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Increasing evidence suggests that gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), corazonin, adipokinetic hormone (AKH), and red pigment-concentrating hormone all share common ancestry to form a GnRH superfamily. Despite the wide presence of these peptides in protostomes, their biological effects remain poorly characterized in many taxa. This study had three goals. First, we cloned the full-length sequence of a novel AKH, termed Aplysia-AKH, and examined its distribution in an opisthobranch mollusk, Aplysia californica. Second, we investigated in vivo biological effects of Aplysia-AKH. Lastly, we compared the effects of Aplysia-AKH to a related A. californica peptide, Aplysia-GnRH. Results suggest that Aplysia-AKH mRNA and peptide are localized exclusively in central tissues, with abdominal, cerebral, and pleural ganglia being the primary sites of Aplysia-AKH production. However, Aplysia-AKH-positive fibers were found in all central ganglia, suggesting diverse neuromodulatory roles. Injections of A. californica with Aplysia-AKH significantly inhibited feeding, reduced body mass, increased excretion of feces, and reduced gonadal mass and oocyte diameter. The in vivo effects of Aplysia-AKH differed substantially from Aplysia-GnRH. Overall, the distribution and biological effects of Aplysia-AKH suggest it has diverged functionally from Aplysia-GnRH over the course of evolution. Further, that both Aplysia-AKH and Aplysia-GnRH failed to activate reproduction suggest the critical role of GnRH as a reproductive activator may be a phenomenon unique to vertebrates.  相似文献   

Our previous study showed that the Autographa californica Nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) ac76 gene is essential for both budded virion (BV) and occlusion-derived virion (ODV) development. More importantly, deletion of ac76 affects intranuclear microvesicle formation. However, the exact role by which ac76 affects virion morphogenesis remains unknown. In this report, we characterized the expression, distribution, and topology of Ac76 to further understand the functional role of Ac76 in virion morphogenesis. Ac76 contains an α-helical transmembrane domain, and phase separation showed that it was an integral membrane protein. In AcMNPV-infected cells, Ac76 was detected as a stable dimer that was resistant to SDS and thermal denaturation, and only a trace amount of monomer was detected. A coimmunoprecipitation assay demonstrated the dimerization of Ac76 by high-affinity self-association. Western blot analyses of purified virions and their nucleocapsid and envelope fractions showed that Ac76 was associated with the envelope fractions of both BVs and ODVs. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that Ac76 was localized to the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), nuclear membrane, intranuclear microvesicles, and ODV envelope. Amino acids 15 to 48 of Ac76 were identified as an atypical inner nuclear membrane-sorting motif because it was sufficient to target fusion proteins to the ER and nuclear membrane in the absence of viral infection and to the intranuclear microvesicles and ODV envelope during infection. Topology analysis of Ac76 by selective permeabilization showed that Ac76 was a type II integral membrane protein with an N terminus exposed to the cytosol and a C terminus hidden in the ER lumen.  相似文献   

In the present study the occurrence and localization of urotensin I (UI, a corticotropin releasing factor-like peptide) in the CNS of Aplysia californica were investigated by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. The RIA cross-reactivity pattern indicated that the UI antiserum used recognized an epitope in the C-terminal region of the UI, but it did not cross-react with mammalian corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and partially recognized sauvagine (SVG, a frog CRF-like peptide). The use of CRF-specific and sauvagine-specific antisera failed to give positive immunostaining. The application of UI antiserum (which does not cross-react with CRF in RIA) gave a positive staining, which was blocked by synthetic sucker (Catostomus commersoni) UI, but not by rat/human CRF (10 microM). On the basis of immunostaining and RIA parallel to fish UI displacement curves of cerebral ganglia extracts, the unknown UI/CRF-like substance in the Aplysia ganglia is likely to have greater homology with sucker UI than with the known CRF peptides. Urotensin I-immunoreactive (UI-ir) neurons were seen mainly in the F neuron clusters, located in the midline and rostrodorsal portion of the cerebral ganglia. Few UI-ir neurons were also found in the C and D neuron clusters of the cerebral ganglia, as well as in the left pleural and abdominal ganglia. In addition, numerous fine and coarse, and beaded UI-ir fibers were found in the cerebral commissure. UI-ir fibers were also seen in the neuropile of the buccal, pedal and pleural ganglia, and abdominal ganglion. A cuff-like arrangement of UI-ir fibers was seen in the supralabial nerves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Richards AM  Charles C 《Peptides》2004,25(10):1795-1802
Urotensin II is a peptide present, together with its receptor, in the central nervous system and many peripheral tissues (including heart, blood vessels, kidneys and endocrine organs) of many species. The bioactive, mature form contains a cyclic heptapeptide perfectly preserved across species spanning 550 million years of evolution Its biological activity has been explored in cultured cells, in isolated vessels from several species, in the isolated perfused heart and in intact animals and man. Initial demonstration of potent vasoconstriction and cardiac depression by the human isoform in non-human primates has been followed by a series of reports indicating potent but highly variable and generally modest vascular responses dependent on species and vascular region. In man short term cardiovascular responses to administered urotensin II are small or absent. The place of urotensin II in the chronic trophic responses to cardiac and vascular injury and its possible roles as a neurotransmitter and/or regulator of renal and endocrine function remain largely unexplored.  相似文献   

Urotensin II (UII) is a vasoactive peptide composed of 11 amino acids that has been implicated to contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether UII affects the development of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. UII was infused for 16 weeks through an osmotic mini-pump into male Japanese White rabbits fed on a high-cholesterol diet. Plasma lipids and body weight were measured every 4 weeks. Aortic atherosclerotic lesions along with cellular components, collagen fibers, matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -9 were examined. Moreover, vulnerability index of atherosclerotic plaques was evaluated. UII infusion significantly increased atherosclerotic lesions within the entire aorta by 21% over the control (P = 0.013). Atherosclerotic lesions were increased by 24% in the aortic arch (P = 0.005), 11% in the thoracic aorta (P = 0.054) and 18% in the abdominal aorta (P = 0.035). These increases occurred without changes in plasma levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides or body weight. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that macrophages and matrix metalloproteinase-9 were significantly enhanced by 2.2-fold and 1.6-fold in UII group. In vitro studies demonstrated that UII up-regulated the expression of vascular cell adhesion protein-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, which was inhibited by the UII receptor antagonist urantide. In conclusion, our results showed that UII promotes the development of atherosclerotic lesions and destabilizes atherosclerotic plaques in cholesterol-fed rabbits.  相似文献   

烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体及其亚单位的结构功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体是配体门控的离子通道蛋白,每个受体由5个亚单位组成,每个亚单位具有4个跨膜α螺旋结构域。通道孔由5个亚单位的M2结构域(α螺旋)环绕围成,它们放射状地排列,使通道孔在膜中部逐渐变细。另外15个α螺旋相互盘绕,构成通道的外环。至今已确认了17种亚单位,它们由一个共同起源的基因家族编码,在中枢神经系统、周围神经系统和肌肉组织广泛表达。众多的亚单位,再加上组织表达的特异性导致受体类型的多样性,结果使该受体具有广泛的生理、药理特性和功能。进年来,基因敲除等现代遗传操作技术提供了在体内研究各类型受体的有效手段,使人类对该受体及亚单位的结构和功能有了长足的认识。  相似文献   

Tandem repeat (TR) regions are common in yeast adhesins, but their structures are unknown, and their activities are poorly understood. TR regions in Candida albicans Als proteins are conserved glycosylated 36-residue sequences with cell-cell aggregation activity (J. M. Rauceo, R. De Armond, H. Otoo, P. C. Kahn, S. A. Klotz, N. K. Gaur, and P. N. Lipke, Eukaryot. Cell 5:1664–1673, 2006). Ab initio modeling with either Rosetta or LINUS generated consistent structures of three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet domains, whereas randomly shuffled sequences with the same composition generated various structures with consistently higher energies. O- and N-glycosylation patterns showed that each TR domain had exposed hydrophobic surfaces surrounded by glycosylation sites. These structures are consistent with domain dimensions and stability measurements by atomic force microscopy (D. Alsteen, V. Dupres, S. A. Klotz, N. K. Gaur, P. N. Lipke, and Y. F. Dufrene, ACS Nano 3:1677–1682, 2009) and with circular dichroism determination of secondary structure and thermal stability. Functional assays showed that the hydrophobic surfaces of TR domains supported binding to polystyrene surfaces and other TR domains, leading to nonsaturable homophilic binding. The domain structures are like “classic” subunit interaction surfaces and can explain previously observed patterns of promiscuous interactions between TR domains in any Als proteins or between TR domains and surfaces of other proteins. Together, the modeling techniques and the supporting data lead to an approach that relates structure and function in many kinds of repeat domains in fungal adhesins.Yeast adhesins are a diverse set of cell adhesion proteins that mediate adhesion to host cells, environmental substrates, other fungi, and coinfecting bacteria (6, 8, 20, 21, 23, 29). The adhesins share common features, including compact N-terminal domains similar to Ig or lectin domains, Thr-rich midpieces, often in tandem repeats, and long highly glycosylated Ser/Thr-rich C-terminal regions that extend the functional domains out from the cell surface. No structures for the Thr-rich midpieces are known, but they can mediate aggregation of fungal cells (33, 35, 47). The prevalence and conservation of such repeats argue that they are functionally important, despite limited data on their structure and function.In Candida albicans, the Als adhesins are homologous proteins, products of 8 loci that encode numerous alleles of cell surface adhesins (16). In each mature Als protein, there are, from the N terminus, three tandem Ig-like domains, a β-sheet-rich conserved 127-residue amyloid-forming T region, a variable number of 36-residue tandem repeats (TRs), and a highly glycosylated stalk region that extends the N-terminal domains away from the cell surface (Fig. 1) (16, 33, 41). The C termini of these and other wall-associated adhesins are covalently cross-linked into the cell wall through transglycosylation of a modified glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor (18, 25). This modular design, including tandem repeats, is typical of fungal adhesins (8).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Schematic diagram of the sequence of Als5p. The regions are named above, and the number of amino acid residues in each region is shown below. The modeled sequences are in the TR region.The Als protein Ig-like region, T region, and TR region all have protein-protein interaction activities (26, 33, 35). The Ig-like regions can interact with diverse mammalian proteins, presumably in a way analogous to antibody-antigen binding, as has been shown in the homologous protein α-agglutinin from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (8, 24, 26, 35). The T regions interact through formation of amyloid-like structures both in vivo and in vitro (33, 34a, 36). An insight into the function of the tandem repeats followed from observations that Als proteins initiate and maintain cell-to-cell aggregations, either spontaneously (“autoaggregation”) or following adhesion to a bead-bound defined ligand (10, 11, 36). Aggregation is more extensive for Als proteins with more tandem repeats (26, 35). This result suggested that the tandem repeats are uniquely structured to facilitate or mediate the aggregative function. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of the TR region of Als5p shows a β-sheet-rich structure in the soluble protein (35).In support of their direct involvement in aggregation, the repeat region of the C. albicans adhesin Als5p mediates cell-cell aggregation in the absence of the Ig-like and T domains (35). Moreover, the repeats can also potentiate binding of Als5p to fibronectin (35). Thus, the TR domains mediate cellular aggregation and increased binding to fibronectin. In addition, TR domains and their amino acid sequences are highly conserved across several Candida species (3). These properties need to be explained by their three-dimensional structure.Because there are no homologous structures known, we modeled by two independent ab initio methods. Rosetta assembles structures by combining short peptide structures extracted from the protein structural database PDB (38), then combines structures in a Monte Carlo approach, and assesses energetics of assembled structures. Rosetta has recently been shown to generate accurate models for protein-sized domains (40). We also predicted structures with LINUS, which generates randomized structures and rapidly estimates energetics to choose low-energy models (45). The models were supported by structural analyses with atomic force microscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Functional assays showed that the TR domains can mediate binding activities predicted from the calculated structures.  相似文献   

Intersite relationships among nematode communities of 18 Indiana mixed hardwood stands of varying composition, soils, physiography and past management practices were determined by community ordination techniques. All sites were sampled in April, July and October of 1968 and 1969, and ordinations were based on the number of individuals of each nematode species at each site at each sampling period. The resulting groupings correlated well with groupings based on forest types and successional stages of the tree communities at the sites, and also with groupings based on well-defined soil types. Results were similar to those obtained previously with a resemblance equation which used qualitative data only; but the present study provided more information on species associations and relationships and ecological distance between sites.  相似文献   

Korsu  Kai 《Hydrobiologia》2004,523(1-3):37-45
The response of benthic invertebrates to disturbance from stream restoration was studied in the Reinikankoski rapids, central Finland. I hypothesized that stream bryophytes could act as a refugium for invertebrates. The restoration procedure destroyed nearly half of the bryophytes present at the study reach, and invertebrate densities decreased sharply immediately after the restoration. Within 2 weeks, invertebrates had recolonized the disturbed reach, and within 1 month peak numbers were attained. Invertebrates showed a clear association with bryophytes, especially after the restoration. My study shows that invertebrate recovery can be relatively fast in winter, and underlines the importance of stream mosses as invertebrate habitat and refugia. They should be taken in consideration in stream restoration projects by leaving patches of stream bottom intact.  相似文献   

Urotensin II: evidence for cardiac, hepatic and renal production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although urotensin II (UII) has been reported to circulate in human plasma and be raised in cardiovascular disorders, little, if any, information is available regarding the source of plasma UII. Accordingly, we have performed trans-organ arteriovenous sampling for measurement of UII concentration in anesthetized sheep. Plasma UII levels were measured in the low picomolar range in normal sheep and arterial plasma levels rose steadily with increasing time of anesthesia. Significant arteriovenous gradients were observed across the heart (36%), liver (40%) and kidney (44%). This is the first report to identify the heart, liver and kidney as sources of UII in the circulation.  相似文献   

Activation of PPAR-gamma through the administration of glitazones has shown promise in preserving function following cardiac injury, although recent evidence has suggested their use may be contraindicated in the case of severe heart failure. This study tested the hypothesis that PPAR-gamma expression increases in a time dependent manner in response to chronic volume overload (VO) induced heart failure. Additionally, we attempted to determine what effect 4 week administration of Urotensin II (UTII) may have on PPAR-gamma expression. VO induced heart failure was produced in Sprague-Dawley rats (n=32) by aorta-caval fistula. Animals were sacrificed at 1, 4, and 14 weeks following shunt creation. In a separate set of experiments, animals were administered 300 pmol/kg/h of UTII for 4 weeks, subjected to 4 weeks of volume overload, or given UTII+VO. Densitometric analysis of left ventricular (LV) protein demonstrated PPAR-gamma expression was significantly ((*)p<0.05) upregulated at 4 and 14 weeks (31.5% and 37%, respectively) post-fistula formation compared to control values. PPAR-gamma activation was decreased in the 4 and 14 week (39.16% and 42.4%, respectively), but not in the 1-week animals, and these changes did not correlate with NF-kappaB activity. Animals given UTII either with or without VO demonstrated increased expression of PPAR-gamma as did animals subjected to 4 week VO alone. Animals given UTII either with or without VO had decreased activity vs. control. These data suggest PPAR-gamma may play a role in the progression of heart failure, however, the exact nature has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Given the rise in drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, there is an urgent need to discover new antimicrobials targeting this pathogen and an equally urgent need to characterize new drug targets. A promising antibiotic target is dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS), which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in lysine biosynthesis. In this study, we firstly show by gene knock out studies that S. pneumoniae (sp) lacking the DHDPS gene is unable to grow unless supplemented with lysine-rich media. We subsequently set out to characterize the structure, function and stability of the enzyme drug target. Our studies show that sp-DHDPS is folded and active with a k cat = 22 s-1, K M PYR = 2.55 ± 0.05 mM and K M ASA = 0.044 ± 0.003 mM. Thermal denaturation experiments demonstrate sp-DHDPS exhibits an apparent melting temperature (T M app) of 72 °C, which is significantly greater than Escherichia coli DHDPS (Ec-DHDPS) (T M app = 59 °C). Sedimentation studies show that sp-DHDPS exists in a dimer-tetramer equilibrium with a K D 4→2 = 1.7 nM, which is considerably tighter than its E. coli ortholog (K D 4→2 = 76 nM). To further characterize the structure of the enzyme and probe its enhanced stability, we solved the high resolution (1.9 Å) crystal structure of sp-DHDPS (PDB ID 3VFL). The enzyme is tetrameric in the crystal state, consistent with biophysical measurements in solution. Although the sp-DHDPS and Ec-DHDPS active sites are almost identical, the tetramerization interface of the s. pneumoniae enzyme is significantly different in composition and has greater buried surface area (800 Å2) compared to its E. coli counterpart (500 Å2). This larger interface area is consistent with our solution studies demonstrating that sp-DHDPS is considerably more thermally and thermodynamically stable than Ec-DHDPS. Our study describe for the first time the knock-out phenotype, solution properties, stability and crystal structure of DHDPS from S. pneumoniae, a promising antimicrobial target.  相似文献   

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