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对苏云金素生物合成基因簇中编码非核糖体肽合成酶基因thu2进行基因缺失插入失活的研究。用温敏型质粒pHT304-TS构建基因thu2的插入缺失质粒pEMB1434,电转化苏云金芽胞杆菌菌株CT-43后,通过抗性筛选和PCR验证得到thu2基因同源双交换基因敲除突变株CT-43-22。HPLC(高效液相色谱,High Performance Liquid Chromatography)检测发现CT-43-22没有苏云金素特征吸收峰;用pHT304构建得到含有完整thu2基因的回补质粒pEMB1435,电转化CT-43-22后得到互补重组菌CT-43-22b,发现其恢复了苏云金素的产生。显微镜观察突变株和互补重组菌均能产生正常的晶体和芽胞。thu2的基因敲除和基因互补实验证明,thu2基因为CT-43苏云金素生物合成的必需基因,但对晶体和芽胞的形成没有影响。  相似文献   

Pyoverdine is a fluorescent nonribosomal peptide siderophore made by fluorescent pseudomonads. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) PvdD contains two modules that each incorporate an l-threonine residue at the C-terminal end of pyoverdine. In an attempt to generate modified pyoverdine peptides, we substituted alternative-substrate-specifying adenylation (A) and peptide bond-catalyzing condensation (C) domains into the second module of PvdD. When just the A domain was substituted, the resulting strains produced only wild-type pyoverdine—at high levels if the introduced A domain specified threonine or at trace levels otherwise. The high levels of pyoverdine synthesis observed whenever the introduced A domain specified threonine indicated that these nonnative A domains were able to communicate effectively with the PvdD C domain. Moreover, the unexpected observation that non-threonine-specifying A domains nevertheless incorporated threonine into pyoverdine suggests that the native PvdD C domain exhibited stronger selectivity than these A domains for the incorporated amino acid substrate (i.e., misactivation of a threonine residue by the introduced A domains was more frequent than misincorporation of a nonthreonine residue by the PvdD C domain). In contrast, substitution of both the C and A domains of PvdD generated high yields of rationally modified pyoverdines in two instances, these pyoverdines having either a lysine or a serine residue in place of the terminal threonine. However, C-A domain substitution more commonly yielded a truncated peptide product, likely due to stalling of synthesis on a nonfunctional recombinant NRPS template.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A is a potent nephrotoxin and a possible human carcinogen that can contaminate various agricultural products, including grapes and wine. The capabilities of species other than Aspergillus carbonarius within Aspergillus section Nigri to produce ochratoxin A from grapes are uncertain, since strain identification is based primarily on morphological traits. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and genomic DNA sequences (rRNA, calmodulin, and beta-tubulin genes) to identify 77 black aspergilli isolated from grape berries collected in a 2-year survey in 16 vineyards throughout Italy. Four main clusters were distinguished, and they shared an AFLP similarity of <25%. Twenty-two of 23 strains of A. carbonarius produced ochratoxin A (6 to 7,500 microg/liter), 5 of 20 strains of A. tubingensis produced ochratoxin A (4 to 130 microg/liter), 3 of 15 strains of A. niger produced ochratoxin A (250 to 360 microg/liter), and none of the 19 strains of Aspergillus "uniseriate" produced ochratoxin A above the level of detection (4 microg/liter). These findings indicate that A. tubingensis is able to produce ochratoxin and that, together with A. carbonarius and A. niger, it may be responsible for the ochratoxin contamination of wine in Italy.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A is a potent nephrotoxin and a possible human carcinogen that can contaminate various agricultural products, including grapes and wine. The capabilities of species other than Aspergillus carbonarius within Aspergillus section Nigri to produce ochratoxin A from grapes are uncertain, since strain identification is based primarily on morphological traits. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and genomic DNA sequences (rRNA, calmodulin, and β-tubulin genes) to identify 77 black aspergilli isolated from grape berries collected in a 2-year survey in 16 vineyards throughout Italy. Four main clusters were distinguished, and they shared an AFLP similarity of <25%. Twenty-two of 23 strains of A. carbonarius produced ochratoxin A (6 to 7,500 μg/liter), 5 of 20 strains of A. tubingensis produced ochratoxin A (4 to 130 μg/liter), 3 of 15 strains of A. niger produced ochratoxin A (250 to 360 μg/liter), and none of the 19 strains of Aspergillus “uniseriate” produced ochratoxin A above the level of detection (4 μg/liter). These findings indicate that A. tubingensis is able to produce ochratoxin and that, together with A. carbonarius and A. niger, it may be responsible for the ochratoxin contamination of wine in Italy.  相似文献   

Vineyard surveys of Corinth raisin cultivar carried out in the Peloponnese region of Greece during 2002 and of wine‐producing grape cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache Rouge) on the island of Rhodes, Greece, during 2003, demonstrated the occurrence of various Aspergillus spp. in berries of bunches at harvest. Aspergillus niger and A. carbonarius were predominantly isolated from sampled berries. Although the prevailing Aspergillus spp. isolates belonged mainly to A. niger aggregate, isolates of A. carbonarius were by far the most efficient Ochratoxin A (OTA) producers as revealed by the enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay test. This study provides the first evidence concerning the composition of Aspergillus populations in raisin and wine‐producing vineyards and offers convincing data for their ability to produce various levels of OTA in Corinth raisins and wine‐producing grapes in Greece. Furthermore, it demonstrates that chemical applications with the fungicide Switch, especially under low to intermediate Aspergillus infection of vineyards, could both significantly reduce the occurrence of OTA‐producing Aspergillus spp. and restrict sour rot severity. In contrast, vineyard applications with the fungicides Carbendazim or Chorus were ineffective in controlling the fungus in Corinth raisin cultivar.  相似文献   

Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are large, multidomain proteins that are involved in the biosynthesis of an array of secondary metabolites. We report the structure of the third adenylation domain from the siderophore-synthesizing NRPS, SidN, from the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium lolii. This is the first structure of a eukaryotic NRPS domain, and it reveals a large binding pocket required to accommodate the unusual amino acid substrate, Nδ-cis-anhydromevalonyl-Nδ-hydroxy-l-ornithine (cis-AMHO). The specific activation of cis-AMHO was confirmed biochemically, and an AMHO moiety was unambiguously identified as a component of the fungal siderophore using mass spectroscopy. The protein structure shows that the substrate binding pocket is defined by 17 amino acid residues, in contrast to both prokaryotic adenylation domains and to previous predictions based on modeling. Existing substrate prediction methods for NRPS adenylation domains fail for domains from eukaryotes due to the divergence of their signature sequences from those of prokaryotes. Thus, this new structure will provide a basis for improving prediction methods for eukaryotic NRPS enzymes that play important and diverse roles in the biology of fungi.  相似文献   

The filamentous mold Aspergillus fumigatus causes invasive aspergillosis, a potentially life-threatening infectious disease, in humans. The sidE gene encodes a bimodular peptide synthetase and was shown previously to be strongly upregulated during initiation of murine lung infection. In this study, we characterized the two adenylation domains of SidE with the ATP-[32P]pyrophosphate exchange assay in vitro, which identified fumarate and l-alanine, respectively, as the preferred substrates. Using full-length holo-SidE, fumarylalanine (FA) formation was observed in vitro. Furthermore, FA was identified in A. fumigatus culture supernatants under inducing conditions, unless sidE was genetically inactivated. As FA is structurally related to established pharmaceutical products exerting immunomodulatory activity, this work may contribute to our understanding of the virulence of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

Sphagnum bog ecosystems are among the oldest vegetation forms harboring a specific microbial community and are known to produce an exceptionally wide variety of bioactive substances. Although the Sphagnum metagenome shows a rich secondary metabolism, the genes have not yet been explored. To analyze nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) and polyketide synthases (PKSs), the diversity of NRPS and PKS genes in Sphagnum-associated metagenomes was investigated by in silico data mining and sequence-based screening (PCR amplification of 9,500 fosmid clones). The in silico Illumina-based metagenomic approach resulted in the identification of 279 NRPSs and 346 PKSs, as well as 40 PKS-NRPS hybrid gene sequences. The occurrence of NRPS sequences was strongly dominated by the members of the Protebacteria phylum, especially by species of the Burkholderia genus, while PKS sequences were mainly affiliated with Actinobacteria. Thirteen novel NRPS-related sequences were identified by PCR amplification screening, displaying amino acid identities of 48% to 91% to annotated sequences of members of the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Cyanobacteria. Some of the identified metagenomic clones showed the closest similarity to peptide synthases from Burkholderia or Lysobacter, which are emerging bacterial sources of as-yet-undescribed bioactive metabolites. This report highlights the role of the extreme natural ecosystems as a promising source for detection of secondary compounds and enzymes, serving as a source for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Secondary metabolites (SMs) produced by Aspergillus have been extensively studied for their crucial roles in human health, medicine and industrial production. However, the resulting information is almost exclusively derived from a few model organisms, including A. nidulans and A. fumigatus, but little is known about rare pathogens. In this study, we performed a genomics based discovery of SM biosynthetic gene clusters in Aspergillus ustus, a rare human pathogen. A total of 52 gene clusters were identified in the draft genome of A. ustus 3.3904, such as the sterigmatocystin biosynthesis pathway that was commonly found in Aspergillus species. In addition, several SM biosynthetic gene clusters were firstly identified in Aspergillus that were possibly acquired by horizontal gene transfer, including the vrt cluster that is responsible for viridicatumtoxin production. Comparative genomics revealed that A. ustus shared the largest number of SM biosynthetic gene clusters with A. nidulans, but much fewer with other Aspergilli like A. niger and A. oryzae. These findings would help to understand the diversity and evolution of SM biosynthesis pathways in genus Aspergillus, and we hope they will also promote the development of fungal identification methodology in clinic.  相似文献   

Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) plays essential roles in cellular processes including survival, proliferation, energy metabolism, and cellular architecture. Activating the mutations of PTEN has long been known to produce a variety of disorders, mainly diabetes and cancer in humans. Owing to the importance of PTEN gene, a functional analysis using different in silico approaches was undertaken to explore the possible associations between genetic mutations and phenotypic variation. SIFT, PolyPhen, I-Mutant 3.0, SNP&GO, and PHD-SNP were used for initial screening of functional nsSNPs. From the observed results, three mutations R47G, H61D, and V343E were selected based on their surface accessibility and total energy change. By molecular dynamics approach, H61D showed increase in flexibility, radius of gyration, solvent accessibility, and deviated more from the native structure which was supported by the decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds. Further from principal component analysis and interaction analysis, we identified significant structural changes that can reasonably explain the involvement of deviations in stability caused by mutations. Our analysis also predicts the involvement of SNPs that could potentially influence post-translational modifications in PTEN gene. These in silico predictions could provide a new insight into structural and functional impact of PTEN polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Aspergillus ochraceus NRRL 3174 produced 29 mg of ochratoxin A per 100 ml of nutrient medium consisting of 4% sucrose and 2% yeast extract. Ochratoxin A was the sole metabolite present in the chloroform extracts of the growth medium. Trace amounts of ochratoxin B were produced in a 1% yeast medium, and a comparatively large amount of ochratoxin B was produced in media containing 16 and 32% sucrose.  相似文献   

Albicidin is a pathotoxin produced by Xanthomonas albilineans, a xylem-invading pathogen that causes leaf scald disease of sugarcane. Albicidin is synthesized by a nonribosomal pathway via modular polyketide synthase and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) megasynthases, and NRPS adenylation (A) domains are responsible for the recognition and activation of specific amino acid substrates. DNA fragments (0.5 kb) encoding the regions responsible for the substrate specificities of six albicidin NRPS A domains from 16 strains of X. albilineans representing the known diversity of this pathogen were amplified and sequenced. Polymorphism analysis of these DNA fragments at different levels (DNA, protein, and NRPS signature) showed that these pathogenicity loci were highly conserved. The conservation of these loci most likely reflects purifying selective pressure, as revealed by a comparison with the variability of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of two housekeeping genes (atpD and efp) of X. albilineans. Nevertheless, the 16 strains of X. albilineans were differentiated into several groups by a phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the NRPS A domains. One of these groups was representative of the genetic diversity previously found within the pathogen by random fragment length polymorphism and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. This group, which differed by three single synonymous nucleotide mutations, contained only four strains of X. albilineans that were all involved in outbreaks of sugarcane leaf scald. The amount of albicidin produced in vitro in agar and liquid media varied among the 16 strains of X. albilineans. However, no relationship among the amount of albicidin produced in vitro and the pathotypes and genetic diversity of the pathogen was found. The NRPS loci contributing to the synthesis of the primary structure of albicidin apparently are not involved in the observed pathogenicity differences among strains of X. albilineans.  相似文献   

Trace elements were required by Aspergillus melleus and A. ochraceus, but not by A. sulphureus, to grow and to elaborate ochratoxin A. The composition of the medium affected the synthesis of the toxin more than the growth of the mycelium.  相似文献   

抗生素的生物合成过程中普遍存在被脱氧糖糖基化的现象。糖基的存在可以增加抗生素的溶解度和稳定性.提高抗生素的生物活性。L-玫红糖是6-脱氧己糖家族中的一种三脱氧葡萄糖。目前已有5种含有玫红糖及其衍生物的抗生素完成了糖基生物合成基因簇克隆及测序。研究结果表明L-玫红糖的生物合成基因簇有了一定的分化.但在基因结构上仍有较大的保守性。L-玫红糖的生物合成主要包括形成dNDP-葡萄糖、脱水、脱氧、酮基还原和异构等反应,其衍生物的合成还包括甲基化、酰基化等;这被人们普遍认可,但在一些细节上,如是否形成中间体dNDP-3,4-二酮-2,6-双脱氧-D-葡萄糖,以及糖基的异构何时发生等问题还存在分歧,仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

For interpretation of intraspecific polymorphism and the considerable differences in the size of mtDNAs among three groups of A. carbonarius, restriction maps were constructed from several enzymes. Functional maps were also developed to compare genome organisations and gene content. The appearance of various mtDNAs of A. carbonarius strains are different in size, but their gene content is almost identical. The 1.1 kb size difference between two closely related subgroups (1a, 1b) can be attributed to the presence or absence of an intron in cox2 gene. This phenomenon demonstrates that the migration of introns is possibly responsible for the development of variable mitochondrial genomes in nature. The striking differences in size and restriction patterns between two main mtDNA groups might derive from both the intronal variations and the altered intergenic organisation.  相似文献   

The preparation of crystalline ochratoxin A from Aspergillus ochraceus nutrient solution is described. Methods are adaptable to large-scale fermentations.  相似文献   

The genomes of filamentous fungi comprise numerous putative gene clusters coding for the biosynthesis of chemically and structurally diverse secondary metabolites (SMs), which are rarely expressed under laboratory conditions. Previous approaches to activate these genes were based primarily on artificially targeting the cellular protein synthesis apparatus. Here, we applied an alternative approach of genetically impairing the protein degradation apparatus of the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans by deleting the conserved eukaryotic csnE/CSN5 deneddylase subunit of the COP9 signalosome. This defect in protein degradation results in the activation of a previously silenced gene cluster comprising a polyketide synthase gene producing the antibiotic 2,4-dihydroxy-3-methyl-6-(2-oxopropyl)benzaldehyde (DHMBA). The csnE/CSN5 gene is highly conserved in fungi, and therefore, the deletion is a feasible approach for the identification of new SMs.  相似文献   

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