to be more competitive than USDA110 on cultivar SJ5. Thus, nodulation competitiveness of the B. japonicum strains was affected by the cultivars of soybean used. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

N2O reductase activity in soybean nodules formed with Bradyrhizobium japonicum was evaluated from N2O uptake and conversion of 15N-N2O into 15N-N2. Free-living cells of USDA110 showed N2O reductase activity, whereas a nosZ mutant did not. Complementation of the nosZ mutant with two cosmids containing the nosRZDFYLX genes of B. japonicum USDA110 restored the N2O reductase activity. When detached soybean nodules formed with USDA110 were fed with 15N-N2O, they rapidly emitted 15N-N2 outside the nodules at a ratio of 98.5% of 15N-N2O uptake, but nodules inoculated with the nosZ mutant did not. Surprisingly, N2O uptake by soybean roots nodulated with USDA110 was observed even in ambient air containing a low concentration of N2O (0.34 ppm). These results indicate that the conversion of N2O to N2 depends exclusively on the respiratory N2O reductase and that soybean roots nodulated with B. japonicum carrying the nos genes are able to remove very low concentrations of N2O.  相似文献   

In the American Midwest, superior inoculant rhizobia applied to soybeans usually occupy only 5 to 20% of nodules, and response to inoculation is the exception rather than the rule. Attempts to overcome this problem have met with limited success. We evaluated the ability of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, supplied as a seed coat inoculant, to stay abreast of the infectible region of the developing soybean root system. The rhizoplane population of the inoculant strain declined with distance from site of placement, the decrease being more pronounced on lateral than on taproots. This decline was paralleled by a decrease in inoculant-strain nodule occupancy. Inoculant bradyrhizobia contributed little to nodulation of lateral roots, which at pod-fill accounted for more than 50% of nodule number and mass, and were major contributors to acetylene reduction activity. From these data, it appears that inoculant bradyrhizobia are competitive with indigenous soil strains at the point of placement in the soil but have limited mobility and so are incapable of sustaining high populations throughout the developing root system. The result is low nodule occupancy by the inoculant strain in the tapand lateral roots. Future studies should address aspects of inoculant placement and establishment.  相似文献   

One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was a more discriminating method than serotyping for identifying strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Analysis of 543 nodule isolates from southeastern Wisconsin soybean farms revealed that none of the isolates were formed by any of the inoculant strains supplied by either of two inoculant companies. Twenty-nine indigenous strains and six inoculant strains were identified. Strain 61A76, the most competitive indigenous strain, formed 21% of the nodules. Indigenous strains 3030, 3058, 0336, and 3052 formed 15, 11, 9, and 9% of the nodules, respectively. These predominant strains were not associated with a particular soybean cultivar, soil type, or farm location.  相似文献   

Rhizobiophage V, isolated from soil in the vicinity of soybean roots, was strongly lytic on Bradyrhizobium japonicum 123B (USDA 123) but only mildly lytic on strain L4-4, a chemically induced small-colony mutant of 123. Numerous bacteriophage-resistant variants were isolated from L4-4 infected with phage V; two were studied in detail and shown to be lysogenic. The two, L4-4 (V5) and L4-4 (V12), are the first reported examples of temperate-phage infection in B. japonicum. Phage V and its derivative phages V5 and V12 were closely related on the basis of common sensitivity to 0.01 M sodium citrate and phage V antiserum, phage immunity tests, and apparently identical morphology when examined by electron microscopy. However, the three phages differed in host range and in virulence. Lysogens L4-4 (V5) and L4-4 (V12) were immune to infection by phages V and V5 but not to infection by V12. Southern hybridization analysis confirmed the incorporation of phage V into the genomes of strains L4-4(V5) and L4-4(V12) and also demonstrated the incorporation of phage V into the genome of a phage V-resistant derivative of USDA 123 designated 123 (V2). None of the three lysogens, L4-4(V5), L4-4(V12), or 123B(V2), was able to nodulate soybean plants. However, Southern hybridization profile data indicated that phage V had not incorporated into any of the known B. japonicum nodulation genes.  相似文献   

Certain strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum form a previously unknown polysaccharide in the root nodules of soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The polysaccharide accumulates inside of the symbiosome membrane—the plant-derived membrane enclosing the bacteroids. In older nodules (60 days after planting), the polysaccharide occupies most of the symbiosome volume and symbiosomes become enlarged so that there is little host cytoplasm in infected cells. The two different groups of B. japonicum which produce different types of polysaccharide in culture produce polysaccharides of similar composition in nodules. Polysaccharide formed by group I strains (e.g., USDA 5 and USDA 123) is composed of rhamnose, galactose, and 2-O-methylglucuronic acid, while polysaccharide formed by group II strains (e.g., USDA 31 and USDA 39) is composed of rhamnose and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid. That the polysaccharide is a bacterial product is indicated by its composition plus the fact that polysaccharide formation is independent of host genotype but is dependent on the bacterial genotype. Polysaccharide formation in nodules is common among strains in serogroups 123, 127, 129, and 31, with 27 of 39 strains (69%) testing positive. Polysaccharide formation in nodules is uncommon among other B. japonicum serogroups, with only 1 strain in 18 (6%) testing positive.  相似文献   

The effects of root exudate (RE) treatment on nodule occupancy by Bradyrhizobium japonicum were investigated by a rapid colored-nodule assay, which is based on the observation that B. japonicum L-110 and its antibiotically marked derivatives form dark-red nodules on certain soybean (Glycine max) cultivars, whereas other strains form beige nodules. The efficacy of the assay was confirmed by direct immunofluorescence and by antibiotic platings of nodule bacteria. Both logarithmic- and stationary-phase cultures of the reference strain, L-110Nal, were used in paired-competition studies with RE-treated or untreated cells of seven challenge strains. On the basis of field and greenhouse competition studies, these strains were placed into three competitiveness groups: high (AN-11, AN-16aStrRif, and AN-6), intermediate (AN-3 and 122SR), and low (I-110ARS and AN-18). Seedlings of G. max cv. Centennial were inoculated with two ratios of challenge to reference strain, 1:1 and 1:9, and nodule occupancy was determined after the V4 to V5 stage of ontogeny. Two of the strains showed increased occupancy in response to RE treatment at the 1:1 inoculation ratio. Logarithmic- and stationary-phase cultures of AN-6 showed increased occupancy, from 22 to 38% (P < 0.10) and from 23 59 39% (P < 0.05), respectively. While the maximum increase for stationary-phase cultures of AN-16aStrRif was from 34 to 47% (P < 0.05), logarithmic-phase cultures failed to respond to RE treatment. The results of these studies indicate that RE treatment increases the nodule occupancy of some, but not all, B. japonicum strains and that the colored-nodule assay could be rapidly and reliably used to determine the competitive ability of B. japonicum.  相似文献   

When soybean roots were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium elkaniiUSDA76, USDA94 or USDA31, a localized swelling of the root outercortical cells was observed within 10 days after inoculation.This phenotype was designated outer cortical swelling (OCS).OCS was not observed in roots inoculated with B.japonicum USDA110or USDA122. Therefore, the OCS response appears to be specificfor B. elkanii. To determine the involvement of the nodulationgenes in OCS formation, we constructed a nod- mutant, strainUSDA94  相似文献   

Relative nuclear DNA contents in cortex parenchyma cells in root segments of 3- and 7-d-old soybean seedlings grown at 25 °C and in plants grown for 3 d at 25 °C, and then for 4 d at 10 °C, were determined with cytophotometry. Measurements revealed that in each variant the cortex cell nuclei with DNA content between 2C and 8C were in all the examined segments and nuclei with 8C – 16C DNA appeared in higher parts of roots. However, in chilled plant cells the number of 8C – 16C DNA nuclei was very low. Therefore, chilling inhibited endoreplication in comparison with plants grown at 25 °C for 7 d, and even reduced endopolyploidy level as compared to the initial seedlings, i.e. 3-d-old plants. DNA contents in root hairs grown at 25 °C (control) and in root hairs emerged at 10 °C were also determined. In controls 4C – 8C DNA nuclei predominated while in chilled plants an additional population of 2C – 4C DNA appeared. Thus a reduction of DNA synthesis was brought about by low temperature. The occurrence of an intermediate DNA contents besides those with full endoreplication cycles suggests the possibility of differential DNA replication. This suggestion seems to be supported by the lack of 3H-thymidine incorporation into root hair nuclei at the examined developmental stage both in control and chilled root hairs. The same number, but larger, chromocentric lumps in polyploid cortex cell nuclei of higher root zones, in comparison to meristematic nuclei, suggests that endoreduplication process occurred. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S C Ho  W Z Ye  M Schindler    J L Wang 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(9):3882-3890
Incubation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with the cultured soybean cell line SB-1 resulted in the adhesion of the bacteria to the plant cells. An antiserum was raised against B. japonicum, and the 125I-labeled immunoglobulin fraction was used to quantitate the number of bacteria bound to the soybean cells. The measurement of 125I-labeled antibody binding correlated well with parallel assays by microscopic observation. Using this quantitation, we have optimized the parameters of the assay in terms of time course, ratio of B. japonicum to SB-1 cells, and pH. We then explored the effects of saccharides, NaCl, EDTA, and culture age of the bacteria and SB-1 cells on B. japonicum binding under these optimal assay conditions. The results showed good correlation between conditions that govern B. japonicum binding to SB-1 cells in culture and those that regulate B. japonicum-induced nodulation in legume roots. Together, they suggest that this binding event may be important in controlling host specificity.  相似文献   

Of nine Bradyrhizobium japonicum serogroup 123 strains examined, 44% were found to be restricted for nodulation by cultivar Hill. Nodulation studies with soybean isoline BARC-2 confirmed that the soybean Rj4 allele restricts nodulation by the same serogroup 123 isolates. Immunological analyses indicated that B. japonicum strains in serogroups 123 and 31 share at least one surface somatic antigen.  相似文献   

Pili (fimbriae) were observed on cells of each of the five strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and the one strain of Rhizobium trifolii examined. Pili on B. japonicum were about 4 nm in diameter and polarly expressed. Piliated cells were estimated by transmission electron microscopy and hydrophobic attachment to polystyrene to constitute only a small percentage of the total population. The proportion of piliated cells in these populations was dependent on culture age in some strains. Piliated B. japonicum cells were selectively and quantitatively removed from suspension when cultures were incubated with either soybean roots or hydrophobic plastic surfaces, indicating that pili were involved in the attachment of the bacteria to these surfaces. Pili from B. japonicum 110 ARS were purified and found to have a subunit molecular weight of approximately 21,000. Treatment of B. japonicum suspensions with antiserum against the isolated pili reduced attachment to soybean roots by about 90% and nodulation by about 80%. Pili appear to be important mediators of attachment of B. japonicum to soybean roots under the conditions examined.  相似文献   

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