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Functional dental theory predicts that tooth shape responds evolutionarily to the mechanical properties of food. Most studies of mammalian teeth have focused on qualitative measures of dental anatomy and have not formally tested how the functional components of teeth adapt in response to diet. Here we generated a series of predictions for tooth morphology based on biomechanical models of food processing. We used murine rodents (Old World rats and mice) to test these predictions for the relationship between diet and morphology and to identify a suite of functional dental characteristics that best predict diets. One hundred and five dental characteristics were extracted from images of the upper and lower tooth rows and incisors for 98 species. After accounting for phylogenetic relationships, we showed that species evolving plant‐dominated diets evolved deeper incisors, longer third molars, longer molar crests, blunter posteriorly angled cusps, and more expanded laterally oriented occlusal cusps than species adapting to animal‐dominated diets. Measures of incisor depth, crest length, cusp angle and sharpness, occlusal cusp orientation, and the lengths of third molars proved the best predictors of dietary adaptation. Accounting for evolutionary history in a phylogenetic discriminant function analysis notably improved the classification accuracy. Molar morphology is strongly correlated with diet and we suggest that these dental traits can be used to infer diet with good accuracy for both extinct and extant murine species.  相似文献   

The masticatory musculature of rodents has evolved to enable both gnawing at the incisors and chewing at the molars. In particular, the masseter muscle is highly specialised, having extended anteriorly to originate from the rostrum. All living rodents have achieved this masseteric expansion in one of three ways, known as the sciuromorph, hystricomorph and myomorph conditions. Here, we used finite element analysis (FEA) to investigate the biomechanical implications of these three morphologies, in a squirrel, guinea pig and rat. In particular, we wished to determine whether each of the three morphologies is better adapted for either gnawing or chewing. Results show that squirrels are more efficient at muscle-bite force transmission during incisor gnawing than guinea pigs, and that guinea pigs are more efficient at molar chewing than squirrels. This matches the known diet of nuts and seeds that squirrels gnaw, and of grasses that guinea pigs grind down with their molars. Surprisingly, results also indicate that rats are more efficient as well as more versatile feeders than both the squirrel and guinea pig. There seems to be no compromise in biting efficiency to accommodate the wider range of foodstuffs and the more general feeding behaviour adopted by rats. Our results show that the morphology of the skull and masticatory muscles have allowed squirrels to specialise as gnawers and guinea pigs as chewers, but that rats are high-performance generalists, which helps explain their overwhelming success as a group.  相似文献   

In ungulates it is argued that specialization in the consumption of a particular type of food (feeding style) is reflected in morphological adaptations of the organs involved in the selection, processing and digestion of food. We analysed the differences in size and morphology of some oral traits that have been functionally related to food-selection ability (muzzle width, incisor-arcade shape, incisor shape), prehension of food (incisor protrusion), food comminution (molar occlusal surface area, hypsodonty (high-crowned molars)) and intake rate (incisor breadth) between ungulate species with different feeding styles (browser, mixed feeder, grazer). Grazers were characterized by large-body-size species. After controlling only for body mass, we found that grazers had wider muzzles and incisors, more-protruding incisors and more-bulky and higher-crowned molars than did mixed feeders and browsers. When the analyses took into account both body mass and phylogeny, only body mass and two out of the three hypsodonty indexes used remained significantly different between feeding styles. Browsers were smaller, on average, than mixed feeders and grazers, whilst grazers and mixed feeders did not differ in size. Also, browsers had shorter and less-bulky molars than did mixed feeders and grazers; the latter two feeding styles did not differ from each other in any of the hypsodonty indexes. We conclude that the adaptation to different dietary types in most of the oral traits studied is subsumed by the effects of body mass and the sharing of common ancestors. We hypothesize that differences in the ability to exploit different food resources primarily result from differences in body mass between species, and also discuss why hypsodonty characterizes feeding styles.  相似文献   

The Tianyuan cave near Zhoukoudian is among the most special localities in North China for its many porcupine gnawing marks on the bones, as is often the case acknowledged only in South China. But porcupines did not gnaw all the bones, that is gnawing is selective. Skulls, mandibles, tooth roots and long bones are frequently gnawed. The short bones are almost free from gnawing. The selection indicates that, for porcupines, bone gnawing is not only a necessity for attrition of incisors, but also a process of extracting nutrients from the marrow. Additionally, the porcupine gnawing marks can also be employed to determine the provenance of the fossils that were discovered by the local people before the systematic excavation. Those bearing porcupine tooth marks only appear in the upper assemblage. The other significance of the gnawing marks is to infer the habitant of the cave. The bones from the human fossil bearing layer have few tooth marks, which may represent a period of human occupation of the cave. In the upper assemblage, the gnawing marks appear frequently, it may indicate that porcupine and other rodents lived in the cave during this time span.  相似文献   

Anatomical and biological specializations have been studied extensively in fossorial rodents, especially in subterranean species, such as mole-rats or pocket-gophers. Sciurids (i.e., squirrels) are mostly known for their diverse locomotory behaviors, and encompass many arboreal species. They also include less specialized fossorial species, such as ground squirrels that are mainly scratch diggers. The skull of ground squirrels remains poorly investigated in a fossorial context, while it may reflect incipient morphological specializations associated with fossorial life, especially due to the putative use of incisors for digging in some taxa. Here, we present the results of a comparative analysis of the skull of five fossorial sciurid species, and compare those to four arboreal sciurids, one arboreal/fossorial sciurid and one specialized fossorial aplodontiid. The quantification of both cranial and mandibular shapes, using three dimensional geometric morphometrics, reveals that fossorial species clearly depart from arboreal species. Fossorial species from the Marmotini tribe, and also Xerini to a lesser extent, show widened zygomatic arches and occipital plate on the cranium, and a wide mandible with reduced condyles. These shared characteristics, which are present in the aplodontiid species, likely represent fossorial specializations rather than relaxed selection on traits related to the ancestral arboreal condition of sciurids. Such cranial and mandibular configurations combined with proodont incisors might also be related to the frequent use of incisors for digging (added to forelimbs), especially in Marmotini evolving in soft to hard soil conditions. This study provides some clues to understand the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the skull of fossorial rodents, in relation to the time spent underground and to the nature of the soil.  相似文献   

The secondary palate formation in mouse has been associated with the period of fast growth of the mandible from embryonic days (ED) 13.0 to 16.0. During that time, the incisors and first molars develop from the bud to the bell stage. We investigated the position and growth of the tooth during prenatal elongation of the lower and upper jaws, and searched for the developmental stage when alignment of opposing teeth was achieved. Computer-aided 3D representations allowed us to represent the position of incisors and molars in the embryonic head from ED 13.5 to 18.0 on the basis of data obtained from histological sections. The atlas-hypophysis connection exhibited minimum change in length and orientation during the prenatal period, and thus was used as a reference line. The length of the teeth was calculated from 3D data. The upper first and second molars were longer than the lower ones. When viewed from the upper side, the upper and lower molar primordia were parallel from ED 13.5 to 15.0. During this period, the upper molars had a more lateral position than the lower ones. This situation was maintained in the anterior extremity of the first molars at later stages, while the posterior part of the upper and lower molar epithelia reached opposition in the medio-lateral direction from ED 16.0. The lower incisors exhibited an apparently backward position when compared to the upper incisors at earlier stages. However, the distance between the prospective anterior tips of the opposing incisors gradually decreased. The part of Meckel's cartilage associated with the lower dental quadrant elongated more than 3-fold from ED 13.5 to 18.0, and the lower jaw grew faster than the upper one. This difference resulted from the fast growth of the lower diastema from ED 14.0 to 18.0. The different growth speeds of the upper and lower jaws did not change the relative antero-posterior adjustment of the upper and lower molars, but contributed to achieving the opposition of the gnawing ends of the incisors.  相似文献   

The relationship between the form and function of the skull has been the subject of a great deal of research, much of which has concentrated on the impact of feeding on skull shape. However, there are a number of other behaviours that can influence craniodental morphology. Previous work has shown that subterranean rodents that use their incisors to dig (chisel‐tooth digging) have a constrained cranial shape, which is probably driven by a necessity to create high bite forces at wide gapes. Chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents also have an upper incisor root that is displaced further back into the cranium compared with other rodents. This study quantified cranial shape and upper incisors of a phylogenetically diverse sample of rodents to determine if chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents differ in craniodental morphology. The study showed that the crania of chisel‐tooth‐digging rodents shared a similar place in morphospace, but a strong phylogenetic signal within the sample meant that this grouping was nonsignificant. It was also found that the curvature of the upper incisor in chisel‐tooth diggers was significantly larger than in other rodents. Interestingly, most subterranean rodents in the sample (both chisel‐tooth and scratch diggers) had upper incisors that were better able to resist bending than those of terrestrial rodents, presumably due to their similar diets of tough plant materials. Finally, the incisor variables and cranial shape were not found to covary consistently in this sample, highlighting the complex relationship between a species’ evolutionary history and functional morphology.  相似文献   

M. van der  Merwe 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):689-694
The greater cane rat, Thryonomys swinderianus , is the second largest rodent in the southern African subregion; only the porcupine is larger. The incisors are very large and curved and their gnawing action against each other gives them chisel edges. The common belief that a broken incisor may lead to severe stress or even death because growth of the corresponding incisor, in the opposing jaw, cannot be controlled by wearing away, is not necessarily true for all rodents. At least in the greater cane rat malocclusion does not necessarily lead to the incisors entering the skull or any obvious signs of stress or suffering.  相似文献   

Despite the exceptional complexity formed by species and their interactions in ecological networks, such as food webs, regularities in the network structures are repeatedly demonstrated. The interactions are determined by the characteristics of a species. The characteristics are in turn determined by the species’ phylogenetic relationships, but also by factors not related to evolutionary history. Here, we test whether species’ phylogenetic relationships provides a significant proxy for food web intervality. We thereafter quantify the degree to which different species traits remain valuable predictors of food web structure after the baseline effect of species’ relatedness has been removed. We find that the phylogenetic relationships provide a significant background from which to estimate food web intervality and thereby structure. However, we also find that there is an important, non-negligible part of some traits, e.g., body size, in food webs that is not accounted for by the phylogenetic relationships. Additionally, both these relationships differ depending if a predator or a prey perspective is adopted. Clearly, species’ evolutionary history as well as traits not determined by phylogenetic relationships shapes predator-prey interactions in food webs, and the underlying evolutionary processes take place on slightly different time scales depending on the direction of predator-prey adaptations.  相似文献   

The masticatory apparatus in the albino rat was studied by means of electromyography and subsequent estimation of muscular forces. The activity patterns of the trigeminal and suprahyoid musculature and the mandibular movements were recorded simultaneously during feeding. The relative forces of the individual muscles in the different stages of chewing cycles and biting were estimated on the basis of their physiological cross sections and their activity levels, as measured from integrated electromyograms. Workinglines and moment arms of these muscles were determined for different jaw positions. In the anteriorly directed masticatory grinding stroke the resultants of the muscle forces at each side are identical; they direct anteriorly, dorsally and slightly lingually and pass along the lateral side of the second molar. Almost the entire muscular resultant force is transmitted to the molars while the temporo-mandibular joint remains unloaded. A small transverse force, produced by the tense symphyseal cruciate ligaments balances the couple of muscle resultant and molar reaction force in the transverse plane. After each grinding stroke the mandible is repositioned for the next stroke by the overlapping actions of three muscle groups: the pterygoids and suprahyoids produce depression and forward shift, the suprahyoids and temporal backward shift and elevation of the mandible while the subsequent co-operation of the temporal and masseter causes final closure of the mouth and starting of the forward grinding movement. All muscles act in a bilaterally symmetrical fashion. The pterygoids contract more strongly, the masseter more weakly during biting than during chewing. The wide gape shifts the resultant of the muscle forces more vertically and moreposteriorly. The joint then becomes strongly loaded because the reaction forces are applied far anteriorly on the incisors. The charateristic angle between the almost horizontal biting force and the surface of the food pellet indicates that the lower incisors produce a chisel-like action. Tooth structure reflects chewing and biting forces. The transverse molar lamellae lie about parallel to the chewing forces whereas perpendicular loading of the occlusal surfaces is achieved by their inclination in the transverse plane. The incisors are loaded approximately parallel to their longitudinal axis, placement that avoids bending forces during biting. It is suggested that a predominantly protrusive musculature favors the effective force transmission to the lower incisors, required for gnawing. By grinding food across transversely oriented molar ridges the protrusive components of the muscles would be utilized best. From the relative weights of the masticatory muscles in their topographical relations with joints, molars and incisors it may be concluded that the masticatory apparatus is a construction adapted to optimal transmission of force from muscles to teeth.  相似文献   

Tooth marks on sandstone in an area of the Cerrado Biome are reported, indicating geophagy. The tooth marks were found on reddish sandstones cropping out in a pasture environment with typical components of the Cerrado Biome, in the Municipality of Campina Verde, Triângulo Mineiro region (west Minas Gerais State, Brazil). Studies have shown that the soil of the Cerrado is acid, with a low concentration of nutrients and minerals (also present in the plants living on this environment), which usually produce an alimentary deficiency in herbivorous animals. Therefore, these tooth marks indicate geophagy, in order to extract extra minerals from these sandstone levels, which have a high concentration of calcium carbonate and iron. The tooth marks consist of two parallel concave grooves and a medial prominent crest which results from the action of the incisors of mammals. Although the identification of the gnawing species for these sets of tooth marks are estimates at best, after wide comparisons we tentatively suggest that the tooth marks are most likely the result of the action of the incisors of rodents, such as Dasyprocta or Coendou.  相似文献   

Emergence, survival and mortality patterns of current-year oak (Quercus crispula Blume) seedlings were investigated for 4 consecutive years in a secondary oak forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Despite the emergence of a considerable number of oak seedlings in the years following masting, few current-year seedlings survived until the end of the growing season. Almost all of the seedlings died from damage to their stems caused by the gnawing of rodents. Rodent gnawing on transplanted oak seedlings was also observed in the year following masting but not in the year following a bad crop year. Cuttings of dwarf bamboo, Sasa, did not reduce the seedling mortality caused by gnawing. However, transplanted oak seedlings were gnawed more quickly when they were placed on the forest floor with a thicker Sasa covering. All rodents trapped in the vicinity of the study area were Apodemus speciosus Temminck. These results suggest that rodents strongly influence the recruitment of oak trees not only through the predation and dispersal of acorns but also through gnawing seedlings.  相似文献   

Dental characters are importantly used for reconstructing the evolutionary history of mammals, because teeth represent the most abundant material available for the fossil species. However, the characteristics of dental renewal are presently poorly used, probably because dental formulae are frequently not properly established, whereas they could be of high interest for evolutionary and developmental issues. One of the oldest rodent families, the Ctenodactylidae, is intriguing in having longstanding disputed dental formulae. Here, we investigated 70 skulls among all extant ctenodactylid genera (Ctenodactylus, Felovia, Massoutiera and Pectinator) by using X-ray conventional and synchrotron microtomography in order to solve and discuss these dental issues. Our study clearly indicates that Massoutiera, Felovia and Ctenodactylus differ from Pectinator not only by a more derived dentition, but also by a more derived eruptive sequence. In addition to molars, their dentition only includes the fourth deciduous premolars, and no longer bears permanent premolars, conversely to Pectinator. Moreover, we found that these premolars are lost during adulthood, because of mesial drift of molars. Mesial drift is a striking mechanism involving migration of teeth allowed by both bone remodeling and dental resorption. This dental innovation is to date poorly known in rodents, since it is only the second report described. Interestingly, we noted that dental drift in rodents is always associated with high-crowned teeth favoring molar size enlargement. It can thus represent another adaptation to withstand high wear, inasmuch as these rodents inhabit desert environments where dust is abundant. A more accurate study of mesial drift in rodents would be very promising from evolutionary, biological and orthodontic points of view.  相似文献   

Explaining the structure of ecosystems is one of the great challenges of ecology. Simple models for food web structure aim at disentangling the complexity of ecological interaction networks and detect the main forces that are responsible for their shape. Trophic interactions are influenced by species traits, which in turn are largely determined by evolutionary history. Closely related species are more likely to share similar traits, such as body size, feeding mode and habitat preference than distant ones. Here, we present a theoretical framework for analysing whether evolutionary history--represented by taxonomic classification--provides valuable information on food web structure. In doing so, we measure which taxonomic ranks better explain species interactions. Our analysis is based on partitioning of the species into taxonomic units. For each partition, we compute the likelihood that a probabilistic model for food web structure reproduces the data using this information. We find that taxonomic partitions produce significantly higher likelihoods than expected at random. Marginal likelihoods (Bayes factors) are used to perform model selection among taxonomic ranks. We show that food webs are best explained by the coarser taxonomic ranks (kingdom to class). Our methods provide a way to explicitly include evolutionary history in models for food web structure.  相似文献   

Correlations between dental morphology, arch configuration, and jaw movement patterns were quantitatively investigated in 23 ceboid species to elucidate integrative aspects of occlusal functional anatomy in an adaptive and evolutionary context. Differential maxillary-mandibular arch widths are primary in guiding lateral jaw movements. These movements are characterized according to their associated condylar shifts as either predominantly translatory or rotational. Predominantly translatory movements result from peripheral contact relationships between maxillary arches which are considerably wider posteriorly than their opposing mandibular arches. The greatest degree of mandibular movement is in the molar region in functional association with wide “primitive” maxillary molars, narrow mandibular molars, constricted maxillary intercanine widths, and narrow maxillary incisors. In contrast, predominantly rotational masticatory jaw movements result from differential arch widths which are greatest in the maxillary canine and incisor regions. Here most jaw movement is in the anterior segment and this is reflected in small maxillary-mandibular molar width differences, a high degree of premolarization, wide-set maxillary canine teeth, and wide maxillary incisors. Possible selectional factors in the putative evolution of rotational predominance in mastication from the more primitive translatory pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Fourier analysis applied to the outlines of the first upper and lower molars of European Miocene murine rodents was used to quantify the size and shape variations associated with their radiation and to determine the evolutionary relationships among the taxa. The results suggested the occurrence of two lineages involving different evolutionary patterns. Size exhibits a rapid diversification in both lineages, probably because of selective pressures related to increasing competition among species. With regard to shape, one of the lineages is characterized by a conservative morphology, and the other by a tooth evolution oriented toward broader molars, which is interpreted as an adaptive specialization. Size and shape evolution are diversely associated during the radiation, and they may be related to the morphological differentiation of co-existing species and the avoidance of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Morphological variations of the dental crown and roots provide valuable data for determining the genetic affinities and evolutionary adaptedness of prehistoric human skeletal populations. This paper documents morphological variations of a sample of deciduous teeth from the late Chalcolithic farming village of Inamgaon (1600-700 B.C.) in western India. Hanihara's (1963) grading system of deciduous dental traits was employed in assessing the degree of expression of shovel-shape of incisors, cusp number of upper and lower first molars, hypocone variation, Carabelli's trait, cusp number of lower second molars and the protostylid. Turner's (1970) classification was used to determine presence and size of accessory cusps: entoconulid (C-6) and metaconulid (C-7). Comparative evaluation of the Inamgaon deciduous dental data is hampered by the absence of data for dental features of living and prehistoric South Asian populations. Many of the traits observed in the Inamgaon series exhibit a frequency of occurrence intermediate between figures characteristic of the "Mongoloid" dental complex and the "Caucasoid" dental complex.  相似文献   

Correlation between the timing of permanent first molar eruption and weaning age in extant primates has provided a way to infer a life history event in fossil species, but recent debate has questioned whether the same link is present in human infants. Deciduous incisors erupt at an age when breast milk can be supplemented with additional foods (mixed feeding), and weaning is typically complete before permanent first molars erupt. Here, I use histological methods to calculate the prenatal rate by which enamel increases in thickness and height on human deciduous incisors, canines, and molars (n = 125). Growth trajectories for each tooth type are related to the trimesters and assessed against the eruption sequence and final crown height. Analyses show that central incisors initiate early in the second trimester with significantly faster secretion rates relative to canines and second molars, which initiate closer to birth. Even though initial extension rates were correlated with crown height and scaled with positive allometry within each tooth class, the relatively short incisors still increased in height at a significantly faster rate than the taller canines and molars. The incisor prenatal “fast track” produces a greater proportion of the crown before birth than all other tooth types. This growth mechanism likely facilitates early incisor eruption at a time when the mixed feeding of infants can be initiated as part of the weaning process. Findings provide a basis from which to explore new links between developmental trends along the tooth row and mixed feeding age in other primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:407–421, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Flightlessness in insects is generally thought to have evolved due to changes in habitat environment or habitat isolation. Loss of flight may have changed reproductive traits in insects, but very few attempts have been made to assess evolutionary relationships between flight and reproductive traits in a group of related species. We elucidated the evolutionary history of flight loss and its relationship to evolution in food habit, relative reproductive investment, and egg size in the Silphinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Most flight-capable species in this group feed primarily on vertebrate carcasses, whereas flightless or flight-dimorphic species feed primarily on soil invertebrates. Ancestral state reconstruction based on our newly constructed molecular phylogenetic tree implied that flight muscle degeneration occurred twice in association with food habit changes from necrophagy to predatory, suggesting that flight loss could evolve independently from changes in the environmental circumstances per se. We found that total egg production increased with flight loss. We also found that egg size increased with decreased egg number following food habit changes in the lineage leading to predaceous species, suggesting that selection for larger larvae intensified with the food habit change. This correlated evolution has shaped diverse life-history patterns among extant species of Silphinae.  相似文献   

For many vertebrate species, bite force plays an important functional role. Ecological characteristics of a species' niche, such as diet, are often associated with bite force. Previous evidence suggests a biomechanical trade‐off between rodents specialized for gnawing, which feed mainly on seeds, and those specialized for chewing, which feed mainly on green vegetation. We tested the hypothesis that gnawers are stronger biters than chewers. We estimated bite force and measured skull and mandible shape and size in 63 genera of a major rodent radiation (the myomorph sigmodontines). Analysis of the influence of diet on bite force and morphology was made in a comparative framework. We then used phylogenetic path analysis to uncover the most probable causal relationships linking diet and bite force. Both granivores (gnawers) and herbivores (chewers) have a similar high bite force, leading us to reject the initial hypothesis. Path analysis reveals that bite force is more likely influenced by diet than the reverse causality. The absence of a trade‐off between herbivores and granivores may be associated with the generalist nature of the myomorph condition seen in sigmodontine rodents. Both gnawing and chewing sigmodontines exhibit similar, intermediate phenotypes, at least compared to extreme gnawers (squirrels) and chewers (chinchillas). Only insectivorous rodents appear to be moving towards a different direction in the shape space, through some notable changes in morphology. In terms of diet, natural selection alters bite force through changes in size and shape, indicating that organisms adjust their bite force in tandem with changes in food items.  相似文献   

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