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The initiator protein E1 from human papillomavirus (HPV) is a helicase essential for replication of the viral genome. E1 contains three functional domains: a C-terminal enzymatic domain that has ATPase/helicase activity, a central DNA-binding domain that recognizes specific sequences in the origin of replication, and a N-terminal region necessary for viral DNA replication in vivo but dispensable in vitro. This N-terminal portion of E1 contains a conserved nuclear export signal (NES) whose function in the viral life cycle remains unclear. In this study, we provide evidence that nuclear export of HPV31 E1 is inhibited by cyclin E/A-Cdk2 phosphorylation of two serines residues, S92 and S106, located near and within the E1 NES, respectively. Using E1 mutant proteins that are confined to the nucleus, we determined that nuclear export of E1 is not essential for transient viral DNA replication but is important for the long-term maintenance of the HPV episome in undifferentiated keratinocytes. The findings that E1 nuclear export is not required for viral DNA replication but needed for genome maintenance over multiple cell divisions raised the possibility that continuous nuclear accumulation of E1 is detrimental to cellular growth. In support of this possibility, we observed that nuclear accumulation of E1 dramatically reduces cellular proliferation by delaying cell cycle progression in S phase. On the basis of these results, we propose that nuclear export of E1 is required, at least in part, to limit accumulation of this viral helicase in the nucleus in order to prevent its detrimental effect on cellular proliferation.Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are small double-stranded DNA viruses that infect keratinocytes of the differentiating epithelium of the skin or mucosa (reviewed in references 4 and 63). Of more than 150 different HPV types identified thus far, about 25 infect the anogenital region (9). The low-risk types, such as HPV11 and HPV6, are associated with the development of genital warts, while the high-risk types, such as HPV16, -18, and -31, cause high-grade lesions that can progress to invasive cervical carcinoma (17, 38, 61).The HPV life cycle is coupled with the differentiation program that keratinocytes undergo in the epithelium. After infection of the basal cell layer of the epithelium, the virus establishes and maintains its genome as an extrachromosomal element (episome) in the nucleus of infected cells. While the viral episome is maintained at low levels in basal cells, its amplification to a high copy number is trigged in the upper layers of the epithelium by the action of the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 and the differentiation of the infected keratinocytes (reviewed in reference 21). Replication of the HPV genome relies on the viral proteins E1 and E2 and the host DNA replication machinery. Viral DNA replication is initiated by the binding of E2 to specific sites on the viral origin where it facilitates the recruitment and assembly of E1 into a double hexamer that is required to unwind DNA ahead of the bidirectional replication fork (3, 14, 15, 31, 33, 36, 43-45, 52, 60). In addition to its helicase activity, E1 interacts with several cellular replication factors, including polymerase α-primase, replication protein A (RPA), and topoisomerase I, to replicate the viral episome (5, 6, 19, 32, 35, 39).E1, which belongs to helicase superfamily III (SF3) (22, 26), can be divided into three functional regions. Its C-terminal domain has ATPase and helicase activity and can self-assemble into hexamers. It is also this domain that is contacted by E2 to recruit E1 at the origin (50, 57, 58). The middle portion of E1 encompasses the origin-binding domain (OBD) that binds and dimerizes on specific sequences in the origin (55, 56). We and others previously found that a fragment of E1 containing only the C-terminal enzymatic domain and the OBD is capable of supporting viral DNA replication in vitro but is inactive in vivo (2, 51). This suggested that the N-terminal region of E1 plays an essential regulatory function in vivo. As such, it has been shown for HPV11 E1 that this region contains a cyclin E/A-Cdk2 (cyclin-dependent kinase 2) binding motif (CBM), a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) and an CRM1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES), which together regulate the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of the protein (10, 30, 34). Specifically, it has been shown that phosphorylation of HPV11 E1 on three serine residues within its N-terminal region inhibits its nuclear export (10, 62). Interestingly, bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E1 was also shown to shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. In this case, however, Cdk2 phosphorylation was found to promote, rather than inhibit, the export of the viral helicase (24). This apparent discrepancy between HPV11 and BPV E1 prompted us to examine the regulation of a third E1 protein, specifically that of the high-risk HPV31.We report here that HPV31 E1 also shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm through its conserved NLS and NES. We determined that nuclear export of HPV31 E1 is dependent on the CRM1 export pathway and is inhibited by Cdk2 phosphorylation of serines 92 and 106. We also found that nuclear export of E1 is not required for transient viral DNA replication and thus investigated its role in viral genome maintenance and amplification in immortalized keratinocytes. In contrast to the wild type (WT), a mutant genome carrying a defective E1 NES was poorly maintained and progressively lost upon cell division, indicating that nuclear export of E1 is required for long-term maintenance of the viral episome. Because nuclear export of E1 is not required for viral DNA replication per se but needed for episomal maintenance over several cell divisions, we investigated the possibility that continuous accumulation of E1 into the nucleus is detrimental to cellular proliferation. In support of this possibility, we found that the accumulation of E1 at high levels in the nucleus impedes cellular proliferation by delaying cell cycle progression in the S phase. In addition, we found that this delay was alleviated when nuclear export of E1 was increased. Altogether, these results suggest that nuclear export of E1 is required, at least in part, to limit accumulation of this viral helicase in the nucleus in order to prevent its detrimental effect on cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA replication is conserved among papillomaviruses. The virus-encoded E1 and E2 proteins collaborate to target the origin and recruit host DNA replication proteins. Expression vectors of E1 and E2 proteins support homologous and heterologous papillomaviral origin replication in transiently transfected cells. Viral proteins from different genotypes can also collaborate, albeit with different efficiencies, indicating a certain degree of specificity in E1-E2 interactions. We report that, in the assays of our study, the human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV-11) E1 protein functioned with the HPV-16 E2 protein, whereas the HPV-16 E1 protein exhibited no detectable activity with the HPV-11 E2 protein. Taking advantage of this distinction, we used chimeric E1 proteins to delineate the E1 protein domains responsible for this specificity. Hybrids containing HPV-16 E1 amino-terminal residues up to residue 365 efficiently replicated either viral origin in the presence of either E2 protein. The reciprocal hybrids containing amino-terminal HPV-11 sequences exhibited a high activity with HPV-16 E2 but no activity with HPV-11 E2. Reciprocal hybrid proteins with the carboxyl-terminal 44 residues from either E1 had an intermediate property, but both collaborated more efficiently with HPV-16 E2 than with HPV-11 E2. In contrast, chimeras with a junction in the putative ATPase domain showed little or no activity with either E2 protein. We conclude that the E1 protein consists of distinct structural and functional domains, with the carboxyl-terminal 284 residues of the HPV-16 E1 protein being the primary determinant for E2 specificity during replication, and that chimeric exchanges in or bordering the ATPase domain inactivate the protein.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) pUL93 is essential for virus growth, but its precise function in the virus life cycle is unknown. Here, we characterize a UL93 stop mutant virus (UL93st-TB40/E-BAC) to demonstrate that the absence of this protein does not restrict viral gene expression; however, cleavage of viral DNA into unit-length genomes as well as genome packaging is abolished. Thus, pUL93 is required for viral genome cleavage and packaging.  相似文献   

Nef, a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory factor capable of interaction with a diverse array of host cell signaling molecules, is essential for high-titer HIV replication and AIDS progression. Previous biochemical and structural studies have suggested that Nef may form homodimers and higher-order oligomers in HIV-infected cells, which may be required for both immune and viral receptor downregulation as well as viral replication. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation, we provide the first direct evidence for Nef dimers within HIV host cells and identify the structural requirements for dimerization in vivo. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis shows that the multiple hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions found within the dimerization interface of the Nef X-ray crystal structure are essential for dimerization in cells. Nef dimers localized to the plasma membrane as well as the trans-Golgi network, two subcellular localizations essential for Nef function. Mutations in the Nef dimerization interface dramatically reduced both Nef-induced CD4 downregulation and HIV replication. Viruses expressing dimerization-defective Nef mutants were disabled to the same extent as HIV that fails to express Nef in terms of replication. These results identify the Nef dimerization region as a potential molecular target for antiretroviral drug discovery.  相似文献   

BRCA1 carboxyl-terminal (BRCT) motifs are present in a number of proteins involved in DNA repair and/or DNA damage-signaling pathways. Human DNA topoisomerase II binding protein 1 (TopBP1) contains eight BRCT motifs and shares sequence similarity with the fission yeast Rad4/Cut5 protein and the budding yeast DPB11 protein, both of which are required for DNA damage and/or replication checkpoint controls. We report here that TopBP1 is phosphorylated in response to DNA double-strand breaks and replication blocks. TopBP1 forms nuclear foci and localizes to the sites of DNA damage or the arrested replication forks. In response to DNA strand breaks, TopBP1 phosphorylation depends on the ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM) in vivo. However, ATM-dependent phosphorylation of TopBP1 does not appear to be required for focus formation following DNA damage. Instead, focus formation relies on one of the BRCT motifs, BRCT5, in TopBP1. Antisense Morpholino oligomers against TopBP1 greatly reduced TopBP1 expression in vivo. Similar to that of ataxia telangiectasia-related protein (ATR), Chk1, or Hus1, downregulation of TopBP1 leads to reduced cell survival, probably due to increased apoptosis. Taken together, the data presented here suggest that, like its putative counterparts in yeast species, TopBP1 may be involved in DNA damage and replication checkpoint controls.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome contains numerous RNA elements that are required for its replication. Most of the identified RNA structures are located within the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs). One prominent RNA structure, termed the cis-acting replication element (CRE), is located within the NS5B coding region. Mutation of part of the CRE, the 5BSL3.2 stem-loop, impairs HCV RNA replication. This loop has been implicated in a kissing interaction with a complementary stem-loop structure in the 3′ UTR. Although it is clear that this interaction is required for viral replication, the function of the interaction, and its regulation are unknown. In order to gain insight into the CRE function, we isolated cellular proteins that preferentially bind the CRE and identified them using mass spectrometry. This approach identified EWSR1 as a CRE-binding protein. Silencing EWSR1 expression impairs HCV replication and infectious virus production but not translation. While EWRS1 is a shuttling protein that is extensively nuclear in hepatocytes, substantial amounts of EWSR1 localize to the cytosol in HCV-infected cells and colocalize with sites of HCV replication. A subset of EWRS1 translocates into detergent-resistant membrane fractions, which contain the viral replicase proteins, in cells with replicating HCV. EWSR1 directly binds the CRE, and this is dependent on the intact CRE structure. Finally, EWSR1 preferentially interacts with the CRE in the absence of the kissing interaction. This study implicates EWSR1 as a novel modulator of CRE function in HCV replication.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of herpes simplex virus 1 DNA polymerase (HSV-1 Pol) has been extensively studied; however, its full complement of functional domains has yet to be characterized. A crystal structure has revealed a previously uncharacterized pre-NH2-terminal domain (residues 1 to 140) within HSV-1 Pol. Due to the conservation of the pre-NH2-terminal domain within the herpesvirus Pol family and its location in the crystal structure, we hypothesized that this domain provides an important function during viral replication in the infected cell distinct from 5′-3′ polymerase activity. We identified three pre-NH2-terminal Pol mutants that exhibited 5′-3′ polymerase activity indistinguishable from that of wild-type Pol in vitro: deletion mutants PolΔN43 and PolΔN52 that lack the extreme N-terminal 42 and 51 residues, respectively, and mutant PolA6, in which a conserved motif at residues 44 to 49 was replaced with alanines. We constructed the corresponding pol mutant viruses and found that the polΔN43 mutant displayed replication kinetics similar to those of wild-type virus, while polΔN52 and polA6 mutant virus infection resulted in an 8-fold defect in viral yield compared to that achieved with wild type and their respective rescued derivative viruses. Additionally, both polΔN52 and polA6 viruses exhibited defects in viral DNA synthesis that correlated with the observed reduction in viral yield. These results strongly indicate that the conserved motif within the pre-NH2-terminal domain is important for viral DNA synthesis and production of infectious virus and indicate a functional role for this domain.  相似文献   

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