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Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a reservoir for new TB cases. Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) reduces the risk of active TB by as much as 90%, but LTBI screening has limitations. Unlike tuberculin skin testing (TST), interferon-gamma release assays are not affected by BCG vaccination, and have been reported to be cost-effective in low-burden countries. The goal of this study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis from the health system perspective, comparing three strategies for LTBI diagnosis in TB contacts: tuberculin skin testing (TST), QuantiFERON®-TB Gold-in-Tube (QFT-GIT) and TST confirmed by QFT-GIT if positive (TST/QFT-GIT) in Brazil, a middle-income, high-burden country with universal BCG coverage.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Costs for LTBI diagnosis and treatment of a hypothetical cohort of 1,000 adult immunocompetent close contacts were considered. The effectiveness measure employed was the number of averted TB cases in two years. Health system costs were US$ 105,096 for TST, US$ 121,054 for QFT-GIT and US$ 101,948 for TST/QFT-GIT; these strategies averted 6.56, 6.63 and 4.59 TB cases, respectively. The most cost-effective strategy was TST (US$ 16,021/averted case). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was US$ 227,977/averted TB case for QFT-GIT. TST/QFT-GIT was dominated.


Unlike previous studies, TST was the most cost-effective strategy for averting new TB cases in the short term. QFT-GIT would be more cost-effective if its costs could be reduced to US$ 26.95, considering a TST specificity of 59% and US$ 18 considering a more realistic TST specificity of 80%. Nevertheless, with TST, 207.4 additional people per 1,000 will be prescribed IPT compared with QFT.  相似文献   

Rodrigo Cogni 《Biotropica》2010,42(2):188-193
The response of native herbivores to the introduction of a new plant to the community has important implications for plant invasion. Under the Enemy Release Hypothesis introduced species become invasive because of reduced enemy control in the new range, while under the New Association Hypothesis introduced species lack effective defenses against native enemies because they do not share an evolutionary history. I tested the response of a native South-American specialist herbivore Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) to a native (Crotalaria incana) and an introduced host (Crotalaria pallida) (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae). I compared seed predation rates between the two hosts in the field, and I tested preference and performance traits with common garden experiments. Utetheisa ornatrix caused much higher seed predation rates on the introduced host than on the native host. Females also preferred to oviposit on the introduced over the native host. Additionally, larvae feeding on the introduced host had higher fitness (higher pupal weight) than larvae feeding on the native host. I discuss how the response of this specialist herbivore to this introduced host plant contradicts the predictions of the Enemy Release Hypothesis and support the New Association Hypothesis. This study shows that the New Association Hypothesis can also be true for specialist herbivores.  相似文献   

Grooming is one of the most conspicuous social interactions among nonhuman primates. The selection of grooming partners can provide important clues about factors relevant for the distribution of grooming within a social group. We analyzed grooming behavior among 17 semi-free ranging female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). We tested whether grooming is related to kinship, rank and friendship. Furthermore, we tested whether grooming is reciprocated or exchanged for rank related benefits (i.e. lower aggression and increased tolerance whilst feeding). We found that in general grooming was reciprocally exchanged, directed up the hierarchy and at the same time affected by friendship and kinship. Grooming was more frequent among individuals with higher friendship values as well as amongst related individuals. We also divided our data set on the basis of rank difference and tested if different power asymmetries between individuals affected the tendency to exchange grooming for rank related benefits and grooming reciprocation. In support of our initial hypothesis our results show that the reciprocation of grooming was a significant predictor of grooming interactions between individuals of similar rank, but not between those individuals more distantly separated in the social hierarchy. However, we did not find any evidence for grooming being exchanged for rank related benefits in either data set. Our results, together with previously published studies, illustrate the behavioral flexibility of macaques. It is clear that multiple studies of the same species are necessary to gather the data required for the solid comparative studies needed to shed light on patterns of grooming behavior in primates.  相似文献   

Plant lipid droplets are found in seeds and in post-embryonic tissues. Lipid droplets in seeds have been intensively studied, but those in post-embryonic tissues are less well characterised. Although known by a variety of names, here we will refer to all of them as lipid bodies (LBs). LBs are unique spherical organelles which bud off from the endoplasmic reticulum, and are composed of a single phospholipid (PL) layer enclosing a core of triacylglycerides. The PL monolayer is coated with oleosin, a structural protein that stabilizes the LB, restricts its size, and prevents fusion with adjacent LBs. Oleosin is uniquely present at LBs and is regarded as a LB marker. Although initially viewed as simple stores for energy and carbon, the emerging view is that LBs also function in cytoplasmic signalling, with the minor LB proteins caleosin and steroleosin in a prominent role. Apart from seeds, a variety of vegetative and floral structures contain LBs. Recently, it was found that numerous LBs emerge in the shoot apex of perennial plants during seasonal growth arrest and bud formation. They appear to function in dormancy release by reconstituting cell-cell signalling paths in the apex. As apices and orthodox seeds proceed through comparable cycles of dormancy and dehydration, the question arises to what degree LBs in apices share functions with those in seeds. We here review what is known about LBs, particularly in seeds, and speculate about possible unique functions of LBs in post-embryonic tissues in general and in apices in particular.  相似文献   

Orthopoxviruses (OPV), including variola, vaccinia, monkeypox, cowpox and ectromelia viruses cause acute infections in their hosts. With the exception of variola virus (VARV), the etiological agent of smallpox, other OPV have been reported to persist in a variety of animal species following natural or experimental infection. Despite the implications and significance for the ecology and epidemiology of diseases these viruses cause, those reports have never been thoroughly investigated. We used the mouse pathogen ectromelia virus (ECTV), the agent of mousepox and a close relative of VARV to investigate virus persistence in inbred mice. We provide evidence that ECTV causes a persistent infection in some susceptible strains of mice in which low levels of virus genomes were detected in various tissues late in infection. The bone marrow (BM) and blood appeared to be key sites of persistence. Contemporaneous with virus persistence, antiviral CD8 T cell responses were demonstrable over the entire 25-week study period, with a change in the immunodominance hierarchy evident during the first 3 weeks. Some virus-encoded host response modifiers were found to modulate virus persistence whereas host genes encoded by the NKC and MHC class I reduced the potential for persistence. When susceptible strains of mice that had apparently recovered from infection were subjected to sustained immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide (CTX), animals succumbed to mousepox with high titers of infectious virus in various organs. CTX treated index mice transmitted virus to, and caused disease in, co-housed naïve mice. The most surprising but significant finding was that immunosuppression of disease-resistant C57BL/6 mice several weeks after recovery from primary infection generated high titers of virus in multiple tissues. Resistant mice showed no evidence of a persistent infection. This is the strongest evidence that ECTV can persist in inbred mice, regardless of their resistance status.  相似文献   

Process-based crop simulation models require employment of new knowledge for continuous improvement. To simulate growth and development of different genotypes of a given crop, most models use empirical relationships or parameters defined as genetic coefficients to represent the various cultivar characteristics. Such a loose introduction of different cultivar characteristics can result in bias within a simulation, which could potentially integrate to a high simulation error at the end of the growing season when final yield at maturity is predicted. Recent advances in genetics and biomolecular analysis provide important opportunities for incorporating genetic information into process-based models to improve the accuracy of the simulation of growth and development and ultimately the final yield. This improvement is especially important for complex applications of models. For instance, the effect of the climate change on the crop growth processes in the context of natural climatic and soil variability and a large range of crop management options (e.g., N management) make it difficult to predict the potential impact of the climate change on the crop production. Quantification of the interaction of the environmental variables with the management factors requires fine tuning of the crop models to consider differences among different genotypes. In this paper we present this concept by reviewing the available knowledge of major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for important traits of rice for improvement of rice growth modelling and further requirements. It is our aim to review the assumption of the adequacy of the available knowledge of rice genes and QTL information to be introduced into the models. Although the rice genome sequence has been completed, the development of gene-based rice models still requires additional information than is currently unavailable. We conclude that a multidiscipline research project would be able to introduce this concept for practical applications.  相似文献   



There is dilemma as to whether patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) requiring implant orthopaedic surgery are at an increased risk for post-operative surgical site infection (SSI). We conducted a systematic review to determine the effect of HIV on the risk of post-operative SSI and sought to determine if this risk is altered by antibiotic use beyond 24 hours.


We searched electronic databases, manually searched citations from relevant articles, and reviewed conference proceedings. The risk of postoperative SSI was pooled using Mantel-Haenszel method.


We identified 18 cohort studies with 16 mainly small studies, addressing the subject. The pooled risk ratio of infection in the HIV patients when compared to non-HIV patients was 1.8 (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.3–2.4), in studies in Africa this was 2.3 (95% CI 1.5–3.5). In a sensitivity analysis the risk ratio was reduced to 1.4 (95% CI 0.5–3.8). The risk ratio of infection in patients receiving prolonged antibiotics compared to patients receiving antibiotics for up to 24 hours was 0.7 (95% CI 0.1–4.2).


The results may indicate an increased risk in HIV infected patients but these results are not robust and inconclusive after conducting the sensitivity analysis removing poor quality studies. There is need for larger good quality studies to provide conclusive evidence. To better develop surgical protocols, further studies should determine the effect of reduced CD4 counts, viral load suppression and prolonged antibiotics on the risk for infection.  相似文献   

What is the ideal body size and shape that we want for ourselves and our partners? What are the important physical features in this ideal? And do both genders agree on what is an attractive body? To answer these questions we used a 3D interactive software system which allows our participants to produce a photorealistic, virtual male or female body. Forty female and forty male heterosexual Caucasian observers (females mean age 19.10 years, s.d. 1.01; 40 males mean age 19.84, s.d. 1.66) set their own ideal size and shape, and the size and shape of their ideal partner using the DAZ studio image manipulation programme. In this programme the shape and size of a 3D body can be altered along 94 independent dimensions, allowing each participant to create the exact size and shape of the body they want. The volume (and thus the weight assuming a standard density) and the circumference of the bust, waist and hips of these 3D models can then be measured. The ideal female body set by women (BMI = 18.9, WHR = 0.70, WCR = 0.67) was very similar to the ideal partner set by men, particularly in their BMI (BMI = 18.8, WHR = 0.73, WCR = 0.69). This was a lower BMI than the actual BMI of 39 of the 40 women. The ideal male body set by the men (BMI = 25.9, WHR = 0.87, WCR = 0.74) was very similar to the ideal partner set by the women (BMI = 24.5, WHR = 0.86, WCR = 0.77). This was a lower BMI than the actual BMI of roughly half of the men and a higher BMI than the other half. The results suggest a consistent preference for an ideal male and female body size and shape across both genders. The results also suggest that both BMI and torso shape are important components for the creation of the ideal body.  相似文献   

In Great Britain and Ireland, badgers (Meles meles) are a wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis and implicated in bovine tuberculosis transmission to domestic cattle. The route of disease transmission is unknown with direct, so‐called “nose‐to‐nose,” contact between hosts being extremely rare. Camera traps were deployed for 64,464 hr on 34 farms to quantify cattle and badger visitation rates in space and time at six farm locations. Badger presence never coincided with cattle presence at the same time, with badger and cattle detection at the same location but at different times being negatively correlated. Badgers were never recorded within farmyards during the present study. Badgers utilized cattle water troughs in fields, but detections were infrequent (equivalent to one badger observed drinking every 87 days). Cattle presence at badger‐associated locations, for example, setts and latrines, were three times more frequent than badger presence at cattle‐associated locations, for example, water troughs. Preventing cattle access to badger setts and latrines and restricting badger access to cattle water troughs may potentially reduce interspecific bTB transmission through reduced indirect contact.  相似文献   



Rhesus macaques are unusual among schistosome hosts, self-curing from an established infection and thereafter manifesting solid immunity against a challenge, an ideal model for vaccine development. Previously, the immunological basis of self-cure was confirmed; surviving worms had ceased feeding but how immunological pressure achieved this was unclear. The schistosome esophagus is not simply a conduit for blood but plays a central role in its processing. Secretions from the anterior and posterior esophageal glands mix with incoming blood causing erythrocyte lysis and tethering and killing of leucocytes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have analysed the self-cure process in rhesus macaques infected with Schistosoma japonicum. Faecal egg output and circulating antigen levels were used to chart the establishment of a mature worm population and its subsequent demise. The physiological stress of surviving females at perfusion was especially evident from their pale, shrunken appearance, while changes in the structure and function of the esophagus were observed in both sexes. In the anterior region electron microscopy revealed that the vesicle secretory process was disrupted, the tips of lining corrugations being swollen by greatly enlarged vesicles and the putative sites of vesicle release obscured by intense deposits of IgG. The lumen of the posterior esophagus in starving worms was occluded by cellular debris and the lining cytoplasmic plates were closely adherent, also potentially preventing secretion. Seven proteins secreted by the posterior gland were identified and IgG responses were detected to some or all of them. Intrinsic rhesus IgG colocalized with secreted SjMEGs 4.1, 8.2, 9, 11 and VAL-7 on cryosections, suggesting they are potential targets for disruption of function.


Our data suggest that rhesus macaques self-cure by blocking esophagus function with antibody; the protein products of the glands provide a new class of potential vaccine targets.  相似文献   

Cercospora zeae-maydis causes gray leaf spot of maize, which has become one of the most widespread and destructive diseases of maize in the world. C. zeae-maydis infects leaves through stomata, which is predicated on the ability of the pathogen to perceive stomata and reorient growth accordingly. In this study, the discovery that light was required for C. zeae-maydis to perceive stomata and infect leaves led to the identification of CRP1, a gene encoding a putative blue-light photoreceptor homologous to White Collar-1 (WC-1) of Neurospora crassa. Disrupting CRP1 via homologous recombination revealed roles in multiple aspects of pathogenesis, including tropism of hyphae to stomata, the formation of appressoria, conidiation, and the biosynthesis of cercosporin. CRP1 was also required for photoreactivation after lethal doses of UV exposure. Intriguingly, putative orthologs of CRP1 are central regulators of circadian clocks in other filamentous fungi, raising the possibility that C. zeae-maydis uses light as a key environmental input to coordinate pathogenesis with maize photoperiodic responses. This study identified a novel molecular mechanism underlying stomatal tropism in a foliar fungal pathogen, provides specific insight into how light regulates pathogenesis in C. zeae-maydis, and establishes a genetic framework for the molecular dissection of infection via stomata and the integration of host and pathogen responses to photoperiod.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationships between percentage of body fat (PBF) and risk factors for cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance and how good body mass index (BMI) and other anthropometric measures are as indices of obesity. High PBF levels were associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance. The World Health Organization BMI of 30 kg/m(2) for obesity has low sensitivity, 6.7% and 13.4% for men and women, respectively. For every obese man and woman identified, 6.7 and 1.76 times nonobese men and women, respectively, will be misclassified as obese. With the locally established BMI cutoff point for obesity of 27 kg/m(2) for men and 25 kg/m(2) for women, the sensitivity was improved to 46.7% and 60.8%, respectively. For every obese man and woman identified, 3.76 and 1.64 times nonobese men and women, respectively, will be misclassified as obese. None of the other anthropometric indices was better than the locally established BMIs. We showed that the BMIs for obesity for our local men and women are different. These BMIs were most precise among all indices studied. However, they still lead to high false-positive rates. For more effective management of the problem of obesity, we need to develop more precise, simple, and cost-effective methods for the measurement of PBF.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is the seventh commonest cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Although prognosis is poor, both surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy improve survival. However, it has been suggested that not all pancreatic cancer patients who may benefit from treatment receive it. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the existence of age-related inequalities in receipt of first-line pancreatic cancer treatment. Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and grey literature were searched for population-based studies investigating treatment receipt, reported by age, for patients with primary pancreatic cancer from inception until 4th June 2020, and updated 5th August 2021. Studies from countries with universal healthcare were included, to minimise influence of health system-related economic factors. A modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess risk of bias. Random-effects meta-analysis was undertaken comparing likelihood of treatment receipt in older versus younger patients. Sensitivity and subgroup analyses were conducted. Eighteen papers were included; 12 independent populations were eligible for meta-analysis. In most studies, < 10% of older patients were treated. Older age (generally ≥65) was significantly associated with reduced receipt of any treatment (OR=0.14, 95% CI 0.10–0.21, n = 12 studies), surgery (OR=0.15, 95% CI 0.09–0.24, n = 9 studies) and chemotherapy as a primary treatment (OR=0.13, 95% CI 0.07–0.24, n = 5 studies). The effect of age was independent of methodological quality, patient population or time-period of patient diagnosis and remained in studies with confounder adjustment. The mean quality score of included studies was 6/8. Inequalities in receipt of healthcare interventions across social groups is a recognised concern internationally. This review shows that older age is significantly, and consistently, associated with non-receipt of treatment in pancreatic cancer. However, there are risks and side-effects associated with pancreatic cancer treatment. Further research on what influences patient and professional treatment decision-making is required to better understand these apparent inequalities.  相似文献   

Commercial sources of native seed are often unavailable for ecological restoration projects or do not have a suitable provenance. Local collection of wild seed is an option, but it can be challenging to collect seed for a variety of species and set fair seed prices. Our aim was to quantify the relative effort to collect, clean, store, and propagate seed to better prioritize species and assess the value of their seed. For 57 species native to the Canadian subarctic and typical of upland habitats, we evaluated 13 poorly correlated attributes in the field and lab or using the literature. For collection attributes, regional occurrence, local abundance, seed collection rate, and collection window were normally or log‐normally distributed. Most species were easy to identify and posed few collection obstacles. Cleaning effort was evenly distributed across species and the majority could be cleaned to more than 95% purity. We only encountered orthodox seed and most species had seed longevity exceeding a year. Seed viability mostly exceeded 80%, pre‐treatment requirements were evenly distributed and the majority of species could be germinated under standard conditions. We propose a standard worksheet, in which we assign relative effort scores to the distribution of each attribute. We illustrate this approach for the revegetation planning of a remote mine site. We also propose a seed lot certificate to ensure high seed quality. This tool can be applied to various restoration applications to assess relative effort, to plan and prioritize species for restoration projects and to help set fair seed pricing.  相似文献   



To investigate the possible effects of different levels of attributes of a point-of-care test (POCT) on sexually transmitted infection (STI) professionals'' decisions regarding an ideal POCT for STI(s).


An online survey was designed based on a large-scale in-depth focus discussion study among STI experts and professionals. The last section of the survey “build your own POCT” was designed by employing the discrete choice experiment approach. Practicing clinicians from two venues, STI-related international conference attendees and U.S. STD clinic clinicians were invited to participate in the survey. Conditional logistical regression modeling was used for data analysis.


Overall, 256 subjects took the online survey with 218 (85%) completing it. Most of the participants were STD clinic clinicians who already used some POCTs in their practice. “The time frame required” was identified as a major barrier that currently made it difficult to use STI POCTs. Chlamydia trachomatis was the organism chosen as the top priority for a new POCT, followed by a test that would diagnose early seroconversion for HIV, and a syphilis POCT. Without regard to organism type selected, sensitivity of 90–99% was always the most important attribute to be considered, followed by a cost of $20. However, when the test platform was prioritized for early HIV seroconversion or syphilis, sensitivity was still ranked as most important, but specificity was rated second most important.


STI professionals preferred C. trachomatis as the top priority for a new POCT with sensitivity over 90%, low cost, and a very short completion time.  相似文献   

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