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Most previous studies of brain responses to acupuncture were designed to investigate the acupuncture instant effect while the cumulative effect that should be more important in clinical practice has seldom been discussed. In this study, the neural basis of the acupuncture cumulative effect was analyzed. For this experiment, forty healthy volunteers were recruited, in which more than 40 minutes of repeated acupuncture stimulation was implemented at acupoint Zhusanli (ST36). Three runs of acupuncture fMRI datasets were acquired, with each run consisting of two blocks of acupuncture stimulation. Besides general linear model (GLM) analysis, the cumulative effects of acupuncture were analyzed with analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to find the association between the brain response and the cumulative duration of acupuncture stimulation in each stimulation block. The experimental results showed that the brain response in the initial stage was the strongest although the brain response to acupuncture was time-variant. In particular, the brain areas that were activated in the first block and the brain areas that demonstrated cumulative effects in the course of repeated acupuncture stimulation overlapped in the pain-related areas, including the bilateral middle cingulate cortex, the bilateral paracentral lobule, the SII, and the right thalamus. Furthermore, the cumulative effects demonstrated bimodal characteristics, i.e. the brain response was positive at the beginning, and became negative at the end. It was suggested that the cumulative effect of repeated acupuncture stimulation was consistent with the characteristic of habituation effects. This finding may explain the neurophysiologic mechanism underlying acupuncture analgesia.  相似文献   



As laser acupuncture is being increasingly used to treat mental disorders, we sought to determine whether it has a biologically plausible effect by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the cerebral activation patterns from laser stimulation of relevant acupoints.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Ten healthy subjects were randomly stimulated with a fibreoptic infrared laser on 4 acupoints (LR14, CV14, LR8 and HT7) used for depression following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and 1 control non-acupoint (sham point) in a blocked design (alternating verum laser and placebo laser/rest blocks), while the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI response was recorded from the whole brain on a 3T scanner. Many of the acupoint laser stimulation conditions resulted in different patterns of neural activity. Regions with significantly increased activation included the limbic cortex (cingulate) and the frontal lobe (middle and superior frontal gyrus). Laser acupuncture tended to be associated with ipsilateral brain activation and contralateral deactivation that therefore cannot be simply attributed to somatosensory stimulation.


We found that laser stimulation of acupoints lead to activation of frontal-limbic-striatal brain regions, with the pattern of neural activity somewhat different for each acupuncture point. This is the first study to investigate laser acupuncture on a group of acupoints useful in the management of depression. Differing activity patterns depending on the acupoint site were demonstrated, suggesting that neurological effects vary with the site of stimulation. The mechanisms of activation and deactivation and their effects on depression warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Although auditory processing has been widely studied with conventional parametric methods, there have been a limited number of independent component analysis (ICA) applications in this area. The purpose of this study was to examine spatiotemporal behavior of brain networks in response to passive auditory stimulation using ICA. Continuous broadband noise was presented binaurally to 19 subjects with normal hearing. ICA was performed to segregate spatial networks, which were subsequently classified according to their temporal relation to the stimulus using power spectrum analysis. Classification of separated networks resulted in 3 stimulus-activated, 9 stimulus-deactivated, 2 stimulus-neutral (stimulus-dependent but not correlated with the stimulation timing), and 2 stimulus-unrelated (fluctuations that did not follow the stimulus cycles) components. As a result of such classification, spatiotemporal subdivisions were observed in a number of cortical structures, namely auditory, cingulate, and sensorimotor cortices, where parts of the same cortical network responded to the stimulus with different temporal patterns. The majority of the classified networks seemed to comprise subparts of the known resting-state networks (RSNs); however, they displayed different temporal behavior in response to the auditory stimulus, indicating stimulus-dependent temporal segregation of RSNs. Only one of nine deactivated networks coincided with the “classic” default-mode network, suggesting the existence of a stimulus-dependent default-mode network, different from that commonly accepted.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have characterised the induction of the mitogen-inducible form of cyclooxygenase, COX-2, in the rat cerebral cortex in response to excitotoxin injection into the nucleus basalis. This model is associated with intense stimulation of the ascending pathway to the cerebral cortex, seizure activity, and subsequent ipsilateral cortical induction of various immediate early genes (IEGs), including c-fos, c-jun, and zif268, and ornithine decarboxylase enzyme activity and mRNA, all of which processes are sensitive to treatment with the N-methyl-d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801. In this study we show that excitotoxin injection also causes a marked induction of COX-2 mRNA in ipsilateral cortex detectable at 1 h and peaking at 4 h, where COX-2 mRNA levels were 19 times those in unoperated animals. Levels of COX-2 mRNA remained significantly elevated at 24 h. The early induction of COX-2 at 1 h was also seen in sham-operated animals, but at 4 h the COX-2 mRNA level was significantly increased (4.4-fold) in animals injected with excitotoxin compared with sham-operated animals. The induction at this time point (4 h) was explored pharmacologically and found to be significantly attenuated by treatment with MK-801 (1.5 mg/kg), lamotrigine (10 mg/kg), which prevents presynaptic glutamate release by blocking voltage-sensitive Na+ channels, and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (3 mg/kg), which has an indirect inhibitory effect on phospholipase A2 and COX activity. These results demonstrate that the induction of COX-2 mRNA occurs by two distinct mechanisms: the rapid and transient response to tissue damage and a second delayed and more substantial response, which is initiated by excitotoxin stimulation and is mediated by presynaptic glutamate release, NMDA receptor activation, and subsequent phospholipase A2 activity. We propose a model to demonstrate the similarities between COX-2 and IEG mRNA induction and highlight possible mechanistic differences in the nature of the induction by the phospholipase A2 pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of 2-phthalimidooxyalkanoic acid derivatives on the germination and root-growth of cress were examined. Since 2-phthalimidooxypropionates were most effective, the optically active ethyl esters were prepared. As the result of biological testing, the (S)-(-)-isomer exhibited stronger activity than the (R)-(+)-isomer. This result is contrary to those from commercial herbicides with similar structures, phenoxy- and oxyphenoxy-propionate-type compounds, where the (R)-isomers are generally known to be the active principles.  相似文献   

Certain motor activities - like walking or breathing - present the interesting property of proceeding either automatically or under voluntary control. In the case of breathing, brainstem structures located in the medulla are in charge of the automatic mode, whereas cortico-subcortical brain networks - including various frontal lobe areas - subtend the voluntary mode. We speculated that the involvement of cortical activity during voluntary breathing could impact both on the “resting state” pattern of cortical-subcortical connectivity, and on the recruitment of executive functions mediated by the frontal lobe. In order to test this prediction we explored a patient suffering from central congenital hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS), a very rare developmental condition secondary to brainstem dysfunction. Typically, CCHS patients demonstrate efficient cortically-controlled breathing while awake, but require mechanically-assisted ventilation during sleep to overcome the inability of brainstem structures to mediate automatic breathing. We used simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings to compare patterns of brain activity between these two types of ventilation during wakefulness. As compared with spontaneous breathing (SB), mechanical ventilation (MV) restored the default mode network (DMN) associated with self-consciousness, mind-wandering, creativity and introspection in healthy subjects. SB on the other hand resulted in a specific increase of functional connectivity between brainstem and frontal lobe. Behaviorally, the patient was more efficient in cognitive tasks requiring executive control during MV than during SB, in agreement with her subjective reports in everyday life. Taken together our results provide insight into the cognitive and neural costs of spontaneous breathing in one CCHS patient, and suggest that MV during waking periods may free up frontal lobe resources, and make them available for cognitive recruitment. More generally, this study reveals how the active maintenance of cortical control over a continuous motor activity impacts on brain functioning and cognition.  相似文献   



To evaluate the neural correlates of implicit processing of negative emotions in motor conversion disorder (CD) patients.


An event related fMRI task was completed by 12 motor CD patients and 14 matched healthy controls using standardised stimuli of faces with fearful and sad emotional expressions in comparison to faces with neutral expressions. Temporal changes in the sensitivity to stimuli were also modelled and tested in the two groups.


We found increased amygdala activation to negative emotions in CD compared to healthy controls in region of interest analyses, which persisted over time consistent with previous findings using emotional paradigms. Furthermore during whole brain analyses we found significantly increased activation in CD patients in areas involved in the ‘freeze response’ to fear (periaqueductal grey matter), and areas involved in self-awareness and motor control (cingulate gyrus and supplementary motor area).


In contrast to healthy controls, CD patients exhibited increased response amplitude to fearful stimuli over time, suggesting abnormal emotional regulation (failure of habituation / sensitization). Patients with CD also activated midbrain and frontal structures that could reflect an abnormal behavioral-motor response to negative including threatening stimuli. This suggests a mechanism linking emotions to motor dysfunction in CD.  相似文献   

The neural correlates of lying about affective information were studied using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methodology. Specifically, 13 healthy right-handed Chinese men were instructed to lie about the valence, positive or negative, of pictures selected from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) while their brain activity was scanned by a 3T Philip Achieva scanner. The key finding is that the neural activity associated with deception is valence-related. Comparing to telling the truth, deception about the valence of the affectively positive pictures was associated with activity in the inferior frontal, cingulate, inferior parietal, precuneus, and middle temporal regions. Lying about the valence of the affectively negative pictures, on the other hand, was associated with activity in the orbital and medial frontal regions. While a clear valence-related effect on deception was observed, common neural regions were also recruited for the process of deception about the valence of the affective pictures. These regions included the lateral prefrontal and inferior parietal regions. Activity in these regions has been widely reported in fMRI studies on deception using affectively-neutral stimuli. The findings of this study reveal the effect of valence on the neural activity associated with deception. Furthermore, the data also help to illustrate the complexity of the neural mechanisms underlying deception.  相似文献   



Motor imagery is considered as a promising therapeutic tool for rehabilitation of motor planning problems in patients with cerebral palsy. However motor planning problems may lead to poor motor imagery ability.


The aim of this functional magnetic resonance imaging study was to examine and compare brain activation following motor imagery tasks in patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy with left or right early brain lesions. We tested also the influence of the side of imagined hand movement.


Twenty patients with clinical hemiplegic cerebral palsy (sixteen males, mean age 12 years and 10 months, aged 6 years 10 months to 20 years 10 months) participated in this study. Using block design, brain activations following motor imagery of a simple opening-closing hand movement performed by either the paretic or nonparetic hand was examined.


During motor imagery tasks, patients with early right brain damages activated bilateral fronto-parietal network that comprise most of the nodes of the network well described in healthy subjects. Inversely, in patients with left early brain lesion brain activation following motor imagery tasks was reduced, compared to patients with right brain lesions. We found also a weak influence of the side of imagined hand movement.


Decreased activations following motor imagery in patients with right unilateral cerebral palsy highlight the dominance of the left hemisphere during motor imagery tasks. This study gives neuronal substrate to propose motor imagery tasks in unilateral cerebral palsy rehabilitation at least for patients with right brain lesions.  相似文献   

While it is known that some individuals can effectively perform two tasks simultaneously, other individuals cannot. How the brain deals with performing simultaneous tasks remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to assess which brain areas corresponded to various phenomena in task performance. Nineteen subjects were requested to sequentially perform three blocks of tasks, including two unimodal tasks and one bimodal task. The unimodal tasks measured either visual feature binding or auditory pitch comparison, while the bimodal task required performance of the two tasks simultaneously. The functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results are compatible with previous studies showing that distinct brain areas, such as the visual cortices, frontal eye field (FEF), lateral parietal lobe (BA7), and medial and inferior frontal lobe, are involved in processing of visual unimodal tasks. In addition, the temporal lobes and Brodmann area 43 (BA43) were involved in processing of auditory unimodal tasks. These results lend support to concepts of modality-specific attention. Compared to the unimodal tasks, bimodal tasks required activation of additional brain areas. Furthermore, while deactivated brain areas were related to good performance in the bimodal task, these areas were not deactivated where the subject performed well in only one of the two simultaneous tasks. These results indicate that efficient information processing does not require some brain areas to be overly active; rather, the specific brain areas need to be relatively deactivated to remain alert and perform well on two tasks simultaneously. Meanwhile, it can also offer a neural basis for biofeedback in training courses, such as courses in how to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.  相似文献   

Mothers are important to all humans. Research has established that maternal information affects individuals'' cognition, emotion, and behavior. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine attentional and evaluative processing of maternal stimuli while participants completed a Go/No-go Association Task that paired mother or others words with good or bad evaluative words. Behavioral data showed that participants responded faster to mother words paired with good than the mother words paired with bad but showed no difference in response to these others across conditions, reflecting a positive evaluation of mother. ERPs showed larger P200 and N200 in response to mother than in response to others, suggesting that mother attracted more attention than others. In the subsequent time window, mother in the mother + bad condition elicited a later and larger late positive potential (LPP) than it did in the mother + good condition, but this was not true for others, also suggesting a positive evaluation of mother. These results suggest that people differentiate mother from others during initial attentional stage, and evaluative mother positively during later stage.  相似文献   

A positive view of oneself is important for a healthy lifestyle. Self-protection mechanisms such as suppressing negative self-related information help us to maintain a positive view of ourselves. This is of special relevance when, for instance, a negative test result threatens our positive self-view. To date, it is not clear which brain areas support self-protective mechanisms under self-threat. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study the participants (N = 46) received a (negative vs. positive) performance test feedback before entering the scanner. In the scanner, the participants were instructed to ascribe personality traits either to themselves or to a famous other. Our results showed that participants responded slower to negative self-related traits compared to positive self-related traits. High self-esteem individuals responded slower to negative traits compared to low self-esteem individuals following a self-threat. This indicates that high self-esteem individuals engage more in self-enhancing strategies after a threat by inhibiting negative self-related information more successfully than low self-esteem individuals. This behavioral pattern was mirrored in the fMRI data as dACC correlated positively with trait self-esteem. Generally, ACC activation was attenuated under threat when participants evaluated self-relevant traits and even more for negative self-related traits. We also found that activation in the ACC was negatively correlated with response times, indicating that greater activation of the ACC is linked to better access (faster response) to positive self-related traits and to impaired access (slower response) to negative self-related traits. These results confirm the ACC function as important in managing threatened self-worth but indicate differences in trait self-esteem levels. The fMRI analyses also revealed a decrease in activation within the left Hippocampus and the right thalamus under threat. This indicates that a down-regulation of activation in these regions might also serve as coping mechanism in dealing with self-threat.  相似文献   



Ischemic stroke is the second most common cause of death and the primary cause of disability throughout the world. Acupuncture is frequently advocated as an adjunct treatment during stroke rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to update the clinical efficacy and safety of acupuncture for cerebral infarction.


Randomized controlled trials (RCT) on acupuncture treating cerebral infarction were searched from the following databases: PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CNKI, CMB and VIP from inception to October 2013. The data of RCTs meeting the inclusive criteria were extracted according to Cochrane methods. The meta-analyses were conducted using Rev Man 5.0 software.


A total of 25 trials involving 2224 patients were included. The results of this meta-analysis showed that the groups receiving acupuncture (observation group) were superior to the comparison groups (control group), with significant differences in the Clinical Efficacy Rates [OR = 4.04, 95%CI (2.93, 5.57), P<0.001], Fugl-Meyer Assessment [MD = 11.22, 95%CI (7.62, 14.82), P<0.001], Barthel Index Score [MD = 12.84, 95%CI (9.85, 15.82), P<0.001], and Neurological Deficit Score [MD = −2.71, 95% CI (−3.84, −1.94), P<0.001]. Three trials reported minor adverse events.


Current evidence provisionally demonstrates that acupuncture treatment is superior to either non-acupuncture or conventional therapy for cerebral infarction. Despite this conclusion, given the often low quality of the available trials, further large scale RCTs of better quality are still needed.  相似文献   

The numerical response, the change in specific growth rate with food concentration, is a fundamental component of many aquatic microbial studies. Accurately and precisely determining the parameters of this response is essential to obtain useful data for both aut- and synecological studies. In this work we emphasize four points that are often ignored in designing numerical response experiments: (1) the inclusion of subthreshold concentrations (i.e., where growth rate is negative) in the experimental design; (2) an appropriate allocation of effort, i.e., the superiority of choosing more individual prey concentrations rather than replicating fewer; (3) the potential superiority of replicating experiments rather than simply replicating treatment in a single experiment; and (4) the placement of most measurements near the lower end of the concentration gradient, well below the asymptote, possibly following a geometric progression. We illustrate the first point by examining a small subset of published data on planktonic oligotrich ciliates and then, using a Monte Carlo simulation, rigorously evaluate the experimental design, supporting the remaining points.  相似文献   

蔬菜硝酸盐含量测定方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水杨酸消化比色法测定植物体内硝酸盐含量中存在的问题,经过优化筛选,将此测定方法的提取条件优化为:温度90℃、时间30 min;每10 g绿色蔬菜加入0.2 g活性炭能消除颜色的影响,回收率达到96%。  相似文献   

Abstract: This study examined whether the effect of intravenous infusions of either epinephrine or norepinephrine on cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMR o 2) in the dog was modified by different anesthetics. Infusions of either epinephrine or norepinephrine at rates of 0.1-0.25 μ kg−1min−1 reversibly increased the CMR o 2 by 17–23% during anesthesia with cyclopropane 20% and nitrous oxide 50% in oxygen, whereas infusions at rates of 0.1-25.0 μg-kg−1-min−1 had no effect in dogs anesthetized with other inhalational or intravenous agents. Cyclopropane/nitrous oxide also increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier to Evan's blue dye whereas the other anesthetics tested did not. It is concluded that epinephrine and norepinephrine crossed the blood-brain barrier during cyclopropane anesthesia, accounting for the increase in CMR o 2. The authors speculate that cyclopropane may have increased blood-brain barrier permeability by a direct effect on endothelial cells or by affecting central adrenergic systems and that epinephrine or norepinephrine may increase CMR o 2 either by a direct action on neuronal receptors or via metabolically coupled synaptic events.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence suggested that both emotion and self-referential processing can enhance memory. However, it remains unclear how these two factors influence directed forgetting. This study speculates that directed forgetting of negative self-referential memory is more difficult than forgetting of other-referential memory. To verify this speculation, we combined the directed forgetting paradigm with the self-reference task. The behavioral result suggested that although both self-referential and other-referential information can be directly forgotten, less self-referential information can be forgotten than other-referential information. At the neural level, the forget instruction strongly activated the frontal cortex, suggesting that directed forgetting is not memory decay but an active process. In addition, compared with the negative other-referential information, forgetting of the negative self-referential information were associated with a more widespread activation, including the orbital frontal gyrus (BA47), the inferior frontal gyrus (BA45, BA44), and the middle frontal gyrus. Our results suggest that forgetting of the self-referential information seems to be a more demanding and difficult process.  相似文献   

The neural basis of self and identity has received extensive research. However, most of these existing studies have focused on situations where the internal representation of the self is consistent with the external one. The present study used fMRI methodology to examine the neural correlates of two different types of identity conflict: identity faking and concealment. Participants were presented with a sequence of names and asked to either conceal their own identity or fake another one. The results revealed that the right insular cortex and bilaterally inferior frontal gyrus were more active for identity concealment compared to the control condition, whereas identity faking elicited a significantly larger percentage signal increase than the control condition in the right superior frontal gyrus, left calcarine, and right caudate. These results suggest that different neural systems associated with both identity processing and deception were involved in identity concealment and faking.  相似文献   

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